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    Monday, October 26, 2020

    VALORANT I carved Sova in a pumpkin!

    VALORANT I carved Sova in a pumpkin!

    I carved Sova in a pumpkin!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Sova Pumpkin

    Carved my boy Sova this year!

    I posted this in SovaMains first but the posting rules are different? idk I'm new here >.<

    submitted by /u/KaedeZdenek
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    No competitive spirit lol

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    I can tell a bunch of you players in ranked didn't play a team-based sport or did anything that required you to actually compete because God-forbid a game starts 0-4 all you guys think about is how many little down arrows your little rank is going to get. The amount of tilt and blame that I see coming from instalock lurking duelists is too much. Maybe instead of roasting someone to all Hell, try being helpful and constructive. Chances are, you're not that good either lol put your ego away.

    The sad truth is, you guys care about a little color next to your name when honestly, it's not that serious. Learn the game, play the right way, you might find that you'll actually...

    win more lol.

    (Diamond now, D3 act rank in act II) for you hurt egos wondering

    submitted by /u/albertmalmis
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    Game breaking out of bounds drone on haven

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    (Solo queuing) We were losing 0-4, two teammates tried to forfeit and then left. In the next game, we were losing 0-10, nobody forfeited, and we won 13-11. Don't be an a-hole. Don't give up and rob yourself of an AMAZING game you will actually remember.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:06 AM PDT

    Of course, in the first 0-4 game we actually managed to win the round right after the two of our mates left. 1-4 isn't suddenly as hopeless, but they weren't there to witness it. They were busy effectively ruining the game for 8 other people.

    submitted by /u/nonam_1
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    First Strike NA Brackets

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Please, stop shouting at Sage players to "Heal!"and revive. It doesn't help us in stressful situations, and is an annoyance. Also, stop being assholes to Sage mains in general.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    I know, this sounds like a complaint post, like how the community is all bad and really annoying, and tbh, it kinda is. I went from a Brimstone main to a Sage main + Sova secondary + Omen, and people, especially in my low ELO, jump off a high cliff, like B site on Ascent, and then block me from playing the game like a normal person by blocking me until I heal them for like the 12 damage they incurred by being idiots and jumping off.

    Some people need to realize that we are just players like them, and to not simply request heals(reasonable to ask after taking a site and you are a 50 health, not reasonable to sabotage a Sage just because you took one shot to the chest from a Spectre). We aren't some sort of slave for when you are an idiot and mess up.

    I am not trying to flame, but the number of times I've had my teammates scream at me for Heals when I am literally across the map pisses the shit out of me. After that, basically sabotaging because I won't heal them after being an idiot and running off Heaven in B on Ascent or accidentally shock darting themselves. I admit, I am not fucking C9 TenZ or 100T Hiko, and I am also pretty trash at the game, but let me do my job instead of incessant flaming, cause I hate muting people, in case I miss out on important info.

    Next, don't assume a Sage player is immediately a female. Yeah, I am a dude who is a Sage main. I have had so many freaking lobbies when I have had people ask me to show the nether region of the female species, and to give my Discord/WhatsApp no, and get incredibly offended when they hear me comm, because you can then obviously tell I am a dude. It is highly inappropriate, and tbh, I don't want to hear bullshit across comms, more than I need to. Don't be a creep like this.

    Yeah, this is a vent. But please, don't simply be assholes to Sage mains and let me do my job. I also want to win just as much as you.

    submitted by /u/aRandomCheapPerson
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    Reaver skins presented

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    Here I present you Breach straight from the game files. You can see the name of the object in the top left corner of the window and animations(if any) in the bottom left. I really like seeing the hardwork behind the game and want to share with the community. IMP- NONE of these files belong to me :)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    ı think report system is not workin at all.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    ı think report system is not workin at all.

    ı got that player in my team . he was premade with his friend and one of them just wait in the t base and just move his mouse and the other one keep playing judge and waiting in a spot all round. well ı add one of these dudes after the game and check his game history . he is doing it for 6 games. and ı am sure he is getting 8 report everygame but still can play with that account. how many report riot needs to ban these dudes.

    Update: just check his match history. Ä°t is 11 games now and didnt get banned yet.


    submitted by /u/Agatheon
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    Is it really THAT much of a grind?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    I have seen the post about how the tier 10 agent pistol skins are underwhelming for the grind but is it really that bad of a grind? At the end of the day we are playing the game because we like to play it and we aren't forced to get omens ghost skin and there isn't a limit on when you can get the skin, for more perspective the battle pass is a grind, because you have a set amount of time to play a lot of games and some times you don't want to play but you have to if you want the skins (I would know I have bought all three passes and still yet to get close to completing one). But with the agent skins there isn't a set time that "forces" you to play when you don't really want to. Sure I want raze's classic but also at the same time I'm not in a rush to get it so I don't see it as a grind

    submitted by /u/WafflDog
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    Please low ELO cyphers: communicate and provide info for the rest.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    If you are gonna play cypher, don't just play it to gain info for you. Like, the main purpose of cypher is to get intel for the entire team. I get a lot of cyphers who do nice setups, but they don't talk and don't give any info whatsoever. I know that tripwires turn red on the map and cams reveal players on the map but sometimes you're holding an angle and don't have time to look at the map. Plus, if you look at the cam you can also see weapons, you can see if they are about to throw an ability or something. All that you can communicate.

    submitted by /u/tyrellrummage
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    Put low prio matchmaking for trollers and afkers.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    Plat mm. Got in a 4 stack of trollers. Reyna was constantly going to mid and feeding enemy team. Jett intentionally missing shots while sage was throwing slow orbs at me. Very frustrating, the amount of trollers has inflated alot.

    submitted by /u/BuildingSubstantial6
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    Improving as a Player

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    My act 2 rank was iron 2, im now in bronze 2 and got my first ace last night. With valorant being my first ever pc game, it's been so much fun grinding comp and watching my aim slowly improve

    submitted by /u/kylep73
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    Crosshair and aiming tips. Hope it helps !

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    Little tip for anyone new to fps gaming. Csgo player here for 20 years, if you have the standard cross hair the center should not be any bigger than the size of the opponent's head at the longest distant of the map. The more center / smaller and on point ur cross hair is the better . You know exactly where your first shot will go and learn to adjust from there and learn the recoil.

    I find aiming is considerably easier and more forgiving than csgo . I see alot of new players and their cross hair is just simply way to big you cannot possibly be accurate long to mid range with it .

    Also aim with your arm not your wrist. Dpi should be around 400 to 600 and a low sensitivity. If you have a mouse pad that is 1 foot long, and if you drag your mouse from one end of the mouse pad to the other end you should not have done a full 360.

    Also when walking around aim at head LVL , for god sakes do not walk around aiming at the floor.

    As for engagement, never put urself in a angle where 2 or more can shoot at your angle and your exposed to more than one person's line of fire. Back off. Choose your engagements wisely.

    Angles. Angles angles angles. You don't need to expose your whole body to peek a angle . If you think there is a opponent or a sniper esp peeking the angle your about to look at do not slowly peek out. Their already aiming there. Peek it very very fast if you have to or better yet don't peek it at all

    Straifing. Few steps to the right shoot few steps back to the left shoot . Important to stop while shooting . This mechanic alone will help u frag .

    Most importantly. Do. Not. Move. While . Shooting. Can't emphasize this enough.

    Walk. I noticed the sounds of footsteps are so loud and vibrant your opponent can hear it from so far away.

    Hope it helps

    submitted by /u/futtyking
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    Will we get drops for watching first strike?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    It would be nice to watch the tournament and get a spray/buddie. Does anyone know if this will happen today or if there's any chance that it will happen in the future?

    submitted by /u/darkmanipulator
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    Smurf or inconsistency?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    I see many people saying they are having a hard time lately with people dominating the match while the others are carried, people who went down from plat to bronze because of someone carrying the other team, the wild Iron - Silver experience, where every match is decided on a roulette where you can get irons that do 40+ and one tap everyone while their teammates won't go out of a single digit kill count.

    At the same time, I see people saying they seem to play games where their aim just happens to be smooth and good, one taping easily, only to be followed by a game where nothing seems to work against the same level of enemies.

    In the first problem, everyone responds with "smurf". Everyone says the other team has a smurf when the top frag is 10k above the second one.

    But haven't you gotten in one of these matches where you top frag by a lot and the aim just seems to work better? I had a couple of games where I carried my team, I had a game where I aced 4 times, with 39k while the second was 22. To the other team, I was a smurf. But I wasn't, I was just having a good game. I play with 2 friends and we seem to take turns on who is going to top frag like that. One game I'll do 39/12 and my friend will end up with 17/14, and in the next game he'll be 29/9 and I'll be 12/20. There always seems to be a smurf, and it often happens to be one of us 3. Still, looks like a smurf KDA in comparison to the others.

    Seems to be a problem with consistency rather than always smurfs. How to tell when the bronze is dominating a gold3 player because they're having a good game or it's actually a plat smurf?

    submitted by /u/biomessy
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    Omen and the Paranoia Pumpkin

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Decided to carve the spooky-boi for Halloween this year.

    Omen Carving

    After putting aside my perfectionism, I think we did a solid job. Even the accidental blurry picture seems to fit his character, lol.

    Happy Grinding and Happy Halloween!

    submitted by /u/doingMyBestHere05
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    With Halloween coming up this week, I decided to design the Valorant characters with skull heads

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    With Halloween coming up this week, I decided to design the Valorant characters with skull heads

    Hope you all enjoy! Happy Halloween!

    P.S. Which one is your favorite? Mine is Killjoy and Sova



    submitted by /u/5HeadCo
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    Do you think they should add at least a VFX for the Tier 10 Agent Weapons?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    Omen and Reyna's Ghost looks nothing special.
    They could've at least animated the green smoke on Viper's Shorty
    Add at least a bit of flame on Phoenix' Frenzy

    I mean, they are a bit underwhelming considering that it will take a lot of grinding to acquire. Especially now that they removed the weekly 20k exps.

    I don't know, I just thought of it. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/oychico
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    Viper: Necessary and Proposed changes

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    Firstly, here are what I believe to be four necessary changes to viper as an immortal viper main.

    1.) Make her ult quieter when she is activating it. It's currently so loud you cannot hear people full running at you while it's activating.

    2.) Make the top of her curtain and the top of her ult static. The fact that it has client sided flaring in the top of it is so bogus. Make it static and unmoving. The devs literally made all smokes perfectly spherical for balancing purposes to avoid client sided bullshit of seeing enemies through the edges that csgo had. but yet their is clientside rng at the top of her ult and curtain.

    3.) When a player is hit directly with her acid, don't make it bounce off them and fly away. Make it shatter on impact and spread with their feet being at the center. Too many times have I tried to acid through a smoke and hit the enemy and it just fucking flies away.

    4.) Decrease the range razes roomba can spot you in vipers pit, same for killjoys turret. They will lock onto you when they are outside of your visual range.

    And secondly, non essential minor changes that I think might be interesting.

    1.) Make her acid do high dps to player armor but make it so it won't do HP dps until their armor is gone.

    2.) Make her have a slow HP heal in her vipers pit.

    Finally, If you really want her playrate to skyrocket, just make her smoke orb stick to surfaces. This will make her her a premiere one-way smoker and would spike her playrate to omens level easily. (However I do not l want this change because I like her as she is and don't want there to be more viper mains, and believe having there be a character that can effectively one way any one choke point in the game is too aggressive of a change that Riot would wisely not be willing to do.

    submitted by /u/HewchyAV
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    Suggestion - Play offline.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Would love if there was a separate client or option to play offline / LAN.

    Where we can play on the shooting range / custom game but not any other game modes.

    It would really help me keep training when my internet is down.

    submitted by /u/goodohyuman
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    How much & How to improve in Deathmatch?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    How much deathmatch to play in a day to improve?

    How do I improve in deathmatch?

    I already don't look at radar and aim for head height, sometimes I will also either turn on music full blast or turn off sound.

    Some games I'll stomp by 10 kills winning getting multiple quads or even going beyond that even though I don't make it my mission to win deathmatch I just try to win every gunfight, if that makes sense. But in competitive I would be lucky to go even.

    I usually use a and d keys alot but how exactly should my movement be in deathmatch? I try to position myself to limited angles while constantly moving through out the side I spawn on. I usually follow the wall but if I see someone die I'll hold the angle a bit wider to account for them running out.

    submitted by /u/Validus-Miles
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    Sova's Hood

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:01 AM PDT

    Sova's Hood

    What about making a hood for Sova on Icebox the same like Viper puts a mask on her face when activating ultimate?
    That would be cute :3


    submitted by /u/PascalOz
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