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    Tuesday, June 30, 2020

    VALORANT {EXPLOIT} Game-Breaking Reyna Exploit on HAVEN

    VALORANT {EXPLOIT} Game-Breaking Reyna Exploit on HAVEN

    {EXPLOIT} Game-Breaking Reyna Exploit on HAVEN

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    Making Jett with Clay ...

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Perfect Animation describing our first ever game in Valorant

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    duelist instalocking telling people who to play

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    if you instalock a raze and u tell people to play cypher/sage fuck urself

    submitted by /u/kryzatv
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    using cypher cam to take a group photo with the enemy :-)

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    Supports are complaining about duelists not playing entry and duelists are complaint about supports not peaking with them, when the real issue is lack of communication.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    As a support try, "Raze, peak this angle I'm right behind you."

    As a duelist say, "Brim, I'm moving in, cover me."

    Keep in mind, it's important to designate who you are talking to. If you simply say, "cover me", it allows for your teammates to assume that someone else will take care of it.

    submitted by /u/Ya_Orange_boi
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    Riot Should Add More Maps Instead of Agents

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    As of now, 4 maps is too little. The chances of getting one map repeatedly is too high and playing out those games are boring and redundant. Even if a new map is played every game, the game becomes stale and difficult to play for more than a few hours. New agents arent what make the game fresh and engaging, new maps are. Right now riot plans to release maps only on new episode releases. On this current track it means that we will only have 2 new maps a year from now.

    submitted by /u/freefall1289
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    Best ace ive ever had or seen in my life and getting called cheater after

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Most aggressive Raze plays

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Suggestion: Damage to people who destroy cypher's trapwires

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    Instakill any ally Raze who destroys the trapwires.

    submitted by /u/Gralmeidan
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    Reyna should be vaulted

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Reyna is too thicc and distracts my teammates while I am playing as her. This is destroying the game competitively and will be the downfall of the game 😤

    submitted by /u/JaminD03
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    Omen's smoke-vision doesn't always match the actual map geometry

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:25 AM PDT


    Here's a side-by-side of B Heaven on Split, where one wall was recently changed. Looks like they forgot to update it in Omen's smoke-vision.

    submitted by /u/tfwaffleman
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    Give us a bit more time after we win

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    After the game win it's pretty instant to go back to the lobby, I would kinda like more time to 'celebrate' with my team and also chat with the enemy a bit.

    submitted by /u/Lester___Knopf
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    Bind A double Shockdart lineup. Hopefully this will be useful for the Sova players!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    Being a pre-made is not an excuse to not give callouts

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    Played a game with a Russian who couldn't use voice chat, and three people who were on discord. When I politely asked for some communication, I was met by hard flaming, in the middle they mentioned they were pre-made, they were on discord and was leaving me out of the comms.

    submitted by /u/SolidRubrical
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    Let me just remove this Tripwire

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    It's PEEK not PEAK!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk

    submitted by /u/joeklein9
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    I just placed bronze 3!!!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    I know it doesn't seem like a good rank to anyone else but for someone who has never touched a game on keyboard and mouse (and im trash on console too) It feels awesome not to be placed in iron.

    submitted by /u/TheTrashCant2
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    PSA: This isn't a class-based game, stop being a toxic teammate and treating it like one

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    There's so many top posts here that share similar sentiments Instalocking Duelists crying during agent select, Everyone crying during agent select, A poopy teammate expecting a sage to "topfrag", etc.

    The thing to remember is this game isn't League, Overwatch, or a WoW raid.

    This isn't a class-based game like the ones mentioned. It's a tactical shooter.

    Every single agent in this game can be played aggressively or passively. Some might have kits that openly benefit a certain playstyle, but don't put yourself, or a teammate, in a box and think there's only one way to do anything.

    Don't force your team to pick based off pro comps either. They're a 5 stack with clear intentions for every single player, down to individual skills and perfectly timed execution. You're not getting that level of coordination in a PUG.

    Your raw aim, and game sense, are still the most important skills you have in this game, not what a character can do like in Overwatch. If you can't click heads, regardless of your agent choice or team comp, you'll still get destroyed.

    For example, Instead of bitching at people to pick Sage, understand why her role is important, and not her. She helps slow the pace of the game down with her wall and slows.

    "Slowing the pace" doesn't literally mean slowing the game down, it broadly covers limiting areas of engagements to where/when you want them (allows your team to clear only one or two angles, versus the entire site).

    Similar characters that slow the pace of the game down with similar skills such as her wall and slows? Omen, Brimstone, Cypher, and Viper. So if your team doesn't have a Sage and has one (or two) of these guys locked in? Don't sweat it. It's not the end of the world. It's more important to trade kills (rather than bait) and play as a team, than worrying about the "perfect" team comp.

    Also the economy game is real; not as harsh as CSGO, but it still matters. Stop tilt buying; it won't work out and also makes you look like a dick.

    That's it. Thanks for maybe reading.

    submitted by /u/AwildYaners
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    A critique of Valorant's poorly executed weapon skins...

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    A critique of Valorant's poorly executed weapon skins...

    Hi all, I'm an industrial designer by trade, and love playing Valorant. As you can imagine I take particular interest in the cosmetic designs, and have been thoroughly disappointed. Take a look at the critique below and share your observations in the comments.

    While Valorant's default weapon skins are sharp, functional, and have a familiar and practical form language, most of the custom skins are either lackluster or outright hideous.

    Some unfortunate design decisions that many guns have in common:

    Busy designs

    The 'Reaver Vandal' below is one of many examples. It's packed with geometry, bright-work, and sharp edges. With all that form, texture, and chrome there is no place for the eye to rest. Could Riot make the same design statement with less visual junk? Absolutely. This is one of many examples of overly busy designs.

    Reaver Vandal

    Focal Point and Visual Flow Issues

    Look at the 'Ronin Sheriff' below' where on the gun does your eye snap to, and then linger? Right, the dragon. All of that gold and form is packed into the space around the front of the cylinder, combine that with the fancy samurai sword wrapping around the grip and front third of the gun may as well be invisible. I could literally take a hacksaw to the front of this gun just in front of the dragon head and it would actually look better. Ideally your eye traces a meandering line across the whole weapon without being glued to one spot for too long due to visual weight overload.

    Ronin Sheriff

    Design Line Disharmony

    Take a look at the Lux Ghost below, remind you of something? If your said 1950's industrially produced consumer goods you would probably be correct. In the post-war period America's industrial might was converted from making weapons of war to consumer goods, and the consumer goods industry boomed. Inspired by World War 2 fighter aircraft, enormous American sedans with wings, bubble canopies, and literally hundreds of pounds of chrome cosmetic work defined an era. The slick teardrop shapes of the era are known in the industrial design biz as 'streamlining'.

    The strong horizontal lines that run the length of the barrel are broken by the bubbly, round aesthetic of the gun itself. There is also a mess of major lines going in multiple directions that aren't talking to each other; grey graphic lines moving from top to bottom, the texture of the handle grip moving at a 45 degree and angle up and down, and the texturing on the slide being more vertical than the grey detail lines I mentioned before. None of the aforementioned are in harmony with either each other or the main horizontal lines of the gun. In addition, all of that bubbly bright-work is prone to looking heavy, bulky, and for all the world like a cheap, tin toy.

    Lux Ghost

    Tacked on Filigree

    Does the gold trim that moves from the front of the magazine well, around the trigger assembly and up past the handle to the stock really look like it's part of the gun? Or does it look like someone took a roll of tacky gold plastic 'decoration' and taped it to the outside of the gun to add some visual weight? To me it looks very much like the latter; the bottom of the gun was lacking visual weight so they put the design equivalent a narrow strip of gold tape along the bottom. Ideally a metallic (gold or otherwise) element should be part of the gun; by contrast the gold end of the silencer where it is attached to the barrel is an excellent example of well integrated material breakup...

    Prime Spectre

    Well Executed Skins

    Ok, ok, I know. The Kingdom Spectre is a fairly conservative skin, it's also a fantastically executed one. The material breakup between black and aluminum (titanium? stainless steel?) gives the appearance of actual parts fitting together as opposed to tape tacked on at the last minute. The form itself is faceted and interesting without being too noisy. The major design lines are in harmony, and move your eye across the gun nicely, and the 'lights' are hidden in part lines, as if to express a power source that is peaking out of the inside of the gun. Beautiful.

    Kingdom Spectre

    The Aristocrat Sheriff is very much a fantastic example of how you can have flashy, blingy guns that are still attractive to look at. The gold bright-work is mainly found integrated into the whole as forms, as opposed to flimsy tack-ons. The gun has both complicated sections, and space to rest your eyes. Finally the gently sloping gold line that runs from the upper back corner of the ammunition cylinder down to the bottom of the barrel and to the front keeps your eyes from getting too stuck in one place.

    Aristocrat Sheriff

    The Rush Ares is unexceptional next to the previous two, but succeeds where the rest of the Rush series fails. It's great victory is to be found down the length of the barrel shroud, where the raw steel gives our eyes a second to rest from the aggressive sharp, and highly saturated decal texture. Here's another take on Rush; the texture is a cool idea, why not make it a slightly less aggressive color but with a different specularity? Under normal circumstances the difference between textures and raw areas of the gun would be subtle, but when passing through a brightly lit area you would pick up highlights from the patterned area and the texture would reveal itself by transient highlights as they dance across the surface of the gun.

    Rush Ares

    What are your favorite, and least favorite weapon skins? What do you think of the examples I mentioned?

    Good hunting :)

    submitted by /u/MrJuniper
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    Stop crying because of the agent picks.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:07 AM PDT

    I am unable to count how many times I've had complete shitheads typing out "ITS GG" before the game even started just because the enemies have a normal comp and we dont.

    I am matched around high plat/diamond games, yesterday my enemy had 3 duelists (Reyna, Phoenix and Raze), a Sage and a Cypher.

    The Cypher was deadass 17/10 on attacker side and was the only guy who we were afraid of, not because of his camera, a fucking smoke or a funny trapwire, no man, he was simply good at shooting.

    My point is unless u're not fighting for Immortal/Radiant then it doesnt matter if u have a Cypher or a Sage in your team, use the utility you have properly and it will be okay, seriously.

    It doesnt matter if you have a trapwire, a recon bolt, a revive or whatever the fuck you think is necessary to play defense/attack, if your enemy is outclassing you with their aim and gamesense, you will be losing most of the rounds.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk, please stop whining about a game before it even starts.

    submitted by /u/n0xieee
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    Hot Take: I'd rather have no sage than a bad one

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    The tradeoff between someone playing their main or trying to cover the 'sage' position doesn't seem that worth it to me.

    submitted by /u/Zacxnerd
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    Kill While an Ally is Planting/Defusing is a horrible daily.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    I hate this daily so much. It feels like the only daily that is completely out of your hands due to how situational it is. You have to get on-site, hope your teammate gets the plant/defuse started, and hope an enemy is close enough to you in the 5ish second window to kill after you presumably cleared site to get the plant/defuse. The only way I have found to "consistently" pull it off is to spam spike rush, but even then you have to hope your team even cares about planting in a very casual mode and won't instantly make fun of you when you ask for help. I get that it's worth double xp, which is nice, but if I had the option I would mulligan it for a different daily every single time. Not worth the stress.

    submitted by /u/Common_Enemy
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