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    Friday, June 25, 2021

    VALORANT VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: Game Changers North America Series 2

    VALORANT VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: Game Changers North America Series 2

    VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: Game Changers North America Series 2

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    Game Changers Series 2

    Liquipedia | vlr.gg

    Everything you need to know about VCT Game Changers Series

    Today's Matches

    Upper Bracket PST EST CET KST
    Shopify Rebellio vs. CLG Red 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 21:00 5:00
    Cloud9 White vs. TSM Female 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 21:00 5:00
    Lower Bracket
    TSM Female vs. Dignitas Female 2:30 PM 5:30 PM 23:30 7:30
    TBD White vs. GX3 2:30 PM 5:30 PM 23:30 7:30
    • All matches (excl. Grand Final) are Bo3


    On-Air Team - English

    Lisa "LucyMae" Malambri
    Nikki "Sajedene" Elise
    Samantha "NaoriMizuki" Timms
    Mimi "aEvilcat" Wermcrantz
    Tanner Metro
    Sean "sgares" Gares
    Daniel "ddk" Kapadia
    Christine "Potter" Chi
    Doug "EsportsDoug" Cortez
    Preston "prius" Calcutt
    Heather "sapphiRe" Garozzo
    Nicholas "Yehty" Tesolin
    Kieran "etoh" Price
    Alexis "Pinecone" Wood
    Michael "Imppulse" Di Giovanni


    • Double-Elimination bracket

      • All matches (excl. Grand Final) are Bo3
      • Grand Final is Bo5


    submitted by /u/Kappaftw
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    Geforce Remove Hud game filter makes player completely immune to all flashes except nearsights.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 01:47 AM PDT

    Ever wondered where the Astra ult ends?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    How 100T Asuna Plays KAY/O - Video Analysis

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 09:54 PM PDT

    What if Respawn made the Valorant match start sequence? [OC]

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    My Valorant game glitched out, so i was able to make a nice wall paper (its on wall paper engine name is "Valorant Episode 3 Wallpaper")

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:52 AM PDT

    Couple anti-KJ Ult spots I found with Kay/O

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    How to see through flash

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 07:51 PM PDT

    Jett Buff

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    Jett being unable to break cypher's trip seems to be doing more harm than good


    submitted by /u/_Nii116
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    How to make your own killjoy line up with a little help from viper (reupload because the vertical resolution makes it difficult to see) #killjoy #kay/o #viper #lineups

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    india needs a new server

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    there has been a large amount of complaints about the server india has been provided with in valorant . A single server for a big mass of people living in india. this has yer to be noticed by the valorant devs who still consider the server issue in india as a problem they dont want to solve ät the moment"

    submitted by /u/falln_1
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    Ability to choose the map in Unrated

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 07:51 PM PDT

    I think you should be able to choose the map you play in unrated maybe like CS or a different UI. The main reason for this is we got Ascent 4 times in a row. Me and my friends play in a 5 stack and will usually play 4 or 5 games every time that we play. So last time we get 2 games in an Ascent game and a Split game. We queue again and get Ascent we dodge it 3 times and then we get it again and with that we gave up because we didn't want to play the map we just played. In Rated games I understand the importance of having all the maps in the pool to stop 1 trick squads from only playing that map for competitive integrity but, in Unrated it does not matter what maps you play so please make us able to chose maps in Unrated.

    submitted by /u/PinguNootNootFam
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    Punishment for AFKers

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 05:53 PM PDT

    Im fine with losing my points because of an AFKer, them not being able to queue for X amount of time doesn't really matter much as most people have multiple accounts and can just switch. What people care about is RR.

    My suggestion, if you are AFK out of the games for 3 or 4 rounds, you get double the amount of lost points. If your team wins you get nothing. AFKers can literally change an entire game and hurt 4 people on your team and a more severe punishment is needed.

    Also for anyone who says such and such came up, alot of times its shit that can be avoided as to why you AFK. You have to go somewhere soon, dont queue up, you have to eat dinner with mommy and daddy dont queue up, you have to take a shit ( literally happened today for me and the dude was AFK 6 rounds ). For internet and power outages along with random emergency afk ya it sucks, but this to cut back on random bullshit.

    submitted by /u/Party_Astronaut_7520
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    VALORANT has a massive Ability Clipping Issue

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:59 AM PDT

    VALORANT has a massive Ability Clipping Issue

    In a not so recent match I experienced a clipping Issue of Abilities for the first time and it was devastating for the enemy team due to allowing me to clutch the round out (Clip not linkable due to Subreddit rules, will post it in comments though so only Comment gets deleted if this gets seen as not part of Bugreport). If you look closely on the Bind tube you can see the Phoenix hand clipping trough it. Now after a few Months I decided to Investigate that Issue and well I didnt even complete trying out every single Agent to gete to my conclusion: ALL Abilities clip walls.

    Astra in Astralform clipping





    Some Breach Utility clipping the wall

    If you look closely you can see the Tip of Brimstone Molly clipping

    And Omen TP clipping VERY obvious

    I think the solution to resolving this clipping Issue is coding the Abilities just like guns in terms of showing them due to guns not clipping trough:


    I didnt test it out further than that because I think my point is made and Im 100% sure that there are more abilities that will Clip walls like that.
    (These Clipps also worked on other maps from what I have seen I didnt test it though.

    submitted by /u/Leutnant_Dark
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    KAY/O Ascent A Site Execute

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:06 AM PDT

    Kayo Mid Retake

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    Is crouching bad?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    Currently in Plat elo and have been for a long time and recently I've been analyzing various aspects of my game as I'm trying to improve myself so that I can push into diamond and maybe immortal in the future.

    I've peaked Diamond but didn't stay there for long and through trying to understand why I noticed one thing I do a lot when committing to sprays is crouching and I've noticed a lot of high level players rarely crouch at all.

    The question I have is whether crouching is bad or not and what is the ideal method of rifling, I consider myself a very strong OPer from my CS background however I find myself falling short with a lot of the other weapons.

    submitted by /u/Senterezeounx
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    Breach or Kayo which initiator do you prefer on your team, perhaps both?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    I have been loving the Breach changes, but it's been frustrating in ranked because my team doesn't seem to understand how different Breach is now with his faultline, when I use Faultline now it's to legit stun, swing and attack because my stun rate has skyrocketed to maybe 85+% no exaggerating. If I see you on the map you're good as stunned, its just too fast now. So while Breach may be better than ever imo, it doesn't seem to work as I would have hoped, perhaps you need to pair up with a deulist and work that way.

    Kayo has also been really good, he's very good at stalling pushes, I love how he forces true gun fights, he doesn't do anything to stop smokes, but he can stop everything else in live combat situations. He's just been a really good initiatior.

    The question is should they both be used together? Kayo's CSGO like flash gives him a lot of versatility, you could reasonably run him as a duelist, so with his release and the Breach buff running them together makes a lot of sense with their abilities to create space and take angles. One reason I think this pairs well together is you need Kayo to peek an angle for info so Breach can stun, I think this is the main effect that Faultline has on Breach, with info it's a guaranteed stun, you can guess where people are or go off sound, but if you use the map and stun the instant you see someone on it it's going to land and you have 3.5 seconds to rush that angle and kill them which is a long time, if you combined that with a silence after stun you're in business. Breach can function as the old style initiator, but I think he should initiate after the stun. That's how I would do it anyways.

    What are your thoughts who do you prefer on your team right now?

    submitted by /u/heavylifted
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    an easy and dumb way to complete the tutorial in hard mode with just the classic

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 06:14 AM PDT


    do you wanna complete the tutorial in hard mode with only the classic, but you have bad aim?

    then this is for you..

    I spent like 2 hours of my life just playing the tutorial in diferent ways and discovering some stupid things

    submitted by /u/Pichulaman-sfm
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    Valorant Mouse Input Fix.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 08:47 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I am so excited that I fixed my mouse input issue that I'm going to make this step by step on how you could potentially resolve your mouse input issues too. For some context, I come from csgo and my aim in that game is just one to one, where I want to aim I can aim but in valorant it would feel like I was dragging my mouse through mud and having to try so hard just to aim where I wanted. I bought a superlight, finalmouse ultralight 2, zowie mouses to try and fix but it did not. These issues all stopped after I did these steps. Make sure to do them all. I will give an explanation on how you can accomplish all of them:

    STEP 1. Disable Full-Screen Optimization & Override high DPI scaling behavior.

    -Go to Folders and paste this at the top: C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64

    -Now scroll down to "VALORANT-Win64-Shipping"

    -Right click it and click properties

    -Head to compatibility. Tick the check box for "Disable fullscreen optimizations"

    -Click apply

    -Now click "Change high DPI settings" in the same compatibility tab

    -Towards the bottom check "Override high DPI scaling behavio. Scaling performed by: Application" Press of and apply. You are done there.

    Step 2: Add Riot Games file and Riot Vanguard file to your security exclusions.

    -Click windows button and open settings

    -Head to "Update & Security" near the bottom

    -Click "Windows Security" tab on the panel to the left

    -Click "Virus & threat protection"

    -Under "Virus & threat protection settings" click "Manage settings"

    -Scroll down to "Exclusions"

    -Click "Add or remove exclusions"

    -Click "Add an exclusion"

    -Select Folder

    -On your local disk select Riot Games and click "Yes" to the popup notification

    -Click "Add an exclusion" again and select folder again.

    -Head to "Program Files"

    -Select "Riot Vanguard"

    That is it! Let me know if your game feels different or if you have a problem with any step :)


    submitted by /u/Lucky-Check9281
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    What agent should I get?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    I'm about to unlock my second agent for free and I was wondering which one I should get. The ones I'm thinking are, skye and yoru. Which one should I get?

    submitted by /u/Affectionate_Touch76
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    "Hardcore" dm? Better practice mode idea

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    What would u think of a dm where there's no mini map and kills can only come from headshots? Or maybe the mini map is active but doesn't show opponent positions unless they stay still for like 5 seconds or something. I think it would be a much better warm-up/practice mode than current format. Obv some people like the current dm mode (masochists), this isn't meant to replace it. Just an idea for a new mode.

    submitted by /u/xSmoothstoner
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