• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 23, 2020

    VALORANT Nothing too flashy but I'm proud of it

    VALORANT Nothing too flashy but I'm proud of it

    Nothing too flashy but I'm proud of it

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    What i did to get Immortal.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Hey, I'm back with a new fan art of Killjoy !

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    Hey, I'm back with a new fan art of Killjoy !


    Hello everyone !

    After my first fan art of Sage and Reyna, I share this new fan art that I made today. This time, it's Killjoy's turn ! :)

    A lot of people have asked me to draw Phoenix, Jett, and Cypher. I'm working on these three characters at the moment, I'll share my artworks very soon on Reddit and on my Instagram so don't hesitate to follow me : https://www.instagram.com/faithfullyart/

    Btw, I want to thank all the people who support me and encourage me to continue. Your messages and comments about my first fan art of Sage and Reyna were very positive and made me really happy. Thank you so much ! <3

    submitted by /u/Faithfullyart
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    Made a B take for viper on split! Super proud of this :D

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    Interesting turn of events...

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Clutch At 4HP Only HS kills!

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Can I make my online status invisible?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    I have a good IRL friend who I love but I hate playing video games with. He takes it way too seriously, yells at the little kids in the match, backseat games and tells everyone what to do, them screams if people try to give him advice. He also hates being in groups with people who like to chat and gets angry and calls them annoying.

    Whenever I play with him I do significantly worse than when I play by myself. I made some online friends who I like playing with a lot more. They're goofy, about the same level as me, and don't take the game too seriously or freak out if we lose. We also like to get on discord and chat together.

    Yesterday I wanted to play with my online friends but he kept asking to join my party or requesting I join his. I tried to act like I was afk and he started messaging me, calling me on discord, and texting me. I said I was going to grab some food and be back on later which was true. I came back and he was online. I sent him a message and got no response so I decided to play with my online friends. As soon as it said match found, he requested to join my party then proceeded to get upset when I didn't/couldn't add him.

    He's chill in real life but I'm starting to dread playing because he is being so overbearing whenever I log on. I thought about making a new account but I don't want to lose my progress.

    Can I make it so that he doesn't know I'm online??

    submitted by /u/RedPlanit
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    Petition To Get Back The Old Knife Right-Click Animation

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Most of you probably won't even know what I'm talking about, so let me explain.

    In Valorants closed beta the right-click animation of all knife skins (including the default knife) used the be this, in my opinion extremely satisfying backstab motion (I put a clip of it down below).

    I know that a big part of Valorant's active playerbase, including some streamers like shroud, etc liked the old animation better than the current one. They never really explained why they even changed it, and from my perspective, it doesn't even make a lot of sense. The worst part is, that the new, rather sluggish dual-handed animation not only applies to the standard knife, but also to most paid knife skins, which truly breaks the deal for me and quite a few people, I can imagine.

    I understand, that the Valorant Team probably has a lot of way more important things to work on, but they could make the affected knife skins a lot more enjoyable by giving players the option of which animation to use.

    Either simply bringing back the old animation, or like as I stated giving players the option of using the new ''dual-handed'' or old ''backstab'' animation would be much appreciated by a huge part of the OG playerbase.

    A little video showcasing the old animation on some of the knife skins: https://youtu.be/vaqtmhf0Ndo

    (some of them haven't been released in the current version of the game)

    submitted by /u/sam_abc
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    Huge difference when Solo q’ing Plat and playing 5 stacks with Lower rank friends.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    I'm a plat 2 who likes to play with friends that are a lower rank. I solo que'd to plat and every now and then I like to join my friends. It seems that 5 stack golds and silvers are 1000x better than any plat and diamond I've ever played against... what's the issue? Is it their unpredictable play styles of a lower rank? Yet they hit every running hs or peak faster than lightning. I told my friends that I don't see this kind of play when I'm playing by myself. And it almost always seems like in a 5 que, a silver 3 will drop 35 kills and carry. I'm so confused because when I Solo Q In Plat it is nothing compared to what I've been seeing in there 5 ques.

    submitted by /u/kingkvrma
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    Valorant Agent Concept: Quantum

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Valorant Agent Concept: Quantum

    So I devoted some of my time and mediocre art skills to creating a concept for a Valorant agent!

    Meet Quantum! I took some design and lore inspiration from already existing things in Valorant, and got to thinking about what an agent out of my imagination would look and play like. I'm not too great at art but I had fun coming up with the concept nonetheless. Hope you all like it too! :)


    submitted by /u/DewyOtter
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    Fun Fact: The Operator shoot goes 200m not more

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    This is how my deathmatch games look. My aim is absolute garbage and some tips on what I did wrong would be awesome, thanks a lot :D

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    Voice Line Project for Content Creators and Lore Nerds

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Voice Line Project for Content Creators and Lore Nerds

    Hiya everyone!

    I'd like to share a project the Valorant Lore Community has been working on!

    The Voice Line Project aims to provide an organized and swift means of finding that Agent voice line you've been looking for. At the moment, finding voice lines means sifting through endless files with "random" numbers:

    A Hot Mess

    To remedy this, one of our members (Shiick) and I decided to create a Google Spreadsheet that documents a voice line's "true" name, description, and context. Alongside this, we uploaded all the voice lines to Google Drive, and created a home document to connect it all.

    An example of the Spreadsheet

    Several members of our community are already hard at work filling in these cells, but we could still use some help. Eventually, when the Spreadsheet is complete, we plan to organize it all on a website for anyone to access.

    Be it for your latest frag video, or as evidence for your theory, this project will benefit the community as a whole in regards to saving time.

    If you'd like to help out, consider joining our Discord Server, and once you assign yourself an Agent role, read the contents of #voiceline-project and follow the instructions within.

    Once this project is complete we will share the website, then we will move on to cataloging other aspects of the game, maybe we'll organize images of all the tacti-animals! <3

    Thanks for your time and support!

    submitted by /u/BloodyThumbtack
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    Nebula Omen (Fanart)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Nebula Omen (Fanart)

    I absolutely adore the new weapon skins that came out and wanted to make some art of my favourite agent Omen.

    Hours and hours of sketching and colouring has led me to this!
    The Nebula skins are by far my favourite now, sakura a close second. I hope you like looking at this as much as I loved to draw it!

    submitted by /u/Rossaleea
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    It would be cool if we could click on our act rank triangles to display the scoreboard of the match

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    I was messing around in my act rank and thought of this cool potential feature :) I've gotten from gold to diamond this season and there are some remains of gold wins in the bottom of my pyramid; it would be fun to see some performances from there.

    Edit: Could even make the matches with more combat score be above the other ones, in the same rank of course. This way the top of the pyramid would be your best performance in the highest rank you've been in!

    submitted by /u/TFT_HOMOMOOSE
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    VALORANT helped me deal with my mental problems

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    This year was very,very stressful for me and I have been really anxious,had symptoms of depression,had so many panic attacks that I tought I was going to die.After a while,this summer,I found Valorant and it made me so happy.I used it as a coping mechanism and I got closer to my friends because we started to play together and even made new friends that are very supportive and fun to play with.Valorant makes me very happy and my mental health has improved so much since I have been playing.Just wanted to share 💜

    submitted by /u/cosmicbruvs
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    It's mindboggling, how few people are using voice chat (even high Elo)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Like I am immortal 1 right now, and I 75% of the time I have a team where maximum 2 people are talking. How are people playing like this? Voicechat is essential

    submitted by /u/cs_Baldow
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    My brother is 14 and he's Immortal 1, should I convince him to go pro?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    He plays with WARDELL and Freakazoid. Do you guys think he has potential to be a pro gamer or streamer? He's pretty nutty. Are there scouts looking for young and good players? Do you think I should convince him to be a pro gamer? https://imgur.com/a/ZqxdssE

    EDIT: For context, I'm not pressuring him at all. I make sure his priorities are school and friends first before games. I'm probably gonna get him streaming stuff and see where it goes from there. It's up to him, he's my little brother and I just want to support his endeavors while at the same time making sure that his every day life is balanced so he's not dropping out of school to play games. He's healthy and goes to the gym with me. I was just curious if this was a possible path in life for him, that's all.

    EDIT: I just bought him a webcam and we're gonna start a twitch account for him. Thanks for the advice everyone!

    EDIT: Thank you everyone for supporting my brother love you all!

    EDIT: Unfortunately it is against the rules to post stream links but his Twitch username is Tisunami2k.

    submitted by /u/BlessMeWithSight
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    Sova Watercolour Painting

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    Sova Watercolour Painting

    Appreciate all the support on the last post! My Dad was overwhelmed with the amount of kind words from everyone. Here's a Sova we worked on a few weeks ago.

    Few people asked for IG last time so here it is if you guys want to follow.


    submitted by /u/abstractmusiq
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    My Sage Fanart

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    My Sage Fanart

    \"JETT, REVIVE ME!\"

    Hi, this is my fanart of Sage, my most favorite agent. Feel free to use this as your avatar/icon as long as you credit me/keep the sign. You can find me on my social media accounts, etcaves, on all sites. Thank you hope you like it :)

    submitted by /u/yeyuearl
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    Being penalized for bad servers is unfair.

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    Played a unranked game the other day, aus servers were buggy and my team constantly had people get dc'ed- had to exit the whole launcher 3 times and come back to the same match.

    When the match ended i had at least a 10 minute cooldown for "abandoning a match" despite me rebooting the whole client 3 times to see it through.

    submitted by /u/Reviax-
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    A Viper guide to smokes and poison bites on Split

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    What kind of game is this? FPS or...

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    My teen son has been playing since Beta, and every time he's on I hear "don't worry guys, I got the next round", "SMOKE 'EM", and "I don't have any mollies. You got any mollies?" (Molotovs)

    Is this supposed to be a first person shooter or a 90's club rave?

    submitted by /u/dehydratedrain
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    Am I the only one who can't differentiate between a full hp bar and an almost empty one with no red left in it? It sucks for Sage players.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    This is something that keeps happening to me and I'm not sure if other players have the same issue.

    The normal white color of the hp bar below your team's character portraits looks fairly similar to the light grey tone it shows when it's being emptied. The moment one of my teammates is so low that there is no more noticeable red color in the bar I keep misreading it as being at 100%. This happens especially because during a game you can only throw a quick glance at the hud before having to concentrate on the game again. Couple of times I've had teammates yell at me too and I didn't even notice they were almost dead.

    So, like the title says — anyone else have this issue? I feel like this would be easily fixable by contrasting the white and the grey tone more.

    submitted by /u/JazzyRed
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    Molly! (Young Brimstone Fan Art)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    Molly! (Young Brimstone Fan Art)

    Tried to make a young Brimstone fan art, before he got the stripe beard!


    Thanks to my friend for helping on this one you can check his Sova Fanart here

    submitted by /u/pepatricio
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