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    Wednesday, February 24, 2021

    VALORANT My team gets their feet chewed off by an epic Killjoy lineup XD

    VALORANT My team gets their feet chewed off by an epic Killjoy lineup XD

    My team gets their feet chewed off by an epic Killjoy lineup XD

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 04:14 AM PST

    the getting diamond experience

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 11:46 PM PST

    Back to back Ace -- probably my first and last

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 08:52 PM PST

    Nice trick you guys can do against Breach's Rolling Thunder to make plays like this

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 11:45 AM PST

    My first sheriff ace! Shoutout to my friends for the insane hype LOL

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 07:44 AM PST

    Ask VALORANT - Feb. 24

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 08:09 AM PST

    1v4 // 90% Luck, 10% Skill

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 06:54 PM PST

    Add finisher effect to the melee skins

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 03:54 AM PST

    I was kinda disappointed when I noticed that when you kill someone, lets say with a glitchpop dagger, you have not the glitchpop kill sound, symbol and finisher animation as if you would when you would kill with a glitchpop phantom. And I don't think that's okay, you spend around 40 bucks for a melee skin and even some more if you don't have the radiant coins to upgrade the weapon, and you don't even get the finisher effect. Like I would get it if they wouldn't add the animation, because Idk it's too close and wouldn't look good or something. But why didn't they add the custom sound and symbol? I don't get it you pay so much money on something like this it should be added since beta...

    submitted by /u/axman4711
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    How to start on Haven with a 5vs4 player advantage - for all ranks possible (montage)

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 12:30 PM PST

    The Cleanest Use of Map and Audio Awareness. (Thank you Tyler for clipping my ace :)

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 05:09 AM PST

    Out of the two most recently released agents: Skye has the lowest playrate and Yoru has the lowest winrate in ranked

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 05:54 AM PST

    Yoru, the most recent agent, has decent playrate at 14.7%, but has an atrocious winrate of 44.9%, which is far below any other agent. Skye, on the other hand, has a slightly below average win rate of 48.3%, but has the lowest playrate of any Agent at just 8.8%. She is literally the only agent with a pick rate below 10%.

    Personally, I think it will be harder for Riot will have a harder time fixing Skye than Yoru. Yoru has a decent (if below average) pick rate and a very low win rate, so they can afford to buff him and keep him relevant. Skye, on the other hand, has the lowest pick rate and her win rate is not too bad. They have very little scope for buffs without making her OP.

    Source: https://www.valorbuff.com/agents

    submitted by /u/UsualInitial
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    Never FF (at least... in Bronze) -- My team came back from 0-10 on Split

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 11:41 AM PST

    Hi there, Bronze 3 speaking.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 05:45 AM PST

    Reyna smurfs, PLEASE. For the love of god, fuck OFF. I actually just kinda, y'know, maybe wanna rank up. You don't help.

    submitted by /u/sinkikai
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    Sova's recon dart can reach the second island on practice range.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 03:54 AM PST

    G.U.N skins had so much potential.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 09:10 AM PST

    I know the have been out for a while, but i think they could've been better. If they had a finisher that when the final kill happens a ufo maybe sweeps up the final player. Kind of like the reaver set bu upwards. The relod could have been a battery plugging into the back of the gun. I get that it is cosmetic and doesn't matter, but still think it would be cool. Any other ideas?

    submitted by /u/FDAviolation
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    Default Skin Symbols/Logos that represent Factions in the VALORANT universe

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 04:59 AM PST

    Default Skin Symbols/Logos that represent Factions in the VALORANT universe

    I was going through the default skins and noticed that there were 5 symbols that were on all weapons. These symbols/logos seem to be some sort of grouping for the weapons to reveal what organisation they're from.

    This first one seems like an eagle organisation that could represent USA (Army Faction?)

    The other guns with this symbol are:

    • Classic
    • Frenzy
    • Bulldog
    • Odin

    This is obviously a 'Sheriff' organisation (Outlaw Faction?)

    The other guns with this symbol are:

    • Shorty
    • Bucky
    • Marshal

    This one looks like the corporate takeover card from the battle pass (Hitman/Corporate Faction?)

    The other guns with this symbol are:

    • Ghost
    • Stinger
    • Operator

    This seems like some sort of castle rising up to represent new leadership (Rebel Faction?)

    The other guns with this skin are:

    • Judge
    • Guardian
    • Ares

    Bear claw to represent wilderness organisation (Hunting Faction?)

    The melee is the only weapon that doesn't share its symbol with any of the others.

    I found this really interesting so I'd love to know what you guys think this means as well.

    Have a great day!

    submitted by /u/RemiixTY
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    Crazy last second 1 tap in Brimstone's Ulti

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 10:46 PM PST

    Ranked FAQ and Common Questions

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 07:23 AM PST

    Why did I lose rating for leavers?

    Q: Why did I lose rating if my team had a leaver/disconnected player?

    A: The current ranking system, much like other online matchmaking games, changes RR very little based on left players largely to prevent abuse. If RR loss was negated (or lessened significantly) due to a left player, players can easily coordinate one player to "take one for the team" and leave to prevent others from losing RR when it is clear the team will lose the match.

    Since the winning team does not have any benefit for AFKing, there is no risk of abuse, so penalizing the winning team only a slight amount of RR for playing against a non-full team is fine.

    A remake system was added to allow players to disband the game if one of their teammates is disconnected prior to round two. Here are some further comments about possible changes:

    We recognize there are some problems with the remake system and are actively looking at improvements. We were relatively strict in our initial approach to ensure competitive integrity and avoid any matchmaking abuse, but agree that this has limited the feature's usefulness.

    Extending the available window, automating the remake function in particularly fast AFK cases, and creating clarity on when a remake is being initiated versus a surrender, are all pieces that we're considering. We still want to maintain competitive integrity as our number one priority, so our approach will reflect that. We're hoping to have some changes on this soon and will give you more updates when we can.

    I was match MVP but earned less RR than the bottom frag

    - u/TimeJustHappens

    Rating change is first and foremost decided by win/loss (and by how many rounds). A loss takes RR and a win gives RR. That is the way the ranked system was created and how most online competitive ranked ladders are formulated.

    Individual performance is only a large factor in your rating changes at the start of a ranked "career" (approximately the first 15 games). Afterwards, rating is almost exclusively decided by win/loss and the team score round difference (the effect of performance is higher in low ELO and cuts off around Diamond). This is set up to be able to quickly allow players to find their individually performing level at first, then prove their rank based on the much more consistent metric of win/loss ratio.

    This is also set up to avoid some (arguably) large issues with KDA being a poor indicator of total "ranking".

    Some quick examples:

    1. Some agents (Phoenix, Reyna) statistically have higher KDA's on average than others (Sage, Cypher). This is independent of rank and individual player quality.
    2. 'KDA padding' becomes an issue when it is significant part of the reward function for rank increase. This includes...

    a) baiting people on entry to preserve your death toll

    b) playing site exit on a bomb explosion (exit frags) without trying to push site

    c) playing only flank all game to receive a statistically safer KDA (generally less deaths, more consistent single kills per round)

    Here is a comment by Riot EvrMoar, a ranked developer:

    "Performance is less about your performance compared to your teammates and more of a performance based on what we expect from you (The amount of points you get for this is very small as well, and more of a "good job" call out). So if you pop-off in a match where the system expected you to go even, you will get slightly more ranked rating.

    You have two MMR's, one for skill and one based on wins. In lower ranks skill MMR matters more, in determining your true hidden MMR. As you climb winning becomes more important.

    When you get into a match, we know every players hidden MMR and used that to put you in that match. The match maker has a level of confidence in how it thinks you will perform. If you are one of the higher MMR players in the game, you probably should perform better then others in that match. But if you have the lowest MMR, you probably should be lower in performance.

    If you exceed the expectation we reward you a few extra ranked rating points. Eventually I'd like to tell you when you had a stellar performance.

    Also the system looks at a ton, more so then I think players realize. Things like healing, ability usage, 1v1's, being an entry fragger, setting up teammates, etc. So it's not only about topping the leaderboard, it's about using your agent effectively to help your team win."


    And finally, the followup changes in patch 2.02 on this topic:

    "Players Iron through Diamond who perform exceptionally well in a match (weighed against their own average performance) will gain bonus Rank Rating

    • We want to reward players that "pop-off" in a match, performing above expectations.
    • This will help highlight those matches where you "outclassed" your average performance. In turn, you will rank up just a little faster, and be rewarded for games where you kill it. Remember, this is you doing better than your average, not you doing better than your teammates or opponents*.*
    • Consider this another system that helps combat the smurfs who do real well in a game. They will now more quickly rank up so that their rank better reflects their skill (along with getting put into higher skilled matches)."


    Why am I losing more RR than I earn?

    - u/TimeJustHappens

    The main reason this happens is because the RR gain or loss is largely determined by your MMR. Your MMR is an entirely hidden number that you can think of as where Riot thinks you should be.

    One example would be your MMR saying you should be Platinum 3, despite someones visible rank being Diamond 2. In this situation, say they lose 5-13, they might lose 27 RR. If they win 13-5, they might gain 23. This is because their visible rank will try to converge with their MMR.

    Think of it as 2 magnets. One magnet is their MMR, the other magnet is their rank. Winning vs. losing and individual performance will move theMMR magnet up or down. Each win or loss will move the rank magnet slightly closer to the MMR magnet.

    One notable change in patch 2.02 is the effectiveness of Rank Rating convergence. This means that their rank will get closer to their MMR faster. In our magnet example, the wins and losses that moved the rank magnet are more pronounced and move the magnet further than before:

    "Increased the effectiveness of Rank Rating convergence: players will now converge to their match making rating (MMR) faster, requiring less games to prove their rank

    • This will make it so players get to the rank they deserve in fewer matches.
    • This will help everyone get to a rank/Leaderboard Rank that best illustrates their skill more quickly. We wanted to be a little conservative launching the new ranked system, but believe in some cases you were having to play too many games to reach your intended rank. By doubling the effectiveness of convergence, players on the extreme ends might see 40+ Ranked Rating gains, pushing them to their proper rank faster."


    This always works the other way around. If their MMR is at Diamond 2 but you are at Platinum 3, they will gain more than they lose. Say they lose 5-13, they might only lose 23 RR. If you win 13-5, you will gain 27 RR so that your rank slowly gets to your MMR.

    Why am I playing with or against players multiple ranks above/below me?

    This is also due to your MMR. Matchmaking is done with hidden MMR rather than ranked for a variety of reasons (listed under "Why Do We Have MMR?"). Because of this and the removal of the rank disparity limit, this means if 2 players (say diamond and gold) have a similar MMR they will be available to queue together.

    The players MMR can be so low or high because of win/loss streaks, 13-0's, performance, etc. There are extreme ends of this. It is entirely possible that a silver queues with an immortal if, say the immortal is throwing every game, making his MMR incredibly low.

    Why was I placed so low after my placement games (reset)?

    "Here are some comments that may be helpful:

    Everyone will get placed lower than their "true" rank at the beginning of an act. The main reason is that we don't want to start you too high based on a few really good games. The more games you play, the more confidence the system has in its ranking of your play, and we want to help the system get there without having to toss you up and down constantly (think about if it made a mistake and placed you too high, and now you're losing constantly until it realizes it was too confident in its assessment). This idea of "statistical confidence" is super common in MMR systems like ours, and it can be hard to balance mathematical correctness and fun experiences, but this is how we're approaching the problem right now. This isn't a rigorous mathematical explanation, but if you search for it you can find some good blog posts from different companies that build similar systems that go into more depth.

    Another thing is that starting lower gives Vanguard and the Anti-Cheat team more time to detect cheaters before they get to the highest ranks.

    It's worth noting that the new system doesn't work exactly the same way as from previous acts. The RR formula includes some logic to pull you closer to your MMR, which means you'll converge on what we really think your rank is over time, and if you start a little lower that convergence feels good because you'll get bigger wins and smaller losses. As part of this convergence math, we have a rough idea of how many games it'll take for a player to "converge" on their true rank, and we used that number to help us inform where the max placement should be (so that no matter how good you are, you'll need to play some games to get there)."

    - RiotVanCoder9

    "I think we will always have some sort of soft reset. I really like how we soft reset rank, but kept MMR. If you have a higher hidden MMR you will climb quickly, but because your MMR is the same everyone is getting fair matches. You may have a 50% win/loss rate, because we are trying to get you fair matches. But because you have a higher hidden MMR you are winning more ranked rating and losing less. There is a chance you fall below 50% win rate and you start to even at the rank we placed you in, and given the same reasons /u/RiotVanCoder9 listed above, soft resets are healthy for ranked.

    Not resetting MMR also makes it so you don't have radiant players stomping bronze's, there is still legitimacy in the match making in trying to create fair matches.

    Every single season of ranked players improve, and the community as a whole gets better. This is true of most games, season 1 of league is very different in terms of average skill compared to season 5. These soft resets are how people prove they belong in a rank. It lets us test players, to ensure that if they stopped playing or if the community as a whole has improved, that they actually belong in that rank.

    If you can't get back to that rank do you really deserve it in the current season? If we start to be flexible and let players maintain their rank, not having them prove themselves, we also lose faith in the player base/community that your rank means anything at all. You definitely need to maintain some expectation that players need to keep proving themselves, because that legitimizes the rank system as a whole."

    - RiotEvrMoar


    Wait, I skipped a rank?

    "You got double promoted! If your MMR is significantly different than your current rank, you'll be bumped up an extra tier on a promotion to help you get to your true skill faster. This won't happen often, since the gap will need to be pretty big, but the intention is to help prevent the pain of getting stuck at a low rank that isn't consistent with your skill.

    This isn't displayed super clearly right now, and we're actively talking about ways to make it more obvious so it's not so surprising when it happens."

    - RiotVanCoder9


    Why Do We Have MMR?

    "So our previous system was a little more tied to your MMR, almost 1:1. There were some rules that made you deviate, slightly, where your rank wouldn't be exactly your MMR - But that would self correct pretty quick.

    Also, to be clear MMR and Elo are used interchangeably. People use "Elo Rating" because most of these systems are Derived from the Elo system(google Arpad Elo!).

    So before, we got a lot of feedback that it felt very "swingy" and if you had one bad game it would maybe drop you too quickly. Or if you had one good game it may effect you too much. In the new system, you can get high MMR and say you belong in that rank, but you prove you belong at that rank by consistently playing at that MMR.

    The new system will give you more points for a win, and less for a loss, if your MMR is higher then your current rank. So, for example, if you are in Gold but your MMR is Plat, you may be playing against Plat players but as long as you are at least 50% win rate you will climb(because you will be getting more for a win and less for a loss).

    Hidden MMR also optimizes matches to be fair, and with it being hidden we can make math tweaks to better the system. It lets us keep a smooth flowing ranked system, while maintaining a strict fair match system.(Also it lets us prevent reverse engineering easily and people finding exploits)"

    - Riot EvrMoar, Ranked Dev


    submitted by /u/Boryalyc
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    Don't think I deserved this bucky Ace, but we take these

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 11:14 AM PST

    Ace From A D2 Against 4 Immortals To Win The 12-11 Game

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 07:27 PM PST

    soloque is funny sometimes

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 06:35 PM PST

    Im a noobie beginner g1, and was proud of this clip

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 02:15 PM PST

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