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    Friday, June 4, 2021

    VALORANT All Maps Viper Lineups in Less Than 5 Mins. Yt channel: Scien (the one who makes valorant vids the most)

    VALORANT All Maps Viper Lineups in Less Than 5 Mins. Yt channel: Scien (the one who makes valorant vids the most)

    All Maps Viper Lineups in Less Than 5 Mins. Yt channel: Scien (the one who makes valorant vids the most)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    I wish Jett could put her hoodie on when she Ults.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    I was re-watching the Duelists Cinematic, and i saw Jett putting her hood on when she threw her knives on Phoenix, & I thought why It wasn't added in the gameplay, I mean cypher removes his hat when he ults.

    submitted by /u/ItzM0E
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    Idea: Use radianite to reset Night Market and give new skins

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:43 AM PDT

    Perhaps it should only be allowed once a day, it offers a radianite sink, right now, I have a lot and I dont even know what to do with it. I think the nightmarket has potential that is a bit untapped, and its kinda RNG if you get good or bad skins.

    submitted by /u/madsrahbek
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    Yoru Song Parody (you drifted in the wrong neighborhood)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    This is truly the best Night Market ive ever gotten...

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    Let players take out loans during the game!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    Let players take out loans during the game!

    In my opinon you can buy guns dureing the buy phase in valrant. Even thogh Im might not be the smartest person in valrant and also dont have a economics degree, alot of my teamates in rank: iran 2 are probly some of the WORST people at manageing money I have ever seen in my life. To be honest , its not realy a suprise that valrant players arnt afraid to drop $500 dolars on the new skins (That sometimes dont even give you that much aim bot) considereing that dureing a game, there bank acount is ALWAYS empty and they are LIATERALY beging the whole team to buy guns for them every single round.

    For some reason, when the whole Team is saveing, we got one guy who always feel the need to put his life saveings into a vandle or even odan with no shield and Then get executed via firing squad in less then 4 seconds into the round. Usualy, I wouldnt complain becuse its a free gun when Im saveing, but for some reason my team mate ALWAYS run down mid with expensive guns and no shield while the enemey team farms there stats like Old Macdonald. Then becuse they got no kills and they always buyeing the same load out, I gota turn off my head phones so they stop Beging the whole team to buy them or to save with them becuse they gambled there valrant saveings away.

    Fortunatly, I have a good idea for riot to add into valrant ASAP as possible: Let players take out Loans! This would be a great idea becuse then they would be able to actualy have a gun instead of forceing a spectrum or juge every round.

    Here is how loans would work in valrant: If you got someone on your team who cant even aford a clasic pistol, Then you can ofer them a loan for how many dolars you want. Then you can set interest to. For example: so if there is 10% interst each round and you give them 1000$ , then the next round they gota pay you back 388$ + 1000$ = 10388$ next round.

    A question you probly have thouggh: How do you expect them to pay you alot of money back when they are so bad with money? Well dont wory becuse if they are unable to pay you back within the amount of time you set then your alowed to seize all of there assets when they declare bankruptcy and you get all of there skins and valrant money as payment!

    This is what loans would look like in valrant:


    submitted by /u/notJheck
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    Tip #1 How to ACTUALLY be good at Valorant (full video in comments)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 05:17 PM PDT

    Valorant Player with Parkinson’s reaches IMMORTAL

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    TSM barred from using new FTX sponsor in name, jerseys on League of Legends, VALORANT broadcasts | Dot Esports

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:16 PM PDT

    Why are the comms so bad in this game?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    First off, I'm not a super high rank in this game (gold 3 - plat 2). I have much higher rank in CS and I think I am probably close to diamond in this game but I just don't play enough. While I do find the game fun and a breath of fresh air, I really can't believe how bad most people's comms are. Or sorry let me rephrase that and say how surprised I am by the lack of comms. I get that people are cued up together and I don't expect perfect comms but for ffs, please relay important information. This is not just for me but for our team. The amount of times that I've been spectating my teammates trying to clutch where one of them has some important information about the enemy but just decides to stay quiet is shocking. I'm left having to communicate for them (which I generally hate doing when I'm dead). What's worse is that people start to speak when it suits them and when its to roast a teammate. I don't know if it's because it's too fast paced or just the community but people really can't play and effectively/positively talk at the same time and I think that's the biggest problem mid/low elo players have.

    I always hear people talking about how valorant requires more synergy and communication because of agents having specific utility but I don't find this true at all. In CS, even in low elo, I feel like there is much more communication because people understand they really can't do everything themselves and they are more focused on the tactical aspect. Not saying all the comms are great and for sure there a lot of toxic people but atleast the team is talking which i find more fun to play. While I love the idea of agents and unique abilities in valorant, I think too many players get too hyper-focused on their cool abilities and just want to make plays for themselves and not the team. Remember this is supposed to be a tactical shooter, where INFORMATION is the most important thing, not your crazy jett plays with your knives or your 1vX clutches with reyna. Maybe its the community being toxic where people feel scared to speak or the just the nature of agents being able to make plays on their own, but whatever the case is, I will tell you right now that you won't be able to rank up as high as you want by being slient.

    Now I do hate going on rants without any kind of solutions and I do want to help teach the players that want to learn so here are some comms (I know Im not a high lvl but you don't need to be a high rank to have elite comms):

    BEGINNER COMMS (start with these if you're new):

    "I hear X amount of players rushing"

    "Smoking these areas"

    "PLANTING" (I swear nobody ever says this and just expects everybody to know)

    "I can buy"

    "Buy or save?"

    Say where you died from if you know and how much they are hit for

    Simple nt after every lost clutch by your teammate


    "Let me know if you need a smoke"

    "Bomb down"

    "I am leaving this area"

    "I can heal or I have heal in X seconds"

    "Can I get a rotate"

    "They have an awp"

    "Agent(s) X are here"

    "Darting this area" (briefly telling your teammates which areas it scans (doesnt scan) can be useful)

    "I can flash"

    "Let me drone/dog/boombot/dash/ult"

    Pretty much comming everytime you use or want to use an ability


    "The enemy always does this, can we try so and so"

    "They are executing or about to execute" (we can retake or push?)

    "Wait for me for retake....I can use these abilities"

    "{agent} dead {area you killed them}" (this one is easy but I find nobody ever says this)

    "Can we try this play?"

    "Be careful of this area, enemy might be there"

    "Last 2 on site A, run B"

    Slow down when there arent many players alive and talk about the next play with your teammates

    Notice how a lot of these comms are one liners and don't need to be full explanations. Get in the habit of playing as team and then you will be able to see your growth as a player reach new heights and your win % increase as well :)

    Curious to know what you guys think

    submitted by /u/portugeezers
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    Reconstruction of Sword seen on Yr 1 event website

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    https://i.imgur.com/4Etz9CW.png I reconstructed the sword seen on the yr 1 event website, it looks like it's part of a Kingdom 2.0 skinline and has the kingdom logo and some Japanese writing on it. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/sour-lemon-333
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    Why is there not a report in agent select?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    I got called multiple racial slurs and homophobic slurs for not dodging for a 4stack, and am not able to report then in game. What's up with that?

    submitted by /u/PM-ME-QUALITY-ECCHI
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    Getting an extra RR penalty for losing bad when there are two DCs on my team is a massive slap in the face

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 07:11 PM PDT

    Title. I'm already in MMR hell losing 30 and gaining 16 per win in low Silver/high Bronze, but c'mon. Penalize the cowards that left after halting the forfeit, not the people that stayed.

    submitted by /u/JackJumpsCandle
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    TSM has signed a 10-year, $210 million naming rights deal with cryptocurrency exchange @FTX_Official

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    Has anyone experienced that sometimes valorant is boring especially without friends

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:57 AM PDT

    Something is bland in the game for some reason I don't really know why, when I play even if I'm playing with my friends, it's like there's no spice into every game I play, everything feels the same.

    submitted by /u/Sighontherun
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    Yesterday, I was an entry Killjoy

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    Couple times, I cleared an entire site by myself somehow because our duelists were scared to entry when we were attacking. That is all. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/rurahrah789
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    bulldog is super underrated

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    I tried bulldog today as my main rifle. it slaps ngl. If it can get a wall bang buff as the odin it would be an actual good buy

    submitted by /u/WhiteShapes
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    Jett Commission

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:12 PM PDT

    Jett Commission

    Did a commission for u/marsishere1! he wanted me to draw Jett from Valorant. It was a ton of fun to make.


    submitted by /u/mbaylight
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    appreciation edit for our community's amazing fanart :)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    Let us play at least unrated games and see whats in our store

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    Hello fellas, first of all good day to all of you around the world. I am from PH. Current rank Radiant top 58 in Sea server. Yesterday I played 9 straight games with my friends full party. I disconnected/AFK in my 3rd game did not able to reconnect due to no electricity waited for 2 hours and in my last game which is game 9 I got dced/abandoned Because of the heavy rain here in the Philippines, No Electricity due to Heavy Rain = no Internet connection. I am not making up story you can search it in Our PH CNN news. I went home and login my account in Valorant awhile ago and Message pop out that I am 1 week Banned. I cannot play even unrated games, also I cannot see what's on my store. at least let us play unrated and see out Daily Store 😥

    I am not fan of smurfing, But I tried borrowing my friends account Plat 3 rank awhile ago, The game is not equal, First game All enemy caught me that I was smurfing and they surrendered score was 8/1 with 29/4/3 KDA. 2nd game score was 7/2 they caught me again smurfing and they surrendered 25/5/3 Kills. Got D1 rank up, 3rd Game the enemy has 4 immortals and 1 diamond 2. In my team I have 2 gold 3, and 2 plat 2 players. They told me to not pick and dodge the game, But I did not dodge the game due to anxiety of being penalized. I told my teammates to calm down did not say that I am radiant top 50+, the gold 3 player recognized my Voice and he knew that I am top radiant player, they start calming up and started listening to all my commands. I played reyna with 42/8/6 KDA. The score was 10/4 and the enemy surrendered. After playing 3 games on a smurf account, I got 1 week banned again in my friend account. Did not even trash talk at all, game 1, 2, and 3. Did not even use chat. The enemy was the one who's trash talking me did not mind them even they are spamming bad things about my parents I muted them. telling me that I am smurfer and I have down syndrome.

    At least can we play unrated game and see our Store? please!!! I play unrated games aswell, playing with my low rank friends. Please!!! Thank you

    submitted by /u/mrkdclm
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