• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 2, 2021

    VALORANT Finally made it to silver!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    VALORANT Finally made it to silver!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Finally made it to silver!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 05:29 AM PDT

    i really dont know where to put this but i am soooooo happy! i might get demoted to bronze right after but atleast now i can say i touched silver.

    One thing i have learnt is to never solo q. I made it here with the help of duos. I started playing since November and now i am here at silver. It took some time but it was worth it!!!

    Edit: I still had to solo q a lot but my duo games were better. Also thank you all for the encouragement!! See you guys in made it to gold post :P

    thanks for coming to my ted talk

    submitted by /u/LordGamingOfficial
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    A way to control the number of spawned bots, to reduce clutter

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 08:39 PM PDT

    i guess sova's head just built differently

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    used ViperUlt and it didnt go up but my ult was gone... did anyone else have this Problem or does someone have an idea what caused it?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 02:40 PM PDT

    does mental affect valorant performance?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 12:55 AM PDT

    I'm a 17 y/o student that spends around 6hours a day on Valorant, but the past 6 months everything is just going downhill. Valorant matches are affecting my mood and mental, I'll feel so useless and hatred towards myself when I'm not performing like intended. I'm so lost in everything, even when Im popping off in a game the happiness only last roughly that 1 match. I dont know am i mentally ill but i know im not healthy, I'm always a pessimistic person and cant keep on the positivity even when im trying to. I just lie to myself that im in a slump but everything is getting worse and worse, everyday i wake up to turn on Valorant just to hate myself more. I thought my performance is just unlucky but everyday it gets worse and worse, i even started to deathmatch around 15games /day or even more. Idk what to do guys, im so lost. I need some opinion guys.

    submitted by /u/rEal_rEnn
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    What is your choice of weapon in competitive play?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 07:31 AM PDT

    I understand that some people use different weapons with different Agents.

    Feel free to post your Agent / Weapon combinations below

    My choices:

    Opening rounds: Ghost or Classic.

    Every other round where I can buy: Vandal / Spectre.

    submitted by /u/ciarons
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    Jett says Saranghaeyo~ Fanart

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    Jett says Saranghaeyo~ Fanart

    Jett giving her loves to everyone~

    My Jett fanart between work.
    Hope you guys loves it ^^

    Twitter Instagram

    submitted by /u/Trauma-a
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    Toxic instalock Jett trying to teach us how to play the game?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 12:53 PM PDT


    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 09:47 PM PDT

    Haha very original idea I know let's get into it (this is all a joke none of it is serious) (Not doing raze cause I noticed the post was getting too long, will do her in the next one with the sentinel roster)

    Jett- ahh yes the Jett main. We all know at least one person who mains this agent. Who can blame them? She is very flashy when played right and everyone aspires to be the one guy who gets 5 knife headshots in a row wiping the enemy team effortlessly with 5 clicks of the mouse. That being said, Jett mains will always instalock, whether they can play them or not. Jett mains also tend to have somewhat inflated egos and always seem to be pretty toxic but that seems to be a common trend in duelist mains these days

    Reyna- another extremely popular duelist pick. These people tend to do very well, as anyone who instalocks Reyna probably has somewhat good aim, for the rank you're in obviously. The difference between a good Reyna and a bad Reyna is massive. A good Reyna will always play independently and will be a self sufficient fragger who pulls the team forward. A bad Reyna is literally no more useful than a doorbell placed on the inside of the house.

    Phoenix- these people tend to be pretty chill honestly. Or at least that's what it seems like. With a single comment on their gameplay these players will go OFF. Honestly with how low phoenix Is on the tier lists right now, who can blame them

    Yoru- oh boy, yoru. At this point I just feel bad for anyone who seriously dedicates their time to learning the agent. He Clearly has gotten the middle finger from both riot and the community. His long awaited rework has been delayed, and if you pick him in ranked, there is a high chance you get flamed by your team. These guys are DEDICATED. The other type of yoru "main" is clearly the inexperienced guy who watched ethos and is now throwing his teleport into the middle of site, throwing a flash that blinds no one, teleporting right into the crosshairs of the enemy team, and getting every single orfice in his body filled with lead

    submitted by /u/iwantdie98
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    Bad for improving team morale????

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    Was playing a comp game (I'm currently Plat 2 going for imt next act hehe) we lost a round or two and i was just saying casual things in chat like "NT", "BL", etc when my insta lock reyna teammate proceeds to tell me to kill myself for saying that. I understand when people get mad from others acting nice due to their anger, but this, this got me mad. I've played my fair share of xbox 360 cod parties, but i'm still annoyed two days later for what this little brat said, quick reminder if your teammates are performing as good as you are, do not give up, all agents have abilities that are useful USE THEM. I just had to vent lmao thanks!

    submitted by /u/That1pug-
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    Weird experience: I do much worse with Elderflame

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    First of all: there's no doubt in my mind that Elderflame is one of the hottest skins on VALORANT. I waited a long time until the Vandal Elder became available and I did not hesitate at all and grabbed it right away.

    But as I continued to use it over time, I noticed that I perform much worse than I usually do (I'm generally bad, but I'm not the worst).

    It just didn't feel like a gun. It felt weird. Sure, it's JUST a skin and has 0 effect on actual performance, but each time I use it, I barely get kills. And whenever I grabbed a good ol' skinless Vandal from the ground, I started getting kills again, in the SAME MATCH. It felt super weird.

    When I stopped using it and went back to my Reaver Vandal, I started performing well again. I actually got kills again.

    This is super weird, and I don't know if anyone out there has a similar experience.

    submitted by /u/MohdBastaki90
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    Landed a 100% Idiotic Shot vs Immortals

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 04:27 PM PDT

    4 People Try to Swing on One Guardian

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    Phoenix wanted to show Killjoy a rare footage of Raze not using explosives

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    Loss = Win?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    Lost a game 9-3 due to our team forfeiting and yet it counted as a win and gave me RR


    submitted by /u/aqjx
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    Nitro and an issue I have never seen before, Would it be too crazy to get a re-work in a BP Skin?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    Nitro and an issue I have never seen before, Would it be too crazy to get a re-work in a BP Skin?

    Hi! So we just got our first glance of the new battle pass and it looks, as with the last two, amazing.

    But like many pointed out one of the skin lines, "Nitro" is similar if not identical to other skins we have had in the past.


    Nitro BP Episode 3 Act II


    Rush (part of a bundle set)

    We also have Rush

    BP Skin Ep 1 Act III (with 3 variations)

    One of them is similar to the new BP coming this 8th

    As all of you can see there is a similarity made on purpose with all of these skins as all of them have a "00" print on the front of the skin.

    I do not mind variations of a skin line, even more on a BP as its value is fair as it is. But as many point out on Twitter and also Reddit, this time around there is no much difference just different guns this time around.

    Criticisms are not bad if there is a solution/suggestion attached to them, so my small suggestion is to change the colours to orange, light blue and white like variation in the Prime bundle.

    Prime Vandal (Orange variation)

    And no, I'm not saying it will look as good as that one, but the colours are what matter this time around, it will not look as pretty but a variation is better than the same colour as we have had before and again, as it will be just a tweak in colours (and I think this palette will suit the best) it shouldn't be a big of a challenge.

    So, Am I asking too much this time around? I'm not an expert sadly in art direction or how much will it actually take to make this change as I just see it as changing colours to an already build drawing, so I could be wrong, if so I do apologise to the art team.

    submitted by /u/Guille3094
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    1v5 sheriff ace, hype man told me to post here

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 04:29 PM PDT

    Lothar's impeccable Viper cosplay

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 12:52 AM PDT

    Custom Agent Idea:Paradox (Intitiator)

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    I notice that Phoenix players are very confident to challenge dangerous angles/corners especially when they have ult. But at the same time vulnerable to get (re)spawn camped... I'm curious what it would be like to give an agent/player just confidence, the rest is up to their mind games and game sense :).

    Timestamp (Signature): Equip a stopwatch. Upon activation, record all actions you do for 4 seconds. Recast to create an exact double of yourself performing the recorded action.

    1 charge| 40s cooldown.

    Sneakpeek: Create an exact double of yourself, control it for 4 seconds before you return to your main body.

    Costs:300 credits|max 1 charge.

    Concurrent Timelines: Your most recent double becomes your main controlled vessel(main body).

    Costs:200 credits| max 2 charges.

    Limit Break (Ultimate): Select a location in map to create an exact double of yourself, control it for 4 seconds before returning to your main body. (Has a range of sova recon?)

    Requires 7 ultimate points.

    •Killing a double will reward the enemy with credits.

    No, I don't know jack shit about balancing, I'm hard stuck bronze atm lol. But I'm interested on how you guys would balance this or just thoughts/opinions in general.

    submitted by /u/xiannyelle
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    Questions about que system

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    So I've been playing Valorant for a while now and I've noticed this in some unrated games I played. But now that I'm playing Competitive games I notice a lot more. I'm currently Bronze 3 and it feels like if I do well in one game the people in my next game are just insanely above the rest of the game in terms of skill. So the question I have is does this happen because there is such a large amount of people in Bronze so there are people who are just really good? Or am I getting put into like smurf que?

    submitted by /u/thedrummer71
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