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    Monday, June 28, 2021

    VALORANT Agents Discussion Megathread

    VALORANT Agents Discussion Megathread

    Agents Discussion Megathread

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Agent Discussion Megathread, where you, the community, get to ask your questions and share your knowledge on particular agents! Need help against a certain agent? Want to learn, or share how to play your agent to their fullest potential? This is the place to ask, or share. This thread is a place for players to ask questions and get help or advice from more experienced players. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away!





    submitted by /u/Whytro
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    Addressing generic gameplay "Need Help" posts

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 12:25 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    We've been seeing a fair amount of generic gameplay "Need Help/Advice"-type posts. By "generic", we mean submissions that contain no additional context, and/or minimal context that are similar to the following:

    "i'm stuck bronze, how do i rank up?"

    "how do i improve at the game?"

    As such, we've added a rule to help users looking for assistance, and those willing to provide guidance with the addition of the following guideline:

    "Gameplay Help" request posts must link a profile or a proper video in the form of a text post and must contain additional context, or may be considered Low Effort and be subsequently removed.

    submitted by /u/Whytro
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    Anyone else noticed how Astra's agent view graphics are shifted up a slightly?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    We found common kill and deaths spots on every map using pro data from stage 2

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    We found common kill and deaths spots on every map using pro data from stage 2

    Here's an example: Defending on Bind in the first 20 seconds of the round. Green areas are places where defenders get more kills than deaths, pink areas are the opposite.

    Defending on Bind First 20s of round. Each pink dot is a death, with line connecting to where the player was shot from. Green dot is a successful kill, line connecting to where they were aiming. Green clouds = good area, pink clouds = common death area

    We can see that pro teams find a lot of kills through bathrooms, but pushing A and B short has been dangerous.

    And the same for attackers in the first 20 seconds:

    Attacking on Bind, common kills and death spots first 20s of round

    For heatmaps of both attackers and defenders, early and late round on all the other maps:

    Ascent: https://twitter.com/ReviveMeStrats/status/1408120629631533056/photo/1

    Bind: https://twitter.com/ReviveMeStrats/status/1406964818423300099/photo/1

    Haven: https://twitter.com/ReviveMeStrats/status/1405881772299145218/photo/1

    Icebox: https://twitter.com/runitback_gg/status/1408450878093283329/photo/1

    Split: https://twitter.com/ReviveMeStrats/status/1409323199217741824/photo/1

    Data provided by Runitback.gg from VCT Stage 2 Challenger and Masters events (all regions). Processed using Python libraries pandas and matplotlib.

    submitted by /u/it-makes-no-sense
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    Low elo? Consistently getting dinks? Missing headshot even tho it looked like it hit? Heres a tip

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    KAY/O Icebox A Site Lineup to Stop Plant or For Post Plant

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    Weapon Skin Concept : Prehistoric Vandal + Melee

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    Weapon Skin Concept : Prehistoric Vandal + Melee

    Hello everybody! After a long time, I am back with another skin concept

    This one dates back to the period where beasts such as Smilodons were a common sight. I present you, the Prehistoric Vandal. This skin is a combination of various elements\items present in ancient weapons or animals. This is also my first time drawing wood and stone textures with a mouse, so please excuse if it looks weird to you:)



    Elements/ Things from which I took ideas


    VFX (not much I could think of)






    I also created two versions of a possible melee skin in this set.



    V2: Longest melee ever? (nothing like this can exist ingame right....... right?)


    Hope you like it!

    submitted by /u/RivalRudra
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    For people that never played games like CSGO, How was your first VALORANT match and Ace like?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 03:27 AM PDT

    Well, for me my first VALORANT match was the most fun. I played Jett and my friend played Sova. My first map was Split.

    I remember I had a AWP(I only played a classic for 3 rounds for some reason) and my friend had a judge and we were camping mid thinking we would get some easy kills.

    Ziplines. I camped there with a judge and got a 3k clutch. friend spammed ez in the chat. ggez.

    Bomb Sites. I thought we had to go to a specific bomb site every single round because I just followed my team. (sorry for being dumb. xD)

    Oh boi I remember my first ace.

    It was after my exam. I didn't do that good and decided to play some val with my friend. Instalocked Jett on Haven. First-round I flanked them on A and killed all 5 of them with a Ghost. wham easily the best moment in val yet for me. literally jumped out of my seat

    then I unlocked competitive and my sanity vanishes lol.

    submitted by /u/Cool_Minimum1429
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    Bind Defender Spawn One Way Exploit Using Viper Smoke and Sage Wall

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    Let me use pre-upgraded versions of my skins

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 07:40 PM PDT

    I got peer pressured by my friend to upgrade my prime karambit last night and have regretted it ever since lol. i miss the old pull out animation and not having the annoying prime noise. I don't even want a refund. Riot can keep my money, I just want the option to use any version of an upgraded skin :(

    submitted by /u/Citesz
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    This peek looks unkillable... (LPL pro league autumn cup)

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    KAY/O lineup for ascent b

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 12:17 AM PDT

    Post Plant in this game is super frustrating.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    Idk bout yall but its super annoying trying to 1v3 retake only for you to kill 2 but still lose because the enemy brimstone can sit way in the back and ult+molly the spike for like 13 seconds. (not really sure how long.) Feels like the only way to win those situations is to just run onto site and hope the enemy peeks you. If they don't you are forced to check corners which takes time that you simply do not have. Idk, maybe im wrong but holy man it is annoying.

    submitted by /u/Jussy54
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    aceu hits insane 1 tap for the 4k

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    Stuck in agent select

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 04:04 PM PDT

    My team and I have been stuck in agent select for comp with a frozen timer after we finished selecting our agents . Anyone knows the reason or how to fix this , do i have to uninstall ?

    submitted by /u/Sudden_Lie8782
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    playing vs immortals and diamonds as silver

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 03:44 AM PDT

    hi i peaked gold 1 and i barely play the game, when i wanna chill some unrated games with my gf (unranked) i get immortals and diamonds as teammate and enemy, my girlfriend is really new to gaming so she is barely able to play the game. for my part i can kind of keep up with them and be usefull but i cant chill like that. example: https://imgur.com/UMVS8YH , https://imgur.com/a/pwmIQAY

    why is that?

    submitted by /u/doghater1222
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    Cool and Far Viper Lineup for postplant

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    Whats this weird knife I've never seen?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    Whats this weird knife I've never seen?

    so I've played since april 2021 and i've never seen this type of knife from anyone, can someone tell me what it is?


    submitted by /u/DillatoryTheSecond
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    I actually feel the difference in this new ranked system

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 12:52 AM PDT

    Last act I finished plat 1. I won 3 placememt games and placed gold 2. Now I am plat 3 50 rp.

    I don't agree with the unhappiness with the system. To me it is the best it's been. Close losses with strong performances result in minimal rp decrease.

    This updated rank system's promotion and demotion is the most reflective of individual performance it has ever been.

    People complaining about playing ex-plat players in silver need to realise they are losing 10 and gaining 30 in those matches. The system is fair.

    submitted by /u/ksirlyn
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    spike detonation

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    The spike "explosion" has the same desing and colors as the portals in the training mode or above the yoru ship in icebox map, so i think the black and white sphere isn't an explosion, it's a portal or a wormhole to take the radianite to the alternal dimension that we saw in Duality short.

    I think they want to save our earth from a problem that they had with the radianite. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/SheldonCooper821
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    Agent select UI Redesign

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 04:32 AM PDT

    A for fun side project I made since I have some gripes with the current UI. I feel like the UI doesn't tie well with the overall aesthetic of the game, and the brand itself. Promo and character art feels polished and modern, while UI kind of feels bland and put together in a hurry.

    The ideas was to make something streamlined and user friendly with all the necessary information presented in a convenient manner. I wanted to better utilize character cards, and the artwork which really shines on it's own. Current agent select has animated characters which is cool, but done better by some other titles. Here it feels janky and unpolished, sometimes the characters take some time to load while the animation plays out and it feels laggy and weird. The fact that the background doesn't change with the map you're playing on is misleading. There's a lot of empty space on the right side of the screen which could've been utilized better. Character info can be hard to read since it often clashes with the background. I tried splitting characters into classes to make them more organized. Although there's not much of a contrast between the background and the elements it should be enough to keep the user focused on what matters.

    Shoutout to Joey Eckert and Travis Howell for inspiration. Would love to hear some feedback.


    submitted by /u/Milan93
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    brim is kay/o?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    hey, so i was watching a theory video i can't address because it's in my own language, but it talked about how kay/o came from another timeline and fought together with sova and brimstone. also some lines and the card similarities between kay/o and brimstone.

    so i had this crazy thought that in a few centuries when radiant- human war begun brimstone might have died and since he's the captain killjoy wanted to revive him in some way. concluding that she made kay/o, full of brimstones information.

    which made me think this way is the line "Brimstone, I'd hug you but it would kill you. I'm serious, no hugs" if you watched sci-fi time travel movies, you know you can't touch your future or past self.

    its just a theory and i would like to know your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/razejoy
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    Why is the Ares so hated?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    Why is the Ares (and Odin) so extremely hated? I mean, the Ares is strong, especially for its price, but since one headshot is not enough to kill it can be countered quite easily. The Odin, well it is kinda op, but so is the Operator, plus the fact that you are quite slow with it, including equipping and reloading. But still, they get more hate than even shotguns. What are your opinions to the Ares and Odin?

    submitted by /u/Robin_0505
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    KAY/O Ascent A Site Lineup to Secure Site Easier and Rushes

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 01:14 AM PDT

    An option to hide the scoreboard and overhead display in Deathmatch

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    Deathmatch is a great tool for practicing your aiming mechanics. However, I feel there is too much of an incentive to look at the above killcount and your KD (especially with the 3 second respawn timer). Even though it is just a minor disturbance, it kind of takes away the focus of improvement.

    I've tried disbinding my "show scoreboard" keybind which I feel helps; but I think it would be nice to have an option to completely turn off the overhead kill count along with the "10 kills remaining" warnings etc.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/kn0nyx
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