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    Tuesday, July 21, 2020

    VALORANT Accuracy reset time needs to be decreased

    VALORANT Accuracy reset time needs to be decreased

    Accuracy reset time needs to be decreased

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    I have seen many discussions about this with the community mostly agreeing that accuracy/recoil reset time need to be lowered but still no changes.

    The ~1s recoil reset is just a braindead concept to me as a CSGO veteran now with a ton of valorant games behind me. Holding a site as 2 people is straight up impossible/RNG if they are 5 man rushing as transitioning from one target to another (if you shot multiple rounds) will just mean you have to wait a time during which they definetly kill you or have an aim like you are running.

    Whenever these technical arguments came up about the CSGO-Valorant mechanincs the arguments are that: Valorant doesn't have to be like CSGO, it's more accesable, team focused, less focused on god-like aim.

    Now what the high accuracy reset time creates doesn't even seem to stand up to these standards:

    -It is highly frustrating to see that you haven't shot for a time and your crosshair reseted position and everything, but your shots still go nowhere where you aim which is definetly a terrible new player experience, but even as a vetran FPS player

    -More frustration that you barely can kill more than 1-2 targets rushing making crossfires to be
    less effective and promoting brainless rushing

    -God-like aim actually becomes more prevelant, with tournaments being played now high level Valorant gameplay seems to revolve all around 1-tapping people as that barely effects your accuracy

    submitted by /u/xWarmasx
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    All Agent Ultimate Voicelines

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    Viper (Ally): "Don't get in my way!
    "Viper (Enemy): "Welcome to my world!"

    Jett (Ally): "Watch this!"
    Jett (Enemy): "Get out of my way!"

    Breach (Ally): "Lets go!"
    Breach (Enemy): "Off your feet!"

    Raze (Ally): "Here comes the party!"
    Raze (Enemy): "Fire in the hole!"

    Reyna (Ally): "They will cower!"
    Reyna (Enemy): "The hunt begins!"

    Phoenix (Ally): "Come on, let's go!"
    Phoenix (Enemy): "Jokes over, you're dead!"

    Cypher (Ally): "Where is everyone hiding?"
    Cypher (Enemy): "I know EXACTLY where you are."

    Omen(thanks u/stormcaller_op) (Ally): "Watch them run!"
    Omen (Enemy): "Scatter!"

    Sova (Ally): "I am the hunter!"
    Sova (Enemy): "Nowhere to run!"

    Brimstone (Ally): "Open up the sky!"
    Brimstone (Enemy): "Prepare for hellfire!"

    Sage (Ally): "Your duty is not over!"
    Sage (Enemy): "You will not kill my allies!"

    submitted by /u/_Angel_Dust
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    I made a chibi of Omen with Raze's bomb buddy's face

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    I made a chibi of Omen with Raze's bomb buddy's face

    I saw a meme about Omen where he had the bomb buddy's face. And then i got inspired by that to draw this since i got nothing else to do in quarantine, So here it is.


    submitted by /u/Familyfriendly1
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    What it really takes to become good at the game REAL TALK by an Immortal 2 player with 20 years of CS experience

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    New Phantom Skin 'ONI PHANTON' in game with all variants.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    Why is it back to sudden death instead of overtime?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 03:45 AM PDT

    This feels especially bad if you're attacking (just played sudden death after 12-12 in split) is this intended? If so is this permanent? Hope it's not

    EDIT: it was competitive

    submitted by /u/TheDemonWarlock
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    Just had the most wholesome game ever (pics below)

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    So we were just playing 5 man then the enemy team's sage started to troll hard. So naturally, the enemy team started complaining about how boring the game is because of trolls like them. Then my team decided to make the game more interesting and fun for them so we agreed to kill their sage with guns then drop our guns for a knife only fight. They were down for it and it led to the most fun me and my friends had in the game ever. We did a few normal knife fights which was already pretty fun, then a hide and seek round, then we decided to take a group pic with cypher cam to save the moment. We brought it all the way to round 12 where we did a 1v1 gauntlet knife only. We ended up exchanging discords to share the cypher cam pic with them later on.

    I love this part of the community <3 (shoutouts to all the Thai gamers out there, yall rock )

    Group Photo

    submitted by /u/2468Evan
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    v1.04 Patch Video

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    PSA to those frustrated with the climb

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    Over the past week I've seen a lot of posts on here and /r/ValorantCompetitive talking about the frustrations of climbing and the ranked system with screenshots of their match MVPs and history. While the ranked system clearly has flaws it's not the main issue here.

    Speaking as someone who is currently D3 in Val, has 2-3k hours of CS:GO (SMFC peak), 4k+ hours of LoL (D3 peak), and many hours of other competitive games let me tell you a few important things so that you can avoid the pitfalls I've made.

    1. Most important - This is not an RPG. Grinding in this game (unless you are already way above the skill level of your rank) is absolutely pointless and just because you play a lot does not mean you should be consistently progressing and ranking up. I've played League since season 1 constantly trying to "grind" to gold, then plat then diamond. I yelled at my teammates, I blamed matchmaking when in reality I just wasn't that good. This poor mindset made it so that I was stuck at the same rank for YEARS with multiple chat bans.

    2. Dropping 20+ kills a game in gold and getting Match MVP means absolutely nothing. If you are winning or losing games where you get Match/Team MVP with 20 kills and the game goes 13-7 that means you're averaging 1 kill per round. This doesn't even take into consideration having low impact kills in rounds you lose like getting two exit kills on a lost round which will inflate your kda.

    3. This should seem pretty obvious but winning against people who have lower ranks than you in close games (13-11), is going to give you almost no gains. It just shows that you are at the appropriate level, and that's okay! To give you another perspective I "grinded" to diamond in Riot's Team Fight Tactics. Only the top 4 of 8 players in a game are guaranteed elo gains. But the difference between 1st and 4th is astronomical. 1st may get you anywhere between 30-50lp (out of 100) where 4th may sometimes get you 8lp. Winning is important but it's a lot about how you win.

    If you play to actively get better and be a tier above what your rank is now, instead of trying to grind your way up, you will eventually get a higher rank. But getting better is more than just playing Valorant. You need to review your games and how YOU played (not your teammates). You should compare how you play to professional players to see what you're doing wrong. You can work on getting your aim more consistent through aim trainers if you find you are constantly over or undershooting your targets.

    This leads into another important topic:

    • Posting clips on this subreddit of your best performing round and asking what you can do to improve does absolutely nothing for you and this subreddit. It's just another way to pass the blame and it is extremely transparent.

    You are not as good as you think you are... but you can be! You can be better, you can improve! But that should be the goal. Not to play more so that the rank you think you deserve shows up on your screen.

    I don't think my post will stop all the complaining on the valorant subs but I do think it might help some people realize that the game isn't against them and sometimes we need to own up to how things are. I do hope this helps some people

    submitted by /u/houdinis_revenge
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    Crazy Raze Boombot bug when you're on top of an elevated platform or boxes

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    With the upcoming Viper buffs, please let us colorblinded people, see her properly in her ult

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    In the settings, even if you add a colorblind filter, Viper still appears in Red inside her Green ult, and I like many others, can't see a difference.

    The good thing is that Viper has very little presence, in my games at least, so it's not a big deal. But with the huge buffs she's getting, I'm a bit concerned about it.

    Please Riot Games, highlight her character model with a different color inside her ultimate, thank you.

    submitted by /u/ChevreOketchuP
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    EASY Double Shock Dart On Split

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    Jett Pistol Ace: Burst Classic is Insane (Diamond/Immortal Ranked)

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    Can we seriously do something about the afk players in rank ???

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    I mean wtf , why does my rank equally get affected when there's an afk in my team if a dude is afk for more than 2 games , you need to compensate the team for that too like maybe lessen the impact it has our rank , I've had so many games where the teammate leaves at crucial moments of the game man and it seriously sucks , now idk what's the scenario in the European server or the American one , the sea server is full of afks , 3 vs 5's and 4 vs 5's occur on a daily basis it sucks and seriously impacts the vibe of the team , something needs to be done the afk problem in this game is insane much more than any other of the counterparts !!!

    submitted by /u/9yr_old
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    The Training Issue in Valorant, and how it can be fixed

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    The Training Issue in Valorant

    Hey guys, back again with another lengthy post that the majority of you probably won't be bothered to read through! Let me begin by saying that I believe Valorant has tons of potential as a competitive tac shooter, and I have been enjoying the game greatly, which is why I believe it would be wrong to overlook some of the glaring issues that could easily be improved upon. We all know that there are server-side issues in this game in the form of peeker's advantage, hit registration, etc. but I'm certain that the dev team is very aware of these problems and is actively working on fixing them, so I won't focus on them in this post. The issue I am concerned about and interested in raising awareness about in this post, is the lack of in-game training provisions. As a coach, it is quite disappointing that every time I'm creating a training routine for someone, I have to find maps on Kovaak's that compensate for the lack of an in-game deathmatch, or a decently structured firing range, or a proper bomb site retake emulator ( no spike defuse in the range doesn't count ). The lack of such fundamental ways to train in-game is a huge detriment to the individual improvement of players, especially in the aspect of mechanics. While training your aim through aim trainers is also necessary to address more specific weaknesses which are related to raw aim, there are certain mechanics ( crosshair placement, spraying patterns, movement, etc. ) which it is better to work on through in-game provisions. The top aimers in CSGO came long before FPS aim trainers were mainstream, and the way they achieved their top tier skill level in aiming was through playing hours and hours of Free for all deathmatch.

    The Solution

    In CSGO, the base game's resources in terms of maps that allow you to train fundamental mechanics are pretty lackluster as well, instead, the workshop allows players to create their own maps / gamemodes etc. which leads to a diversified pool of resources which allows players to browse through hundreds of thousands of player created content in order to find what they're looking for; Since the Valorant dev team doesn't seem too inclined to adding a workshop or custom game browser to Valorant ( keep in mind how long it took for Overwatch to introduce such a feature ), for which they probably have valid reasons, here are a couple of improvements / additions that could be made to the current game structure that I believe would be highly beneficial to the playerbase.

    Firing Range:

    • Add the ability for players to customize the range further, allow players to set the amount of target dummies that spawn on the map, ( Too many dummies = not enough range between each dummy to allow proper target-switching practice ) Allow players to set the model movement speed and strafe interval ( how often dummies switch direction ) for moving dummies, allow players to spawn peek walls to practice strafe peeking and wallbanging, and finally allow the dummies to spawn in a wider area.

    Spike Defuse:

    • Spike defuse is a great recreation of CSGO retake servers, but with AI replacing actual players. If done properly, this gamemode found within the practice range, could be one of the most beneficial forms of in-game training. Spike defuse allows you to actively train your ability to clear angles, position your crosshair properly, and peek into bomb sites. This gamemode ( in theory ) could be the best form of specifically training your ability to retake sites post-plant. In CSGO, there are maps called "Prefire >insert map name<" found on the workshop that do this perfectly, you choose a map, select the bomb site you want to practice retaking, and then select the difficulty of the bots, the amount of bots, and your weapon / armor tier of choice. The bots spawn in realistic positions, that real players would hold in a live game scenario, and the spawn positions are randomized each time you die or the run is reset ( manually or through killing all targets ). If the Spike defuse mode in Valorant could evolve into a mode which allows us to choose the map, bomb site, and amount of bots / difficulty of bots that spawn, this could be huge in helping players improve. The gamemode is currently far too repetitive, lacks variety and customization, and isn't even part of an actual map in the game.


    • Finally, a very obvious addition much desired by the Valorant community is the implementation of a deathmatch gamemode. The gamemode doesn't need to be too in-depth, simply allow random spawns with an algorithm that stops people from spawning too near to others, a set score limit, and a server member cap of 10 - 15 players. Abilities should be disabled in this game mode, as it's meant to be a form of training your gunplay and movement, not your utility usage. Deathmatch should be "Free for all" as it allows much more fluid and continuous combat, and is better suited for variable spawn rates. A Deathmatch feature would be a great way to train in-game gunplay fundamentals such as crosshair placement, peeking / holding angles, and combat related movement, in a much more fluid nature than simply playing unrated matches over and over again. The biggest issue with playing unrated to improve your mechanics is that there are massive amounts of down-time where you're not really doing much, an FFA deathmatch allows you to constantly be in combat, so 20 minutes of FFA = 20 minutes of active combat, whereas a 1 hour long unrated game realistically results in something closer to 15 minutes of added combat, so you're wasting 4 times the time, for the same return ( which is probably not even true, since in actual matches you have much more to focus on in combat than just movement / aim ).

    Hopefully anyone from the Valorant dev team notices this post, although I highly doubt it, it would be great to have any sort of back and forth with someone working on the game. If any of you reading this post are interested in joining my Discord server and continuing this discussion or discussing anything Valorant or Aim training related, here's a link: https://discord.gg/6ZYVZ6x

    Have a great day, and keep grinding. - Twix

    P.S. If you havent checked out my Valorant guides you can do so here and here , they're very informative and will help greatly especially if you're newer to the tac-shooter FPS subgenre, enjoy!

    submitted by /u/Hi_Im_TwiX
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    A Not So Toxic Game Yesterday

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    So yesterday, I hopped on Valorant with my (very skilled FPS player) boyfriend to play a few unrated games. I'm obsessed with Valorant. I've never played an FPS before but I'm having a blast even though my performance is pretty inconsistent currently. Some games I'm top frag or in the middle of my team and others I barely get a kill (I think it has more to do with me psyching myself out more than anything AND still learning how to move well.) Yesterday, one of the games we played, I had 0 kills by like 13 rounds. It was making me doubt myself so hard which just made my performance worse and worse. Suddenly, a teammate said "hey guys let's help Reyna get a kill" and so they did. They moved forward and told me to stay towards the back and really tried hard to help me get one. Still didn't happen. A couple rounds later, I got my first kill of the game and not only did my entire team cheer me on but the opposing team did as well. I ended up getting 2 more kills that game and they did nothing but support me and hype me up. It made me enjoy the game that much more and then I went on to play a couple games that night where I was top fragging. Sometimes the Valorant community can really get me down but man, that was awesome and I hope someone from that game reads this, recognizes my username, and continues to do that in future games where a teammate is severely under performing. You have no idea how happy/supported that made me feel.

    submitted by /u/lyssbagel
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    Are You Winning, Jett?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 03:10 AM PDT


    i made this meme in blender, sorry if its bad. i'm a beginner

    submitted by /u/sami_nizami420
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    Stay away from ranked right now guys

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    This isn't to be pissed but just to let people and riot know, there is supposedly (with decent proof) a bug that deranks you from loss regardless of score. I no joke lost 3 games in a row as top frag (13-10, 13-10, 13-7), all of which demoted me so I went from immortal 1 to diamond 1 in 3 games. Just stay away and hopefully riot figures it out and maybe gives some kind of compensation.

    Update: word goes it's not a bug making u lose rank it's just the display. The game knows ur real rank but somehow is displaying one that is incorrect aka the result of three deranks. I'm probably in that case diamond 3 rn but it is just displaying d1

    submitted by /u/Maithreya25
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    Omen TP can reveal enemies in smokes

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    A friendly Omen TPs right in front of me and reveals an enemy Jett hiding in the smoke


    submitted by /u/hyperzzz-
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    Valorant Warm Up Guide - WarOwl

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Phoenix's Flash doesn't affect you if you're playing with the no HUD bug

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:38 AM PDT


    I'm affected by that no HUD bug very often, despite still didn't tracking down what causes it. The bug is present since beta.

    Recently, I discovered that if you're playing with this bug, Phoenix's and Breach's Flashes doesn't affect you at all. I dunno what causes this, but the lack of HUD also probably disables the screen effect that appears when you're flashed.

    submitted by /u/MEX_XIII
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    Finally hit Radiant, here are some highlights from that journey

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:41 AM PDT

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