• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 9, 2021

    VALORANT Apparently if you inspect the new skin during the finisher it does light show.

    VALORANT Apparently if you inspect the new skin during the finisher it does light show.

    Apparently if you inspect the new skin during the finisher it does light show.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    An open letter to those who take toxicity to a disgusting level

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:41 AM PDT

    This post will probably get lost between all the new map's stuff, but if this reaches even one person who I can influence positively, it's worth it for me.

    I don't care how mad are you at your teammate, yourself or the world - do NOT tell ANYONE to kill themselves, ever. Fix your issues outside of the game and don't do collateral damage just because you can't accept that you're on the bottom of the board, you can't hit your shots, you get instakilled, etc. A lot of people are struggling without your negative input already, why make it worse for them if they just want to chill in unrated? Then perhaps you leave the match to avoid any more responsibility because you'd never do this face-to-face? Or just because you're a coward and it's easier that way?

    I won't go into too much details but when my friend and I queued together a few days ago, this happened to us. At first it was aimed at me but when my friend stood up for me, he got told some pretty messed-up stuff too. Then, as if their mom was magically calling them right then and there, the flaming duo elegantly left the match. And my friend, who has enough on his plate already, now carries this with himself too - while the two... well, "players", just went on with their lives as if nothing had happened, and will probably do this again in the future because voice chat reports are the way they are and they likely won't face any repercussions. All this when we just wanted to chill in unrated. (And by "chill", I don't mean throw or not try, just for the clarification.)

    I'm sure all of you have read posts like this, I'm sure I'll get downvoted by some and told to "just mute and report", but as usual, this doesn't solve the root of the problem: the sometimes super toxic playerbase. I'm not calling out Riot, this message or whatever is for the flaming toxics. If you don't have anything useful to say, don't say it. Instead of telling me to kill myself, maybe tell me first to lower my Viper wall for you so you can't blame your death on it the next time. Surprisingly, just a few hours before, there was another player who had a problem with my wall. Surprisingly, he could explain that it's not a good wall on attack because enemies can hide behind it easily. So I acknowledged it and told him I'll just wall post-plant then. And guess what - our team had a blast that match because we could talk to each other like adults but also joke around and cheer each other on after clutches and nice tries. A lot better than leaving a mental scar on someone with two words, right?

    Edit: Thank you for all the people who didn't miss my point and read my post from beginning to end before commenting. Also thanks for the awards! I'm sorry to read that there are more of us who experience this problem. I wish you guys all the best to be able to rise above the bullies! 👊🏼

    It's also ironic that some of the toxic people found my post and spat hate on me for trying to better the community. But I guess it's because they felt intimidated or attacked cuz they know I wrote about them. My post did reach them, they did eventually realize they were the topic here - that's a good first step for self-awareness, it makes me happy that they know they are the problem. :)

    submitted by /u/EverblackPlasma
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    I made a desktop app to see the LIVE ranks of players in your lobby as well as other stats such as previous ranks, recent games, etc.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 05:57 AM PDT

    I made a desktop app to see the LIVE ranks of players in your lobby as well as other stats such as previous ranks, recent games, etc.

    Main Page screenshot

    Download Page


    WAIUA (Who Am I Up Against) is a simple Windows GUI app that lets you see the ranks, recent games and other info of players in a live Valorant match while you're still playing it. What you see above is what you get (for now). Future features include party indicators, tracker profile links (if public) and a search feature to see you're friend's lobbies.

    It's a little project I have been working on solo to learn new skills and also to contribute to the community. Hope you guys like it!

    Quick Q&A:

    Is this bannable? No, I am using the same API as your game uses to get this info
    Is it my .exe safe? Yes, my app and it's sources are all available on GitHub and you can compile it yourself if you want.

    I also have a Discord server for support, suggestions, etc

    submitted by /u/Soneliem
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    easy b take on new map fracture

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 08:52 PM PDT

    secret room in fracture

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:13 PM PDT

    Valorant Masters 3 in Berlin starts tomorrow, so to celebrate, I made a fragmovie of my favourite team. "Heat Waves" - featuring Team Envy.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    Can we and the devs agree 3% extra XP is just too low?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 10:10 AM PDT


    When I first read about the +3% XP I though it was the classic case of something that seems small but when constantly added it becomes very noticeable... it is not.

    Let's do some math.

    3% of ALL daily missions in the BP= 2000x2x55x(0.03)= 6600XP

    3% of ALL the weekly missions in the BP IF they all are 16500XP= 16500x3x(55/7)x(0.03)= 11880XP

    So you get (6600+11880) ≈ 18.480 XP extra with missions in THE BEST IMAGINARY SCENARIO POSSIBLE (Weekly missions start at 16500XP). Basically just one more reward in all the BattlePass period.

    3% is just a joke. The MINIMUM has to be around +15% extra. What do you think guys?

    ‐------------#------------#-------------#--------------# Edit: Seems like missions are not part of the 3% boost, so it is even less than the number I calculated.

    submitted by /u/hdbo16
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    I just played my first game on Fracture with Killjoy and its seems like the map isnt that big afterall. Both ults cover more then the site itself. The nanoswarm lineup is just to make sure no one is holding that because thats the only angle that someone can hold A Drop without getting hit by my ult.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 01:11 AM PDT

    B side Sova FRACTURE Parkour Dron!

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:35 AM PDT

    My mum found my fanart

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:41 PM PDT

    My mum found my fanart

    I am sadly not a child, I don't really know what to say to my parents now. No words will be able to explain this


    submitted by /u/Banbadle
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    Hit Immortal! My unique tip/training to hopefully help you improve.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    Hi this post doubles as a thank you to my friend and a unique tip to help you improve your aim.


    I achieved my personal goal of Immortal. It was not easy, I played hundreds of hours and could never leave Diamond. My friend bought me a pc so I was no longer playing on a laptop with 30 frames and a broken keyboard. Thank you so much, I finally reached my goal.

    Onto the tip/training. On the road for my own improvement I have read and watched many guides that helped me improve my fundamentals. After reaching Diamond it felt like I hit a wall. All the guides I watched said the same thing, there was nothing new. This is my unique training which I feel made the difference for me to hit Immortal.

    I do not use aimlabs/kovaaks or grind deathmatches. I go into the range, set bots on medium with armour. I use the marshall. I practiced till I consistently scored 25+. I use hold to scope, and the technique I use to train is to try to scope whilst I'm flicking to their heads. I am training macro flicks and micro flicks with this method. Eventually I have to do very little minor adjustment to land headshots, most of the kills are scoping directly on their heads.

    I found that this directly translated to my rifling. The other added benefit was I became incredibly effective with marshall in eco rounds (this alone could win rounds and build our economy). I started consistently hitting marshall flicks that surprised myself. I do this every day for 10 minutes before I play, and after games if my aim feels off.

    Thank you for reading

    submitted by /u/ksirlyn
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    Bucky Jousting on Fracture

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 03:48 PM PDT

    3% XP Bonus

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    3% XP Bonus

    I always thought Valorant is missing a XP Bonus for BattlePass ownage, but 3%?

    Over the course of the whole BattlePass which is 1,1 Million XP, this is 33000 XP. Every 33th game you get one free. It's basically nothing.

    In this case I would even rather vote for no XP bonus at all, because then you can decide buying the pass on the last day instead, which is amazing too.

    I don't get it, should be 0% or at least 10%.

    Edit:I learned from the comments, that its even less, because the 3% are only added to the match XP, not the daily and weekly missions.

    Imagine getting 13600 XP from a game PLUS 84 bonus XP, oh weeee!


    submitted by /u/adsci
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    "Receiving Protein Shake" Oil on canvas, 2021

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 01:38 PM PDT

    "Receiving protein shake" a study on the free and expressive form of Brimstone.


    submitted by /u/SATPrettyCat
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    I made some real good friends, thank you!!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 03:19 PM PDT

    I'm a 32 year old pretty much lonely in life and not expecting much.. I started playing 6 months back and just made good friends with a party of 3 people.. They are now In touch with me over whatsapp and calls and really take interest in my life as well.. We speak almost everyday with very short text messages like "are you coming big baroda" and it really makes me feel good like i have younger brothers (they actually are)... Thank you valorant community for giving me this social life, i didn't have much in RL

    Edit : Thanks for the awards kind people, it just shows there are good supportive people out there

    submitted by /u/darelphilip
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    I was playing fracture today and I noticed you can interact with some of the computers in defender spawn. Seems to be something to do with the lead up to the accident at the facility.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 05:11 AM PDT

    Small Idea for the Valorant Shop

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 01:43 PM PDT

    Hello Ladys and Gentleman

    i've been still waiting for my Reaver Vandal. and i really read a lot and almost every player complain's about the Shop system and want their Items alltime Available, but i dont think riot will do this.

    so, i really thought about a solution that can fit into the game without changing the Shop system at all. before you call me crazy, let me explain this.

    Every player has that ONE Skin they really waiting for. and it's been frustrating to watch every day and not see your dreamskin in the rotation.

    With the new Act, a new Battlepass is going on. and my idea was, why not giving an art Coupon/Ticket at Battlepass Level 40, 45? With that Ticket you can go in the Collection and unlock one Skin that you want to buy. ofc you have to pay for that Skin, not for free, thats to overpowered.

    This is a simple solution. it would make a lot of Players really Happy while doesnt change the Current Shop system at all.

    Please let us discuss over this, because i think this is a shot worth.Let me know what u guys think.

    Sorry for my English x)


    submitted by /u/T7ZIAN
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    First fracture glitch already found. Same as the glitch found on breeze when it launched. Shoot that spot w either a Judge or Bucky(those r the 2 guns I tried) n u get that glow.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    Fracture is beautiful.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    Fracture is beautiful.



    Riot did a great job in these sceneries. I just wish that someone would turn this into a moving wallpaper for wallpaper engine without the HUD and hands ofcourse. If someone already did, please let me know. Commending Riot's art department and all other department for making this map look great.

    submitted by /u/theDARKnightME
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    Cool feature of the new skins

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    If you listen, the inspect animation music is done to the speed of the characters footsteps when they run, it sounds like the footsteps act as the drums for the music. Very cool attention to detail riot

    submitted by /u/Jakov20000
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    A truly incredible unrated experience!

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    I'm a 29 year old father of two, so this game is not of priority to me. But, a few times a week I dabble and play mostly unrated. Currently G3, but have been D1 in my earlier times playing. Played beta and all, just not into ranked games as much since game time is limited these days.

    I experienced the best game of unrated last night. There were no screamers, no toxicity, no bad morale. It was a team full of mic users and we simply enjoyed our game.

    Each round, we cycled a strat chosen by the next teammate in line. Sometimes we full stacked a site, sometimes we would all ult simultaneously when the round started, sometimes four people would run out and let one person try to ace, etc.

    The enemy team caught on, they were super chill too. Plenty of knife fights enjoyed.

    It was good times, wish every Valorant night was like last night.

    Hope you all have a great morning!

    submitted by /u/Phildilf
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    Gone plushie hunting on the maps and found this gun case out of bounds on Fracture.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:40 AM PDT

    Gone plushie hunting on the maps and found this gun case out of bounds on Fracture.

    The gun is too far away from the players view during normal gameplay, so why add it? It also appears on Haven as well (in A Site Heaven), alongside some bullets, a walkie talkie, and a camera. Anybody know why?


    submitted by /u/Static_Satan
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    Valorant cheat sheet for new players?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    I downloaded val about a month ago and still have no idea what I'm doing or how to get good at the game. I'm not the worst, but certainly not the best either. What are some good tips or advice to follow for playing? And what do the "codewords" (idk what to call them) mean? Like when people say jett 145 or rez or stuff like that.

    submitted by /u/BigSpenceR6
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    lineups with cypher

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 09:53 AM PDT

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