• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 1, 2021

    VALORANT Diamond is not what you think it is...

    VALORANT Diamond is not what you think it is...

    Diamond is not what you think it is...

    Posted: 01 May 2021 06:31 AM PDT

    My teammate got violated

    Posted: 01 May 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    sova 1v5 with sheriff (top10 EU radiant)

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    Jett's newest ability

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:53 AM PDT

    I modeled and animated the Singularity Vandal!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 05:29 PM PDT

    He is on his way to the eye doctor as we speak

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:54 PM PDT

    Give Solo Queue Duelists Fishing Rods!

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    Give Solo Queue Duelists Fishing Rods!

    As an experienced Valorant player for many years, I have accrued enough general knowledge, mechanical skill, and game sense to put me at an Immortal, if not, Radiant level of play. However, the main thing that has been holding me back is my teammates and not a lack of skill, which is why I'm currently in rank: Iran 2 (made it almost to Bronse last season but there are way too many hackers and smurfs who use Rana). It's outrageously tiring to constantly micromanage my incompetent teammates, pointing out every slight erroneous movement. I often get reported as "toxic", even though I'm simply trying to make sure we win the game! I am a Rana/Jett main only, so it's incredibly infuriating when someone else locks these characters before I do, because they have no idea how to play these agents and always die at the start trying to "entry" or "make space for the team".

    The best way to play duelists in a competitive solo queue game (especially as a Rana/Jett main) is to wait for your team to push in front of you like drones so you know where the enemies are without putting your life in danger. Never swing after them to trade them out so you're guaranteed to stay alive. This is so thaht you can Boost up your leaderbored position on the leaderborred and then when people on your team say that your BAITEING everyone you can say "well Im am at the TOP of the leaderbored look how maney kills i Got, if your below me on the leaderbored DONT talk to me becuse your BAD and im CARYING". In my opinon, riot gota add FISHING rods into valrant for duellist pllayers like me who play SMArt and stay in the back and save all the flashes for them self so they can be the last one alive every single time and cluch the 1v5 and 1v4 situations.. If riot add fishing rods into valrant, it Would be so much easyer to "bait" (thats What everyone calls it but its realy called delayed trading in profesional terms.) your team! Here is what it looks like in valrant:


    Here is what the fishing rod stats is so its balenced:

    Name: fishheing rod (for dulist players)

    Gun type: no

    Cost: 122.78$ dolars

    Damage: your teams morale

    Runing speed: regular but you Dont need to run becuse your siting in the back anyway while waching your team mates die becuse theres no flashes

    submitted by /u/notJheck
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    Idk if anyone already did this. But here ya go. (Sage Wall A Site)

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:32 AM PDT

    Valorant needs a toxicity rating

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    The average toxicity per game is getting out of hand, players who want to be toxic, shitpost, say the nword, harass female gamers, bully their team, and so forth should be forced to play together.

    Like a toxic lobby where if you're reported consistently for being toxic you get to live there for a while.

    I know everyone says ita not as bad as csgo... But that shouldn't be a goal... 99% of the time it's someone with a mental age of 12 and who cherishes anonymity for the ability to be scum and not be punished for it.

    ** add cellphone numbers to accounts to reduce the anonymity and likelihood of alts for toxicity. Make comms ban mean you hear no voip and see no chat period for the time you're banned, basically alone in valorant. Perma Ban people who continuously tell people to kys or use racial slurs. Make a toxic player lobby that you get put in for being a toxic player, of course scale down the power of votes from a stack so groups can't report bully. Add game review with chat and voice, so evidence can be gathered after the fact.

    submitted by /u/Im_pattymac
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    Viper absolutely nailing the 4v1

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 05:11 PM PDT

    All my luck has been used up after this

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    so i found a thing on the new map

    Posted: 01 May 2021 05:19 AM PDT

    Star Wars-The new Rebellion

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    There should be an option to commend teammates

    Posted: 01 May 2021 05:29 AM PDT

    I'm just spitballing here, but it would be nice if we could praise teammates who give good voice comms or are friendly as well as being able to report the assholes. Kind of how Overwatch has the endorsement system, and I think LoL has something similar (correct me if I'm wrong, I've played about two games of league in my entire life).

    I'm sure people would find a way to abuse it which is probably why it doesn't already exist, but it at least sounds like a good idea in my head.

    submitted by /u/softboyxo
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    Yoru Guide: Essential Tips and Tricks To Understanding and Using His Abilities (Mostly Using Footsteps effectively, and why Riot will not make Yoru quiet)

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:58 AM PDT


    Yoru is not a stealth character, he is a deception-based character that happens to have stealth in his kit. Riot is never going to make his abilities quiet, the ability to use mobility without sound would make him completely unbalanced and broken and his ability to rotate fast and quietly would outclass omen ulti in almost every way, for that reason alone its highly unlikely that Yoru will ever get a teleport sound buff.

    I do think Yoru could use another buff by making his teleport instant like Jett or his Ult vision range a bit higher, but overall I think his current state is not as bad as people make it to be especially his decoy. The biggest buff to Yoru would probably be to add a replay feature to the game and seeing if your plays work or not.

    By design, Yoru will either be below average or overtuned as hell since he relies on deception similar to deception character in other games, and will most likely never be meta.


    Easily considered the weakest ability in Yoru's kit because it's difficult to see the impact of this ability most of the time. In my opinion, the ability is kind of underrated and probably doesn't need a nerf or buff at all.

    This ability should be used for two things: burning util and creating doubt.

    How to burn Util:

    Flashes: Against Phoenix, Breach, and Skye they like to play for sound cues on defense and use their flashes to get an early pick in the round . . Committing one of your decoys to where they play might bait them into using it allowing you to play counter flash or simply burn one of their flashes.

    Sentinels: Sentinels will almost always play for sound cues and abilities, and will very rarely dry peek you. Against Killjoy you can simply send your decoy out through an open path and try to burn her alarm bot and mollys. Against Cypher you should only send out util to break his wire if the map has a tendency to allows for low wires like bind b site where Cypher can place sand wires and possibly the pyramids on Breeze. Against Sage, it's a tossup she might wall and slow because you decoy, she might wall anyways try tossing it out and see if they react if they don't react might as well not use your footsteps.

    Smokes: They might drop a smoke if you make some footsteps, they might not. Same with sage, people aren't usually stupid enough to burn their smokes just because of Yoru footsteps.

    Raze Boombot: if they have a raze using her boombot that clears out certain areas or using it to deny peeks place a footstep along its path and get it to catch the boombot allowing you to peek/hold an area.

    How to Decoy for Deception:

    It's important to note that when using decoys to trick people it's better to set it up ahead of time using right-click and activating it when it's needed rather than dropping in when it's needed. It's also worth noting that using your footsteps to trick people becomes a bit stronger the less member on your team is left alive/around you as the information available to the enemy team is simpler. It's useless to send in footsteps when 5 people are making footsteps as is.

    Faking rotates: On the attackers side, after a sloppy push where you couldn't take too much space. Defenders will usually rotate over. If you send your footsteps into a high noise rotation area, such as Split sewers or Bind teleport or even just footsteps backward you can potentially stall their rotates and get a second chance of pushing. It's important to note that when you're rotating with a Yoru on your team, you don't always have to be quiet if you rotate for real especially if you've done a footstep rotate once or twice.

    Faking your location: When your team takes a site and is planting the bomb. If there's no immediate danger, you should set up footsteps in common areas where attackers usually play post-plant. On Ascent B site, for example, Backsite, Stairs, Boathouse, and Lane are good spots to put your footsteps. The reason for this is that if it comes down to a clutch situation you can force them off the bomb if they're tapping/halfing there's not going to be that many people that ignore footsteps when they don't have their gun out. A thing you can do to make your footstep convincing is by placing it pointing at a wall making it so that it only takes one step. People sometimes make a footstep by accident and this will trick them into thinking that.

    That's about it for decoys if you're a real freak you can also just run and pretend to be a decoy after you've used it on the enemy once or twice.


    Not much to say about this ability, it's a strong flashbang. There are some lineups for it, they're not especially important, but good to know. You can pair it with teleports for kills. Just don't do the same flash over and over. The enemy is gonna dodge it eventually and you're gonna die.

    Gatecrash (Teleport)

    Use it to entry with a flash and you'll get some kills.

    This ability is very loud. If you use it, they know where you are. Unless you flash.

    A trick you can do on attacker is to take the spike to the opposite side of where your team is playing and just drop it, pick it back up, and teleport back to your team while they slow push luring a defender off the site. Try to keep the teleport back or in your spawn as it's very loud.

    You can also use your teleport to reposition allowing you to play dangerous cubby areas where you might get traded after you get 1 kill or you can use it to reposition in clutch situations by flashing the enemy if you know where they are and teleporting so they can't hear where you teleported to.

    As a Defender, as Yoru you can stack a site with your team if the enemy is hitting it often, but leaving your teleport on the opposite site with a solo defender. Using this method you can essentially have one more defender almost.

    There's not really a point in sneaking your teleport into the enemy spawn. The moment you use it the entirety of the enemy team knows where you are. You're more likely to die than do something useful.

    You can just throw your teleport with no intention of taking it/leaving it for your enemies to find. Most people when they spot the orb will leave it alone in hopes of getting a free kill when you go in, and stare at it for 20 sec. You can throw a flash and push them and they'll likely just spray at where your orb is.

    Dimensional Drift (Ulti)

    It takes Yoru 1.2 seconds to start shooting from the moment he presses the button to exits his ulti. If you get behind someone and they switch to their knife/abilities it takes them 1 second to pull out their gun again. And if they reload it takes 2.5 seconds on a rifle. If you see an enemy alone and they don't know you're there you can rip out of your ulti and kill them if they pull out their knife/abilities or reload. Even if they know you're there you can still rip out and kill them. This doesn't work when defusing or planting though as it only takes .3-.5 seconds to shoot if you tap or plant the spike, So if you do rip out you'll probably die if they are expecting it, if they don't know you might still kill them you might not.

    You can use your ulti to escape brimstone ult if he calls it on you and you can react fast. You can also use it to dodge Killjoy ulti when it goes off, and lastly, you can catch the raze rocket for your team by jumping at her and ulting, same can be done with your teleport

    You can use your ulti to get info/entry by being the first one in scouting out common camping spots and getting into a corner where you can leave your ulti safely. You don't have to run into their spawn to be useful. Just being in cover deep in the site provides your team plenty of value.


    If you wanna see Yoru tricks, just watch highlight reels. It's really hard to understand what this character can do unless you are on the receiving end of the ability or you see someone else do it. Hopefully now when you lock in Yoru, you're doing something else besides flashing your teammates trying to make highlights.

    Also, tell me if there are any major typos.

    submitted by /u/Dyinyle
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    Initial impressions of Breeze and analysis of every agent's usefulness

    Posted: 01 May 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    For reference, I played like 15 maps of Breeze since and did some more hours of walking around in custom and I tried almost every agent on it. I play all the agents in ranked and I was rank 35xx on EU leaderboards last act. (Not that it matters, but people just look at the rank whenever someone tries to give an opinion on something.) And I'm someone who thinks that my gamesense and knowledge is way better than my mechanical skill.

    First of all, I think that the design of the map itself is great. Both sites have two entrance points, with one always being easily contested by attackers if they choose to do so. I think that's the key dynamic every map should have. (Icebox A being an example of how maps shouldn't work.)

    I think open sites are a refreshing sight to see compared to all the cramped areas in other maps. Proper, open mid that takes you to both sites easily is also great.

    But then they decided to throw all that away with ridiculous map size that completely ruins everything, effectively making the map icebox2, but with both sites being easily executable and prone to just brainless rushes.

    Until everything is figured out, this map will be a retake simulator. Only difference to icebox being that attackers can easily split both sides. Making it an even bigger nightmare to hold. So the defenders can only hope to get a pick and get away to play retake, that's the best case scenario. I expect to see a lot of maps where both sides play like they're on attack, trying to take control of mid, halls and B elbow areas. Because otherwise you're just waiting for the hit to come and gambling. I'm talking about organized play here, not your regular ranked.

    I'd love for all the guns and agents to be viable, but this is just blatant forcing of the meta instead of trying to figure out how to do it without making half the agents unplayable on the map.

    Let's start with the agents. This is just my personal opinion and can be completely wrong, but I wanted to exchange some thoughts with everyone.

    Astra: I don't think this is the map for her. Smokes are too small for everything other than a couple chokepoints. And it's better not to have a smoke than to have a gap from which you can get peeked. Gravity well and the stun also really lose usefulness on a map like this due to all the open spaces. But then again, ult can be simply amazing and is one of the best in the game for this map. I guess we'll see, I'm undecided because of the ult. If a team favors execute heavy gameplan with ult orb farming, maybe she'll be picked.

    Breach: I'm a Breach main and I can make him work on every map, but this isn't it. Flashes are good, but there's a cast range on them and you're severly limited due to long distances. For example, when you're standing at B orb, you can only flash pillar, you can't flash B wall to the right or any of the backsite walls. Effectively making the flash useless because opponents can hide behind those walls and dodge it. Faultline is only useful for B elbow, A hall and A shop areas at start, everything else is too wide open. Same goes for the ult. Aftershock is also more or less useless except for those couple of angles on A. No way he'll be played.

    Brimstone: Do I even need to say something? As someone who'll pick Brim over Omen on Bind and Split, he doesn't even need to be on agent select screen for this map. Sad boomer noises.

    Cypher: Might be useful, but unlikely. Since there are so many engagement areas on the map, trips would be used similar to how some teams use them on icebox, to guard flanks on defense and not to set up traps on site. Camera is the most important ability here because you can watch huge areas and there are a lot of high walls people won't check right away.

    Jett: As if we haven't seen enough of her. This is probably her best map and a must pick. Best map for OPers and a map where you desparately need to close distances when you're attacking? With a lot of elevation spots? I'm a Jett hater and I don't think she belongs in a tactical FPS game, but that's another matter. Looks like the best duelist on Breeze, to noone's surprise.

    Killjoy: By far the worst map for lockdown and that severely limits her impact. Turret is decent, as is alarmot similar to Cypher's trips, obviously, but you can't really make any traps with mollies.

    Omen: I actually think he's great on this map. Smokes are big enough to cover both A and B entrances, you can also smoke off A bridge and the passage under it with one smoke. Works well for mid splits. He's the agent I had the most fun with on this map. TP is incredibly useful with so many spots to cross available and ult is amazing considering the size of the map and that you can easily get it off most of the time.

    Phoenix: Similar to icebox, his ult isn't that useful because of sheer distances you need to cross if you really want to clear something out. Flashes are always useful, but the longer the ranges, the worse they are. Wall is amazing on this map, but idk if it's enough to warrant a pick. I personally think not.

    Raze: I don't think she'll be picked. Easiest map to dodge any kind of nade, least useful map for boombot.

    Reyna: Peek, kill, dismiss. Nothing special to it. I think Jett is better because of how strong the OP on this map is, but Reyna could be picked if teams run 2 duelists.

    Sage: I'm kinda torn on this one. Wall is obviously really useful to cut off parts of the map, but you don't really need the wall+plant like you do on icebox. And it's really easy to destroy from safe distances in most spots. Slows are decent, but again, the map is so big that you can't guarantee you'll stall a push.

    Skye: I think she's a pick here. Best flashes for this map, dog to clear narrower corridors and ult actually works pretty well. There's the always useful heal, too.

    Sova: What's there to say about the best agent in the game? Unless we get another corridor simulator like Split, he'll always be a top pick.

    Viper: It's like they said "we need to make Viper viable" before they started designing this map. And after all the buffs which obviously happened after the map was designed, I think she'll be a must pick. Wall is invaluable on a map like this and offers so many possibilities. Her post-plant stalling and ult will make her a nightmare to deal with. When people discover lineups for A from in front of Cave and for B from window or under it, good luck.

    Yoru: I think this is his best map, but I still don't think he's good enough to be picked. TP is great for fast rotations and getting behind the enemy lines due to the size of the map, flashes are better than Phoenix's for big, open areas, but there's still this useless ability called fakeout. Ult is decent, but I still don't like him. I might be wrong.

    My personal best comp after early impressions would be: Jett, Sova, Viper, Omen, Skye. I don't think stalling and passive agents will be that useful on this map because this looks like the map where individual skill and raw aim matters the most. Those passive agents offer very little on attack compared to Skye.

    Anyhow, I think Jett, Sova and Viper are the 3 definitive picks.

    Then there are Skye, Omen, Sage. As I said, I personally prefer Skye and Omen to Sage. I think Omen+Viper is sorely needed if you want to properly execute and establish some map control at the same time. If you want to just run at people, then maybe Omen shouldn't be in the comp, still too early to tell.

    Reyna instead of one of those if you want a second duelist. Outside chance for Phoenix or maybe Yoru if someone is a big sgares fan. Can't see KJ because lockdown isn't useful, maybe Cypher for really passive teams.

    Again, my personal opinion and things might play out way different. Love the design of the map, but they ruined it with such huge distances. If the map was like 20% smaller, it would be perfect. I'm not a fan of maps where it takes a minute to rotate.

    submitted by /u/valorantfeedback
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    Why use the Operator as a gun when you can use it to troll and distract?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    Viper 4k using a one-way smoke on Split!

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    Omen might just be the most stable controller/agent in the game

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    Even after the nerf to dark cover travel speed and the utility cost increase, Omen continues to be the primary smoker/controller for the team. His usage in Pro tournaments and ranked gameplay is high even when Brimstone was significantly buffed as I feel omens utility is perfectly augmented as to what a controller should do.

    Let's talk through his abilities and how they help the team and himself

    1. Shrouded Step :

    The outplay potential with this ability is known to all but even if you aren't an aggressive omen who uses it for flashy plays, it's an amazing teleport to get out of a tough situation like a brim/breach ult. It also allows you to get a good position in crunch situations. Combining paranoia with it can also confuse the enemy and create panic

    1. Paranoia :

    People felt the cost increase was unfair but truth be told, omens utility was too cheap and paranoia is certainly a great ability. It covers a huge area and can either push out attackers who enter a choke or create space while attacking. It's large span allows omen players to flash from key points of the map even when they cannot be there so the teammates can use it for their advantage.

    1. Dark Cover :

    Omen smokes, the primary reason he is the best controller. While brimstones smokes last longer, omens smoke charges regenerate the longer he stays alive which means the better you are at playing omen and keeping your calm .. the more support you can give to your team by providing smoke covers.

    1. From the Shadows (Ultimate) :

    The huge distance teleport, allows him to get out of situations or teleport to an alternative site quicker for planting spike as the team rotates. Players in higher Elo majorly use it to gather information as to where attackers are present at a certain point of time. Defender omens can also teleport behind strategic places in attacker side to ambush them.

    Sorry for the long post but I always wanted to point out why omen is such a stable character even after the changes and can be played by any Elo player with a little bit of game sense and understanding.

    submitted by /u/Blaze2398
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    I modeled Crown Cafe from Split in Blender!

    Posted: 01 May 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    I modeled Crown Cafe from Split in Blender!

    I'm not good at blender by any means, but I've been practicing it every once and a while. I've only ever done single-subject renders before, so this was a pretty big undertaking for me. I'm pretty satisfied with the result though! Hope you like it :)

    My render

    Original in-game

    I tried to make it as close to the original as possible, but it's by no means perfect. I also couldn't find the right textures for some parts so I ended up substituting, but honestly I feel that the substitutes look better anyway lol.

    submitted by /u/RandomSheepDog_
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