• Breaking News

    Saturday, July 4, 2020

    VALORANT State of the Subreddit feedback thread #1

    VALORANT State of the Subreddit feedback thread #1

    State of the Subreddit feedback thread #1

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    Hey guys, its been a few months since the sub has opened and now that the game has officially been released for a while we wanted to see what everyone thinks about the current state of the subreddit. Below are a few questions to help guide discussion if you want to use them.

    • What changes do you want to see on the sub?

    • What do you think the mod team does well/poorly?

    • What is your favorite kind of content on the subreddit?

    Previous Rule change posts

    submitted by /u/RawStanky
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    It Would be Cool to have Finishers on the Agent Contract Weapons

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    Having finishers that fit the theme of that agent would be neat.


    Sage - enemy turns to crystal and shatters

    Raze - paint explosion

    Sova - lightning owl strike

    Phoenix - enemy burnt to ash

    Cypher - digitized effect

    Omen - consumed by the void

    Brimstone - mini orbital strike

    Viper - dissolved in acid

    Breach - rock fissure

    Reyna - enemy's soul leaves body

    Jett - tornado effect

    submitted by /u/Zire_the_Rat
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    A very stylish double shockdart kill + Tutorial

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:28 AM PDT

    DO NOT SURRENDER [in competitive]

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    Guys I get it, you had a bad start and feel like you don't want to play it out but please stop for a moment, take a deep breath and realise that surrendering will only serve you to loose more ELO/MMR.

    I'd say in > 99.5% of cases surrendering will lead you to loose more than just playing it out. Every round counts and more often than not things will suddenly get better and the game could become close or even end up as a win. I don't even want to count the number of games in CS GO we were like 2-14 and ended up 15-15 or shit like that.

    Remember that in these games it's much better to loose 6-13 vs 1-13 (ELO/MMR wise) and if you feel like surrendering you should just stop playing ranked as you are mentally incapable of handling it or too tilted. In the long run, those games can decide whether you end up as hardstuck gold or reach diamond and beyond.

    What mentally helps me is to think, just one round, let's just win one more round and then another one and another one. Don't think about the whole game and even if you loose it, you can cut your losses that way. Stop caring about your teammate's performance, you are very capable of clutching a few rounds on your own here and there, if you try.

    submitted by /u/rngeeeesus
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    My Sickest Ace Clutch Ever - Omen Jukes (Rank : Diamond 2)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    Hope you guys enjoy this clutch as much as I did :D


    submitted by /u/Tr0maa
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    Isnt 150 hp after each kill a little bit too much?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    I mean yes: Reyna needs a kill to go off. But is a full heal up to 150 realy necesarry?

    She dominates solo que, at least here on plat 3, and calling out her HP is actively bad towards your team. And even then: How many heals does she have? And invisibility + immortality? A flash that only flashes enemies through walls?

    Give her 125 hp. Way more than needed.

    Meanwhile im still confused if they actually buffed Viper or not.

    submitted by /u/GMontezuma
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    My plays aren't good enough to make a montage so I made an anime opening instead. Hope you guys like it. ;)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    Back TO Back Reyna Ace Clutches In Diamond ranks

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Omen baits are best

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    Phoenix_Corrupted ||| FAN EDIT

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Phoenix_Corrupted ||| FAN EDIT


    It's the second edit I have made. I spent around 2 or 3 hours making this. The inspiration was the quote Cypher said in-game "Phoenix, oh, you are really aggressive, I'm impressed and a little scared!". So I made Phoenix look like he is corrupted by something similar to Omen but in another way. Be free to leave your thoughts!

    Edit by u/IIXCII

    submitted by /u/IIXCII
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    4 man premades, remember to say important stuff to your poor random

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    I play mostly solo queue and there are games that I get queued up with 4 man premades that don't give absolutely ANY information. Probably that's why the random is always a "noob", it's pretty hard to play the game without any intel.

    Just the important things, such as where was the enemy that killed you, how many people are you hearing near you, inform when you are about to flash or peek so we can trade a kill and stuff.

    Don't say "hUr Dur lOok aT tHE miNI mAp" cause if that was enough, voice chat wouldnt exist.

    submitted by /u/ripchick
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    Eco round clutch

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    What rank are you? (Rank distribution)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    Things VALORANT players would like to see in upcoming updates

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Heya there,

    As we content our frustration on some of the issues in the game currently, I would like this post to serve as a giant collection of what the community would like to see be addressed by the VALORANT devs. I've compiled this list from a compilation of other reddit posts in this subreddit, as well as feedback from actual in-game players.

    • Improved Hit Reg

    • Improved Audio

    • Improved Practice Range

    • Battle Pass exhausting grind

    • Skin Prices

    • Improved Rank System (Numerical indicators)

    • Top 100 leaderboard

    • Time-out System

    • Early remake for AFK's

    • Replay System

    • Honor System

    • Granting more bonuses for knife kills

    There's no doubt in my mind many of the things I've listed has already come up to riot's attention. As mentioned, I would like this post to serve as a collection and a reminder for them. Feel free to discuss the issues in the comments, or provide more changes to be added to the list.

    submitted by /u/Melneo_
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    It's very important that a system like CSGO's DEMO system is implemented

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:07 AM PDT

    I, as well as many others learned how to play and improve in cs through downloading pro demos off of hltv, and through reviewing our own gameplay. Teams develop their strategies through studying the demos of top teams. For the Valorant scene to improve and thrive, its imperative some type of demo system is implemented. Please don't put this to the side.

    A player that is tired of streaming to an alt twitch account to record gameplay, and struggling to glean anything from tournaments due to non-optimal observing.

    submitted by /u/ImTristen
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    Some headshots register as body shots

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Anyone else annoyed witht this?

    submitted by /u/BlueEyesNaziDragon
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    TIP: Never use Sova Drone against Brimstone Or Sova with Ult Charged.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    I just figured I'd offer this advice as I've gotten many free kills from this. If you're playing Sova, make sure to see if the enemy team has a Brimstone or Sova with their ultimate ready, especially Brimstone, because as a Brimstone player, whenever I see that Sova Drone come out from an angle, I immediately ult behind it for a free kill on the unmoving Sova. This is a very basic tip, but people still do this all the time in Diamond games.

    submitted by /u/paak22
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    Patience and kindness goes a long way when playing with strangers

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    I had a frustrating night of ranked tonight. Started the night Gold 3. Played 3 games.

    The first was all gold players and was pretty evenly matched, we just couldn't pull it off. Had a rating decrease after that.

    The following game my team consisted of me, a Gold 2 player, and 3 silvers. I assume they were a 4 stack as they consistently pushed together and died, bought light shields and ghost in damn near every round, and none of them said a word the whole game despite my attempts to make callouts or ask for info. Surprisingly we managed to pull off 5 rounds but still got stomped overall. After that game I got demoted to Gold 2, so I was a little frustrated.

    I decided I'd give it one more shot for the night. I queued up and was put in a game with 2 other Gold players, with the rest in Plat and a Diamond player on each team. Match starts and I fuck up in pistol round so I'm stuck in a corner. 3 enemies have line of sight on me and my Diamond Jett says "Sova do something" and I hop out and die. Light flaming ensues. I proceed to start the game 0-7-1, and my team is getting more and more frustrated with me to the point where I just say "look at these ranks, I'm obviously outclassed. It's not like I want to keep dying." The team was then silent for a minute before one of them says "nah they're dogshit just play confident you got this." Next round it's down to me and our Jett, and as we're navigating the map the Plat 3 player on my team gives me pointers on when to shoot my shock darts, recon dart, etc. We win the round and they tell me "nice job". I know it was a pity "nice job" but just hearing that can pick you right back up. After a god-awful start we managed to work really well together and pulled off a 13-10 win. I still bottom fragged but ended up like 7-11-6 or something, but that didn't mean I was useless. I may have been the weak link, but key recon darts and communicating where I was dying from helped the team pull it off. Had the flaming continued I doubt the communication that ended up getting us the win would have been possible... Just something to keep in mind. For the most part when someone is getting demolished it's not intentional, and adding fuel to the fire isn't going to make them play better. Kindness goes a long way.

    submitted by /u/iMakeRandomCrap
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    Does any else get the feeling headshots counting as body shots?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Many times in this game I get in a fire fight and dude is crouching and I'm aiming at the head but it seems to always count as a body shot when I die just wondering if there is something I'm doing wrong or if this is happening to everyone?

    submitted by /u/ztay90
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    Just remember. It’s not okay to be mean to someone simply because they’re not as good as you

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Nobody deserves to feel any worse than they already do when they play badly in comparison to the rest of the team. You don't have to tell them they're doing bad, they aren't stupid, they're just not as good as you at the video game and maybe it's a bad day, but no matter what they can see the scoreboard.

    You telling someone they're bad in no way makes them do better, it's only for you to make yourself feel like a better player because you can talk down on someone. Being bad at a video game, even a sport or being an artist of any sort, it's not unethical or immoral to be bad at anything, and being "bad" is in comparison to the speaker so.

    Tilt is the biggest killer of a player's game, it makes them emotionally inconsistent and feeling upset with themselves doesn't make them better either. They just want to play a game, and letting down a team of 4 other people somewhere else in the world is not what they intend on doing. The outcome is unintentional.

    Just think about it.

    On the other hand if they INTENTIONALLY ruin another players experience to hell with them they can burn in the depths of the underworld.

    submitted by /u/therealchengarang
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    VALORANT skins with upgrades

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    I feel we should have the option to enable or disable which upgrade we want on guns such as sovereign or prime. I'm not a fan of the laser sound effect of the Prime skins. It looks cool with reload, but I'm a bigger fan of the original sound. Anyone else agree?

    submitted by /u/4ever_vegetable
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    VALORANT's Narrative May Be Opening Up a New Level of Conflict

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    VALORANT's Narrative May Be Opening Up a New Level of Conflict

    Heya everyone!

    Your local lore dealer is back, this time with more theory than hard fact.

    If you've been keeping up with what we know, skip this next section, if not, please take a brief moment to understand a few key terms:



    This is the cornerstone of VALORANT's world, it's everywhere. Those big green boxes? Radianite. Ult Orbs, The Spike, the reactor on Bind Site-A? Radianite. The generators on Split? Radianite. It is the driving force of the world, and also the reason some Agents have hyper-natural abilities. Those teleporters on Bind, the rift above The Range, all made possible by Radianite. We've come to understand that Radianite has many states and forms, of which decide what it's capable of.

    The Spike uses it to transport other Radianite, which is why we use it to steal Radianite from each map's sites. As you might have guessed, all of these points make Radianite an extremely valuable and versatile resource. Which is why Kingdom hoards it and pushes its capabilities to the limits.

    First Light ( -or so we thought) + Radiants


    An early Polygon interview done with David Nottingham (Valorant Creative Director) provides no real definition, but explains what it results in, "... certain people around the world end up with new hyper-natural powers... These new powers brought about massive global changes, including the rise of new governments. Eventually in response to the events that occur around First Light, a new organization called Valorant is created by secretive backers."

    Those gifted with the "hyper-natural" powers are known as Radiants. The word "Radiant" stems from "Radianite" This suggests that First Light also introduced Radianite to the Earth, spawning global corporate-political conflict where Radiants are the pawns.

    Here is another summary of found in other promotional materials from the Beta period:

    Valorant takes place on a version of Earth in the near future following an event known as First Light. This event spans the entire globe, leading to big transformations to life, technology, and how governments operate. However, select people across the globe start to gain abilities stemming from this massive event. These gifted individuals are called Radiants.

    The Theory:

    When the game launched, we were gifted the amazing Duelists Cinematic, animated by the talented folks at Blur Studio in Culver City, CA. On their website you can find a page dedicated to the project with a short description:

    The VALORANT launch and beta campaigns were some of the best game marketing we've ever seen. Riot made an amazing game to start with, but their smart messaging helped to propel the title into a long-lasting, successful franchise.

    We are proud to have made the game's first trailer, a stylized, cinematic romp through Venice featuring two VALORANT Protocol agents activated to save the world from a mysterious event called the First Light.

    This description completely contradicts what we thought we knew about First Light. We thought it to be the first introduction of Radianite and ,subsequently, Radiants to the Earth. If we are to believe this description is not erroneous (which we brushed it off as when this all came out), that means Radianite and Radiants have been around prior to First Light. This is evidenced by the mere existence of Jett, Phoenix, and the Spike. So how do we explain all of this?

    This idea came to me earlier today when I had brought up the quote above to other lore enthusiasts in the Lore Discord server I started, I shared it with them as soon as it had time to simmer in my brain:

    Let's assume this description of the cinematic is true. That would mean at the very least Phoenix and Jett have obtained Radiant abilities without the need of First Light -this would also mean that Radianite arrived on Earth before First Light.

    So what is First Light? Well if we assume that Radiant abilities weren't simply granted at random when Radianite was discovered/came to Earth, that would mean only those that came into direct contact with it either intentionally or unintentionally would have developed Radiant abilities.

    This makes for an X-Men type scenario where Radiants are a small group of "anomalies" or "mutants" that are hunted/mistreated/feared by non-Radiants. This in turn inspires some Radiants to stand up, group together, and act against the injustice, such as Reyna, AND I QUOTE:

    "Today is a gift to Radiants, we are finally free to use our powers."

    "Enough of your technology. The future is Radiant."

    This leads me to believe that First Light may be an event that Radiants like Reyna are making happen themselves, in other words, they want to make everyone ELSE Radiants, to "end" the conflict between the two. This works with both the description David Nottingham gave before Beta AND with the more recent cinematic summary.

    Reyna specifically says "Today" and she only uses that voice line on Ascent, which takes place on the raised piece of Venice we see at the end of the cinematic trailer. That would imply that the Rise of Venice is not simply an attack on Kingdom, but more importantly, the first step of First Light.


    Another part of Blur's description stands out, "...featuring two VALORANT Protocol agents activated to save the world..." If we're being technical, there are three people in the cinematic, Phoenix, Jett, and the person Phoenix is communicating with (who we assume to be Sage based on voice.) We could assume that Phoenix and Sage are the Valorant Protocol Agents that were activated, leaving Jett to potentially be working alongside those that wish to ignite First Light.

    This all rests on the assumption that the description Blur gave is canonical, but does open up many other questions:

    • The Radianite on Ascent seems to have been agitated rather than transported with a Spike, maybe this was done with a modified Spike; but what exactly does making this floating island have to do with First Light? Are they changing the state of the Radianite to one that is more susceptible to granting Radiant abilities?
    • Where does this leave the already complex dynamic of Valorant and Kingdom?
    • Is anyone else in the cast working in interest of Reyna's ambitions?
    • Is Reyna the leader of this Radiant Revolution?
    • Where does this leave the technology-based Agents? Are their motives solely to act against or for Kingdom? Given some of their potential involvement in the company both at present and in the past it's hard to say.
    • Does Kingdom endorse the First Light movement? Does Valorant? Some of us think Valorant was funded by Kingdom execs, which complicates these questions even further.
    • Are they retconning their initial idea for what First Light is?

    I could go on and on, but instead of discussing it with myself, I invite you to join us at the VALORANT Lore Discord and share what you think about the theory and what it implies.

    At the moment I'm working on an FAQ and the "Records of Radiance", both of which aim to inform new and experienced members of the community, respectively, before bringing up topics we've discussed thoroughly and on numerous occasions as a means to drive the discussion forward with fresh ideas, discoveries, and theories.

    Thank you all for reading, and I wish you all the best! <3

    "Stand tall. We are VALORANT, we are fighters!"


    submitted by /u/BloodyThumbtack
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    Feeling better and worse about the game after an odd firefight

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    I had a firefight where I swear I shot a person in the head, but they killed me and I saw only body hits. But right after I died my teammate speccing me said "I swear you shot that person in the face."

    We both saw blood spurt from their head. I don't think I'm particularly good at Valorant, but now I'm wondering how often something like this is occurring.

    Edit: Solved the problem by uninstalling, this is more of a job than a fun game.

    submitted by /u/versipelis
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    Oh, how I love playing Sage, first time I have ever had more assists than kills

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    My most amazing ranked highlight. Diamond 2 - 6 Frag Ace!

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 07:59 AM PDT

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