• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 27, 2021

    VALORANT Astra Reveal Trailer

    VALORANT Astra Reveal Trailer

    Astra Reveal Trailer

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 07:09 AM PST

    New Agent Revealed - Astra

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 09:05 AM PST

    So this guy challenged me to clutch the round and yea that was the motivation I needed XD

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:14 PM PST

    Agent 15's Abilities. Name: Astra

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 06:51 AM PST

    Remember this Post

    So the new agent's name is Astra and she places her abilities in her cosmic form. This is like a form of her in a new dimension that floats above the map. She is ghaninian.

    Ability 1- A concuss ball. These are those large sparkles that have been appearing on maps. She goes into a cosmic form and places these sparkles from the sky and then reuses the ability button to activate the concuss ball.

    Ability 2- A black Hole ball. Astra places the balls in her cosmic form and reuses the ability button to activate a black hole effect in a small area, sucking agents in.

    Ability 3- A smoke ball. Similar to a viper orb except that it is placed in cosmic form.

    EDIT: There also might be a damage ability that looks like a cone.

    Ultimate- Cosmic Divide- Basically a very large wall. Similar to Symmetra's ultimate. This could possibly also block damage. It also blocks sight.


    EDIT: This video was taken down. This post still is true though,.

    EDIT 2: Someone on Youtube put the video up again.



    submitted by /u/SilverWolf8662
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    TenZ and many other pros are calling Valorant out for their shitty elo distribution. To be honest it seems kinda unfair that he’s losing so much elo for being match MVP. (1/2)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 11:45 AM PST

    TenZ's tweet

    But I think it has something to do with his previous act rank, which he was ranked #1 so the game is pushing him harder and he's playing with lower elo people also, so he's expected to frag and win.(2/2)

    Edit: Riot's staff responded saying they're trying to be accurate about his leaderboard position. This means that the players ranked above him on #1-4 are doing better than him with better winrate and performance, even beating higher MMR players so he's not gaining as much elo

    submitted by /u/Issax28
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    Sage Fanart

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 07:40 AM PST

    Sage Fanart

    I really like the design of the celestial skins, and decided to use Sage's player cards as inspiration! ^-^


    submitted by /u/ChurroBurrito
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    I got my 1st clutch (ace?) Am a nuub take it easy on me :)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 12:06 AM PST

    I got 10K in a row in DM and the announcer said "RAMPAGE!"

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:17 AM PST

    i drew killjoy for my friend

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 01:28 PM PST

    A final report on the 15th agent: AGENT 16

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 05:51 AM PST

    A final report on the 15th agent: AGENT 16

    Not all this information should be taken as facts.

    Hello once again! With the hype build up for the next agent I just had to make another report analyzing everything we've gotten on the last few days and making a summary of the other two reports (1 and 2).

    This time I didn't have time to make a video, but you can check the previous ones in my channel. If you have theories to share or questions to ask, join the VALORANT Lore // Art Discord!

    And... go!


    The trailer for the new agent was uploaded as unlisted and has been found by u/Triggyrd! It has now been privated and I will not post it here, but you can check my Twitter to find it.

    Confirmed information

    After the first wave of teasers (the orbs and the datamines) we got a bit of a deeper look into the next agent, but there is still much left to know. As before, the only confirmed details are that the agent is a controller with a strong connection to space.

    Of course, in the previous report we deduced more information:

    • The number of the agent is either 08 or 16+
    • The Bridge Between Worlds card is the teaser card for this agent
    • The agent is from Ghana
    • They are a Radiant

    With the newest teasers there has been some major revelations which will be discussed in this report.

    The space short

    This is what started the teaser train seen on the 25th of February. It was tweeted by @VALORANTde, and in it we see more of the purple and gold color scheme. Around 0:11 there is a shining star on the bottom left, but there is nothing else of interest in this short video.

    The sketchbook

    Tweeted by @PlayVALORANT, this image provides a first look at what part of the agent is like as well as a notebook filled to the brim with interesting drawings.


    The left hand is covered in golden plating, with a purple texture underneath. On the center of the top of the hand there is a large, purple, gem-like ornament. Interestingly, the right hand appears to be much different, being only partially covered in the gold plating and showing human fingers.

    Below the left hand there is a familiar symbol. It is the same as the top one on the Night Market. This symbol is also used as bullet points in the to-do list, and other triangular shapes are spread throughout the notebook.


    There are drawings of some agents. Starting on the left page:

    • Phoenix (top left)
    • Reyna (top right)
    • Viper (bottom left)
    • Possibly the new agent (bottom right)

    Moving on to the right page:

    • Raze's grenade (top left)
    • Brimstone (top right)

    The name of a possible ability can be seen on the to-do list, "Cosmic Divide". This could be the name of the ability seen at the bottom of the page.

    Below this list is the drawing of the unrecognized agent casting an ability towards Viper. This drawing could be interpreted as the ability chasing Viper or Viper being pulled in by the ability.

    On the right page we see a sketch of Ascent. Written besides the sketch are the words "My Spots", a reference to the three dots next to the cup. These dots are very similar to the Floating Embers, meaning that they represent predominant locations for an ability.

    The overview


    This image was posted by VALORANTru on Facebook. In it we see a simplified top view of a map alongside what looks like the new agent casting an ability. This map is Ascent, with A Site missing for unknown reasons.

    When compared to the sketchbook the absence of the golden plating is very noticeable. It also reveals that the purple texture is very likely ingrained in the agent's skin. Drawings similar to planetary rings can be seen underneath the purple tint.

    The caption of the image says "The stars are starting to approach...", meaning that the shining light seen on the top right is probably a star.

    The playlist

    Similarly to the rest of the agents, a Spotify playlist was created to theme the agent. With it came a new teaser and a key piece of information.

    Beginning with the new teaser, it offers more details on how the golden plating and purple texture work. It reinforces the idea of the purple texture being part of the agent's skin, and shows that the golden plating is detachable.

    As for the key piece of information, the number of the agent can be found on the bottom left of the playlist's cover. VP-08 will remain a mystery as we will see the introduction of VP-16.


    A final recollection

    Earlier in the report was a list of deduced information. Here, each element is explained more in depth and put together with the newest teasers.

    The number of the agent is either 08 or 16+

    As per the previous reports, it was known that the VALORANT Protocol numbers this agent could take would be 08 or 16 onwards. After the latest teasers, it is confirmed that the new agent will be VP-16.

    The Bridge Between Worlds card is the teaser card for this agent

    Just like with every other agent after Reyna one of the cards in the battlepass is a teaser for the next agent to be released. So far the teaser cards have been found on tiers 38 and 48, and for the 15th agent these were Bridge Between Worlds and Corporate Takeover respectively.


    For this act the teaser card is Bridge Between Worlds. This has been suspected since the beginning of the battlepass but has become clear after it's color scheme was continually matched in newer teasers.

    From Ghana

    The first hint of the agent being from Ghana comes from the second Night Market, which took place in Ghana. This is the case as well with the first one and the release of Yoru, both being Japanese.

    Furthermore, the datamines after the 2.03 patch revealed the teaser name "PainAuxRaisins", french for "Raisin Bread". This reinforces the Ghanaian hints since French is one of the most spoken languages in the country.

    A Radiant

    The theme of the card created suspicions about the agent being Radiant, and more so when the State of the Agents article teased about space. The suspicions were turned into a more based theory after the appearance of the orbs. With the latest teasers however, it is clear that the new agent has Radiant powers related to space.

    In conclusion

    All things considered, this is what we know about the next agent:

    • They are VP-16.
    • Teased with the Bridge Between Worlds card.
    • The role of the agent is of controller.
    • The next agent will be a Radiant with space based powers.

    Furthermore and although it isn't stated explicitly anywhere, the agent is most likely a woman.


    Short video: https://twitter.com/valorantde/status/1364938202079879170

    Sketchbook: https://twitter.com/PlayVALORANT/status/1364968414704500743

    Overview: https://www.facebook.com/VALORANTru/posts/509443503784599


    Previous reports:

    floxay: https://twitter.com/floxayyy
    NotToDisturb: https://twitter.com/NotToDisturb

    And that is all

    This is the last stop of the report train! With the agent releasing within a few days we are sure to receive trailers for what they look like very soon.

    Even though this post collects all the important information you need to know, I recommend you read my other two reports (1 and 2) to get more in-depth analysis on each of the previous teasers.

    If you liked the reports do follow me on Twitter and YouTube to stay up to date with the latest news regarding lore. Also join the VALORANT Lore // Art Discord to discuss theories and share your amazing fanart!

    Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed the report! Happy lore hunting a have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/NotToDisturb
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    Ain't much, but it's honest work

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:48 AM PST

    agent 15 utilities

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:28 AM PST

    Valorant ACT 2 Episode 2 BattlePass [NEW]

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 01:28 PM PST

    Valorant ACT 2 Episode 2 BattlePass [NEW]

    Valorant ACT 2 Episode 2 BattlePass [NEW]

    I think this battle pass is worth for money. And color options are seems cool.

    Credit : Youtube


    submitted by /u/Toedle
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    Leaked Battlepass Skins

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:56 AM PST


    Leaked Battlepass Skins from Episode 2 Act 2. The green set is called the POLYfrog and the black and brown are the Cavalier skins.

    submitted by /u/NickNolastname
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    New agents name is Astra, video leaked on Twitter but later removed.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 07:37 AM PST

    Omen Ult outplay for a 4k clutch + intense 1v1 with Jett

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 02:00 AM PST

    [NA][Immortal] 1v5 Ace on Bind; even Immortals make Silver plays sometimes

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:28 PM PST

    26 out of 30 with Sheriff in the Shooting Range Hard Mode

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 11:12 AM PST

    I got restricted because the agent screen didn't load in.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 07:29 AM PST

    A few of my favorite Raze plays / entries [Immortal]

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:33 AM PST

    Starting playing again recently. Intense 1v4 clutch. feeling good

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 11:30 AM PST

    Wall Penetration Maps

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 01:05 AM PST

    Wall Penetration Maps

    Hello everyone! Here are all the wall-bang locations on three maps (Split, Bind, and Haven) that I found via my own testing. I'll post an update with the other two soon.

    Some interesting things about Split:

    Split Wall Penetration Map

    Bind Wall Penetration Map

    Some interesting things about Bind:

    • A heaven to A lamps: Easily spray-able if you aim at the corners.
    • Hookah connector: I can't tell you how many times I've gotten first blood just from spraying through the wall with an LMG into the hookah connector from attack-side mid.
    • B->A Teleporter: Not sure how helpful this is, but if you find yourself trapped in the B->A Teleporter room, you can shoot out of the corners to some of the obvious camping spots.

    Haven Wall Penetration Map

    Some interesting things about Haven:

    • A lot of easy penetrated walls here, especially attacking-side mid. You can spray anyone camping window or mid from practically any direction.
    • There are a lot of window and door textures on the walls (specifically connecting walls) that allow you to spray through them. A good example of this is being able to shoot through defending spawn into the back of B.

    Example window to look for

    Example door to look for

    Some general comments:

    • Most everything outlined on the maps can be penetrated with an AR. Different textures are a good indication of the type of gun you'll need in order to shoot through it.
    • It's variable, but the Operator can shoot through what seems to be 4 consecutive walls and still have pretty high damage on the other side.
      • Bullets can travel 500cm through "very low" resistance materials
      • Bullets can travel 400cm through "low" resistance materials
      • Bullets can travel 300cm through "moderate" resistance materials
      • Bullets can travel 100cm through "high" resistance materials
      • Bullets can travel 50cm through "very high" resistance materials
    • A lot of these spots are going to be very situational but, hey, knowledge is power right?
    submitted by /u/surprisedduck26
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