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    Sunday, July 18, 2021

    VALORANT Reasons as to why most of you are hard-stuck in low Elo (Silver/Gold)

    VALORANT Reasons as to why most of you are hard-stuck in low Elo (Silver/Gold)

    Reasons as to why most of you are hard-stuck in low Elo (Silver/Gold)

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 04:02 AM PDT

    To preface this, I know most people who are guilty of a lot of these things are going to down vote this post to hell, but I hope it helps those of you who truly want to improve as I don't mean this as an attack at all. I really do want to help even if it's through reddit.

    Onto the post:

    I'm an Immortal/Radiant player and I've smurfed a lot in low elo because my friends are hard-stuck (I hold back a lot as I'm not trying to ruin anyone's day) and I've noticed a lot of things. So instead of making a, how to get better guide, I decided to make a why you're hard-stuck list. Maybe this will stick and help you in the long run.

    There are many reasons as to why you're probably hard stuck. Here are a few:

    • You can't take constructive criticism
    • You focus on everyone else's mistakes and not your own.
    • You don't buy a Spectre + Full Shields on the Second Round after winning Pistol Round.

    If you get one tapped by a pistol because you didn't buy up, you most likely will cost your team the round) Don't be stupid, just buy up and secure the second round. Remember: MOMENTUM IS IMPORTANT.

    Edit: I don't care what you think. If you think spectre buy point is wrong, that's why you're stuck in low-elo.

    • You're scared of being broke so you don't buy on buy rounds. (This ties in with the point above)
    • You force buy even when your entire team can't buy. (I hope you learned basic economics in high-school. The game economy isn't that hard to learn.)
    • You don't understand game economy.
    • You don't play for the spike once your team has planted it; you peek like an idiot and try to take fights after your team plants the spike when you really don't need to. You planted the spike, hold an angle and play smart, not stupid.

    Edit: Revised the point above for clarity.

    • You hear the spike being defused and instead of jiggle peeking to check if it's a fake, you fully commit to a gun duel.
    • You don't use your utility.
    • You play incredibly damn slow when the enemy team planted the spike because you're being a chicken who's scared of dying. (Seriously, this one is a major issue in low-elo, y'all gotta stop playing like pussies. If the spike is planted, fucking move-it or lose-it. If you're going to play that slow, just fucking save the gun holy shit.)
    • You don't understand the importance of the spike.
    • You don't prioritize picking up the spike when your teammate dies and drops it.
    • When your teammate kills the spike carrier, your team doesn't flock to protect the spike from being picked up by the enemy team.

    Please realize that the attackers need the spike in order to win rounds (aside from killing your entire team). A huge mistake I see is that when the defending team kills a spike carrier, they don't all go to where the spike was dropped to help defend it. Remember, keeping the attackers from getting it will win you the round most of the time.

    • You don't realize that when the enemy drops the spike, playing near the spike is the best option because the attackers HAVE to go to its location (ez kills).
    • You don't keep the spike in your FOV and let the enemy team take it back for free.
    • You bait your teammates.
    • You bait your duelists when they're trying to entry.
    • You don't realize duelists are there to help you create space, not to 1v3 a site by themselves and take it over themselves.
    • You play scared to die.
    • You don't trade or peek with your teammates (because of the point above).
    • You "lurk" which in reality is just baiting or traversing the other side of the map like an idiot when your team is trying to take over a site.
    • You don't understand what lurking really is. Lurking is catching rotations and/or applying pressure in the center of the map. You need to match your team's entry in order to avoid baiting them.
    • Your game sense is awful because you don't think about situations logically.

    Edit: I'll try elaborate a little bit on this with a silly example. However, it's literally impossible to cover every scenario.

    Let's say, youre playing on Ascent, and It's you and your teammate left, and the enemy team planted the spike at B and it's a 2v2. Your teammate is towards market, and you're going towards site. You see the enemy team at the back of the site and kill him, and while that happens, your teammate dies from mid.

    WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? It means the enemy teammate is mid and you have a bit of time before he can make it on the time?

    What do you do?

    A) Defuse the spike?

    B) Fake the spike defusal?

    C) Try to go to stairs to fight him?

    D) Wait until he comes to site while holding an angle?

    If you have decent game sense, you should have picked A. You would have plenty of time to defuse the spike without being in danger, even if you die afterwards. What matters is the round win, not if you die or not.

    NOTE: Game sense is also knowing where enemies are based on information provided by the minimap or your team, recognizing utility the enemy team used, and making decisions based off of that. Usually you can even know when flankers are coming and where from if you have decent game sense.

    • You don't go for the spike defusal even if the last enemy is far away, you waste time and don't fully defuse it even if you have the time.
    • You don't halve the defusal even if you have the time to do so safely.
    • You fake defuse and instead of holding shift, you walk loudly, letting the person know you faked it.
    • You body block your teammates when they're trying to unpeek after attempting to jiggle peek an angle. You have to pay attention to your teammates movement, if they move towards you: MOVE in the same direction they're moving IMMEDIATELY.
    • You don't jiggle peek/shoulder peek angles.
    • You dry peek. (If you have zero flashes, jiggle/shoulder peek and bait shots and get someone to peek with you)
    • You don't comm. (You don't even have to use a mic, you can literally use in game voice lines or pings and text chat)
    • You constantly switch site on defender side, throwing your teammates off. Pick a site at the start of the game and STICK TO IT. You can ask someone to switch off, but ASK FIRST. (I can't stress this one enough)
    • You insta-crouch when shooting people (people in low-elo shoot at the chest, so you're going to get headshot instantly).
    • You commit to gun duels you don't have to.
    • You don't rotate with your team when they call a rotate because you're 100% sure you can win that gun fight with that guy showers that you end up losing to and then your team is left at a disadvantage.
    • You force-buy every round.
    • You think you're extremely good, that no one's advice is valid, and your ego is massive.
    • You don't look up guides on how to improve and play better.
    • You don't go to the same side of the map as your team on attacking side.
    • You "lurk" as a duelist. (GO ENTRY FOR YOUR TEAM WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!)
    • You keep trying the same things over and over again even if you fail each time (don't be insane, switch it up).
    • You try to do a super long slow walk flank while your team is being massacred.
    • You don't rotate through your spawn. (Literally safest way to rotate. Don't always flank because people will often hold the flank and you WILL die)
    • You're toxic and bring team-morale down.
    • You don't eco, and you buy deagle/marshal every eco round.
    • You push smokes a while after they were placed (ONLY GO INTO A SMOKE IF IT WAS JUST PLACED IF YOU'RE GOING TO AT ALL!)
    • You don't help shoot down Sage's wall when it's placed.
    • You rotate immediately when defending even if the spike wasn't spotted, or if the enemy team wasn't committing just because you hadn't seen someone in the first 10 seconds of the round.
    • You miscommunicate and give bad info.
    • You say, "they're all at blank", even if you have no idea how many there are. You'll get your team killed like this. Make sure when making calls, you give the most accurate information you can. If you only hear two you can say, "I hear at least two near Hookah". This will allow your team to mark their guard up with that information in mind.

    There's a lot more but I think the list will never end. Let me know if y'all want me to add more things cause I can definitely keep going. But these are a few that are on the top of my head. Low-elo players have a lot to work on, I can tell you that.

    Have a nice day. :)

    Edit: Added preface/disclaimer.

    Edit 2: Was asleep but now I've added what baiting means plus more points below. P.S. Thank you everyone for the awards:


    When you don't peek/push with your teammates or you wait until they peek/push first and perhaps even die before you even consider peeking. Mainly because you're afraid. You also might wait until your teammate dies in order to get information before you do anything at all.

    You need to peek with your teammates as they peek in order to successfully trade or get the kill. There's power in numbers.

    Also considered baiting that people mistake for lurking:

    When a player silently traverses the map very, very slowly on the opposite side of their team (as their team is trying to push into a bomb site), doesn't catch the enemy team off guard, pushes silently behind the enemy team doing nothing impactful, and even when their team is on the bomb site across the map, they continue to move slowly. Perhaps even while the spike is planted they'll still be moving slowly while their team may be dying. The player "lurking" aka baiting is then forced to try and retake the bomb-site from the defenders and will end up failing 99% of the time. THIS IS NOT LURKING."

    • You prioritize kills over rounds and don't realize that kills don't matter
    • You are always last alive because you're scared of dying and you don't realize that kills you get on a round you lose don't mean anything.

    You need to realize that if you have more kills than your teammates and most of your kills were on rounds where you lost the round and you were last alive, that you are most likely baiting your team and that your kills mean absolutely nothing but evidence that you're a baiter.

    • You are toxic to your bottom fragger (Maybe they've been getting baited all game and die because of it, or are just having a bad game - but they can usually turn their performance around with positive reinforcement)
    • Your mental is weak and you think the game is over just because a round went south early on.
    • You give up because of the point above and you start surrendering and being toxic/debby downer and you tilt your team. (Be positive, attitude can change the outcome of a game!)
    • You don't aim head level when you traverse the map (Stop aiming at their crotch, humans can still live without their reproductive organs)
    • You don't practice your aim.
    • You play at an extremely high eDPI. (The average eDPI is about 260-280. You can calculate it by Doing [In Game Sens * DPI] = eDPI)
    • You don't clear site before planting the spike or helping your team clear site before they plant the spike.
    • You don't protect your teammate when they're planting/defusing the spike.
    • A duelists' job is not to carry you.
    • You don't flash or initiate for your duelists when entering a site as an initiator.
    • You play when you're in either in a bad mood/tilted/tired/intoxicated/high.
    • You don't understand peekers advantage/ peeking angles. Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WGcTY8-B_c
    • You peek too close to the wall so enemies see you first before you see them: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/g29wic/heres_an_illustration_to_explain_how_the_distance/
    • You wide-swing everything.
    • You walk peek. (NEVER WALK PEEK : Easiest kill of the enemy's life is when someone's head slowly moves into their crosshair)
    • You don't full-stop/counter-strafe before shooting with rifles.
    • You don't control your recoil (Yes, you still need to control your recoil even if you burst unless you're only shooting two bullets at a time)

    I'll add more points soon.

    submitted by /u/NoXNameZ
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    For the duelists

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 10:25 PM PDT

    Achieved Level 10 on All Agent Contracts!

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    Achieved Level 10 on All Agent Contracts!

    Hey, I completed all the agent contracts in the game :D

    last 3

    first 13

    submitted by /u/DEFINE-
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    Not Everyone is Smurfing. Some People are just having a good day or Well, you are not having a good game.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 01:37 AM PDT

    I am currently Plat 1. Today, During a game my Sova gave up after 5 rounds because "the enemy jett is smurfing and I don't wanna give her smurf content" so it was essentially a 4v5 because he just sat in spawn. For Context, out of those 5 Their Jett did have 3 good rounds. This is the end result of that game. 11-13 with our sova not playing any of those rounds. NONE. He didn't get AFK penalty somehow.

    Anyway my point is, Not everyone is a smurf. Sometimes the enemy is just having a good day or you are wideswinging an OP one by one. If you are gonna give up or well rub that game off as "oh well the enemy was smurfing" after like a couple rounds I really don't see a point in playing Ranked and trying to rank up. All in all. Please don't ruin my games because you can't accept a good player exists.

    submitted by /u/Algok2001
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    You can get onto this box on A site Haven without an updraft

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 01:47 AM PDT

    My best tip for ADULT valorant players who truly want to improve their rank! (Unconventional theory)

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 10:03 AM PDT

    I will preface this post by saying that I have played valorant ranked since it was released and have been a hard stuck silver 1-3 player since then until last month. After hitting plat 2 and consistently top fragging in my games solo queuing and climbing from silver 2 to plat 2 in a little over a month, I would like to share with other adult gamers on how I did this and my theory as to why it happened.

    I am a 27 year old csgo-gone-valorant player and have been grinding roughly 20ish hours a week since beta. I was always an LE player in csgo in my early 20s so naturally I thought I'd be at least gold in valorant. But that wasn't the case unfortunately.

    I noticed I was playing poorly in silver with an occasional good game but this was frustrating me. I didn't understand why I couldn't climb in valorant. I had a good understanding of all character abilities after a couple weeks and I understood how to use my economy properly from my csgo past. However, I just couldn't climb for the life of me.

    So I started really diving deep into what had changed in myself from my early 20s in csgo to now. I know that reflexes get slower as you age but at the young age of 27 I knew this wasn't the case. So I thought, "What has changed about me, aside from gaming?"

    One thing I realized is that I've changed jobs several times over the years. Now this might not seem like a correlation just based on a job change, but just wait.

    I went from delivering pizzas and college to being a general manager of a restaurant in that time. I also began to drink more and gain some adult friends who also liked to drink as well. I also noticed that I was drinking alcohol much more now than when I was in my early 20s. Back then, I'd maybe drink alcohol twice a month. Now, it's been several times a week. I wouldn't necessarily get drunk every time I drank, but I definitely got a buzz most times. I noticed a month or two ago this trend of drinking more in the last few years (without thinking about its correlation to my shooter gameplay), and decided it was time for me to take a break.

    Within a week, I noticed my aim and thought process within the game had drastically improved in what seemed like an overnight miracle. I was hitting head shots across the map and winning most of my gun fights. I was using my abilities more usefully and all around gameplay had improved. At first I thought it was just a lucky day or two. And then it just didn't stop… I then realized this improvement was a direct correlation to no longer drinking Alcohol or being hung over while playing/light headed from the day before. And then I continued to stay sober because once this correlation had been realized, I wanted to see just how high I could truly climb sober.

    Now it's been a little over a month and I am currently plat 2 and climbing. I am still top fragging in the majority of my games and see no barrier for myself to get into diamond or even higher.

    Now I'm not here to be that guy who tells you "get sober you goof", but as the title says, I truly believe for adults who are serious about improving their ranked experience and also drink regularly, to just try going sober for a month and see how much you improve as well. I strongly believe you will improve when your mind is void of alcohol and you can really get that muscle memory perfected. I just don't think that's possible while drinking regularly.

    That's my unconventional tip for adults, I truly hope it helps others if you decide to try my advice. Good luck!

    TL;DR: I quit drinking alcohol and my rank went from silver 2 to plat 2 and climbing.

    submitted by /u/tesresolute
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    When your friend buys you odin second round.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 04:30 PM PDT

    Reaver Knife

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 03:10 AM PDT

    I didn't want to pay 40 euros to have an in-game reaver knife. So I printed and painted myself one in real life.


    submitted by /u/SirOkurka
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    Idea for a Breach change

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    I know a lot of people are going to be against a buff for Breach, and I know he can be super annoying, especially at lower levels of play, but hear me out. He is arguably the weakest Initiator at the moment, and he is also the only Initiator without any info gathering ability. Kay/o has his knife, Skye has flashes AND her dog, and well Sova is Sova. At the upper levels of play (which keep in mind is how the game should be and is balanced for), info is everything. Hence why Breach is very rarely picked, even with his kit changes (The flash changes to Skye make her better at flashing too which is a whole other discussion).

    With that said, here is my suggestion. Give Breach a voiceline when he stuns someone with his Fault Line. Simple as that. Just like how Skye flashes work, but his Fault Line. Lets him gather info with it and brings him in line with the other Initiators. Also, all other Initators have info gathering abilities that refresh after a timer mid-round (Sova arrow, Kay/o knife, Skye flash), so it makes sense for his Fault Line to be the one which does it.

    submitted by /u/Keudn
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    r/VALORANT has reached 1,000,000 subscribers!

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    Congrats for 1 million everyone! Just want to thank Riot Games and the mods of /r/VALORANT for supporting and keeping this community together for a little over a year now. Happy head-dinks!

    To a million more! 🌙🚀✨

    submitted by /u/Jhyxe
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    I created a ION 2.0 Spectre for Valorant

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    [FAN ART] Jett digital drawing

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    [FAN ART] Jett digital drawing

    Hello! after almost 3 months I'm back again and this time with a Jett digital drawing!

    What do you think? 👀

    Jett drawing /u/sandriwilopez

    Here you have a quick process video too:

    Jett drawing process

    submitted by /u/Sandriwilopez
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    "Tactics beat firepower!" (Fanart/OC)

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    I made an illustration of KJ holding A Site on Bind!! :)


    submitted by /u/PorkSisigWithEgg
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    What are good guns to learn?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    I'm pretty new (level 20) and I want to know what good guns are. I've heard the phantom is the superior rifle but I'm not sure if it's been nerfed to a point where it's worse or they're equally viable. I also heard that it is good to have 1 op or maybe two if you can afford it. The sheriff seems pretty good too because it's a one shot so I get a ton of multi kills on groups of spectres with it. I think someone said the guardian is bad but it seems really fun and pretty good to me cause it one taps. Also I've used the ghost and classic. I'm starting to grasp the concept of how to buy. What guns should I use in comp to be with the meta and how do I use them?

    submitted by /u/EffectiveAd4177
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    Matchmaking is too loose. Ranks don’t mean anything now

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 12:42 AM PDT

    There's no way that a Diamond 2 player should be in the same game as a Gold 3 player. These games may be "fair" ELO wise but they're not fun to play. What's the point of even being Diamond if you're just getting Gold teammates now? The MM is way too loose it's absurd. These games are a waste of time to play and are so unsatisfying.

    The best part of ranking up was playing with players your same rank and improving, but now that's gone with this absurdly loose matchmaking.

    submitted by /u/tomphz
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    Valorant Art Wallpapers

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    Valorant Art Wallpapers

    I know some people have been asking to use my recent art for wallpapers and more so I just made one that can easily be cropped if you would like an individual agent for a phone wallpaper, or a desktop one its kind of an all in one lol, Also not sure if many people saw the viper post but I put poll on my twitter for the next agent I draw and its currently a 3 way tie with a day left so check it out if maybe you want a good chance for me to draw your main :)


    submitted by /u/JuYoon11
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    Guys I need everyone to give me their opinion on what melee I should get from these!

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    I'm thinking of getting a new melee! The thing is I have wanted Elderflame since it came out but have never had the funds to get it, on the other hand I love the BOTR and Forsaken Ritual Blade too... So I'm stumped.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/JodyvdB
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    How to find my main?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 07:18 AM PDT

    I have been a Reyna/Jett one trick for quite some time now as I am most comfortable with them, but I don't like two things about both of them. First one is my team gets pissed at me for instalocking (trust me, I don't want to instalock, but they get taken 9 times out of 10 if I don't). They also put pressure on me to top frag and my team gets toxic if I don't (I do entry frag and not bait, however) Any tips? Tried viper but she doesn't fit my aggressive play style.

    submitted by /u/AshtonRocks1000
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    You can see your enemies spawn in after the round finishes.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    Opinion on KAY/O

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    It's been some time Since KAY/O was released and i was wondering what the community thinks about him and if he needs any sort of nerf or change.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/game69420
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    Guess My Rank??

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 02:55 PM PDT

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