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    Monday, July 6, 2020

    VALORANT Duelists but its a tf2 Meet The Team edit

    VALORANT Duelists but its a tf2 Meet The Team edit

    Duelists but its a tf2 Meet The Team edit

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Remove the auto queue after a match getting canceled and add an accept button

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    Doing this 2 features will greatly reduce players getting banned for afking. Seriously valorant should have these 2 features they are like the basics of a matchmaking system.

    submitted by /u/Viper5416
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    I got to diamond in VALORANT despite it being my first fps experience. Here are my takeaways for people who, like me, want to climb

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    Im Trizcon, long time LoL player and valorant addict. Despite it being my first shooter, i peaked in diamond 1 yesterday (EUW). Here is my process and what i learnt.


    Learn at least 2 agents. 2 that are useful in various maps and comps. Take in account what you want to accomplish. If youre not confident in your skill, like in my case, you can choose a more supportive style.

    My picks are Sage and Sova, and I can play Brimstone when I see my 2 mains picked or my team desperately needs smokes. I stick to those, but i know what every agent does. So should you.

    Learn your agent in depth, but dont try to learn every arrow from Sova or every camera from Cypher. Those are useful, but if you focus on really specific uses for your abilities you may lose focus on the general state of the game. If you shoot the same arrow 4 rounds in a row chances are it will get destroyed before revealing anyone or they will be ready to hide from it.


    You dont need to be familiar with every single gun in the game. But pick 4 or 5 you are comfortable with that fit different economies, and better if different styles (pushing, short range, long range...). The guns I play are Ghost, Marshall, Spectre, Phantom, Vandal and Operator.

    You have to understand what youre supposed to be doing in that round, what your economy looks like, and pick a gun accordingly. If Im holding mid in ASCENT, I want a gun that is effective at long range. So I would choose between Marshall (cheap round), Vandal (im wealthy, but not massively) or Operator (Im hella rich).

    Buying guns, and economy

    I will not sell a gun unless I die or I hit limit (9000). Its a waste of money. If I live with a Marshall and can afford a Vandal, I will stick with Marshall. Even if its another gun im not familiar with. Spending credits on a gun when your economy is not great will make you have to save sooner if things go south.

    Do not hesitate to buy guns for your teammates, or to request guns if you see they can afford it for you. That spectre you can barely afford for your Phoenix can make him clutch a round, or get an entry frag he wouldnt get without it. However, be wary. That guy who buys operator every round and has not gotten a kill in the previous 3 can be harmful wasting too many creds. Offer him a cheaper gun maybe, but dont make him play pistol.

    If your team is saving, save. Dont be that guy who buys when team calls for saving and saves when team buys. Chances are your team will not win when saving, and youre likely to die, so you will lose your gun. If your team buys, and you cant, request a gun or force. If they rush the site youre holding with a pistol, youll likely not kill anyone and your team will have to retake 4v5.

    I will not go into when to save or when to try to clutch, since I havent studied it yet. If any experienced player can elaborate on this, ill appreciate it.

    Edit here: Credit to u/prangkaaa for the section on saving vs clutching right below:

    In terms of when to save or clutch, I would say more often than not it depends on what site of what map you're playing. If a site is hard to retake and both of your players on said site died to begin the round and the spike is planted, it's likely better you save. However, if they burst a site and your teammate goes down but you know someone on their team lurks, you could try to take advantage of the fact that you know 1 person will be late to the party. I would also say it's worth it to get exits / try for a clutch if you're very healthy on money and know the other team is not.


    Planning ahead of a round will be good for your team. Always be positive when using chat. It is part of the game to make sure your teammates are confident in their play. If someone does something stupid, dont comment on it. If someone fails a clutch, even if they did badly, saying NT(Nice Try) goes a long way. It will help their mental, and if they screwed up they likely know, so being toxic serves no purpose at all. If you want to scream, do it without the push to talk button pressed.

    Giving concise and precise information is a life saver. Your team does not need to know they killed you because you were distracted, but they need to know if you did damage, where the person was and perhaps what gun you were killed with. If you were killed more than 10s ago, chances are the enemy has moved. If you still want to tell your ally where he was, be certain he understands the enemy WAS there, and dont make it sound like youre absolutely certain he IS there. You can kill teammates like that.

    Do not overuse comms, or important information will be lost. The ping system is great for certain info, and chat can be also used as complimentary.

    For example, I will use voice before/after rounds for discussion and encouragement, and during rounds to point enemies on the map. Always giving an estimate number.

    "3 pushing B from garage" is good info. "I hear steps on sewers" is good info. "Theyre here" when you see a raze grenade is awful info. They can be baiting, or not pushing or whatever. BE ACCURATE

    If I die, I will point the damage I did in text chat. I will not bother with Reyna, and if its Sage or someone close to Sage, I will simply point "no armor".

    "Sova -140 with Op" makes my teammates know hes 1 hit, but be careful around him anyways. "Raze -30" is also good info. "Reyna -140" is bad info. If your teammate thinks shes one hit, but she healed off your soul, hes probably dead. "Sage no armor" is good info. Shes at most 100health, and a Marshall can safely aim for the body.

    Pings are great, and the communication wheel is too (placed in , for wheel, and in . for menu). Specially the "Im watching this area" ping. So much good info in a single click.


    This is different for every person, but you can try my process. Before hoping onto a ranked game, i do the following:

    Spike planting training, hard mode. With every gun you are likely to use. You can only buy armor once, and use no abilities.

    Shooting range: Kill 50, no armor, strafe on, infinite ammo. With either Vandal, Phantom or Ghost. My times are around 70s with Vandal or Phantom and around 85s with Ghost.

    Spike rush: Your hands are probably warm now, but you need the game sense and concentration going. Unrated is too long, and spike rush fits the warmup perfectly.

    General gameplay advice

    1.- Play like there is an enemy in every corner and smoke. Checking corners, even if you think your teammate did (specially in "low elo" saves lifes). Smokes are easy to push, specially when defending to surprise the attackers. Dont be that team in the clip that pushes a smoke and gets onetapped from behind by a smart omen.

    2.- Crosshair always at head level. This is hard. Im still working on this. The less you need to move your mouse to kill someone, the faster you kill him. And you take less trade damage. Its a win-win situation.

    3.- Think before you act, but follow your instincts. Do not autoplay. You need to be in the enemy teams head, while not allowing them to get into your head. Be calm. Not clutching because you missfired is totally fine. Not clutching because you got nervous is a problem.

    4.- Be wary of how your abilities affect your teammates. Dont Sova ult through them. Dont blind them, dont Raze grenade them. It will make them instantly not trust/like you. If you accidentally do, apologise.

    5.- Change things up, and look for patrons in the enemy. If the enemy omen pushed B while defending, hold a pixel where you can easily kill him next round. If Cypher was behind the same box last 2 rounds, prefire it. Change your style, even if the last round you did perfect with it. Not dramatically, but dont cover the exact same angle. They will likely know.

    6.- Dont take wins or losses too seriously. Just play, and remind yourself that you will get better. But actively try to get better.

    7.- Sensitivity: If youre new, sensitivity is key in fps. Do not copy your favourite streamers settings. Maybe copy their crosshair, but not sensitivity.

    To get a sensitivity your comfortable with, hop into the shooting range. Pick any gun, and set it to medium difficulty. Shoot them as fast as you can, and see where it lands. If youre going past the enemy more than 70% of your shots, tune it down. If youre not getting to them 70% of your shots, tune it up. Once your comfortable with it, stick to it. Changing it will make your muscle memory fail.

    Thank you for listening to my TED talk.

    Edits: formatting and added sensitivity.

    submitted by /u/trizcon97
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    After around two weeks, I finally finished drawing every champion from VALORANT. Hope you all like these!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    I've lost 13 ranked games in a row and not deranked once AMA

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    Seriously, I've lost my last 13 ranked games and I'm still Diamond 3 - how is this possible? Is my MMR really high and the game doesn't want me to derank or am I just very lucky? For ref, none of these are placements.

    submitted by /u/shortpegs
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    If someone leaves or goes AFK on the first round, the match should be cancelled.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    As my title says, nothing is more infuriating then having to fight an entire game 5 v 4. It's also impossible to accurately rate skill level when a team is down 20% of possible map coverage.

    Just say "match canceled" and everyone can move on. I'm sure people are going to say "what about crashes" or whatever, and the answer is simple: copy dota, if you left before round 2 and you don't reconnect in 5 mins the match is over.

    submitted by /u/KingFarOut
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    Remove "Kill while an Ally is planting/defusing", it's the worst type of mission you could have in an FPS

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    Who even had the idea of this nonsense? This missions basically forces you to play differently to ensure completing this mission, and even then, especially without premades, it can take ages for the fitting moment to occur unless you're just very lucky. I'm literally on my 7th Spike Rush game just to complete this damn mission but there's literally never a fitting situation... And the worst of it, it's just 4k XP as well. Rework or just remove this mission as a whole, it's incomparable to any other mission.

    submitted by /u/niclaswwe
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    I watch a lot of esports and Valorant by far has been the messiest of the ones I've followed

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    I don't know which tournament I'm watching, I have no idea of the structure, hell, I don't even know there's a tournament going on, all I know is TSM won a tournament but apparently there's another one going on right now? I don't know anymore, they need to structure/market this properly because its been nothing but confusion.

    submitted by /u/ddd4175
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    PepeJett (OC)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:35 AM PDT

    whoever placed this Soda Can on this map is an asshole

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    1v4 clutch in a sudden death makes you feel good!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    Sova is fun

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    Enemy visibility tip that has helped me tremendously (not digital vibrance)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Enemy visibility tip that has helped me tremendously (not digital vibrance)

    I personally use red as the enemy highlight color, so this tip might not not work as good for other highlight colors.

    As a lifelong Quake player, I always have trouble with enemy visibility in other games. To understand why, this is pretty much how my Quake Live looks:


    Thus, I'm very used to have muted map colors and very bright enemies.

    In Valorant, increasing digital vibrance helps make the glows pop out more, but it also makes the map colors more "agressive" on the eyes (not really sure how to properly translate this to english). The end result is that there is not much visibility gain to be had, as the presence of more bright and "agressively colored" map area means the contrast between enemies and the map is only barely increased.

    I've also tried increasing gamma and playing with contrast in the Nvidia control panel, but couldn't find any settings I liked much. Basically, increasing the gamma helps to mute the map colors, but it also makes the enemies pop out less.

    Here is my secret sauce. I've noticed that by lowering the red value in the RGB configuration of my monitor, the red enemy glow remains unchanged since it is pretty much a "pure" red. But, all the annoyingly "agressive" bright and orange map areas shift to a more blueish tint. Thus, the end result is exactly what I want: this increases the contrast of the enemy models highlight in relation to the map.

    I can't give exact values as this will be monitor dependant, but here is what I use on my Benq XL2411z. Initially, RGB were set to something near 100/100/100. I believe it was 95/98/98 or something like that (I stole some recommended settings to get better color accuracy back in the days). In Valorant, I now use 50/100/100. Peeking and scanning the scene has become so much faster for me, I now see enemies immediately. I'm on my lunch break at work right now so I can't post before/after pictures, but I'll do it when I get back home.

    By the way, here's a tip if you want to optimize your settings for enemies visibility. When you die and you're spectating teammates, take some screenshots of various scenes and maps when enemies are present. Then when you play with Nvidia Control Panel or monitor settings, go through the various screenshots to make sure general visibility is still good. This is important because if you optimize for a given map or a certain area, it might actually make enemies harder to see elsewhere.


    submitted by /u/that_amazon_guy
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    It's amazing how different the game feels depending on what day and/ or time of day you play.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    In the very same rank you can have such vastly different experiences.

    I personally have so much better matches/ lobbies in the early morning hours or after 10 pm again.

    Weekends and afternoons feels goddamn awful.

    I'm in gold. In the evenings those matches feel like actual gold matches, people mostly in voice, people chill, yet dedicated, cooperating etc.

    Same rank on the weekend, it's a bunch of angry kids baiting each other, no one in voice. Lots of rage quitters and afkers, Awful.

    I get it's an "easy to avoid" issue, but I simply wish there would be more consistency in the ladder in this regard.

    submitted by /u/herrnoxx
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    Jett fanart

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    Jett fanart

    I hope you guys like it.



    submitted by /u/Mightyiest
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    Ranked can be more than just competitive play!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    So, recently I played ranked (I'm Gold 1 so I didn't expect anything like getting Info from voice chat or communicating with pings). The round started and we lost the pistol round, eco-round and the full-buy round. Therefore we also lost the next 3 rounds. Usually at this point nobody cares to win or lose anymore and just starts being toxic. To my surprise though, everybody started talking, giving info and so on, which led from a 0 - 6 to a 6 - 6. All 5 started to communicate. Because of that we were able to win 13 - 8. And probably the best thing: we all found new friends.

    What I wanna say is that even though the round started really bad, we were still able to win the match. We started communicating (not just about the match, we just talked about everything) and we started enjoying the game. It's so much more fun and it's just so easy to achieve. Stop being toxic and ask yourself what you can do better next time. Ask your teammates what they think was the problem and start creating new strategies.

    submitted by /u/Daquno
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    First time doing Valorant art coming from the CS community. Drew one of my favorite players, ScreaM, as one of his mains. Hope you like it. :)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    There should be some indication that shows how close or how far you are to the next rank.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    I think there should be like a bar that fills up as you win games and goes down if you lose, because people have no idea when they will rank up or down right now.

    submitted by /u/FireLogBoi
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    Always try hard even tho you're losing hard.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    So far I had a couple of really bad party boosted morons who don't even remotely play like diamond, however what i've noticed of the 3 matches that I lost hard ( 2-13, 3-13 and 1-13) I never lost much mmr at all, always just 1 arrow down. I believe this is because the matchmaking actually looks at your performance compared to your team and decides how much rank you lose or gain based on that.

    So if you get really bad boosted players in your team and are losing hard, do not throw and try, depending on how you perform, even a 1-13 won't lose you much mmr.

    submitted by /u/Blunt552
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    Any Plans to Allow Us to Disable our Upgraded Skins?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    I'm getting pretty tired of the laser shots. You already have the ability to swap between skin variants so this would be a nice addition to have instead of having to use a vanilla weapon or just grow tired of the skin you have equipped.

    submitted by /u/StpME
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    One arrow and a dream

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    Can't Belive I Got This Plant Down and Clutched it...

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    There needs to be a way to see your exact rank.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    In LoL and Overwatch, you set your LP/SR to know exactly where you stand with regards to promos and deranks. In Valorant, there's absolutely no clue. I've just won 4 games in a row (2 slightly increases, one greatly, and one middle) and have now just lost 2 games (2 normal decreases) and somehow it has meant I have been deranked.

    How does this make any sense?

    If I knew exactly how much I was gaining or losing per game (or if there was any kind of way of determining my MMR), then this wouldn't be a problem, but right now I have absolutely no clue how close I am to getting promoted/demoted.

    submitted by /u/_DeanRiding
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    Is it me or is Valorant using a lot of resources when idle?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    I'd say I have a pretty potato PC but not to the point that my PC can't do anything. When alt tabbing, other apps struggle to run even if Valorant is just idle on the main menu. In other games I played before that are a lot more demanding than Valorant (Apex and WWZ just to name a few) other apps seem to run fine when idling in those games and tabbing out.

    submitted by /u/aincarn
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