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    Tuesday, August 18, 2020

    VALORANT Minimap in deathmatch is making the game irritating

    VALORANT Minimap in deathmatch is making the game irritating

    Minimap in deathmatch is making the game irritating

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    I know that the deathmatch is still in its early versions and may not be perfect. Hence, i am writing this post to have a discussion on its minimap and its impact ingame.

    The deathmatch now is all about camping and prefiring with the help of minimap by knowing locations in advance. People walk, camp and hear others who run only to give them prefires and headies because the minimap helps them.

    If i stop running in the entire map to find enemies, trust me, there is not a single round fired in the entire map because 7-8 people are always walking, camping and prefiring.

    I think the minimap showing red zones should be nerfed and instead of showing enemies, it should show the hotzones where most fights are taking place. In this way, people wont camp/walk and would want to move to that specific location to find and kill enemies.

    Right now, it just doesnt feel like a FFA deathmatch at all. It feels like campers paradise who prefire you because they know your position. Thanks to the minimap.

    I would like to hear from you all!

    submitted by /u/solidaditya
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    Props to the Art Team for How Unique Each Agent's Hands Are

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    I know it's a relatively minor feature, but the VALORANT art team has done an incredible job with the design of each agents hands. Not only is every hand model easily identifiable, but they also provide an insight to each character's personality or background.

    For example, Phoenix's rings are both stylish and appear expensive, which is in line with his boastful, celebrity lifestyle. Another example is Brimstone, who is decked out in Kingdom gear with his glowing gloves and tactical iPad, which show his success as a military officer because he has access to such high-level equipment.

    Note the small differences between the chaotic nail polish of Raze, the clean-cut nails of Sage, and the claw-like sharp nails of Reyna, all of which provide extra depth to each agent. The list goes on, with Breach's prosthetic arms, Jett's tactical gloves, and Killjoy's bright yellow armbands. These are all relatively easy to distinguish from one another which is exactly what you'd want in a game with so many unique personas.

    Working on artistic features can feel like a thankless job, especially if your job is designing hands which is an aspect that most players probably won't even think about. So, this is an appreciation post dedicated to all the art team's hard work. Thank you, your efforts have NOT gone unnoticed :)

    tl;dr - Each agents hands are recognizable and give subtle hints of their personality. Although it seems insignificant, the art team still deserves praise for their hard work.

    edit 1: typos

    edit 2: Here is an album of each agent's hands

    submitted by /u/mrbimbojenkins
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    You can get shot when hiding behind an impenetrable wall. Character model clips through the object/wall and if shot at, you will take full damage.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    Killjoy Abusing Split B Heaven

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Comical end to a 4k

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    1v5 ninja defuse xD

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    I know killjoy is getting plenty of flak for her util. Love playing her and this was a 1 in a million. But still thought I'd share it.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Store rotation sucks, and it's getting worse

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    I want to buy a skin in your game, but I can't.

    As more and more skins are added it's only going to get worse as to what limited skins you are able to buy on a daily basis due to this poorly designed system. Imagine a new player starts today and likes the dragon vandal, yet they may never get the opportunity to buy it for months.

    Please just let me spend my money on your game, how insane does that sound

    submitted by /u/iceypro
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    2 Haven Sova darts I found

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    got the worst ace of my life and then this also happens

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    I perform 100% in one competitive match and then next match i perform like an absolute BOT DAVE and then again when i play one more i do my 100% . How is this possible and my aim is really bad and spray is real bad in the inconsistent times any fix?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    I really hate when this happens i tried everything , kovaaks and aim labs i still dont improve, my hand keeps shaking when i aim and my spray goes all over the place

    submitted by /u/THETeamAXGamer17891
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    7 loses in a row and no rank down ?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    My theory on why the elo system seems to give duelists preferential treatment over supports

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Imagine a scenario where a reyna and sage who both are of high skill for their rank get grouped together and win their game. The reyna top frags but also has the highest death count. The sage middle/low frags but does her job really well, uses abilities well, and comes through when it counts. At the end of the game reyna gets mvp and 3 arrow rating increase whereas the sage only gets a 2 arrow increase and feels cheated because she contributed to the win just as much if not more than the reyna.

    Here is why I think the dev's elo system operates like this. Sorry if this has already been written about. I'm sure this post will get taken down anyways idk my posts on this sub always do.

    The game is supporting what they say in the ranked mode description: "being aggressive and taking risks is always the best way to rank up" or something to that effect. The reyna is doing her job to open up the fight, take an aim duel, enter the point, maybe pick up a kill but probably just trade out. The sage is doing her job by taking the spike, baiting, finding her opening and clutching the round. The reyna did her job, died second, but made the initial opening her sage required to get onto the site but now she just gets to sit on kill cam while her sage gets to fight for the clutch.

    Both of these plays requires the same amount of 'skill' in the eyes of the devs. But in terms of agency over the actual win or loss of the round the sage has more agency because it is her job to clutch much more often than the reyna. Reyna's tests of skill lead to ambiguous (but very real) opportunities that her team might capitalize on to win the round. The Sage's test of skill (not to discount her play for the first part of the round but if played optimally she would not have encountered a lot of risk during this phase) happens during the clutch and directly leads to her team getting the round win or the loss.

    So, averaged out over many many games a reyna of high skill relative to her rank could successfully open up rounds all over the place but her agency in the clutch phase of the rounds could mean her win rate is not representative of her skill. On the flip side a sage of high skill relative to her rank (with duelists that give her proper openings) would he clutching rounds all over the place and her winrate will be directly affected if she comes through with the clutch or not. Both players of equal skill in different roles on a team, but on account of the sages role her winrate is much more reflective of her skill. So, giving the top fragger (often a duelist) lots of elo points for a win is how they ensure players elos reflect their skill (theoretical probability of winning) even if their winrate (experimental probability of winning) does not reflect it.

    Final point: If all players played like a good sage is supposed to your games would suck, you would not be winning, and it would be no fun. If all players played like a good reyna is supposed to you probably would not win that much and you would also not have fun. But, the strong tendency for players in the game is to play scared, bait the team, and go for the clutch. The devs know this. So, giving the entry fraggers a lot of recognition and rewards is their way to combat this. I'd rather play with a bunch of inters than a bunch of baiters. both aren't fun, but feeling like your team is a bunch of cowards who want to see you die is worse than seeing them take risks for you.

    Tl;dr the sage has more agency on the actual win or loss than the reyna so over many games her ranking will be accurately placed for her skill based off that data point alone. The reyna has less agency over the final outcome of the round so her elo must be modified more based of individual performance as opposed to solely her winrate. Secondly, the devs are seeking to reward a playstyle that they believe is more 'fun' (aggro) over a playstyle that is less 'fun' (baiting).

    submitted by /u/FalconCat69
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    The 100 hours to BP... with data and calculations!

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    The 100 hours to BP... with data and calculations!

    TLDR: does it takes 100 hours to complete? Yes, but probably no.

    First, want to thank u/5i5TEMA and u/relwark, I used this post and this comment as base and inspiration.

    I've started tracking how much time I was spending and how much XP/hour I was making and you can see what I got in HERE.

    I know it's not a lot of matches, but it's still valid (at least for me =p).

    Without further delay:


    By total time, I mean I timed from the time I clicked on "Play" until the "Play Again" button was available again (actually, until the "skip" button was available)

    By tooltip time, that what's the game says how much time it lasted.

    Ok. So, the basics are already on the shared docs above, to do this one I've played a bit with the data I had.

    DEATHMATCH: Don't play it for XP. That said, I feel like my unbelievable win rate (for me that is) is greatly thanks to DM. But then again, they did said it was only beta, so DM might be getting buff on XP... maybe.

    SPIKE RUSH: It's amazing, because last ACT I played mostly SR. If you manage to win or lose by a landslide: it's the best XP. If you have a lot of close matches that goes to "Endgame", not so much. Actually it's the worst way. (Still best if you want to play and test agents abilities and crazy stuff.)

    COMP: Didn't play much. (Actually just 1 game this ACT. So I'll just skip it.) I would guess that it's worse XP than Unrated because of longer queue, more dodges, more time picking agents, and less aggressive play style leading to longer games. Just a guess though.

    UNRATED: My surprise is that it's the best XP (I really though it would be SR). Even with a higher or lower WIN rate. On the average: it's the best way (probably unless you're losing every match by a landslide).

    If the new estimates for ACT 2 are correct, it would be a bit better than last ACT since it would be closer to the 100 hours.

    But the total actual time is probably a lot longer than that. You don't play all games back to back and with the other modes I'm pretty sure 100 hours is lowballing by a lot.

    Buffing the avg round XP would be good. But maybe just decreasing the total amount for the BP would be the way to go. And my humble suggestion would be just taking that +2k for each tier (what's up with that anyway?).

    That would mean the XP for each tier is just the tier number and that's -100k total that would make a huge difference in the total amount needed while not affecting stuff like Agents Contracts.

    Just to see what I mean, here's what it would look like:


    The only exception is buffing DM XP. That one is needed. Messing with my data: at least 700 would put it on par with SR (average) and 850 would be probably too much (it would be on par with winning 4-1 SR).

    Also. I'm also in favor of if you buy the BP you should get more XP, even if only for the BP, it would still be worth it.

    And that's all...

    EDIT: A little editing here and there and removing the excessive ellipsis.

    submitted by /u/Capetoider
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    Showcasing some Raze movement 2

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 02:23 AM PDT

    getting an ace right after pissing off my teammate

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    KillJoy's Exploit on Split & How to Counter it

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    I'm showing this so it can get fixed and people are prepared for it.

    Killjoy's Turret Exploit on Split

    How to Counter the Exploit

    How to counter: If you stand still and see where exactly the turret is shooting from, you can shoot it as well and destroy it. You can 'wall bang' it with any weapon.

    submitted by /u/SoulSlaysTV
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    Omen Is the most fun agent in Valorant.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    What do people think smurfing actually is?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    I see a TON of posts of people complaining that they have smurfs every single day. That seems physically impossible. So what do people think a smurf is?

    If a player is doing exceptionally well, are they a smurf? If I player came from another FPS game like CS, is that a smurf? If a player is queuing with their low elo friend while playing on their main, is that a smurf?

    Because I always knew a smurf to be someone who has a main account of high rank on the game in question and has made a second account to play at low rank. It seems like people just call any player doing well in their game a smurf so they have something to blame. I was called a smurf multiple times when I was dogshit silver coming to Valorant from league of legends. I was just having a good game in a sea of otherwise shit games.

    So what makes you think someone is a smurf?

    submitted by /u/TimeJustHappens
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    A New design to Sova, i used Photoshop. The image used is a printscreen. More arts at @jamponeiz on instagram --- Old Sova

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    I wish Sage wasn't seen as essential

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    I'm a lowly silver player so maybe this is a low elo thing or just my opinion, but I think teams perform much better when they replace Sage with another duelist or intel agent. I understand why it feels you need to have a teammate who can heal, but with the right comp, you won't need it if played smart. Two intels, a smoker, and two duelists seems like the perfect comp to me. The intels can hold different sites and detect enemies and watch flanks, two duelists can be aggro and use their abilities to help push a site or be the flankers and the smoker is the smoker. Yeah Sage has the wall, and the heal, and the slow, and the revive, but it honestly doesn't seem like an essential kit when other agents can do a lot of what she does anyway.

    submitted by /u/qiyanasupport
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    Iron ranked checklist: Toxic teammates: Check. Teammate under 10: Check. Self flash: Check. Poor economic decision making: Check. Bucky ace? Check?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Dropping gun skins for strangers

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    Have you ever played a match and when people found out you have gun skins they keep shouting at you to drop it for them. The worst part is when you don't drop them they start being toxic and curse you FFS. People spend their hard earn Cash for the skin and they have every right to decide whether they wanna share it with you. I can't stand it when these toxic players (i play Asia server and most of the toxic player I met are Indian)will just keep shouting at you saying bad words about you and curse you, like it's my skin I do whatever tf I want with it. If the person dropped it you can pick it up or even ask politely for the skin. But no, they just wanna keep shouting at you for the skins you have and criticize every single little mistake you did even if you're carrying the whole mf team.

    submitted by /u/JiexunT
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    Spray Control

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:20 AM PDT


    Clip taken from an Immortal-level team scrim

    Casted by four very pro casters :D

    Yes my name is Tim

    submitted by /u/oakem_
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