• Breaking News

    Sunday, July 19, 2020

    VALORANT Epic fail of the week is for ...

    VALORANT Epic fail of the week is for ...

    Epic fail of the week is for ...

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    I Love "Working" From Home - Montage of Some Sick Plays I Made While Working My Lame Call Center Job

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    How to hold A in Acent with Cypher (I have seen someone doing the same trick but I couldn't do it the same way so i created mine).

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    G2 Esports vs fish123 / WePlay! VALORANT Invitational - Grand Finals / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    G2 Esports 2-0 fish123

    Bind: 13-9
    Ascent: 13-8
    Haven: 0-0


    WePlay! VALORANT Invitational - Grand Finals

    WePlay! English Twitch channel | WePlay! Officiel Information

    vlr.gg coverage | TheSpike.gg coverage | Liquipedia coverage | Valorantify.com coverage


    MAP 1: Bind


    Team DEF ATT Total
    G2 9 4 13
    fish123 3 6 9


    G2 Agent K D A ACS
    davidp Sage 19 14 6 247
    ardiis Sova 19 15 5 232
    Patitek Omen 16 17 11 236
    pyth Cypher 9 16 6 131
    Mixwell Jett 10 18 1 119
    soulcas Raze 20 15 8 280
    L1NK Sova 17 15 6 208
    ScreaM Sage 15 13 4 207
    Kryptix Cypher 15 14 6 192
    ec1s Omen 12 17 3 162

    Bind Detailed Stats



    MAP 2: Ascent


    Team DEF ATT Total
    G2 8 5 13
    fish123 1 7 8


    G2 Agent K D A ACS
    ardiis Sova 21 12 7 291
    davidp Sage 19 15 10 227
    Mixwell Jett 16 15 2 215
    Patitek Omen 13 17 7 185
    pyth Cypher 12 13 4 162
    ScreaM Breach 26 16 7 364
    L1NK Sage 15 15 6 189
    Kryptix Cypher 11 17 7 176
    soulcas Sova 12 14 12 173
    ec1s Omen 8 19 6 125

    Ascent Detailed Stats


    Post created by me

    submitted by /u/Darkoplax
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    Sunday morning blooper reel

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    3D printed Jett's knife

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    3D printed Jett's knife

    I 3D printed Jett's knife as a gift for a friend. Thought y'all would like to see! It took around 5 hours to print, pretty happy with the result!


    submitted by /u/Banana_mountain
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    There needs to be more punishment for competitive leavers.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    At my rank, (bronze-iron) I've had 5 games, all with a leaver in my or the enemy's team. This is making it hard to climb for everyone, as a 5v4 is really unbalanced. It's about a 10 minute matchmaking penalty ( I think, as I've not left a game) and the leaver will be back in a game faster. Riot, please help.

    submitted by /u/scp-002
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    Use your mics.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    I'm in Immortal 1 currently, and whenever I get matched with Diamond or lower players on my team, they struggle to communicate. If you don't have a mic, there are other ways to be useful like pinging things and give info through text chat. For the ones that have a mic, you can't queue for a game and expect to win by just being silent the whole game and not helping the team at all. I'd rather have a bottom fragger that plays for the team and gives lots of info than a top frag lone wolf that only gets kill for themselves. Please guys, this is a team game!!!

    submitted by /u/ek122105
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    PSA: Do NOT let ANYONE use your gaming device to play Valorant on their account. If they cheat later on, you will be HWID banned too.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Awhile back I let my friend use my PC to show me Valorant. He used his account. He got me into the game so after our hangout I made my own account and started playing. About 2 weeks later he was banned for cheating by his own admission (using his device at home) but my device was also banned since he had a prior login on my device, even though I know for a fact he wasn't cheating when using my device.

    Luckily I don't really mind as I purchased $0 worth of stuff and I only really liked playing it to play with him, but I just wanted to warn everyone.

    This is NOT a request for me to be unbanned.

    This is NOT a bashing of RIOT. It makes total sense that they would ban any device tied to a cheater.

    This is simply a warning to everyone to be careful who you let login on your device.

    submitted by /u/TimmyTurner3432
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    Shorty Tip: drop your shorty and pick back up your classic until the round starts

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    A lot of people like to use the shorty on eco rounds to try to camp a tight corner and catch entry fraggers off-guard. If you buy it, then drop it and pick your classic back up, then once the round starts switch back to the shorty you can keep the classic. This lets you get the entry fragger kill and quickly pick up the loaded classic to possibly kill the player trying to trade you when they think you're reloading.

    If you're on defense, and the enemy team pushes the opposite site, you can also just ditch the shorty for the classic this way, and not be stuck with a super close range weapon.

    submitted by /u/italiangreenbeans
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    This game is incredibly balanced.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Very rarely do I leave a game I just lost and feel like I lost because of a map/character/OP. Everytime I lose I realize I made a lot of small/big mistakes that added up to a loss. Maybe as defenders we were playing mid too agressively so we gave the attackers free kills mid, or as attackers we gave up too much map control at the start so we were easily flanked. Maybe I didnt use my utility enough (omen main) to block off OP sight lines during pushes.

    This game can be maddening when your losing, the power level of some agents are insane especially when your opponents have the economic and morale advantage. At times it can feel like there's nothing you can do, but there is always a way you can outplay your opponents.

    I realized at a certain point, If each mistake or death tilts me and I always blame the balancing/team mates/hit reg, I will never correct these mistakes and I will stay the same rank or even de rank.

    The best way to improve and climb on ladder is to stop and think after a loss. Was there anything I could have done better (aside from aiming)? Was there rounds I didnt use utility that I shouldve used? Do I have poor positioning on defense/post plant on attack? Am I not trading out my team mates when they die near me? Am I dying in places I cant get traded out? These are things I ask myself everytime I die or lose a game. It has allowed me to slowly climb out of silver, into gold and now Im teetering here at plat 1. I still have A LOT to improve on, but if you try and learn from every loss you will improve very gradually over time and your rank will follow. Blaming each loss on something other than my own gameplay will only hold me back from being the best player I can be.

    If a certain playstyle, agent or even just the Operator is giving you a really hard time then take the time and find out what you and your team can do to counter them. Theres thousands of tutorials on YouTube already for this game with many more being uploaded everyday! Focus on improving yourself and dont try and tell riot to fix split, nerf the op, or delete raze from the game. Focusing on something so out of your control will only serve to tilt you in game and you will never learn how to play around them.

    Sorry for the long post I just get really sad when I see people just destroying this game in text posts. I seriously believe this game has great hitreg (minus crouching hitboxes those seem busted rn), great agent balance and even better maps.

    If you are not having fun, take a break. Play a different game, go hangout with friends, take a walk. This game is incredibly tilting and it is totally okay to log off after a tilting loss streak. Come back with a fresh mind and some new info on how to counter that OPer or raze.

    submitted by /u/twdwasokay
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    luckiest shot i've ever hit (no sound)

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    vandal one shot through smoke, and i didnt even have first shot accuracy. probably never hitting anything like this again


    submitted by /u/skig415
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    People don’t use viper right

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    I see all of these posts saying "Viper needs buffs!" And she does, just not for the reasons people think. People are complaining how her smoke isn't as numerous and lasting and far-reaching as Omen's or Brimstone's. People groan about how her snake bite can't kill anyone and people just push through it. That's because Viper isn't supposed to be played like Omen or Brimstone or Phoenix. When I play Viper, I focus on one thing. This word is literally in her description. Mindgames.

    Viper's screen is definitely the best ability Viper has. It has huge map coverage, and now that it goes through walls, it is absolutely her best ability. I haven't heard anyone complain about the screen since the update, so instead of berating you for using it wrong, I'm going to elaborate on "mindgames." The screen is great for pushing into a site without being shot at immediately, but when you use the screen, it's kinda obvious to the enemy that you are pushing through. So instead, after using the screen to push through a site for a while, switch it up and use the screen to make the enemy think you are pushing that site and instead have your teammates attack another site. This should at least convince some of the enemy team to stay and watch the site the screen is at.

    Viper's smoke is not great at blocking sight lines. It can't be thrown very far with precision, and you only have one. So stop trying to use it to block sight lines! (In most cases, her screen can block most if not all sight lines anyway.) Use it to discourage pushing through certain areas or to conceal yourself or both! To those who say the smoke doesn't last long and takes forever to recharge, Viper gets the ability to decide how long her smoke lasts. Turn it off early to give the enemy the false impression that it won't turn on for a while, then turn it on again as soon as possible to catch them off guard. Also, if you are hiding inside it, you can actually take advantage of the decay mechanic and boombots basically can't see you. They have driven past me so many times in Vipers smoke without noticing me at all.

    Viper's snake bite is weak. It doesn't deal as much damage as Phoenix's and Brimstone's abilities, so oftentimes people will ignore it and move over it. Small brain vipers say "darn." I say "Yes!" Vipers snakebite inflicts a debuff on anyone standing on it to take DOUBLE DAMAGE! Combined with their health draining, if you shoot at them while they are standing on it, they will disintegrate. This forces them to stand their ground on the acid, or to move off while you are still shooting. You can also use the snake bite on people that are around corners, but that's pretty obvious.

    Viper's ult has very mixed feelings, so all I will say is that if you use the ult, make it hard for people to find you. Don't stand at the edge unless you intend to peek outside. If they travel to the deep part of Viper's ult, they are decaying a lot. The longer it takes to find you, the more the fight will be in your favor.

    TL;DR: Stop using Viper like other agents. Use her abilities as mindgames and strike while they are trying to pass through them.

    submitted by /u/SupremeMemeRegime
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    A Cool Real-Life 3D Model of Cypher's Hat

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    If you win a 4vs5 you should gain more rating

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Just won a 4vs5 as jett going 24/16/5 KDA only to get rating increased slighty it was a close match won in overtime but still you should gain more points for winning if one man is leaving the game early.

    Also if you lose a close 4vs5 you should not lose rating imho.

    There must be a system to detect when a player is leaving early / or how many rounds he have been left.

    submitted by /u/smyneee
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    "Sage, we are the perfect pair. You give life - I take it”

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    "Sage, we are the perfect pair. You give life - I take it

    Been learning a lot of Octane & Blender, please pass some tips if you have them :)

    also inspired by Friday the 13th Dead by Daylight poster


    submitted by /u/Hatefuls
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    Prime Vandal Pixel Art

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Prime Vandal Pixel Art

    I know the skin was released a while ago but oh well.

    This is also one of my few attempts at pixel art so I'm open to feedback :)


    submitted by /u/iLove_Penguins
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    Improve in Valorant with Jokz. Train your aim, movement,etc..

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, i am Jokz.

    I am ex cs player, 10k hrs in fps games in beta i was Immortal 2 and now currently i am Immortal 2, i reached top 200 on faceit rank before ranked mode was enabled on Valorant. In hat time i was playing in VALORANTPRO Preinvite division with top 500 ranked players on faceit.

    I write this post for people who want to improve in valorant. To get better.

    I will make videos for youtube, will make coaching sessions(some for free) if you really want to coach as fast as possible we can make a deal, livestream.

    How do i mean to do it ?

    Guides to (aim,movement,map knowledge, agents)

    Tips and triks.

    VODS. (review)

    Well i need your support, how to find people that are willing to get better.For tommorow i am willing to post a video "How to Escape Low Tier Ranks in Valorant (Iron,Bronze,Silver) only by improving your aim".I allready recorded the video but i need to finish it to be really good.If you are willing to get better in Valorant you can DM me here.

    Or you can join my discord server @https://discord.gg/ea3fnpj where cou can find all information about whats up in gaming world.

    Also i will need some graphic designers to help me build up a brand so you will get for your effort atleast some coaching session in return, or i will pay you it is up to you.

    Good luck on maps hope to see you around :)

    submitted by /u/jokzfps
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    4K/60FPS Raze Animated Wallpaper - Valorant Fanart

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    4K/60FPS Raze Animated Wallpaper - Valorant Fanart

    Hello everyone, I've made this Raze Animation that I would like to share with you and hope you like it.
    Here is the link to it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mRMNC72Z6A


    submitted by /u/leedarhed
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    I just finished up another pixel animation, here's the Sherrif :)

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Sherrif Gif

    I tried a few new things with this one, higher contrast, moving parts, fluid smoke, ect.

    Thanks for looking!

    submitted by /u/-Alfa-
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    From one sage main to another, don't give up climbing the ranks. Here's a few tips

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:23 AM PDT


    Your aim as sage is to support the team, not hunt for kills. On attack, the ideal position is to be at the back of a push so that you won't be dying first, and also not to be watching the flank as you need to be in a position to heal your teammates. When your team pushes, toss the slow orbs at common angles/choke points.

    On defence, hold any angle passively and be prepared to slow orbs or wall off if you spot a rush coming. Alternatively, you can play from the back of a site, and be the rotating player, giving heals to whoever needs them and delaying a push with your skills.

    Ideally, your kills should be coming from trades, and from retakes or holding the bomb plant. Don't be disheartened to have little kills on a stomp, that means the entry fraggers are doing their job. Alternatively, you can judge your performance based on your deaths. If you have a low death count, you're already doing your job as a support player, as you can heal 2, or even 3 times just by staying alive.

    submitted by /u/fafaqweqwe
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    Rubber banding issues at low ping and 0 packet loss?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 04:09 AM PDT

    Any one have a fix or know the cause of this rubber banding. It constantly happens even though my internet is consistent and fairly quick. This problem is unique to only valorant so I have no clue at what's causing it. It makes the game unplayable.

    My friends also seem to have this issue so I'm clueless.

    I've read that a possible cause is a combination of high frames and low ping but even capping frames at 144 did nothing.

    submitted by /u/arannara
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    There should be a bonus XP when players win in Spike Rush by 4-0

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    I have been playing with players recently who are throwing the round just to get more rounds just to get more experience for their battle passes. It kinda ruins my experience and adding such bonus will make more players play their best.

    submitted by /u/badhorizon
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    There should be an only headshot gamemode

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    It would be pretty helpful for honestly everyone if there was an only headshot game mode where only headshots register. It would be a great warm up gamemode and a really helpful ones for people new to the genre. It could use a deathmatch like format perhaps.

    submitted by /u/yami999
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