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    Wednesday, August 19, 2020

    VALORANT Besides reporting there should also be a option to commend someone

    VALORANT Besides reporting there should also be a option to commend someone

    Besides reporting there should also be a option to commend someone

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    this should create a group that has all the toxic, angry and saboteurs and a group with reputation. So players that are respectful will have a higher chance of playing with other people who are respectful and maybe for once people won't yell in my ear when they need a heal.

    submitted by /u/Stuvi2k
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    My experience playing in DIAMOND

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    My whole team DC'd, somehow I still managed to win a round

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    Hiko Appreciation Post (from a boomer new to FPS)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    As a person who never played FPS until Valorant came out of beta, I was super intimidated to try the game. And the first couple of games were scary - learning maps, all the weird abilities, and trying to improve my trash aim and game awareness.

    It's so refreshing to see a pro player at the highest level be so open to explaining his decision making during gameplay. Not to mention answering basically any question (even if it's been asked 5927492 times) thoughtfully and in a noob-friendly way. And modeling effective comms both for callouts/strategy and keeping his team positive (with the occasional self-aware toxicity).

    Lastly, it's probably easy for him to say since he plays for more than rank, but reminding me that improvement and mindset matter more than whatever badge Riot gives you for other people to see has been super helpful. It makes it easier for me to play freely, try new things, and learn from mistakes instead of getting bogged down.

    I know Hiko's been around forever, but my Twitch Prime is going to him for however many years I play this game (and probably for a long time after too). We like that.

    Edit: some grammar stuff

    submitted by /u/andersonpuck
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    In COMP our random guy sounds very similar to the REAL Cypher

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    How we design Agents // Dev Diaries

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    If Your Sage Doesn't Res You, Screaming Into Your Mic Won't Help.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Title pretty much makes the point, but I'll elaborate.

    No, I didn't forget I have my res. Yes, I can see that you died. Yes, I understand how my ability works. If you don't get a res, there's probably one of three things going on, none of which are fixed by yelling or begging.

    1. You died in a bad spot. If there are 3 enemies all dancing around your corpse, I am not going to put my gun away and charge in there with my little res hands wiggling around and get shot 37 times in the chest, just to waste my ult and also have you gunned down like a dog in the street before you can even take your gun out. I promise, your life is not worth having the team's healer executed by firing squad.
    2. It would be a waste. Not only are you not nearly as valuable as you think you are, but Sage's res is more valuable than you think too. Healers play the back line and don't get very many kills, so they don't charge their ult as fast. I can't just toss a grenade at people I don't even see and get 3 free kills that charge my ult halfway in 2 seconds. If you peaked like an idiot and died in the first second of the round, and then the round ends up being 4v1 and we have the site locked down, all the screaming in the world is not going to make me stop watching my corner so I can go get you up and save your judge. We don't need you, and I am saving the res for when it will actually be useful.
    3. I don't like you. Yes. That is sincerely a reason I will choose not to res you. If you instalocked raze as soon as you got into the character select screen, then immediately blew out your mic yelling "HEY SOMEONE NEEDS TO PLAY SAGE", then proceed to scream for heals every time your pinky toe touches a molly and you lose 3 health, leave the corner you're watching to come stand in front of me and stare and shoot at me until I heal you, and then scream bloody murder for a res when you get shot in the back of the head like the degenerate you are, you're damn right I am going to take one look at your lifeless corpse in front of me and step right over it like you're a piece of gum on the sidewalk. Because I'm a petty, vindictive, vengeful little man and I pick who I res, and I don't pick to reward you for your toxic playing. Is that also toxic of me? Yes. Do I care? Go fuck yourself.

    All of this being said, there are just bad Sages out there that won't use their res, but yelling at them doesn't help either. No matter what, screaming like a child will do nothing to help your situation. Maybe try being a decent or useful teammate and your Sage will want to go out of their way to res you.

    Edit: An extra little PSA - if you hold down left alt you can see what abilities your teammates have ready. It's not ideal to have to check it like that, but it's better than asking 5 times ant not getting an answer

    submitted by /u/TheRoyalManbird
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    The game needs more maps with wide open sites that are little bit tricky to defend.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    This is just my opinion. Feel free to add yours. I think adding more maps with open spaces will really help.

    submitted by /u/Max__007
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    Just played with the best team

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    After loosing a ranked match with a very toxic team that didn't stop screaming and raging everywhere I was a bit sad and wanted to play just one more game before sleep So I joined the ranked and picked the best team that I ever played.

    • A 42 old man that said he was bad at the game and was a bit sad,(that in the end just played better than almost the entire team).

    • A guy that though the game was a spike rush and just insta locked Reyna and after a few minutes realized that he was in a ranked game and never played ranked with Reyna.

    • Another guy that was a lot distracted from the game but he had some incredibly good skills playing.

    • And another guy that was wholesome and did the strategies and controlled the team.

    The team was just a lot wholesome, everyone was cheering and supporting the old one in his plays, the conversation was very happy and smooth, everyone respecting everyone and no problems when someone made a mistake. Once one of the guys just died because he tried to pick a skin and everyone just laughed and continued the game very well! Sadly in the end we loose from 15-13, but I actually didn't care about this because I was too happy with everyone that when I turned of my computer I spent a few more minutes smiling and remembering the match.

    But the saddest part is that my mic don't work so I cannot speak with all the guys and when I was playing the chat was still in trouble so I cannot write something.

    Just wrote this to say how good persons can change everything.

    TL;DR: played with a incredibly team that made my day happier.

    Sorry for bad english

    submitted by /u/Ban0ona
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    Not your average Operator plays :)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Ace/Clutch with sinatraa sova odin wallbang spots

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    clean ace with jett ult

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Update Idea: ICOGNITO MODE. There should be an option to disable "Online" to solo queue once in a while.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    Sometimes I wanna solo queue once a while without pissing off my friends. Creating another account is one solution but its inconvenient.

    submitted by /u/DirtyNoobie
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    Why Valorant in-game sounds are bad

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    In the game Valorant whenever you make sound (like footsteps, reload etc...) you can see small circle around you in the minimap. This circle indicates how far your sound is audible. (TIP: if you want to find out whether your abilities or scoping or anything else you do makes sound that enemy can hear or not, this can check with that circle)

    What is the problem then? Why so many people are complaining about it? The sound in this game is flat and binary, it has no depth information. It means, the loudness of the sound in that circle is same and as soon as you go outside that circle its zero. All in-game sounds has only two states present or not present, nothing in between. It means sound near the source and at the edge of the circle has exactly same loudness.

    Now, How does it affect the game play?

    Example 1: Lets say you heard two footsteps, but since sound has no depth(distance) you can not say whether they are coming toward you or going away from you (but with good headphones you can easily say which direction it is). Now lets say you assumed that both are coming towards you and decided to take a fight but now due to lack of depth(distance) in sound you don't know which one is closer and which enemy should you give priority.

    Example 2: Lets say omen teleported(tp) near you and you can hear the sound of tp because you are inside his sound circle. But again you can not say how far or close he tp, whether he tp in haven or in spawn. You lack critical information with that and now it's difficult to decide whether to push or check the flank.

    In short, the Valorant in-game sound has direction but no distance(either on or off) information. And I believe this could easily force people to not play because of frustration, which I don't want because I love this game and want it to grow. I hope they will soon fix this.

    submitted by /u/R00kRider
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    I think which players are dead and which are alive aren't clear enough in the spectators hud

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    I think the red X through the dead character icons isn't clear enough. Its tough to see, especially on the team that has the red background. I think graying out the character models would be more clear. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/McLoos
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    Please don’t offer a forfeit if your team is having a bad start.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    This game comes in waves, and wins can be streaky. Over the past week, it seems like any game that starts 0-2 someone on my team offers to forfeit. That is way too early in my opinion. The pistol rounds just ended!

    I've also had forfeits offered because a team struggled on the first half of the game. 4-8 start for example. Offense and defense can feel entirely different for your squad and it's truly never too late to come back. Give it the good old college try and stay positive. My team was 1-7 last night and we ended up winning 13-9. Don't give up!

    Take your time, be positive, and work to counter the other team. Don't give up because of a bad start. Have a backbone and understand that because things are going poorly now doesn't mean they will forever.

    Also, for the love of God stop peaking on defense!

    submitted by /u/shunestar
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    Duo queue for radiant is literally dead

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    Duo queue for radiant is literally dead


    Over the course of 10 hours we've only played 6 games, now its going 2 hours of queue time and going there is no game popping for radiant game. It feels like the range of Elo is too restricted at this high end. Not surprised to have so many smurf running around during this state of the game.

    Update: 3 and 30 mins now


    submitted by /u/Apries
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    Cheat sheet with all time-based abilities in Valorant with their respective durations. While knowing how long a smoke lasts is useful, knowing how long Sage's Slow Orb or Sova's Drone stays up for can be of aid, especially in post-plant scenarios.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Complimenting Your Teammates

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 12:12 AM PDT

    Nothing feels better than getting a compliment from your teammates like "Nice Job!" or "You're Nuts" give compliments, make others feel better, positive reinforcement wins rounds, wins games and leads to a better Viiibe.

    submitted by /u/dualswitch
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    I made it diamond 1 right before college, so I spent some time editing to commemorate my rank-up!

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Ranking-up animations?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    The rankup animation in valorant is pretty "plain" . I think it would be cool to have rankup animations just like in League the rankup animations are cool :)

    submitted by /u/Giamilchoi10
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    Sage hits VAC 6k Nitr0's POV

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    World map with server locations per region.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 10:20 AM PDT


    Feel sorry for how unfair this stuff is.

    Few notes:

    -Miami server is in North American soil but its dedicated for the LATAM region. Then again that region is not well served in the countries that are north of the south american continent. Central America should get decent latencies connecting to Mexico City and/or Miami;

    -Europe has good coverage but Southern Europe is kinda forgotten;

    -BR region only plays eachother, LATAM countries do not see or connect to Sao Paulo server;

    -Asian accounts can see Oceania (Sydney) servers and vice versa, Korean (Seoul) seem to play with each other solely;

    Critical Takeaways:

    This game can only be played at high level in EU and NA. And it has very poor global server coverage, whole regions without any server such as Middle East forcing them to connect to Europe and while they will be at tremendous disadvantage (playing with 120ms+) it degrades the experience for everyone because weird things will happen ingame.

    Africa have no servers and regions like Asia/LATAM have very poor server coverage.

    Hopefuly the creators of this game are paying attention to all of this and have plans to adress it accordinly because this is the cornerstone of your players experience.

    That's it for today from your latency/ping fanatic.

    submitted by /u/MaestroLA
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    I really think an "avoid as teammate should be in the game

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    me and my friends got match with the same toxic guy three times in a row and we didn't get any enjoyment out of that play session because of him, I know we can mute him but he was throwing too so it didn't matter. I think that a feature like that could be beneficial to the game community and I would love if it came to the game.

    (for like a week, like how overwatch does it)

    submitted by /u/stickyyo
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