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    Friday, August 21, 2020

    VALORANT Phoenix Flashes are Broken!

    VALORANT Phoenix Flashes are Broken!

    Phoenix Flashes are Broken!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    Thought i would test them out after the recent update...

    Turns out they completley destroyed them...

    Think i have found my new main!


    submitted by /u/therealPeeKaay
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    Jett: The Last Airbender (Recreated & Edited the ATLA intro, Full video in comments)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    my summer of valorant with the boys

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    Sometimes peace and quiet is all you need (1v4 clutch)

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    My concept art vandal in the glitch-pop skin

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    My concept art vandal in the glitch-pop skin

    I would very much like to see such a vandal performed by Riot Games. It is a pity that it so happened that the popular weapon was left without this style


    submitted by /u/revers1de
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    You guys liked my Sage fanart so much, I did Raze!

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    You guys liked my Sage fanart so much, I did Raze!

    I really want to thank everyone for such a positive response. I got a job rejection email today, but all the comments and likes really makeme believe I should take some time to work on my art and create and etsy shop. Next up is Reyna or Viper (probably Viper). if you like my art please consider following my twitter @ eeveepeachi


    submitted by /u/thetachibabe
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    Knives only in Spike Rush

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Serious question that came up among my group last night while playing Spike Rush: why is there not the possibility of a knife round? Considering it's a low stakes mode, I think it would be pretty hilarious to actually force a knife round. That, or an Orb that removed all guns from the round. Just food for thought for any devs lurking.

    submitted by /u/Randybutterrubs
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    New skin bundle

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    The new bundle is just an insane joke. Riot really went all out on their greedy business model. 7100 VP for Skins, that are not upgradeable, feels already like a scam. For comparison if I remember correctly the first bundle, the Prime Pack, was also 7100 VP (correct me if Im wrong). But not only that! Not that you get skins you cant upgrade, you get ONLY the skins! No buddy. No Banner. Nothing more. Everyone who is buying this pack is out of their mind.

    submitted by /u/Dominocz123
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    Hello :), yes you, you care too much about the color of your emblem and its affecting your improvement.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:09 AM PDT

    Just wanted to share something ive observed in a multitude of games now.

    Progression is slow, natural, and extremely dependent on mindset. You can play for 10 hours a day for 8 weeks and still be hardstuck at the same rank you were at without making an improvement. Whats worse, is getting emotional about your rank is going to make you the absolute worst version of yourself.

    Lets break it down. In a game there are 3 outcomes. Win, Loss, Draw and yes, which one it is, is not always in your control due to afkers, trolls, bad comms, or flat out handless teammates.

    The way climbing in solo queue works is in my opinion best explained through coinflip theory, which is something I read on the league subreddit years ago. What this theory outlines is that if you play 100 games and end at a rank, lets say gold 3 then it is pretty clear that you are a gold 3 player, from that point on every game you play is a 50/50 of a win or loss. You can go 9/10 wins followed by 9/10 losses and both can happen as likely as the other. So logically climbing as a coinflip player doesnt seem very consistent right? Well, the longer you are in that rank, the more videos you watch and aim training you do outside the game you as a player improve, in turn improving your coinflip ratio from 50/50 to 55/45, suddenly, for every 100 games you are winning 5 games more than you lose, resulting in progressive improvement to rank?

    What does this mean for you? What this ''Should'' mean for your mentality is that a loss is only a loss if you didnt learn anything from it. If you went 30 kills and lost, is it really a loss? Sure you lost the coinflip, but you should be seeing that if you play like that 30 kill game every game, then you will win more of those games than you will lose. The more you stop caring about about those tiny arrows which suddenly are ENTIRELY the base root of your insecurities or confidence the more your actual skill increases.

    Imagine this as your emblematic skill and your actual skill. If your emblematic skill (your actual rank) is higher than the rank you are playing like you will slowly lose your ranking over time if you get your actual skill higher than your emblematic skill you will improve in ranking.

    The only thing holding you back from improvement is your mentality.

    Ask yourself if you lost that game where you were carrying because your raze was 12/20 and she was the monkey that made you lose, or because you were the one that made the emotional call to gamble rotate off of your site because you were scared that that monkey would lose their site therefore leaving the round completely open.

    The only way to improve is to stop getting emotional about a symbol and start becoming the best possible version of yourself.

    submitted by /u/crustypancake
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    Showing you what happens after a team buys one or more OP's at Immortal 3/RADIANT

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Showing you what happens after a team buys one or more OP's at Immortal 3/RADIANT


    1st half: the first 4 rounds weren't even close, we were ultra flush on cash and just running them over completely. At round 5 they bought 2 or 3 OP's and proceeded to win 8 rounds in a row because it is so incredibly difficult to play against. Jett is especially broken as she puts herself in terrible spots and even whiffs but can simply dash away to deny any punish. This completely breaks a core mechanic of tactical shooters, which is trading kills.

    2nd half: First 5 rounds they were once again struggling to put anything on the board, but at round 6 they once again bought 2 OP's and proceeded to pretty much blow us out because you just can't deal with it, with Jett being the main problem once again due to having poor positioning but being bailed out by the dash time and time again.

    At the end I counted Jett's OP kills, which amounted to 20 out of her 28 kills with one kill being from her ulti. All in all she had 1 single rifle kill throughout the entire match. As displayed in the first few rounds of both halves she did not manage to accomplish much when she did not have the OP. The OP being a crutch or boosting players is not simply a meme, it is the unfortunate truth. There would be a lot less Immortal players if they weren't able to simply spam play OP and/or Jett as they most of the time cannot rifle at all. I also want to add that more than 2/3's of Jett's kills being with the OP is not an outlier, it is the norm. I always go through games to see what impact an OP player had outside of the OP and very often it is extremely limited.

    The OP in Valorant is far too powerful relative to the skill required, and combined with the Jett dash becomes something that is a nightmare to play against. Most of the time you can't even tell the difference between a Diamond Jett or a high Immortal Jett because they all do the same thing, which is buy the OP every possible gun round and if you're denied the OP go shotgun or have little to no impact. They might aswell not have an in-game name and simply be called "Jett player #x" because they're all straight out of The Clone Wars.

    submitted by /u/Vitalytoly
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    First Shot Inaccuracy: A Poor Solution to a Non-Existent Problem

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    I've had this argument half a dozen times with my friends about CS:GO, and I will have it again with Valorant, not because I dislike either game, but because I think both are great and the controversy on this issue baffles me.

    Have you ever been using an AWP/OP, holding a long angle where your gun is supposed to be dominant, but when your opponent peeks you miss your first shot and they one-tap you with the AK/Vandal? Do you blame that on the Vandal being too powerful at range, or because you missed your shot and got outplayed?

    Have you ever been using an AK/Vandal and one-tapped their heaven sniper as soon as you turned the corner? Did you win the fight because the Vandal is too closely matched with the sniper, or because you landed a really nice shot?

    I have never once gotten killed by a rifler while sniping and thought "geez the snipers sure do get outclassed at range by the rifles", I think to myself "geez, if I had just hit my shot he'd be dead".

    The justification for first shot inaccuracy on the main rifles is that it needs to be there to define an optimal range for the sniper rifles of the game.

    I think that's ridiculous. The snipers already excel at long range; they have the shortest time to kill, with the least drop off over range, and the largest targets (the body instead of the head). They don't need the artificial advantage of first shot inaccuracy to excel at long range, because they excel by their very design.

    While I understand first shot inaccuracy on most of the weapons, like the SMGs and the pistols, I don't understand it on the main two rifles; the Phantom and the Vandal. While the FSA of the pistols and the SMGs are used to define the range those guns are meant to be effective at (short), and on a budget nonetheless, the Phantom and the Vandal are the core guns meant to be used in the large majority of engagements, and are effective at all ranges. The only situations they are meant to be weak in is up close against a shotgun (which they are) and long range against a sniper, which they are, and would be regardless of first shot accuracy (FSA).

    The counterargument I usually hear is "well the first shot inaccuracy isn't that bad anyway".

    My response is: Yeah, you're right. The difference is small enough that if FSA was made perfect tomorrow, no one would change their playstyle at all, because people already operate with the knowledge that their bullets are "close enough". No one is not taking a fight because their Vandal/Phantom is too inaccurate, they don't take the fight because they know the OP will wipe the floor with them if they don't use utility, or because their opponent is holding an advantageous angle.

    The problem is that even when the first shot inaccuracy is small, it always sacrifices a little bit of consistency. 1. At a range far enough away, a player can be aiming perfectly center on the head and still miss. 2. Lesser talked about but still problematic: at any range, a player can be aiming at the edge of the head, and a shot that would be a close hit with perfect FSA, becomes a close miss with first shot inaccuracy, and vice versa.

    So why is this in the game again? I really don't get it. All it does is create occasional cheap moments where someone is robbed of the kill they earned with proper aim, and once in a while even give a free hit to someone who should have missed. Please justify this to me, without bringing up the ADS feature, which could already be argued is useful for it's increased zoom, and could be repurposed to be the mode used for accurate follow up shots at range. Justifying first shot inaccuracy as the role for the ADS feature is redundant, given that you sacrifice better 'accuracy' (higher rate of fire means higher chance of follow up shots hitting on small or moving targets) for 'accuracy' (FSA).

    Not to mention that there is already damage drop off on a number of the weapons, a way to define effective ranges without introducing RNG. First shot inaccuracy is poor way to solve a problem that only exists on some guns, and has already been solved on the guns that it even exists on. It makes very little sense in a competitive game like Valorant, or CS:GO or any other.

    submitted by /u/Arkiece
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    Anyone else getting frame drops in the range when killing bots?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    these frame drops throws me off because every time I kill a bot in the range my frames drop to 40-60, I have a 75hz refresh rate and it is very noticeable. Framedrops also happen in-game time to time, My specs are mid-range and my CPU is bottlenecking my GPU.

    submitted by /u/macato
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    The Vandal needs an accuracy buff

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    IMO the Vandal having lower accuracy than the Phantom makes no sense. It's obvious that the devs want the Phantom to be king at close to medium ranges and the Vandal for long ranges, so then why is the Phantom more accurate than the Vandal? I know statistically it's a small difference (5%) but it just adds to the long list of reasons as to why the Phantom is used more. What is the actual point of a gun that's powerful at long ranges but not accurate at those very same distances? It's so counter-intuitive.

    I think they should buff the accuracy of the Vandal to maybe near perfect (90% to 95%) and maybe (big maybe) slightly decrease the accuracy of the Phantom to fix this.

    submitted by /u/like_21_ninjas
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    5 spots you might not have known about

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Valorant’s funnier out of context 2

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Matchmaking has to be fixed!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    As you may have seen from the really high elo streamers, it is hard to find a game. They sometimes wait around 10-15 minutes to match with a team. However, it is not the case for low elo players like me(Gold 2 currently). But these short waiting times come with its downside which is matching with plats, silvers, and bronzes. I love the way Riot handles matchmaking in LoL but in Valorant, it is pure annoying. I don't want to match with a Silver 2 because that person is either going to finish the game with 4 kills or 24 kills(either will carry like a smurf or will insta die).

    To be honest, I am willing to wait 10 minutes for a all gold game, so I can actually have a meaningful feedback about my current playing level. Having 4 silvers and 1 plat in each team puts tremendous amount of stress on the plat player who has to play well in order to get a little mmr but who will also lose a huge elo if cannot play well for that day. I think matchmaking is currently the biggest problem lower elos are experiencing in Valorant and has to be addressed really soon or will lose much more users like me.

    submitted by /u/Unfocused1912
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    Must share my joy

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:02 AM PDT

    This might not be impressive to many people, but I'm so happy I have to share with someone. After two months of playing and practicing almost daily, I finally escaped iron into bronze 2, was top fragger in every game for the last couple of days and got a couple of 1v5 aces on pistol rounds with the ghost. I know it's not a huge achievement, but it feels like it to me.

    I honestly thought I was too old (30) and too slow for the game and I have no experience with tactical FPS (except maybe a couple of silly Arms Races in CS:GO with equally nooby friends during the lockdown).

    What helped me improve was watching the montages on this sub, watching Hiko's streams to get better game sense, and following xtr's practice routine (highly recommend his channel btw). So thanks a lot everyone!

    Hopefully I won't instantly derank after saying this...

    submitted by /u/Splendidox
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    Do you think the operator is a problem or not?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    curious what people think because i see a lot of moaning i mean i could put my own thoughts on the operator but would like to see what others think. If it truly is as problem then they could remove the corsshairs from hipfire mode as it makes it much esier to quick scope a target more than likely why cs has this removed or put the price up more or they could add more cover in maps especaily when you plant some maps do lack cover like A on split also when can players get left model view please see this part and give us left model view :P

    submitted by /u/weerg
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    My problem with Ignition Series Qualifying method.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    TLDR; Why are the Official Valorant Tournaments mostly Invite only? Why no qualifier for EVERY TEAM (even pro's if they didnt win last Valorant Tournament)

    So I play in a team around Immo 3 - Radiant, everyone got experience from cs.

    We looked up how to qualify for the Ignition Series, only to find out that 14/16 Teams are Invited.

    Having only 2 spots for Qualifying is kinda low imo. Even pro teams should again qualify if the didnt win the last big Valorant Tournament.

    Whats your take on it? Do you agree with me? If you dont tell me why.

    submitted by /u/lyrixCS
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    Severe lagging issue when peaking (press A and D repeatedly)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    This happens way to much when I play, pressing A and D repeatedly would sometimes cause one of the key to not register and I would step bit too far left or right.

    This is super annoying and I don't know if this is a server issue or internet issue.


    submitted by /u/Going_Hell
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