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    Sunday, July 5, 2020

    VALORANT Competitive is fun with friends

    VALORANT Competitive is fun with friends

    Competitive is fun with friends

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    3 Brimstone mollys for common bomb places on bind

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:58 PM PDT

    5 Insane Cypher One-ways on ASCENT!!!!

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    you can have a sage wall boost if you are under the wall and jump(i dont know if this was posted here already but i find this very interesting) here i have some examples of what your can do with it, i had tested it on haven and worked as well.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    got greedy with a 4k, then my mate did the biggest whiff i ever witnessed

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    They need to give us like a double xp weekend or something

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 01:51 AM PDT

    This battlepass is too f grindy. Heck, give us 3 dailies with 4k xp each i'll be happy

    submitted by /u/EpicMusic13
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    Imagine a team of 4 being toxic and swearing you the whole game because you don’t want to surrender when we’re winning so they can derank on their smurf accounts lol

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Hey if someone is sucking in unrated, consider that they might be playing unrated for a reason

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    Practice range can teach you what an agent's abilities are and how to use them, but it can't teach how to use them effectively. I just wanted to play a game or two of unrated to get a proper handle on how an agent played. first couple rounds I messed up a few times, and my team started flaming the shit out of me. Every move I made got hyper scrutinized and I was blamed for every round we lost. They actually called for a surrender when we were down 7-2. 4/5 said yes, so I just said fuck it and accepted because it was no fun. I don't feel like repeating that experience, so I guess I'll just stick to the agents I'm good at.

    Just consider that if you're in an unrated game with someone sucking, they might be trying to learn...

    submitted by /u/CinnasterStix
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    Is it just me, or does knifing feel extremely clunky in this game?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    Perhaps it's because I'm coming from CS, but knifing in valorant feels very unforgiving and uncomfortable. It makes knifing feel like an afterthought.

    I'm not sure how they would fix this, but does anyone else feel the same?

    submitted by /u/Limpdick-wrister
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    Pinging the map is inconsistent.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    When opening your map with CapsLock, pinging works fine most of the time, but in some situations, the ping is like « magnetised » and it ends up pinging a quite different location from where you wanted to ping originally.

    Sometimes I also simply couldn't ping anymore, and it wasn't a ping restriction because i spammed it.

    I don't know what cause this inconsistency, but i guess it should be fairly easy to fix. Props to Riot for keeping attention at the feedback we're giving :)

    submitted by /u/Keyamo
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    I feel like I'm constantly improving and getting worse at the same time

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    I go a couple days where I play decently well, get head shots, win trades, high frag. And suddenly the next day I miss every shot, rely on spraying to get kills and just die on every round. It gets to a point where I don't understand what I'm doing differently.

    Edit: wow I didn't expect this to gain so much traction! It really makes me feel comfort to see I'm not alone on this and if you browse the comments, there's some very good advice! Thank you to all

    submitted by /u/Mekju
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    Make the name of the person who made an assist visible in the kill notification

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Since Valorant it's a squad game a kill it's sometimes a teamwork

    submitted by /u/GioelePlays
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    Can we at least get some xp from kills in spike rush other than the flat 1000xp?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    Getting 1000xp flat is just... i dont know. We need something else to get xp, battlepass grind is ridics my god

    submitted by /u/EpicMusic13
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    Which one of the agents has children?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    One of Cypher's voice lines is, "Let's see what I have to use. Pictures of their children?". I'm just curious as to which agent has children.

    submitted by /u/MrGhostFedora
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    My buddy 3D printed my axe for me! Thought you guys would appreciate it!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    Map rotation after death leads to false pings

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    TL;DR: what the title says.

    Setup: Map rotating with the agents orientation


    If u have people without mics, it is good to use the ping system. But since u can die before knowing, you often call things out, the moment u died. Problem here with the pings is, that I can not ping on the map after my death (and without map isnt possible, since u cant control your crosshair anymore), or else the ping will mostly be on a completly wrong position. Only after some time it is possiblke, but then its often too late and not precise, since u dont rly know where the enemy went off for sure.


    My map rotates with me. While dead, the map goes back to a defined rotation. The timing from the "alive state" to the "dead state" is the exactly timing i want to ping when i died, which leads to me clicking non the map while in the "alive state" but the ping get registered on the "dead state". And so the ping will be totally random and therefore 99% of the time completly wrong and I end up just confusing my m8s. So I end up just not pinging after death... yay, the communication system dont wants me to communicate ...


    A. dont rotate the map while its opened

    B. dont rotate the map without input of the user (f*cking automatic functions in things the user has the control are all over the place and i hate "all" of them ... looks at autofilling words in my phone)

    edit: spelling

    submitted by /u/maNok_Kurtinger
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    When toxic teammates quit together and other team calls a knife fight

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    This is my Viper t-shirt that I painted with acrylic.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:55 AM PDT

    Here you can see. I hope you guys like it!

    submitted by /u/Megahead666
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    My take on a spectator UI for Valorant, what would you add/change?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Since we're all waiting for Riot Games' take on the spectator UI, I thought I'd take a stab at it since I had some ideas and wanted to see how it could all come together. Let me know what you guys think and ideas you have or things you think should be added/removed, thanks!

    submitted by /u/alba7or
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    Feature request: viper pit should show affected area while targeting - both on game view and on map

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:08 AM PDT


    1 - right now it's unreliable, you could miss a corner because viper pit is not circular - and opponents could peek around it. Or you could misplace it and not have "safe spot" (a small space right outside the ulti in a map corner, where you could chill). Visual aid while deploying should solve this issue

    2 - it's easier to understand if you will cover something outside your line of sight - i.e. behind your back, behind that crate or in that hallway

    3 - it's easier for new players to understand ability's radius

    4 - every "placeable" ability should clearly indicate affected area. This is true for MOBA's and other shooters with abilities. Not a great reason, i know; but it would match players' expectations


    Variant 1: show it on the ground, like brimstone's smokes when they are about to hit. Displaying border should be enough.

    Variant 2: show it through the world, like omen's smokes when he's deploying them. Such view should cover all pit area, so you could check if borders satisfy you.

    As for how you should display it on the map - like you always do, with cyan highlight. That's straightforward.

    Please leave your suggestions in the comments. Feedback on why using viper pit feels clunky is greatly appreciated too (cuz it's better to state the problem which should be solved instead of proposing solution straight away).

    submitted by /u/nuancepicker
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    Why cheating at all?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    I just read that Riot banned ~9000 accounts because of cheating and I don't get why people spent 100+ of dollars to cheat in a game. Isn't it more fun when you figured things out by your own and improving your skills? I wonder what kind of personality these cheaters have in real life, that you need to cheat in a game to feel successful? (I usually play non-competetive games, so I am sorry if this question irritates you)

    submitted by /u/_yuesama
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    Having a Child for a Teammate (No Actually, Very Wholesome)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    So today I played a ranked game with a child. Not a mental one, a physical child, maybe 10-13 years old tops. In agent select, I apparently took his cypher away, but he was chill with it. Only 5 seconds into the prep phase for pistol round did he start using his mic. The rest of the team seemed lax at first, using comms only for callouts and when they were smoking. But this kid... He kept telling us throughout the round how he didn't really play Brimstone a lot (this was his second time playing), and how he was sorry if he didn't know what his abilities did all the time.

    In my head I'm like, "Oh great, this is gonna take some effort. But I really don't wanna scar this kid to how bad this community can yell at you if you're bad."

    The Sage and I started to just very patiently walk him through where to smoke, not to push, etc. Our Reyna was pretty loud, and yelled at him at least once per round for something I considered nit-picky. Eventually he started telling the kid to buy him guns, with the promise of buying him in later rounds. The kid very disappointedly agreed, and started buying him phantoms and even an operator in some rounds.

    Me and Sage must've been thinking along the same line of, "I don't wanna destroy this kid emotionally by screaming at him what to do." So we silently try-harded like we've never tried before in a ranked game.

    In one round, we told the kid to ult site as Brim, and he ended up getting one kill, which allowed Sage and I to push onto site and clear the rest out + clutch the defuse. He asked us if his ult was good, and if he himself did good. Of course we encouraged him, and he gave a pretty classic kid response "Yay! Yay!"

    Our Sova snapped at him in the second half, telling him to "shut the fuck up" and proceeded to mute him. Fortunately I think it somehow flew over that kid's head, and he asked Sage and I why Sova wasn't responding when he complimented his 1v3. This honestly made my heart break a little, but that soon faded when I decided to buy this 10 Year Old (who I visualized to need a booster seat to see the monitor of his big brother's computer) an Odin since I was at max economy.

    This kid took that Odin, held down left click like nobody's business, and 1v3'd the enemy team while I planted, winning us the ranked match that promoted me to Gold 2.

    Final Score : 13-8

    TL;DR 10 year old kids have the capacity to be decent too, try not to flame them too hard in the game. (In ranked I think I can understand where people are coming from a little better, but our game was comp as well so there's some merit to that.)

    submitted by /u/sethmendoza
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    My experience as a Dad in VALORANT

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    So after the trauma of the world so far this year and very much the last few days (RIP Byron). I thought I'd come share my experience(s) so far playing Valorant as a father, playing alongside my son and the toxicity of the community towards minors/pre teens/teens whatever you'd like to class them as.

    Let me start of by saying I haven't played a shooting game since Nuketown was a thing (shout out to the OGs in the back keeping it 💯 and under stand that reference). So when I seen this game advertised I thought yeah it's cool but I could take it or leave it. But my boy who is very much in the Fortnite era, kept telling me about this game and how I'd enjoy it. And we should play some games together I thought why the hell not. Now bare in mind my background is mainly WoW, League & Path of Exile. We play a lot of league together and it actually makes my day watching this kid pop off and making grown men tilt in /all chat about being a smurf and what not. So what father would pass up this opportunity to see what he can do in a shooting game where his friends say his real skill lie.

    So fast forward to getting into Valorant. People are actually toxic ASF towards children. Like wow it's actually mind blowing. These kids that are the future of online game communities that we say we want to cleanse of toxicity. And just our future in all aspects of life. And the way we teach these kids to interact in a social circle (albeit online) is hearing people reply to his "hey team" with a "fuck you kid, don't ruin my game" or just generally making fun about the tone of his voice or throwing other insults his way. Basically encouraging an argument 30seconds into a game. How does any of this stem to improve the experience in that game? If anything you've just set the ton yourself by being a toxic piece of shit...

    These kids will become custom to thinking that's just the way people actually communicate online and will just feed into more people becoming more toxic and thinking they can get away with saying anything they want without consequence. And God knows what it does to them outside of the game. How bad does it affect their mental? How will that abuse they receive every other day affect their emotional development Into young adults and the consequences that could have on our society. This is literally millions of kids across the world (admittedly not all in VALORANT but this kinda attitude covers many platforms & games).

    Now luckily for me and my boy. He will run circles around most people in his lobbies and will shut down haters real fast by letting his skills do the talking. I mean imagine hating a kid in lobby or round1/2 only for him to hard carry your sorry ass to victory. I mean it feels quite euphoric to be a part of it NGL... And these people really do stfu quite quickly, plus having another adult stick up for him in voice comms makes it a lot harder for them to argue. (A special shout out to those who get there before I snap and shut down these people. And shame on those who just sit there and let it happen).

    Admittedly I have serious concerns about the others out there who aren't as skilled, aren't as protected. They are literally been prayed on and really just abused for someone to try feel alpha male for a couple of seconds. Kids development is a precious and fragile thing. Kids from 10-14 being treated this way? Hell, maybe even kids up to a higher age. It's down right disgusting. One day you'll raise a child of your own. You'll get to feel all the things me and others go through about raising a kid. How you going to do that when you can't even respect a kid in a game trying to have fun? How you gonna teach them respect, when you can't show it?

    This kid is in your lobby because he's at your skill level. If you can't handle that, that's on you. Try to improve yourself before you flame others. This kid isn't playing on his brothers account in Gold/Plat. Or even bronze, silver (although I admit this will happen but it's very few and far between). Majority of these kids play unrated to learn, to have fun. Don't be a dick. These kids that play ranked and are above bronze. They are playing to improve, to develop and who knows some of them might make a career out of it. Help educate them, encourage them. And if your so insecure about playing alongside them, maybe you should step aside.

    Now for all you guys out there that I've played with who have been super encouraging towards my boy and other kids. On behalf of those parents and myself I thank you. The kids they thank you too. The confidence a kid gets from the encouragement of a parent is precious. I can see the pride in him when I tell him how good that play was, but the confidence they gain when a stranger tells him "that was a sick out play" " your carrying me so hard bro" or anything that actively produces that "buzz" is insane to their confidence and ultimately their development.

    • Also if your wondering he has chat disabled and I relay any info that's relevent to him to try shield him from any toxicity. I do let him play with it on sometimes providing everyone seems pretty chill and if anything changes I can always just mute them on his end.
    submitted by /u/Barron2110
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    Immortal/Radiant clips :D

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:29 AM PDT

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