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    Monday, August 31, 2020

    VALORANT After playing for months I'm still too trash to make a full montage of sick clutches, aces, etc. so I made this instead. Enjoy!

    VALORANT After playing for months I'm still too trash to make a full montage of sick clutches, aces, etc. so I made this instead. Enjoy!

    After playing for months I'm still too trash to make a full montage of sick clutches, aces, etc. so I made this instead. Enjoy!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    I made a Cowboy Bebop intro for my Phoenix montage. Thought it would be interesting to share here.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    (Headphone Warning) Some secret Sage Tech that I've been experimenting with.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    I Made a Montage of My Immortal II Friend and Completely Surprised Him. (Watch with Headphones)

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    I feel like 2 step verification should be required to play comp

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    Smurfs and throwers are way to common in comp, people just create alt accounts and smurf or they'll go into a gave just to screw with there team. In rainbow 6s and other competitive games they use 2 step verification to stop as many people from doing this. I feel like this or some other method needs to put in place to stop this problem. i can only see positives from adding this in.

    submitted by /u/dibble08
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    Sources: Steel to Leave CS:GO to Play Professional Valorant Esports

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    There should be a different finisher and kill effect for each agent pistol skin.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    This way would make the agent pistol skins more desirable and would also add room for more creative agent kill animations. Ex. Viper shorty releases gas when kills final player or sovas sheriff hits the final player with an arrow

    submitted by /u/HughJassburn
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    I made a montage of some aggressive Omen and Brim plays in Immortal rank, and I synced it to my favorite music. What do you guys think?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    Story: my first game of VALORANT

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    Today I played my first full game of VALORANT.

    I've been playing League as well as shooter games for almost a decade, so I was pretty interested in Valorant. Weeks ago, I downloaded the game and completed the tutorial on my old laptop, and then the poor thing got too warm and shut down. Okay, I thought, no Valorant for me for now.

    Then, I upgraded to a nicer pc. At this point I had been following the subreddit for a while, so even though I didn't know how to play the game I was familiar with some of the champions heroes agents and their abilities.

    I hit the play button, hoping I get matched with other noobs so I don't do horribly. I look at the available agents. I wanted one that wasn't too disruptive (i.e. by placing walls) so I wouldn't screw my team by not knowing how to use that, so I pick Jett. She's also mobile like an Overwatch hero I used to play (Genji) and I watched a fun Jett montage here some days ago, so it sounds like a solid choice and I lock her in.

    Then I see it: one of the players in my team is named "jett only". Sorry! Thankfully, they pick another agent and don't flame me, so we get into the game. My teammates notice that the "jett only" person is playing with some purple-person and not Jett, and they laugh at that in voice chat. Cool, there's voice chat! I was not expecting to be able to talk to my team in an unranked match, so that's nice.

    The game starts and we're on "Bind", and we attack first. I don't know any of the maps but this one looks rather standard, so that's good. I tell my teammates that it's my first game of Valorant, and one asks if I mean first game today "or like, ever". I confirm that it's the second option but that I have played other shooters and they say "oh lord", but quickly tell me not to worry and that they'll help me do well. I learn that Valorant players are nice.

    I know that for the first round we're limited to pistols so I obviously get the biggest Deagle-looking one. The round starts and I follow my teammates, but I miss the action and before I know it it's just me and an enemy left. Great, my first round ever and it's all on me, no pressure! I move around a corner and see an enemy. I shoot at them. They shoot at me. The Sheriff pays off and: I win! My team congratulates me in voice chat and we move on to the next round. I learn that I'm not horrible at the game.

    As the secound round starts, I tell me team that I like rifles and ask which one should I get. They suggest the Phantom, and I buy it. A few seconds later they notice I have no shields and tell me that I should never ever skip buying shields. I die rather quickly this time around, but my mates win the round. I learn that protection is important.

    Next round I head towards B and I notice there's one of those cool-looking portal doors near me. I stand in front of it for a few seconds, trying to get it to open so that I can use the cool-looking portal. I press every button I can think of, and accidentally use my dash. My team then informs me that the portal is one-way only, and that we're at the exit. I'm a little embarrassed. I learn that fancy interdimensional portals don't always work the way we want them.

    Soon after, I notice that I have my ultimate, but not my other abilities. I ask my team how long the cooldowns are, or if I have to kill people to get them (as I notice that's the case for my E). A kind teammate then informs me that I have to buy my other abilities in the shop. I am very embarrassed. In my defense, there are a lot of guns there and I was usually buying very quick so I could get in position. I learn that in Valorant, I have to pay 100 credits to do a big jump.

    A couple rounds later and I am once again the last player standing on my team, this time in a 1v2. Following my team's commands, I go get the spike and head towards B. I meet an enemy, jump in the air and kill them like a total badass. It's clutch time, baby. I quickly inspect the zone, see that it's clear and plant the spike. Then, I confidently wait near it so I can kill the last foe once they come to defuse. Seconds pass, and I hear nothing. My confidence starts going up as I notice every moment brings us closer to victory. My team starts telling me to move. Why, I ask, if I'm protecting the spike here?

    And then I realize that the spike is a bomb, a bomb that I just planted and that is about to explode while I'm like 2 meters away from it. Fuck. I notice that I have my dash (E) and quickly reposition behind a wall so I'm safe. My team tells me to keep moving. There's no way I'm dead here, far from it and behind a wall, right? As the spike beeps its last boop, I explode into a million pieces: I was obviously not far enough. I learn that "spike" is an euphemism for "thermonuclear warhead".

    We lose a few rounds and I notice that our "jett only" player is afk. I hope they're not mad because I took Jett from them. We win one more and get to a solid 6-6 before it's time to switch sides. Not bad for a 4v5! It's pistols time again and I see one mate get shredded in front of me. I angrily go to avenge him and the enemies start peeking one by one, like the bad guys in a movie. I kill three of them and end that fight with 7 hp and an awesome feeling. I confirm my feeling that the Sheriff is the best weapon of all time.

    The 4v5 continues but my mates are really good: somehow we're winning more than we're losing and suddenly it's match point for us. My team gets rushed and dies, so suddenly I'm the last player standing again. It's a 1v3 and they have just planted the spike at A. I quickly do a mental recap: I have two jumps up, a dash, an ultimate and a lot of hope. It's time for my epic reddit moment. I press the ult key and a halo of knives surround me as I head towards the bomb site. I check my surroundings, take a deep breath and jump up in the air. I see an enemy near the spike - and they're not looking at me. I aim my knives. I immediately get shot in the face by someone who was apparently next to me, in a corner that I could've sworn I had checked. I die. My team tells me that it's okay - it was very hard. I learn that I'm not ready for epic reddit moments yet.

    We win the next round and I end the game with a 16-18 KD, almost breaking even. Very respectable for my first game, if you ask me. My teammates tell me that I did well and we celebrate our incredible 4v5 success. We exchange "gg"s with the enemy team (except me because I didn't know how to use all chat and could only write messages to my own team) and get out. I learn that Valorant is a very fun video game.

    Thanks for reading :) and thanks to the people who constantly post amazing montages here, and finally thanks to my team as well for being kind and explaining how things worked.

    submitted by /u/ShockedDarkmike
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    VALORANT'S 128-tick Servers | Riot Games Technology Blog

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Request: Immediately reorient map on death.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Basically, title.

    Nothing tilts me more in this game than dying, going to ping an enemy in showers, and the map spinning just as I click leaving my ping somewhere between heaven and Australia...

    submitted by /u/Kwacker
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    Sinatraa kills the last four to secure the ace and the last round of the first half

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Some days you can't even hit the turret

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    Jesus Christ, I was tilted after that lmao I have so many games in Valorant where I can't hit anything not even the turret lol Which is weird because in csgo my consistency really was my strong suit.


    submitted by /u/KryptoniansDontBleed
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    1v5 ACE clutch with Killjoy

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    New 5 queue system?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    This problem just showed up after ranked mode came back after being down for a bit. Before you could play with friends two rank divisions above your own (ex, and iron 2 could play with a silver 2 but not a silver 3) but now it seems to only be only 1 rank division apart for 5 queues, but when one of us leaves it works just like before, so it seems to be only for 5 queues. I'll have Imgur links with screenshots of what I mean. I don't know if this is a bug or not but I just wanted to inform you all.

    picture 1

    picture 2

    submitted by /u/PartykidPlayz
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    Do you feel more powerful when you're using a Gun Skin?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    I know Skins don't give you any advantages. But it just feel so great when you're using one. It's like You feel able to kill all the enemy team with it. It's like The self-esteem goes highly up while holding one.

    submitted by /u/Spaceordinario
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    I Made a Montage with some WARDELL Jett highlights synced with music. What do you guys think?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    How to Omen Outplay

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    Sentinels win VALORANT Pop Flash in a dominant fashion & take home $25,000!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    For those who unaware: Anticheat lead, arkem, is leaving Riot after 5 years of working

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    GRAND-FINAL! Sentinels vs ENVY HIGHLIGHTS - PopFlash Valorant Invitational

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    Skill Disparity When Five-Stacking

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Skill Disparity When Five-Stacking

    My friends and I ran into an issue today where the game wouldn't let us queue when five-stacking because of skill disparity, yet when any of the people left, it would let us queue. Is this a bug, or is it an intentional feature?

    five-stack only 5 ranks apart

    four-stack still 5 ranks apart

    submitted by /u/blankcheckz
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    Pop Flash Invitational - Best moments (highlights)

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Is there a way to get out of silver without consistently hard carrying every match?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    I am a silver player (generally solo or duo queue) who communicates and is regularly top three and possibly top two for frags. I try to help the team get coordinated and am often met with silence or open mocking. At this level there is so much variability in the teams you can play with - from iron to gold - that it very, very rarely feels like I lost for a "real" reason. It is often because there is a player on the team who literally scores zero kills, or players who seem to not understand the game (defending on A when spike is already planted on B), or players actively sabotaging the team (either for no reason, or a perceived insult).

    It feels like the only way to rank up is to be literally good enough to carry the team alone in more matches than you don't.

    This feels frustrating because when I play in higher ranked matched (all silver and golds) I can hold my own, so I don't feel like my individual performance is that bad.

    I am ok at shooting but nowhere near good enough to carry a team. I am an adult with a full time job so can't invest the time to improve my shooting accuracy too much. Am I doing something wrong? Is the only way to get a 5-stack together who play together regularly? (Again this is tough for me)

    I can accept if "get good" is the only answer, but if so I might have reached my peak Valorant rank!

    submitted by /u/TheSCientist99
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    I got a perfectly symmetrical act rank with three layers

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:07 PM PDT


    looks like a pizza. has the crust and all

    submitted by /u/luckyman268
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