• Breaking News

    Monday, June 29, 2020

    VALORANT viper is the woman from ratatouille in disguise

    VALORANT viper is the woman from ratatouille in disguise

    viper is the woman from ratatouille in disguise

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    made this a while ago but decided to share it

    submitted by /u/Txkagi
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    Don't shout at your last Teammate alive

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    This has become one of my biggest pet peeves,especially in ranked recently.
    When there's only one person on your team left, it's best to just don't talk to them unless it is VERY good info (just guessing "left or right" isn't helping 99% of the time either) and your Mate CAN see the Timer. you don't need to shout "TIME TIME TIME" into your mic.
    People throwing me off with bad info or just shouting in my ear in general cost me a lot of clutches and it is incredibly frustrating.
    Being dead also doesn't mean it's the correct time to have smalltalk with your friend until the next round,it's just rude. If you wanna talk to people privately during the match,use discord,teamspeak or whatever.
    And lastly, if you're gonna utter anything else than a "nice try" just because someoen couldn't clutch a 1v5, just stay quiet.

    submitted by /u/Big_Teddy
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    Accuracy directly after jumping must be nerfed

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    I would like to talk about the instant accuracy recovery after jumping.

    In high Elo games it happens more and more often that people exploit the accuracy after jumping and landing. The recovery time is too fast with Vandal/Phantom. After landing you can insta-headshot.

    Why is this a problem? As soon as this knowledge spreads it will be abused more and more. The opponent has problems hitting your head, will be already in the spray and you can just one-tap after landing on your feet.

    To showcase the problem I've prepared a clip and slowed it down afterwards to show how exactly it was done (he landed on the corner of the box).

    IMPORTANT: this is not luck! This is an exploitable mechanic and you can consistently one-tap this way.

    The situation in normal speed:

    one-tap after jumping

    Now the situation slowed down. You can see he landed on the corner of the box and then *instantly* one-tapped me.

    one-tap after jumping slowed down

    And I repeat: this was not a luck shot, you can consistently reproduce this (try it out in a custom match).

    Why is this a problem?

    I really fear this will be exploited more and more in the future to peek angles. You have a hard time hitting while the person jumping can use the flying time to aim properly. It's especially a problem when jumping *up* like he has done onto the box, because then he has only one third flying time compared to a normal jump.

    How can this be fixed?

    I think there should be a 300-500 milliseconds recovery time after landing before you can shoot accurately again.

    => The risk/reward ratio is off when jump-peeking like done in the video.

    => The competitive integrity is jeopardized when people combine Jumper's Advantage with Peeker's Advantage.

    => Jumping to peek angles should not be rewarded this much in a tactical shooter.



    PS: Bonus video - this is what it looks like when you exploit this:

    How Jumper's advantage looks like

    submitted by /u/EarthlingKira
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    Two GOD arrows for Bind attack

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    Valorant on Twitter: What comes after launch?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    I see all these post about duelist needing to entry frag but at the same time if they're entry fragging YOU NEED TO FOLLOW THEM INTO THE SITE.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    I can't tell you how many times I've ran into a site as a duelist and died for no one to trade my death and be 10 steps behind me. If someone is about to take a site you need to be on their ass to trade a kill. TRADE KILLS IT'S SO SIMPLE!!!!

    submitted by /u/shoka409
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    How to avoid the bomb

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    I don't know how many people know this, but the bomb size has the same size as your footstep radius on the minimap. So as long the bomb is outside of that you won't die.

    submitted by /u/crm1142
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    TSM vs T1 / T1 x Nerd Street Gamers Showdown Grand-Final / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    TSM 3-0 T1

    Default: 1-0*

    Haven: 13-5

    Ascent: 13-9

    \) TSM have an automatic 1-0 advantage due to advancing from the Upper Bracket.

    TSM | liquipedia

    T1| liquipedia

    T1 x Nerd Street Gamers Showdown

    Map 1: Haven

    Team A D Total
    TSM 8 5 13
    D A
    T1 4 0 4

    TSM Agent K D A ACS
    WARDELL Jett 18 4 2 276
    drone Phoenix 15 8 5 251
    Subroza Brimstone 13 12 3 210
    Cutler Cypher 11 8 7 163
    hazed Sage 13 5 8 162
    crashies Cypher 10 13 2 197
    AZK Sova 10 13 5 184
    food Brimstone 8 14 0 155
    brax Raze 4 14 4 107
    Skadoodle Sage 5 16 2 87

    Map 2: Ascent

    Team D A Total
    TSM 8 5 13
    A D
    T1 4 5 9

    TSM Agent K D A ACS
    WARDELL Sova 30 11 8 367
    drone Phoenix 19 13 6 247
    Subroza Brimstone 11 18 2 161
    Cutler Cypher 10 14 5 132
    hazed Omen 8 15 5 112
    brax Omen 22 17 4 299
    AZK Sova 15 14 8 207
    crashies Cypher 14 16 3 185
    Skadoodle Sage 12 14 7 158
    food Breach 7 18 4 82

    Match Stats

    EDIT: Here is a link to all the VODs.

    submitted by /u/Kappaftw
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    Please be nice to your teammates, some of us just want to have fun after a rough day.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Maybe I'm missing my shots, not playing site right or totally whiff an ability, but a lot of times this isn't to make your life hard. Some of us are just trying to have fun playing a video game after a tough day. I had a game earlier where the first thing anyone said to me was calling me trash, 3 rounds in after I didn't 1v3 clutch on attacking side. I'm sorry I can't play perfect every round but if you try your best I promise I'll do mine. I love this game but it just seems like riot has an especially toxic fan base for some reason, I could join a csgo lobby and yes hear terrible things but everyone's there for a fun time the majority of when I play, when I jump on valorant I feel like everyone's just waiting to call me trash. Just please be nice to your teammates and communicate your frustrations as kindly as possible.

    submitted by /u/FaZeMemeDaddy
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    I find hearing whether someone is left or right of you is pretty easy using headphones. But it's not easy at all to tell whether they're in front of you or behind you. Has anyone else noticed this?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Valorant should award back "elo" if a cheater is caught after one of your games

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    Just played a d3 average lobby against a team with unranked Phenoix who went 24-1 on a 13-0 loss for us. He was unranked, Shooting through walls, and had a 90% headshot rate. Pretty sus since he didn't take and legit fights, using utility or any other methods. Needless to say deranged on that one. Just wish Valorant would tell you if a cheater from a previous match was found and like Face-it would give you that elo back for that game.

    TL;DR Valorant should use Faceit style elo award for cheater caught.

    submitted by /u/QueenObamaa
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    My best play so far in ranked. 1v5.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Valorant will be having 6 new agents per year. Please tell me your opinions.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    Personally, I think no more than 20 very solid agents are enough. What do you think?


    submitted by /u/shirukami
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    Is it meta now to eco/light buy after you've won pistol round?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    Coming from 2.5k hours on CS, I'm used to spending all my money on 2nd round to try to secure the round easily because getting rounds is so important.

    However, in Valorant, I hear people use the "what if we lose this round" argument. So they either only buy light armor with smgs or just ghosts. My issue with light buys is that the other team who lost can force and do the same. Idk if these habits from CS are bad in Valorant, but I've always thought that focusing on winning the round has always been the smartest, and never had the "what if we lose" mindset, unless we have to eco and etc.

    What are your guy's perspectives on this?

    submitted by /u/Milksfriend
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    Sport and Performance Psychology Tools to Help Prevent "Tilting" in Valorant

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    I am a sport psychology and mental performance consultant. I hold a Master's degree in Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology. I work with elite athletes and performers on building mental and psychological skills to help them develop an edge over their opponents. Today I will discuss a bit about sport and performance psychology and its application for Valorant and esports in general. My goal here is to give a quick overview of a topic and share some tools that will help all gamers. This information is general enough to apply to all people playing Valorant and specific enough that a competitive player can benefit.

    Today's topic is "tilt." Going on "tilt" or "tilting" is a term that basically describes a loss of emotional control, resulting in poor judgement and decision making, and ultimately leading to bad play. Bad decisions and bad play usually lead to further anger and frustration, and thus further tilting. We all go on tilt at times. It happens to everyone at some point, some more often than others. What are some evidence-based techniques to help prevent going on tilt? How can you re-focus and re-center yourself once you are already on tilt? These tools are very general. Typically, these tools are individualized and tailored for a specific athlete's unique set of needs and circumstances. These tools are not instant fixes. Just like you train your aim and in-game skills, your brain and mental skills need to be trained as well. You do not become a Valorant expert overnight, nor do you become an expert on mental skills overnight.

    The first concept to learn is the idea of controlling the controllables. This is especially important when trying to prevent going on tilt. Often the things that tilt us the most are out of our control. A bad teammate, a frustrating opponent, maybe even some bad luck. If we fixate on these things, it can become quite problematic because ultimately, they are entirely out of our control. Instead, focus on what you can do in that moment, in that round, in that match. What can you do now to improve your gameplay and give yourself the best chance of winning? If you are having a particularly frustrating match where many of the uncontrollable factors are giving you trouble, try to set yourself a small goal for that match. Focus on improving one aspect of your gameplay and anytime you feel your thoughts start to drift towards those uncontrollables, bring the focus back to yourself, in the moment, and your specific match goal. A goal you might look to set could be something like improving your utility usage and information gathering on Sova. For this match, focus on using your recon bolt and owl drone to gather valuable information for your team. Even if your team doesn't make great use of that information, you are still improving your gameplay and focusing on something that is within your control. It can be beneficial to have a focus or two written down and prepared so that when you are faced with challenging uncontrollables, you can go straight to your planned out goal for that match.

    The next concept to understand is self-talk. This is the voice in our heads, our incessant mind chatter. Whether we fixate on it or not, our thoughts have an impact on our emotions and our performance. Sometimes your self-talk is extremely critical and often quite negative. This negative self-talk causes an emotional response, often stress and/or anxiety. Our stress response then further impacts our performance. Stress responses can be cognitive, meaning in our heads, or somatic, meaning a physical symptom, or it can be a combination of both. Some common cognitive symptoms are worrying, negative expectations, or performance apprehensions. Some common somatic symptoms are muscular tension, butterflies in your stomach, increased heart rate, and perspiration. What we say to ourselves when we compete matters. If you have a bad round or lose in a clutch situation, the things you say to yourself will impact the next rounds. If you have a bad match, the things you say to yourself will impact the next match. Learning to be aware of your self-talk, specifically your negative self-talk, and managing it, can be an extremely powerful tool for success in a game, but especially for avoiding going on tilt.

    The third concept to consider is mindset. Your mindset is an important tool for preventing tilt. Having the right mindset will set you up for success while having the wrong mindset will likely have you tilting quite frequently. The mindset we want to cultivate is a growth mindset. To be game specific, this is the belief that your aim, skills, mechanics, game knowledge, etc. can be developed over time, as opposed to the concept of a fixed mindset, where you believe that your potential is limited. Having a growth mindset will allow you to approach challenges, setbacks, and criticism in a way that is beneficial to you and your gameplay. When dealing with a challenge, rather than avoiding the challenge or giving up easily, a growth mindset would tell us to embrace the challenge, face it head on and persist. How should you deal with a setback, for example: you lose an important match or de-rank. Someone with a fixed mindset might say to him/herself: "I'm a failure and I am bad at the game." Someone with a growth mindset might say to him/herelf: "I failed this time, but I learned something and I will try harder and come back stronger." When you receive constructive criticism from a teammate or friend, do you ignore it? Or do you try to learn from it and find ways to improve? A growth mindset sets us up to learn, improve and succeed. Approach every round and every match with a growth mindset, always looking to learn and get better.

    I wanted to reiterate that these are general introductions to complex topics and tools. They take time and effort to benefit from. I could go much more in depth on any of these concepts or a number of additional tools that could be applied to competitive Valorant. When I get positive feedback on this post or people have additional questions, I am open to writing more about sport and performance psychology and its application for esports. Feel free to ask questions, though I may respond privately depending upon the specifics of the questions.

    submitted by /u/EsportPsychDB
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    Next agent shown in Valorant's newest tweet?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    The wide range of crosshairs I have seen

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    I think the crosshair editing feature was one of the best tools to come out of this game as it even inspired CSGO to add pretty much the exact same thing. However, some of the crosshairs I have seen are absolutely disgusting and often wonder how people perform with them.

    submitted by /u/PyronicX
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    It's always the confidence of a 4v1 that convinces people to peek one at a time!

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    Valorant fan art

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    Valorant fan art

    Hello all! I love Valorant a lot, so why not make fan art for the game?

    Here it is!

    *I worked on the females first and am currently finishing off Breach, Sova, Brimstone, and Omen.*

    Let me know which one is your favorite!









    submitted by /u/julialynnd
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    I'm silver/gold player and my aim usually sucks so i get kills by being sneaky etc. after playing omen for weeks i started to play cypher today and i really like this clip of mine. I get ace sometimes but this was far more exciting.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Stop Planting bombs around the corner. Keep it within LOS

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    If you are pushing a site and its contested fine.

    But if your team fully takes a site. Plant the bomb in the open, It makes it easier to sit somewhere and peak the bomb to kill time from multiple locations. Too many times do i see bombs get planet in a corner or out of LOS and the person last alive playing time has to death charge the bomb to stop it (which doesn't work all the time)

    If its in the open its a peak, head shot and go back into the corner and wait for the Defuse.

    Doing this will win you more rounds than you think. Just saying

    submitted by /u/Same-Idea94
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    corrupted cypher

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    Does the developers have any plan to add a true casual mode in this game? Drop-in drop-out stuff.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    I remember playing Counter Strike decades ago, and it was so more chill. Join the server, pick a side, keep playing, maps keep rotating, leave when I'm tired, done.

    The Unranked mode of Valorant is just so not casual. 30 min games, AFKs ruining it, raging people, etc. Spike rush is shorter, but is not that a fix either (too much setup time and random BS there for some reason).

    For people who still have no clue what I am talking about, imagine the following:

    • 6 or 7 players teams instead of 5
    • Can change characters any time between rounds (reset your money tho)
    • No penalties for leaving the game (but there if if you constantly do that, like leave a game 3 times in 15 min or so)
    • People can join mid match between rounds
    • You can change sides between rounds (as long the difference between teams is not bigger than 1 player)
    • More rounds. All rounds are played regardless if there is comeback chance or not, because winning the match is not really the point.
    • You can invite friends mid match, so no more waiting for your friend for 30 min when his game is 2-2.

    That is how Team Fortress 2 worked. Or how casual CS servers worked as well. Valorant is a really good game, but I am a noob, and kind sucks that every game feels extremely competitive, even on unranked. Sucks that I am a dead weight for my team for 40 min or so.

    Sorry if this is constantly asked here, I am new to the sub and never saw it yet.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Ivysaur
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    A tip for people wanting a heal from Sage:

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    In Settings, Interface and the first option there is called "show teammate loadouts", if you use Left Alt or a different button, and hold it for a few seconds and look in sage's direction you can see whether she has a heal ready or not, so you can avoid going through the 5-10 sec encounter where you ask for a heal, and they say no after like 5 seconds, or don't respond at all and you don't know. I feel like not enough people are using it so here it is.

    That is all, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

    submitted by /u/Tradz-Om
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    eSports scene extremely hard to follow

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    Yes you have liquipedia but that isnt overly informative. I feel like there needs to be like a hub for valorant so you can know who won last night, or who is in the final.

    submitted by /u/Doonhamerr
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