• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 29, 2021

    VALORANT Sykkuno realizes that valorant has a dedicated this spray to him

    VALORANT Sykkuno realizes that valorant has a dedicated this spray to him

    Sykkuno realizes that valorant has a dedicated this spray to him

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    There is a secret third ult orb in Breeze

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    The forbidden smoke

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    is using brimstone's orbital strike considered a war crime?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 07:38 AM PDT


    making a list of war crimes that they commit to play the most heinous character.so far viper is my choice pick.raze is a close second, along with every agent that looks like they are dressed for a party*looks at phoenix and jett*

    is the blastx set considered a war crime if you disguise a lethal weapon to look like a toy?

    submitted by /u/Holiday-While-1231
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    I think there's something wrong with my Forsaken Operator

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 05:01 AM PDT

    I think there's something wrong with my Forsaken Operator

    Anyone notice something different? I somehow feel that I can probably get to Radiant with this op specifically, but not any other weapon or skin? Or is it just me?


    submitted by /u/YurvaJaina
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    Alpha Phantom - Valorant Skin Concept

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    Alpha Phantom - Valorant Skin Concept

    hi! its been a while since the last time i posted here :D, so i made another skin concept for phantom, this was intended to compete with the ion phantom but i dont think its even close lol but, anyways hope you like it!



    software : Photoshop CS6, Paint Tool SAI
    pen tablet : Huion H640P
    font : Tungsten, Bahnschrift

    submitted by /u/kalkurae
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    [Guide] Pre-round mid nest lineup for viper orb.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    Cypher camara on Breeze - Site A - Def Hidden

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 04:05 AM PDT

    This may not be the perfect time to post Astra stuff, but here's what the Astral Plane looks like from the outside

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 10:46 PM PDT

    Riot should increase Forsaken/Sovereign Vandal's Upgrade Sound Effect/Voice

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 03:41 AM PDT

    Hey guys I think Riot should increase Forsaken/Sovereign Vandal's Upgrade Voice. There is a sound effect I can sense it but I can never feel like Forsaken Operator or Forsaken Spectre. I think they should increase the sound effect volume I do not know how to do it but every skin has a sound effect in this set but Vandal's sound effect is very low. Hard to hear. Here I recorded some of them.

    Forsaken Vandal-Vandal-Forsaken Vandal in-game

    You can hear the sound effect between them let us continue.

    Forsaken Classic-Normal Classic

    Forsaken Operator-Operator-Reaver Operator

    I added Reaver Operator because it is the same Price 1775. Even though you can hear sound effects between them Forsaken Op clearly has one.

    Forsaken Spectre-Spectre-Prime Spectre

    I added Prime because it is the same price same as Operator 1775

    Sovereign Ghost-Astra's Ghost and Sovereign Vandal-Sovereign Operator

    You can hear the sound effect on Sovereign Ghost.

    I know some skins have no sound effect like oni Phantom. Oni set does not have sound effects that's why It is no problem least not for me but Forsaken clearly has unique sound effects. All I want to say is if Riot can increase the sound effect volume that should be okay.

    submitted by /u/aakreon
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    Sage wall for holding A Cave and A Halls

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    Cypher Setup for B Site on Breeze

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    Breeze A - double door - Sage wall!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    A brief description of currently released maps' lore, to sum everything up a bit.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    (Most maps contain little information, the more juicy stuff comes after Split.)

    The Range: the place where Valorant train, following their captain Brimstone. It's located near Venice and doesn't contain much more info than the fact that it's a Valorant controlled storage space and possibly even their base. Above it, a rift is opened which seems to show another dimension's Range.

    Ascent: Venice, Italy. It was ripped from earth after Jett Earth 67 planted a spike-looking device. We know that our Jett complains about how people blame her for what happened.

    We also know that Kingdom advertises this kind of floating islands, like some kind of tourist attraction. This is possibly confirmed by the presence in mid of a kingdom building where "tickets" are sold.

    Not much more can be found on the map lore-wise.

    Haven: located in Thimphu, Bhutan, we know that much like Ascent, Haven has undergone some kind of massive geological mutation, probably because of radianite. Just like Ascent, Haven doesn't offer much more in terms of lore. We know that B and C sites are connected to radianite storage systems and that Kingdom organizes "retreats" to Haven for either their employees or their leaders. Hence the name, Haven.

    Because there's a radianite crate on top of the weird rock formation, I'm lead to believe that a radianite crate may have somehow fallen off a cargo helicopter that was transporting crates to be stored in B site, and reacted poorly upon impact causing that phenomenon.

    Split: Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan. Split is unique in that it's set in the middle of a lively city. Kingdom's presence and disruption is more subtle than on the other maps, and it's indicated by how the map is Split in a very poor area (B) and the rich, kingdom controlled area (A). Here websee that Kingdom has all kinds of monopoly: not only are they leaders in radianite exports, they also possess coffee shops and probably even stations. The most interesting part of the map is most definitely the 3km tall building located 3km from the map. If you were wondering, the massive light-emitting window is large about 150 meters. This is thought to be Kingdom's headquarters because if the design. (not related but I'm fascinated by the place and I really hope someday we can get a map that's inside that building. It would be so cool and maybe we could get to see Split from far away.)

    Bind: located off the coast of Rabat, Morocco. We know Bind is Cypher's hometown, and that Kingdom is tearing it apart for some reason. It's possible that there may be raw radianite under the city, because of Cypher's "they are sucking my city dry" voiceline. This is all just speculation though, and what we know for sure js that Kingdom has built a massive radianite refinery here (CT). On A site window, you can see a flow of radianite being processed. This was only kind if interesting until very recently: at launch, the radianite flow formed an ethereal ult-orb-looking sphere in the middle, but now it seems to have condensated into a grey radianite crystal just like the one that was distributed as a free buddy in the first battlepass.

    It seems to have been changed in one of the last patches.

    B site elbow contains some offices and a small exhibit showing the Radianite refinement process. There's also a Haven-like storage system under the site.

    On the city walls, you can find posters that incite to resistance against Kingdom.

    Icebox: found on Bennett Island, Sakha, Russia, Icebox is where the things get really interesting. There is a ton of content to unpack here:

    structure: Icebox is split in three very different places: a Container Port (B site, T side) to which and frim which set sail large cargo ships. The port has military-level surveillance, with a control tower near it, and is probably used to gather the resources needed by the nearby bulilding, the

    Kingdom laboratory. On top of the hill and insude the mountain, a heavily protected Radianite storage is located. A site is home to several laboratories of some kind, that seem to make very intensive use if radianite. But what kind of experiments happen in there? We know that when Icebox came out, the laboratory window on A site was intact. Inside the lab, you could see seven capsules. The one in the center was home to a samurai. Ever since Yoru was released, though, the window has been broken and a rift comes out of the samurai's face and opens into the sky.

    We do not know what is in the other six capsules, and the name of the Bloodline card leads us to think that Yoru may not actually be the samurai. The look of those capsules reminds me a lot of the capsules that Eggnan used when trying to clone Shadow and the concept of bloodline reminds me of how Clone Troopers in Star Wars seem to refer to Jango Fett as their father. So my cultural background makes me think Kingdom may have tried to clone the samurai and that's what was in the other capsules. But this is all speculation.

    Out of B site, a red ship can be seen being dismantled. I remember reading that that ship may be the place where the samurai's body and armor were found, but I don't know enough about Japanese historical ships to be able to tell if this is or isn't true.

    What is unclear to me is why Valorant would want to protect the icebox terminal if that's indeed Valorant.

    And finally,

    Breeze: off the coast of the Bahamas and in the Atlantic Ocean, Breeze is a very odd location and because of it restored my lost interest for Valorant lore.

    The most obvious thing to point out is the KNG Meridian, the "lost at sea" cargo ship that can be seen from CT. The ship might seem irrelevant, but if your curiosity was sparked by the odd "lighthouse" inside the castle on B, you probably noticed the big tube that comes out of it and connects to the roof. If you follow the tube in Ghost Mode, you'll see that it cintains a weird blue fluid, and that it connects the lighthouse to the wreckage if the KNG Meridian. Going back to the lighthouse and going underground, you'll see that the lighthouse is used to transform the blue fluid into the bright green substance that's inside the radianite crates. (so either the fluid is radianite or it's used to process it). Kingdom likely didn't want the ship's precious cargo to go ti waste.

    The second most important thing about Vreeze is the mine on T side A.

    You probably noticed the gorgeous crystal cave. If you ventured in elblw, you probably noticed an office. Inside the office a desk is located, on top of which are two stones that look like the radianite crystal I mentioned in the Bind section. You can also spot a "Radianite Mine Map", which claims to be on its 7th version, updated March 16. One of the interesting things about it is that one of the impirtant places marked om the map is the big villa that can also be seen from CT. It appears that the map is called "Wolf* mansion", where the asterisk indicates that the word "wolf" is decentered, which may mean that there's supposed to be another letter (e.g. Wolfs) which somehow got deleted.

    But perhaps the most interesting thing are the other three places marjed on the map: 'teleporter', 'machine shop' and 'base armpry vault'.

    I'm lead to think that the 'base armory vault' may be the lighthouse and castle on B site, but there doesn't seem to be a teleporter on Breeze, nor can I seem to be able to find a building with the same design as the map icon for it. If someone has any theory on the 'teleporter' or 'machine shop' locations, I'm all here.

    So, to summarize:

    Range: Valorant's base.

    Ascent: Kingdom's attempt at making floating islands a tourist location.

    Haven: A safe place for Kingdom employees or leaders. Hosts a Radianite deposit.

    Split: has a view on Kingdom HQ.

    Bind: Radianite refinery.

    Icebox: a laboratory which requires an incredible amount of radianite. May also be used as a deposit for unrelated kingdom resources.

    Breeze: home to the wreckage of the KNG Meridian and the mysterious Wolf* mansion. A radianite mine is also located there. It's unclear how lucky kingdom had to be for their ship to crash onto an island that was so rich in radianite. It's also unclear if the mining operation came first, or the wreck.

    P.S.: if someone thinks I made a mistake or wants to fill some of the blanks I will be happy to hear about it.

    submitted by /u/5i5TEMA
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    Found an Easter egg on breeze (sorry if anyone found this and posted it before me)

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 12:35 PM PDT

    Reyna fanart that I have done! Thoughts?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 12:44 PM PDT

    The most hectic round in VALORANT Esports History

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    since i hear alot of people asking when to crouch heres it

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:21 AM PDT

    • do you want to commit to a gunfight? (no=dont crouch) (yes=crouch)

    • is the distance between you and the enemy above 20m? (no=crouch) (yes=dont crouch)

    dont crouch immideatly when you see an enemy, crouch after firing around 3-5 bullets.

    you crouch to control recoil

    crouching makes your first bullet accuracy better so you can use it when holding tight 1mm gap angles

    crouching ruins your enemy crosshair placement but beware if the enemy also crouches their crosshair is point blank on your head

    submitted by /u/DecaYOfficial
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    OP viper lineup for breeze A site.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    Breeze B site Cypher (Drip Masta on yt)

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 02:06 PM PDT

    A & B post plant KJ setups on Breeze

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 01:56 PM PDT

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