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    Friday, August 6, 2021

    VALORANT When your team pushes before your smokes bloom

    VALORANT When your team pushes before your smokes bloom

    When your team pushes before your smokes bloom

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 06:01 AM PDT

    Require new accounts to be at least Level 25 or 30 to play ranked

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 07:24 AM PDT

    I am in Gold 2 right now and the amount of Jett/Reyna smurfs I encounter on other teams is ridiculous. 100% of the time they are below level 15, which is a huge red flag. I will go to their tracker.gg accounts (if they have them publicized) and they'll have multiple 25+ kill games.

    Requiring players to be Level 30 (or 25, whatever works) will definitely decrease the number of smurfs. I'm not totally sure how MMR really works but I'm assuming they would be forced to play unrated (to get XP) which would increase their MMR as they do well. I know 10 wins are required to unlock ranked, but there should also be a level requirement.

    No one level 12 or level 5 should be able to play ranked. It's fucking insane how people can just freely make accounts and hop into ranked at such a low level so they can shit on people 2-3 tiers below them.

    submitted by /u/mlalssid
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    Idk if this is something many players do but you can peak mid pushers from t-spawn on Icebox.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    Is viper now good on everymap ?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 02:26 AM PDT

    It's no surprise that viper has become a meta either ranked or pro scene. But is she good on everymap or is there an exception ? What do you guys think ?

    submitted by /u/Zeride
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    I’m so bad at all of a sudden

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 04:54 AM PDT

    One day all of a sudden my skill just dropped drastically, I'm unable to aim right, I can't track properly, I can't recoil control and average 1-6 kills every game normally I'd get 20+ and atleast be in the top 3 of the leaderboard but now I'm bottom fragging every game, this has been happing for a week now and I really don't know wat to do I have played multitude of games and all of them I do horribly even one of my friend that I'm normally much better has become way better than me, I have even taken breaks nothing helped and normally I am inconsistent like 1 game out of 5 I'd do bad or for 1day I'm bad at the game but it's been a week now.

    Any help would be great.

    submitted by /u/Diend07
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    This lineup can give you Ace here's proof : )

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    Idea: new gamemode where all abilities are randomised each round.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 04:13 AM PDT

    I think this would be a fun concept. Everyone gets 3 abilities and an ult at random at the start of each round. Phoenix wall, Cypher cam, Jett dash and Raze ult? Why not. Some weak combos would also be possible :D

    submitted by /u/silenthills13
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    What would your rank be if Riot decides to split ranked into solo queue rank and party rank (playing with 2 or more people)

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    I only play solo queue ranked because friends don't play valo lmao

    Solo queue rank right now is b3

    If i play with a stack probably silver or gold (hoping lmao)

    submitted by /u/joe_nard_vee
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    I log in every single day to see if the skin i want is in the shop. Just hit the 1 month anniversary. Cant believe its this hard to give a company my money.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    I understand why they do it. I understand why alot of games do it. I just dont agree with it. Its hard to argue against because Riot needs to make money but imo knowing it can be frustrating for players should be enough to not do it this way.

    submitted by /u/jericholetsgo
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    My experience solo queuing in lower ranks

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    For Context, I am pretty new to Valorant and I did not play too much CSGO. I mostly used to play COD and story driven games.

    I started playing Valorant about two months ago after discovering a couple pro players streams and it looked super fun. So I did some research on the basics and started playing.

    At the start I ended up deciding not to play duelists as it seemed like all the Valorant memes were about insta-lock duelist, so I would play agents like sage and cypher.

    As much as I enjoyed playing I found it hard to win games (cliche blaming bad teammates for losses). I wasn't fragging out like crazy or anything, mostly hovering around a 0.8 - 1kd, again I am pretty new to the game, however I just felt like most of the time one of the biggest reasons I was losing was because people would play duelists such as Jett or Phoenix and go double negative.

    I then decided to change my mindset. I decided that instead of relying on others to frag out, I would do so myself. Again I mention that I am no God, but instead of complaining I just decided to work on my game and change up my playstyle so that I can try and fill the gap that I felt was missing in my previous games.

    I mainly started playing Phoenix and to my surprise I actually started fragging out more often and actually started winning more often. I believe it has mostly to do with the fact that my job almost got easier, instead of worrying too much about utility my job was to (mostly) be aggressive and try and overwhelm the opponent.

    I still sometimes feel a bit cheesy insta-locking a duelist, but in the end I decided that I would rather be the one that gets thrown toxicity in my direction if I do bad, than being the one complaining about the duelist bottom fragging.

    I do not think this is the solution to all the problems related to solo queuing, but personally I am glad that I found a way to enjoy it a little more.

    TL:DR Started playing duelist in solo queue to surprising success

    submitted by /u/CamelCartel
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    Will the ruination skins ever return? Infrequent player asking.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    I assume not, but I just saw that the game has some Ruination themed skins and I thought they looked badass. Logged in to scoop em up and saw that they arent on sale. Will they ever return?

    submitted by /u/RedxHarlow
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    Couldn't sage res because body disappeared on me??

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    Add knife fight official game mode

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 05:53 PM PDT

    I don't see any downside to this, it will be fun. It should also be pretty easy to do. We only have like 2 or 3 special game mode and could have more. Cmon riot it will be very epic gamer moment if u do.

    Idk my opinion I'm stupid

    submitted by /u/nobody_2014
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    how about deathmatch with only jett ult

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 12:39 AM PDT

    how about deathmatch with only jett ult . we can develop our aim And it can be fun
    what do you guys think

    submitted by /u/-shamil
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    Riot Support to the Rescue!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    I needed just 21 valo points to round my balance to 1775. So I contacted them, and sent them my pencil sketch of Prime classic... http://imgur.com/gallery/o9f0P8x ... And a meme http://imgur.com/gallery/bgUy4VO So this was his response: http://imgur.com/gallery/d4uTces


    submitted by /u/Dan_Burr
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    I don't know if this is educational or useful to know but raze's ult knocks back the big target on the range for 30 meters :/

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 04:15 PM PDT

    Haves Reported Dozens of Toxic Players None Of Them Banned

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 05:08 PM PDT


    I have reported dozens of players for toxic behavior in both text and voice comms. I have yet to be notified that there has been action taken for a single one of the reports. I understand a ban can be harsh but I haven't been notified of any time of action at all.

    I am a girl and it can be discouraging to communicate with my team. These are valid reports that would fall under what Riot considers as toxic behavior. Can someone give me some insight about their experience?

    submitted by /u/HotClerk
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    i don't know if this line up is already exist so i think that is a situational line up

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 11:27 AM PDT

    Game mode idea: Mix n' Natch

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 01:15 AM PDT

    5v5 unrated, first to six rounds.

    Basically your abilities are mixed up.

    You keep your signature and ultimate abilities. Your basic abilities are replaced.

    During the first half, your C ability is replaced by the C ability of the previous player in your team view list. Your Q ability is replaced by the Q ability of the following player in the team view list.

    During the second half, your C ability is replaced by the C ability of the following player in your team view list. Your Q ability is replaced by the Q ability of the previous player in the team view list.

    If you inherit Reyna's Devour, you spawn soul orbs just like reyna. If you inherit Viper's Poison Orb/Skye's Regrowth, you get a Toxin/Heal bar respectively

    Example team: Jett, Reyna, Omen, Sage, Sova.

    During the first half:

    Jett would get Owl Drone and Devour. Jett would also spawn soul orbs because it has devour.

    Reyna would get Cloudburst and Paranoia.

    Omen would get Leer and Slow Orb.

    Sage would get Shrouded Step and Shock Dart.

    Sova would get Barrier Orb and Updraft

    During the second half:

    Jett would get Shock Dart and Leer.

    Reyna would get Updraft and Shrouded Step.

    Omen would get Devour and Barrier Orb. Omen would also spawn soul orbs because it has devour.

    Sage would get Paranoia and Owl Drone.

    Sova would get Slow Orb and Cloudburst

    submitted by /u/The-Freeze_YT
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