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    Friday, July 24, 2020

    VALORANT 2020 Pax Arena Invitational / July 24 Playoffs / Live Discussion

    VALORANT 2020 Pax Arena Invitational / July 24 Playoffs / Live Discussion

    2020 Pax Arena Invitational / July 24 Playoffs / Live Discussion

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    2020 Pax Arena Invitational

    Valorant Esports Gamepedia| Eventvods.com | vlr.gg | valorantify | thespike.gg | Juked.gg

    Today's Matches

    TSM vs. NV 12 PM 3 PM 21:00 04:00
    SEN vs. Gen.G 2 PM 5 PM 23:00 06:00
    T1 vs. Homeless 4 PM 7 PM 1:00 08:00
    IMT vs. C9 6 PM 9 PM 3:00 10:00


    Group A Group B Group C Group D
    TSM T1 Gen.G C9
    100T NV IMT SEN
    BBG W2F Prospects RNG
    100 Blifted / Team Ninja Echo 8 MIX COL
    Homeless Kephrii Mang0 OWL
    • Cross out means knocked out

    • All matches are Best of 3


    On-Air Team

    Derek "Wtfmoses" Mosely
    Dan "Gaskin" Gaskin
    Alex "Goldenboy" Mendez
    Lauren "Pansy" Scott
    Chris "Puckett" Puckett
    Justin "Pythian" Glasner
    Austin "Boggs" Bogdanovich

    Format Group Stage

    • 4 Groups of 5 teams

    • Games are played Round-Robin

    • Group stage played over 2 days

    • Twenty teams

    * Top 2 teams per group advance to Playoffs

    • Prize Pool

    • 1st $10,000

    • 2nd $5,000

    • 3rd-4th $3,000

    • 5th-8th $1,000


    submitted by /u/PankoKing
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    If your aim not working. Use your brain.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    Wholesome VALORANT Knife Fight Game

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Rhys - best clips stuck in immortal 3 second part

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    Operator confirmed, not being nerfed directly.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Morello said on his stream they're not nerfing the OP after investigating. The perceived strength of the OP can largely be attributed to the dual sentinel meta which perform poorly (statistically) against OP's.


    Worth mentioning he is also very hard pressed on not tampering with the movement speed of all agents in the game to increase jiggle peaking viability.

    submitted by /u/SmokeCocks
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    I feel like the people saying "we don't need more agents" are drastically underestimating the amount of design space there is for character creation

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    It seems like one of this sub's pet issues is "we need more maps, not more agents" and while I agree that 4 maps is too few for interesting and varied gameplay, I can't help but feeling that people are thinking too small with the kinds of things that characters in this sort of game can potentially do. It's understandable that people compare this game to Counter Strike and think "we've got flashes, smokes, and mollies" and while those kinds of abilities do provide proven and effective utility for the gameplay of a tactical shooter, a variety of agents with drastically different abilities adds an entirely different level to the game. Anyone who has played LoL and has ever done the 5 support comp, or 5 tank comp knows what I'm talking about here. Those examples are cheesy and don't work at the highest levels of competitive play, but even professionally, you see different kinds of team comps (poke comp, deathball, protect the hyper-carry, etc.) all with different strengths and weaknesses that create varied and interesting gameplay.

    I'm just going to list out here some examples of types of agent abilities that we might see in the future:

    • Ally buffs - Right now we basically have Sage's heal/rez and Brimstone's stim beacon, but there's a ton that could be done here. Damage amplifiers, attack speed amplifiers, movement speed buffs, buffs to ally abilities (making AOEs larger, etc). And multiply all these with the different ways allies can be effected. They can be targeted on a single ally, affect a set part of the map, affect allies near you etc.
    • Enemy debuffs - Right now, we have slows, flashes and ares of vision denial, but anything you could do to buff allies, you could do in reverse to debuff enemies. You can also do things like LoL silence (prevent them from using abilities), ways to force displacement of enemies, etc.
    • Affecting terrain - Right now we only have Sage wall, but we could potentially have all sorts of terrain generation or terrain destruction. Imagine abilities that let you create a ramp or ladder that let your allies get to places they couldn't otherwise reach, or abilities that open portals through terrain.
    • Shields - Abilities that could block bullets, projectiles, or enemy abilities, walls that prevent movement through, but not bullets, etc.
    • Trickery - Abilities that create decoys or clones. Abilities that change your character model and even hitbox. Abilities that mess with the enemy minimap, or even comms
    • Adding effects to bullets - We see this a little bit with the tracer rounds in spike rush, but you could potentially add any sort of debuff on hit
    • Movement - We have teleports, dashes, and jumps already, but we could have agents that walk up or hang from walls or ceilings
    • Econ effecting - Characters could have abilities that reduce the cost of ally guns or abilities, agents could start with a particular gun, you could steal money from the opposing team, or increase the amount of money you get from kills or defuses.
    • Stacking abilities - Abilities could increase in power as the game goes on, or from kills, spike plants, defuses, or orb collection

    Note that some of the things I've listed here are almost certainly unfun, or create play patterns that are counter to the overall design goals of the game (I've avoided mentioning anything "melee" here or damaging abilities for that reason). I'm just rattling off these kinds of things because Riot really hasn't even scratched the surface of the kinds of abilities they could in principle give agents.

    submitted by /u/neofederalist
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    A little 1v4 Clutch to win the game

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Massive Secret Sandbox on Bind

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    Thought this is still relevant since I moved from CS

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    Thought this is still relevant since I moved from CS

    This helped me up my game ever since I found it in CS GO. Hope it helps better everyone playing.


    Correct me if I'm wrong, I can't remember correctly but I think this is from Fifflaren

    Edit** It's from Maniac

    submitted by /u/tintin2525
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    Hexakill with Sage ( I know I need to improve mt crosshair placement)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Just some tips from how I got to bronze to gold since starting Valorant.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    Thought this might be useful, I'm not an expert but I'm sharing what worked for me at least.

    1. Don't just play the game, don't just practice and play the game, while playing the game, focus on how you died, eg: I shot him twice in the chest but he shot me once in the head, then think why that happened, so in this case my crosshair placement wasn't good and then try to work on that. Try to catch yourself if you aim lower down at the ground until it becomes natural.

    2. In each game, if someone makes good call outs and is playing well, send them a friend request. Even if only 1/10 people accept, you could find at least a few after a week. Before playing competitive matches, invite them all and you can play better knowing you're in safe hands.

    3. Try not to get disheartened by your rank. Considering I play quite a lot, I felt like I was hard stuck bronze forever, but I climbed from bronze three to silver 2 in a day and got to gold a week later. While it takes a while, the matchmaking system will eventually recognise if your skill is a lot higher then the people you play against.

    4. To rank up, sometimes you shouldn't be trying to play how you see your favourite streamers like Hiko or Shroud play the game, as although that's how everyone would dream to play like, they play a lot differently according to different opponents, better aim, etc. If you're in bronze, play like a silver, if you're in silver, play like a gold. Sometimes you have to mindlessly frag your way out of a rank.

    5. This one is more speculation than fact, but I feel that at least from Iron to Gold, ranks are split into two groups: Iron and Bronzes, and Silvers and Golds. At the very least I often played with irons in bronze and immediately played with golds after pushing to silver 1, and I have only ever played with one plat at gold 2. It is a lot harder to rank out of bronze than silver imo because you are playing with different players, so don't get disheartened if you're struggling.

    submitted by /u/cakedayonceevry4year
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    my best clips climbing from plat 3 to immortal 2

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    As a Raze main, please stop instalocking duelists if you’re not going to use your abilities to push.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    I just got done with a ranked game that I lost bad, even though I got top frag.

    As sage.

    My team was all over the place, and I was almost always the one going in first. I would try to hang back and let others push, but it was so uncoordinated. I had omen push, even breach would push with me, but our two duelists would wait for us to clear the way.

    Stop. Doing. This. Duelists have abilities that give you an advantage on a push. Especially Phoenix with his flashes. Jetts main ability can almost give you a free pick if you use it right. Peek, shoot, dash behind cover. I'm more than willing to peek behind you as support or heal you if you get dinked, but I don't have such abilities when I play sage.

    Sage is good for locking down a site, creating chokepoints and slowing down the enemy so that everyone can get into position and start getting picks. Whether it be on attack or defend.

    If you want to play a duelist, you gotta take the responsibilities that come with it. Which means everyone else should be supporting you, not you supporting the support.

    Yes, I did say I'm a raze main. If there's a pick, I rush so I can lay down a bot or even use satchels to get into mid or back of site so we get quick control. I just don't play a duelist if we already have two of them.

    So please, do everyone a favor. Play your strengths. If you're not comfortable being aggressive, don't play an aggressive character, forcing people who are aggressive to play a support character aggressively.

    submitted by /u/frito5867
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    PSA to have fun

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    PSA to have fun

    Just a rant. I see people being toxic when they're winning or it's only round 3.

    Valorant isn't my first rodeo, used to play a LOT of CSGO with my friends, still go back to it occasionally. maybe its just because the counter strike crowd is older but it was rare to see people toxic while winning.

    got carried by my friends to LEM when they took the game more seriously and got their globals. kind of regret not playing more religiously then and so valorant is like my second wind. i do find lots of awesome wholesome people in every other game. but i feel like its worth talking about how to enjoy losing games as part of the process.

    now generally, i see two reasons ppl play fps:

    1. to git gud.
    2. social thing with friends.

    For those that want to git gud. It is super important to enjoy losing to get better. If you're winning then you're playing against people that are worse than you. its why stomps are nice once in a while, but the game would get very boring if the opposing team were just complete noobs all the time.

    if you want to git gud as fast as possible then in a perfect world:

    1. you get absolutely stomped while giving your all in a game,
    2. next you figure out all the things that went wrong,
    3. suddenly absorb all that info and modify your play,
    4. then face another even stronger team
    5. rinse and repeat
    6. PROFIT

    By definition, a win will always mean less growth than a loss, because you will generally learn more from your mistakes the more of them you make.

    honestly, learn to love getting wrecked. the only way to truly do this is to be able to figure out why you are getting wrecked. you can't really tell if someone is hacking or is playing really well, so its super easy to be frustrated. but when you can see how and why people are playing well you will be in awe of their talent. respecting the good opponents is part of the game, because you have to play around that. if you think their lucky, you're gonna play riskier and that can mean more losing.

    it's always better to assume people are playing well because it means, you as a player can grow the most when attempting to overcome them. the more godlike they appear they greater you can potentially become when you overcome them; you may falsely figure out some sick strat and become a legend even if they actually are hacking.

    there have been games where the enemy team had a counter strat to everything we did. they read us like books and played us like violins for the first quarter, it was brilliant. so clean, and crisp. and every time we thought back to the previous round, it made sense how and why they moved and pushed the places they did. the smoke positioning, the timings, the double peaking, ooff, it was majestic.

    even getting a single round off them was brilliant. and once we figured them out, it ended up being a super close game.

    if you can't appreciate a good loss, you won't be able to play as much as the people that do, hence nor grow as much as they can.

    If the enemy team is clutching a 1v5, a part of you should be disappointed, but another part of you should be uwu'ing off the face of the earth. that doesnt mean you want it to happen, show the enemy some respect, give it your all to shut them down. and then slow clap or say 'ns' or 'well played sir' if they out do you. and ofc taunt them if they fail.

    What about cheaters? There is no greater feeling than awping a wall hacker or out playing an aimbot. sure the game is going to be super hard, but it reminds me of shonen moments where the protagonist is meant to die/lose but some quirk saves him; and part of the story is having to flesh out that unique ability later on. Eventually, you can draw out that hyper sense ability you acquired from these unfair matchups in fair decent games. I remember there was a saying that if you wanted to get to global elite (the highest cs rank) you had to pass that superhuman bot level. remember the tougher the challenge the more it reflects how superb you have to be. and in a way its a compliment to your ability that win.exe is needed to beat you

    sure you could get all anxious, and not even want to play. a spin bot really doesn't have any solutions; perhaps the only thing you can learn are unknown wallbang spots. it may feel like if you try you'll end up looking like a fool. but genuinely try your best, you want to lose feeling like you could've beat the hacker rather than being sad there was a hacker in the game, and you never know until you are giving your all if you can beat them.

    what if your team sucks? if you're playing with your friends, remind yourself it doesn't really matter about the game. ask them if they're enjoying themselves, if not and they want to take it seriously don't be afraid to try and give constructive advice, like why don't we try X or you were pretty good at Y but I think you should do Z. if they actually are enjoying the games, troll a bit more, have fun, try strat roulette. if you personally want to rank up more, get an alt!

    if you're playing with randoms and they suck, see if theres any advice you can give to help them. and be friendly. sometimes the mm thinks it's your turn to carry a game. again be friendly, throw in "nice trys" everywhen. if theyre being toxic, practice defusing the situation especially if someone is being toxic to someone else, super useful skill, both in-game and in life. if you cant and its affecting your game just mute them. hopefully, they'll be on the enemy team next game, and THEN you can trash talk as muuuuuuuuuuuch as you want.

    directing your toxicity to the enemy can work too. obviously be nice at the gg. but tbagging, trash talking are great ways to tilt people and win. I would argue it is part of the game because even at the pro-level getting in your opponent's head is a big part of the game. plus I always love me some drama as long as its all well and good in the backrooms.

    what if your aim sucks? perfect opportunity to build game sense, you need to camp in unexpected corners; use shotguns, maybe flank the enemy team. use double peaks when defending, act as bait, work on your callouts, look at the minimap more. this is like the perfect time to hone your game sense. your goal is to use your brain to figure out the easiest shots you can take. when your aim comes back, you will be an even better player.

    what if everything sucks? its okay to have bad days, i think people play video games to escape something. and not being able to improve your mmr can feel bad. its nice to climb, but if you keep coming back down, it feels like you've wasted your time. kind of like falling to the bottom in games like jump knight. remember though, each time you learn something different. and its not really your mmr that determines how good of a player you are. instead its the other way round, how good of a player you are determines your mmr. so maybe all you really need to do is sit down and look at your past games, see what you're doing wrong and try and fix those. just spam queueing isn't going to make you feel any better. you need to change before your mmr does.

    last thing. this is hisoka:


    hisoka gets aroused when he finds strong opponents or potential. be like hisoka.

    submitted by /u/shini-chan
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    100T vs TSM 5 second ACE

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    New Patch?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    Just got a 191 MB patch. Anyone see any info on what it's for? I looked around but can't find anything.

    submitted by /u/Levesque77
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    i made a beat using sova's bow

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    Best Jett: The Anime - This is a Valorant animation/edit. It took me a while to make so I hope you enjoy it!

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    Opinions/Advice for experienced and Non experienced FPS players

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Just wanted to give an opinion on some of the community in this game and maybe some (obvious, but kind) words of wisdom for some others. I hope it'll change your outlook on your team mates.

    Firstly, to all of you 1000+ hour CS pro's or whatever other FPS you've come from. Please understand we aren't all coming from the same background. Valorant is my first ever FPS and also my first ever PC game.

    I've, over time, learned the meaning of certain callouts (T, CT, U- Hall, etc.) but still, from time to time, the call out escapes my mind and i just use whatever name is on the map. One bad callout doesn't warrant you to shout at said player. Just correct them and hopefully they'll remember for next time.

    Secondly, inconsistency doesnt warrant you moaning/shouting. Once again, we're not all coming from FPS backgrounds and dont all have perfect accuracy with hours in aim trainers. Im floating around Diamond 1/2 and some games i match with and will top frag vs Immortals. Other games my aim is barely worthy of Gold. I have 2 things to say about this. 1, if you're the person who is having a bad game use your economy to help the team, buy your fragger weapons and go without if necessary. 2, if you notice someone having a bad game, dont give them shit. Encourage! I for one perform worse when team mates are getting on my back! Additionally to this point you guys need to understand, because we all aren't skilled CS pro's like so many are, we don't all have perfect execute skills, plant skills or post plant skills. Just encourage one another and you'll hopefully win the game hut if not, would have helped a team mate.

    Lastly, the Valorant LFG discord can work well, but i've had countless bad experiences. As we all know SoloQ is somewhat annoying and very tedious. So, if you're like me and have 0 PC friends you have to SoloQ or LFG. Please, please, if you're making an LFG group and pick someone up who has a bad game i understand if you drop them but don't just tell them they're shit and to 'f off'. Give them some advice on what to work on and how to work on it and then part ways. Simple.

    Sorry for the rant and i appreciate if you've read this far.

    Yours sincerely,

    A kind Boomer ☺️

    submitted by /u/Calamity-Swain
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    For a game that prides itself in high-quality servers, ping is still a very big problem.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    COVID causes complications of course but at least let me set a ping cap. I don't care about ultra-fast matchmaking.

    TF2 is a 13-year-old game with close to no support from the devs and even it has ping limits you can set.

    submitted by /u/BluSteve
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