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    Friday, August 7, 2020

    VALORANT FaZe Clan Invitational / Day 2 / Quarters

    VALORANT FaZe Clan Invitational / Day 2 / Quarters

    FaZe Clan Invitational / Day 2 / Quarters

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    FaZe Clan Invitational

    Valorant Esports Gamepedia | vlr.gg | thespike.gg | Juked.gg

    Today's Matches

    C9 vs. Envy 2 PM 5 PM 23:00 06:00
    SEN vs. FaZe 2 PM 5 PM 23:00 06:00
    IMT vs. Gen.G 4:30 PM 7:30 PM 01:30 08:30
    T1 vs. TSM 4:30 PM 7:30 PM 01:30 08:30
    TBD vs. TBD 7 PM 10 PM 00:00 11:00
    TBD vs. TBD 7 PM 10 PM 00:00 11:00
    • Last two matches are lower round



    Group A Group B Group C Group D
    Sentinels TSM T1 FaZe Clan
    Gen.G Cloud9 Envy 100 Thieves
    Built by Gamers Renegades Complexity Immortals
    Lemonade Stand Bloom Mixup China Nguyen
    • Cross out means knocked out

    • All matches are Best of 3


    On-Air Team

    Derek "Wtfmoses" Mosely
    Dan "Gaskin" Gaskin
    Alex "Goldenboy" Mendez
    David "Simo" Rabinovitch
    Alex "Vansilli" Nguyen
    Daniel "DDK" Kapadia
    Sean "Sgares" Gares
    Ryan "RyanCentral"
    Tom "Tombizz" Bissmire
    Mar "BOQ" Wilson
    Doug "EsportDoug"
    Justin "PythianLegume" Glasner
    Austin "Boggs" Bogdanovich
    DJ "Prius"
    Heather "sapphiRe" Garozzo

    Format Group Stage

    • Dual tournament (Format GSL)

    • Matches are best of three

    • Winner of Upper Bracket and Winner of Losers' advance to playoffs

    • Prize Pool

    • 1st $25,000

    • 2nd $15,000

    • 3rd $7,500

    • 4th $2,500


    submitted by /u/PankoKing
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    Warning for Brimstone players: your ult does not destroy Killjoy ult

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    seemed pretty intuitive to save my ult to deal with killjoy ult but it finds out a massive sky lazer doesnt deal damage to an off brand version of the Spike

    im not sure if other ults effect it, but Brim's doesn't.

    submitted by /u/SharknadosAreCool
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    [150+ Hours of Editing] - I made a Meme'esque Video

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Introducing Team Liquid VALORANT - TL VALORANT Roster Update

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Feature Request: Allow you to queue from the shooting range

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    This would be such a nice feature, allow you to get all lined up before the game starts. Either join queue right from the range, or let you go to range once Queue starts, either would be fantastic. Anyone know if they're working on this?

    submitted by /u/RCnoob69
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    I think everybody has that friend who's really not good at games but you play with them cuz you love them; this is that friend and he clutched up and everybody was so happy for him

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    Problems plaguing Valorant's matchmaking system... and how to fix them

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 03:50 AM PDT

    As someone who has played a lot of CSGO and Overwatch, I was excited to play Valorant when Competitive was launched. It seemed to have perfected the blend of CSGO's shooting mechanics and Overwatch's impactful abilities. However, the competitive experience failed to live up to my expectations.

    I will point out below what I feel is wrong with the current system and provide some suggestions to address these flaws. Do note that this is purely my opinion, coming from someone who has a good idea of how the ranked system in FPS games should work.

    At the point of writing, I am Platinum 1 and a Phoenix / Omen main. I only play Competitive with friends and do not play soloQ any more.

    • The rating system only places emphasis on kills and consequently, MVPs

    It has become a game of selecting the carry first. This stems from the game excessively rewarding players who get kills, instead of rewarding players who make the right plays in-game.

    Now, before I get bombarded by comments from people saying that every hero is a carry, I'd like to clarify that the "carry" I'm referring to is a hero that is in the best position to take a duel (and hence is called a "duelist").

    Yes, you can carry with any hero when you have insane aim.

    No, you should not be peeking angles first as a Sage.

    Anyway, back to the topic.

    2 of my friends played their entire provisionals together. A, the better player, got an MVP award for half of the games while B, the weaker player, did not get any. You would expect A to have a slightly higher rank than B due to his superior individual performance. Instead, A placed 1 full division above B.

    I was quite shocked. While B might not be in the same skill level as A, his MMR should have been artificially inflated by playing with A. Yet, this was not the case. The matchmaking system had somehow perceived A to be a much better player than B with an extremely small sample size of data.

    What this means is that people who purely focus on kills (NOTE: this is not the same as carrying !!) can expect to achieve a higher rank than others. Which also means that there would be a greater proportion of KDA players, who would prefer getting bait frags / worthless exit frags to pad their stats.

    I like Riot's "combat score" metric, but I want them to tweak it such that it also takes the significance of a kill within the current situation.

    EXAMPLE *The player who kills an enemy when all 5 are alive gets 150 points If you are in a 1v5 and get a kill: -the current system would award you 150 points, even if the kill does not affect the outcome of the round -my proposed system would award you 50 points as the system views it as an inconsequential kill. However, the points per kill will be adjusted based on the number of players killed that round as it indicates that you tried to do something that round (e.g. destroy the opponent's economy, perform a valiant solo retake) There is a much smaller window for players to abuse the combat score system to inflate their MMR, and hence encourages more dynamic and entertaining gameplay. 

    Individual performances do matter regardless of the result of the game. If Riot's main metric for calculating individual performance is centered around this, more work needs to be done in order to tag players to the right skill group.

    • Impact plays by utility-based heroes are often overlooked

    This does not mean that the game is not tracking the effectiveness of these champions. After every round, a round report will highlight many meaningful stats (e.g. enemies blocked by smokes, damage dealt by utility, enemies revealed etc.).

    Despite this, it does not seem like Riot is actively rewarding players for their efficient utility usage. The stats in the round report do not show up in the post-game lobby, and the lack of detailed individual reports makes it hard to ascertain the true impact of these heroes.

    Let me use Sage as an example.

    It would be great for me to know on average, how many enemies are blocked per wall, or how many enemies are slowed per orb, or how much healing I did in a round.

    Right now, I would only know how often I use my abilities per round, which is a completely useless stat. Oh, and I have to be the Sage since no one else can see my stats.

    A suggestion would be for the development team to select a few critical metrics for each hero and actively track them. To integrate it into the MMR system better, Riot can begin to collect data from games of different ranks. This enables them to have a good idea of an individual's impact relative to the community standard.

    EXAMPLE *Hypothetical figures just to prove a point In a silver 2 game, the average Sova player reveals 0.5 players per recon bolt. In a gold 2 game, the average Sova player reveals 0.75 players per recon bolt. In a platinum 2 game, the average Sova player reveals 1.0 players per recon bolt. If I'm a silver 2 player and I reveal 0.75 players per recon bolt in a game, I should receive a very small MMR boost (independent of the result of the game) as I outperformed the average player with a similar skill level as me. The stat of players revealed per recon bolt for silver 2 Sova players should also rise ever so slightly. Over time, data will reveal a clear picture of what is expected of the average Sova player in silver 2. 

    If I recall correctly, this is implemented in Overwatch's rating system. Aside from the lower ranks, the game generally does not suffer from a problem of too many carries. Players are encouraged to pick up secondary roles and play them well as lacklustre performances would end up limiting the effects of getting boosted by a good teammate.

    • The matchmaking system is weird

    Exactly as what the title states.

    In League of Legends, players generally play ranked games within their skill level. When players win / lose, the ranks of the players they play against would increase / decrease accordingly. The only exception to this rule are players who are on winning or losing streaks, and they may find themselves playing in game where the average rank is 2-3 ranks above them.

    What this means is if you're a mid-gold player, the majority of players in your games should be gold players as well. The occasional silver / plat player is only there to make the game more balanced, and should have minimal influence on the amount of MMR gained or lost.

    You would expect the creators of League to be able to nail this successfully.

    In Valorant, while I was in gold 2, I found myself playing in a game with some plat and the rare diamond player. I top-fragged, we won and my rating greatly increased (3 up arrows). I was rewarded for performing better than what is expected of someone at my skill level, and hence I should see more gold 3 / plat players in my next game... right?


    I ended up being placed in a silver game as the outlier. My teammates were all silvers, while the opponents had a mix of high silvers and low golds.

    Unsurprisingly, I top-fragged again, we lost heavily and my rating decreased (2 down arrows). Ignoring the massive skill disparity, I'm unsure why the game decided that I should be thrown in a game way below my calibre when I just proved that I was capable of punching above my weight.

    I did my part - I got match MVP with ~30 frags as Phoenix; I was always the first to run in when we were executing onto a site; I held my own when defending a site; I tried to communicate with my teammates and called for them.

    The opponents were no slouch either. They rotated to hit sites that I wasn't defending, even at the expense of a teammate; they pushed and confidently took fights when they knew where I was; or they stacked ultimates and made my life a living hell.

    Firstly, you don't see high gold players playing in silver games in League, so why is this happening in Valorant?

    The answer is not about the lack of players. In League, if there aren't enough players to form a match, it is normal for a player to wait around 5-10 minutes to find one. In Valorant, the same logic can be applied. Instead, the queue rarely exceeds 3 minutes at the expense of creating a truly balanced game.

    Secondly, why should I be punished for being on the losing side?

    The issue is clearly not about individual performance, as seen from above. Considering that I've definitely met expectations (I was the highest rank in that game) for individual performance, the lopsided result must have played a part in the rating decrease. How can the system accurately determine what is expected from my rank if these expectations are constantly in flux?

    I am okay with such a diverse game if most of these players are playing in stacks. Perhaps Riot should consider having separate queues for soloQ or teams, or reserve this form of imbalanced matchmaking for games with stacks only.

    Again, all these are what I think could be improved within the current matchmaking system. Personally, seeing massive changes to the system might entice me to attempt soloQ again.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/drakuzi
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    Each map has its own unique feature

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    Bind has teleporters, Split has ropes, Ascent has closing doors, and Haven has a third bomb site.

    I just realized this and thought it was pretty neat, sorry if everyone already knew it lol.

    It just makes me wonder, while everyone is clamoring for a new map, what new feature will they introduce when it comes out?

    submitted by /u/4RCH4N63L
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    Killjoy can bring hilarity to an intense 1v1

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Testing out Viper Ults...

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    My friend caught a blast pack to the face

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    Longest OT ever in valorant?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 11:15 PM PDT

    Seriously tho this was stressful as fuck 24 - 22 literally OT was longer than our actual game



    submitted by /u/LarryleAsian
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    PSA: It seems you won't take damage when jumping from any distance if you land on KJ's turret

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:10 AM PDT


    I was doing the obstacle course in the range and accidentally fell on my turret and lived. Decided to test this in game to be sure it wasn't just a fluke. I know it's not game breaking, but it could come in handy sometimes I guess.

    submitted by /u/5ubie
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    Everything you need to know about the Lore (Story) in Valorant

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 04:23 AM PDT


    0:01 - Intro

    0:14 - First Introduction to Valorant Lore

    0:39 - Why was it named Project A? (actual answer at 1:55)

    2:31 - Basic Official Valorant Lore

    2:35 - What is the Valorant Universe and is it connected with League of Legends?

    3:43 - What is going on inside of this universe?

    8:13 - What is Radianite?

    16:34 - Map origins and real Real life refrences

    17:30 - Split

    25:19 - Bind (+ info about how Radianite is made at 25:31)

    28:04 - Haven

    31:08 - Venice, Ascent and the Practice Range (how are they related?)

    33:11 - Practice Range

    49:44 - Ascent

    51:08 - Futuristic technology and easter eggs on the maps

    34:48 - Parallel Universes Theory - 38:04 - "Duelists" Cinematic, and evidence for the theory

    45:38 - Why did Venice rise? (actual answer at 47:51)

    48:29 - Stuff that got removed after beta 53:25 -Hidden codes

    54:24 -Voice lines about war 55:01- Scrapped voice lines

    56:53 - Agents Lore :

    57:27 - Agent 01 "Brimstone"

    1:00:48 - Agent 02 "Viper"

    1:06:03 - Agent 03 "Omen"

    1:09:34 - Agent 04 "Killjoy"

    1:13:23 - Agent 05 "Cypher"

    1:17:31 - Agent 06 "Sova"

    1:20:47 - Agent 07 "Sage"

    1:23:49 - Agent 09 "Phoenix"

    1:26:54 - Agent 10 "Jett"

    1:29:13 - Agent 11 "Reyna"

    1:33:28 - agent 12 "Raze"

    1:36:25 - Agent 13 "Breach"

    1:39:23 - Article from Valorant and outro

    Hope you enjoy --- CV ---

    submitted by /u/ConstantValorant
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    Each patch gives me less fps

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    Is it just me, but 2 months ago I used to get 140 fps on high/med settings. Now I barely get 50/60 fps on all low settings? It's really frustrating, especially since today's patch. It's literally unplayable.

    submitted by /u/omer03
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    Pre-firing and OP's aren't a huge problem in the mid-to-upper ranks of DM

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    I'm watching streamers from Platinum to Radiant in Deathmatch, and myself am a Diamond 3 (i.e. I'm not hot shit), I see players swinging all the time, only 1-2 people OP if any, and while people may hold a corner for a few seconds, there isn't much pre-firing and everybody runs almost all the time. The person holding the corner doesn't have much time to do it, and they lose to swingers half the time (peekers advantage? third partied? jiggle peeked? Whatever).

    So, I am in earnest trying to understand peoples problems with the mode, but it's hard when I don't see it for myself (watching streamers) at the Platinum to Radiant level, and I keep repeating myself so I thought I'd ask /r/Valorant for their thoughts.

    Some of my theories are below... um, please don't take it personally.

    • People think "getting pre-fired by a camper" occurs when they die to a stationary target holding an angle (it's not)
    • I do think OP's are stronger at the highest levels (wardell could maybe OP the shit out of a lobby) and the lower levels (people can't Vandal properly... this is a legit complaint though because weapon balance is greatly affected by skill).
    • People don't like having under 1.0KDR, especially in DM as it's your only metric for your performance and there is only one person to blame.
    • I use it for practice and don't care if I'm 10th, but out of 10 players there's only 1 winner. We're left with potentially 9 angry players?
    • People get mad when they get OP'ed and it sticks out in their mind (it sticks out to me at least)
    • People get mad when they peek a corner and die, because if somebody hasn't moved for 1-2 seconds they're labelled a no-skill camper, and how could I die to that?
    • It's harder to outsmart opponents... we can use tactics but mainly have have aim to lean on

    To close this post out - I think the UAV is fine. A lot of players use it to find somebody's general location, then use their regular gamesense and skill to close it out. I think it's a good way to setup fights.

    Anyways, thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/presidentofjackshit
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    Big Bots = Knife Ace

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:40 AM PDT

    Nothing more fun then a quick game of spike rush, who'da thought that they would let me do this though. Remember, if it's spike rush and everyone has marshals, whoever knives, wins.


    submitted by /u/redx7098
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    Sovas owl drone

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    Anyone else noticed that the own drone from sova flies upside down ? Is this a weird glitch or is this on purpose?

    submitted by /u/edross446
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    Deathmatch in its current state = prefiring fest?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Heck I was one of those guys who cried for a DM for the longest time but as it stands right now this game mode isn't being used to practise your aim, if anything everyone is just practising their prefires, the radar needs to go and the sound of the steps needs to be lowered. Potentially we also need more players maybe 16 or so.

    What ya'll think?

    Also I feel like people also wanna practise with guns like the deagle, spectre etc but they are forsed to pick either a vandal, phantom or op because for some reason people are actualy try harding in this mode and making it competitive?

    Now that i think about it, it makes sense that the Vandal is so much stronger here compared to the phantom, because most of your kills are prefires and not actual aim duels.

    submitted by /u/MaestroLA
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    Killjoy swarm grenade that can't be broken for postplant on A site Ascent

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    The dumbest round I've ever clutched. (.07 seconds final kill)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    Why don’t knife skins have more upgrades?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    They're by far the most expensive of all the skins, yet they have no color alts, finishers, or even alternate kill jingles? I honestly don't see why the knives can't have any of these things despite costing a fortune by themselves

    Edit: I understand this would cost more radianite, and while I also hate the radianite system I have a bunch left over from the bp and having the option to upgrade is better than nothing (nobody is forcing you to upgrade your skins). All I'm saying is that riot should at least be consistent in how these things work.

    submitted by /u/steven-kun
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    The strongest ability in Valorant: Positivity

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    So i've been playing the game since beta and havent stopped grinding comp since release. However, i find myself many times being hesitant to solo q or play without a full squad due to fear of running into toxic players. As a player, we all just wanna have a good time right? Im my 5 years of CSGO experience, positivity always leads to better team play and more rounds. One thing that I have been doing is while waiting in the lobby, I just talk to my teammates saying "How you guys doing?" and stuff just to lighten up the mood. Not only does this let you know if youre gonna have nice teammates or not, but it also sets the mood for the rest of the game (if no one responds i tend to dodge tbh). Ive also found it helps to always say "nice try" if your team loses a round and also to just keep communicating with everybody (which im pretty sure a lot of you are doing anyways). Even after a really good round or play by your teammates, say something nice about it. And if you catch your teammates yelling at each other over bad plays or whatever, just remind them to not get toxic and chill out. I hope you all take this advice to become a better player, have a fun time, and spread positivity through this game


    submitted by /u/icebear_707
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    Feels like I will never get out of silver3-gold1

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    It's been a month since promoted to gold 1. Surely I've got a lot better in time but it feels like as I get better, my opponents are equally getting better too. As a result I am not getting anywhere. I am constantly training myself with crosshair placement, game sense, strafe shooting, prefire, trigger discipline, utility usage and so on... And I genuinely feel like I am getting better and I am way more skillfull of a player than I was months ago. I am top fragging in my team every game but it just feels like my opponents are also equally getting better (it feels like a month ago a silver 3 player wouldn't play that good.) and I can't carry my team no matter what I do (even if I top frag). I don't know what to do and I am starting to lose my motivation. I seriously don't know what am I doing wrong can you guys help me? I appreciate any response.

    submitted by /u/baficap
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