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    Monday, August 24, 2020

    VALORANT The vandal's First bullet inaccuracy is ridiculous.

    VALORANT The vandal's First bullet inaccuracy is ridiculous.

    The vandal's First bullet inaccuracy is ridiculous.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    I was playing an unrated match yesterday using the vandal and this happened, as shown in the clip I started to tap-fire the enemy sova in the head while we were BOTH not moving and he was looking in a different direction while using the operator and the bullets just kept going to the sides of his head. Honestly, I don't know why first bullet inaccuracy with the vandal is so bad or why it's even a thing in the game in the first place.


    submitted by /u/BlueSpark_2000
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    Always remember the rounds never over, until it’s over. s/o u/phoam for vc :)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 10:05 PM PDT

    (Concept) Some HUD Indicators Changes!!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    (Concept) Some HUD Indicators Changes!!

    So, I have been playing VALORANT since beta, and I watched every single one of the patch updates

    As an aspirant Designer myself, I had some ideas for changes in the HUD/GUI that I think could be more "immersive" or "readable" :)

    so here it is:


    I have serious troubles with the actual "Orb Capture Indicator", bc it's basically just a Horizontal progress bar.

    Here is my proposal - imgur.com/a/Y5WaynP

    My idea is to make a circular progression bar (following the shape of the orbs lol) and making a similar HUD Icon as the "Kill Indicators Icon"

    //// SPIKE INDICATORS ////

    For these HUDs, I made a spike shaped progression bar (basically a triangle :0)

    When you first start to plant the spike, your progression bar would appear at the ascent yellow color of the most part of the menus.

    When the Spike lights up, the hud would also turn in to blue!

    Here is the proposal - imgur.com/a/ow7GvxL

    And i also made a "Defusing the Spike" HUD!
    When you're gonna defuse the spike, it'll show a spike shape (but upside down lol)

    The HUD would pulse with the \beeps\** of the planted spike!

    here is the proposal - imgur.com/a/k2XajYt



    Hey, if you read till here, i hope u have a great day! <3

    submitted by /u/wollowsan
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    Jett Fanart! [White Tiger of The South]

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    I've been working away at this for a while, and I wanted to portray Jett in a traditional painting style! White tigers are symbolic of South Korea. I hope you guys like it!


    submitted by /u/emmywai
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    I just realized that Phoenix flash can break through the glass on Ascent garden. Did anybody else know this?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    I don't know, I was just playing around in a custom server when I accidentally threw a phoenix curve-ball through the glass in garden. I thought it was pretty neat, considering, people will automatically look there once they hear the sound cue of the glass breaking, and when they look at the area they get flashed.


    submitted by /u/Purrpseut
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    I asked for Odin by mistake (immortal elo)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Why some of y’all gotta attack me in Unranked?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    This is my first FPS game and I really enjoy the game and the objective of Valorant and I fully understand the rules. I don't play competitive and so I chill in Unranked after a long hard day at work. I'm not good nor am I absolute trash but once players find out I'm a girl, they tell me I'm a waste of space in the gaming community. I get there are toxic people out there, but don't be that way in Unranked pls. I'm just trying to have a good time!

    EDIT: Omg wow! I didn't think there'd be so many replies! Thank you to everyone for their suggestions! I appreciate it so much! I feel much better and I may have overreacted and don't need to be overly sensitive! And sorry to all the girls and guys who have faced verbal or any kind of abuse. We just need more understanding players.

    submitted by /u/SkyeWolfYou
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    Got 3 Aces in one day Radiant / Immortal ranks

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    My Opinion: Guardian is still not viable enough for ranked.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    I very rarely see players use Guardian in my games (as a silver 2, might be rank bias), and even if there are people that use them, it is just not worth it for the cost it has right now (at 2500 credits). Even worse is that there is always a gun that's better than the Guardian at it's purpose right now.

    Light buy? Go sheriff/Marshall.

    Force buy? Go bulldog.

    Precision? It is too low a perk to outweigh the cons.

    I have a few suggestion to MAYBE make this weapon that's in a weird state more viable. Make it cheaper without changing the stats it has right now (which is what I think is the best way to make it more viable), buff the stats a little bit and keep the price, or make it even cheaper and make it worse. The prices I suggest are from 1800-2100 if we want to make it cheaper. If we want to buff it instead, I suggest giving it a tiny speed boost, because the Guardian is supposed to reward one-taps over body shots heavily, we only want minor buffs, not make it overpowered.

    This is my opinion. I'm open to your opinions. :)

    submitted by /u/ToastWithNaomi
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    1v6 clutch against Immortals 2-3 (SEA)

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    First 6k, still new so it might be rusty.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    I Made a Marshal Montage

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    If you are playing alone, remember it is a lot easier to lose because of bad team work then your own skill.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    Seeing a lot of depressed players who are beating themselves up and it is understandable. They are playing balanced matches and losing when one team has better coordination with each other then the other. Especially in cases where people are just playing for kills, there is not a lot you can do about certain situations. Even the best cannot push alone on a long lane held by an operator.


    The game is not balanced for solo play. Everyone is going to feel like shit in a game like this at some point. The game just does not have the same polish other games have yet concerning teamplay and balancing teams based on it.

    submitted by /u/Darknotical
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    There has to be something in place for Solo queue players who have a teammate quit early on or for more than 5 rounds.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    I understand penalizing groups for losing to discourage exploits, but shouldn't apply to solo queue because we don't know each other there's no exploit. I just had a match were we were destriying the other team and we had to play 3v5 for 10 rounds as the other team rallied back to win in OT. We were still winning 4v5 most of the game, but to derank on a loss like that especially when you have a positive KD is absurd. If you're solo and a teammate leave for more than 5 rounds you should NOT be penalized.

    submitted by /u/tz1350
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    The way maps are assigned for games needs to be improved

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    The way maps are assigned for games needs to be improved

    I've started to play competitive more often this act and yet, almost every single game i play is bind. It used to be haven which i would always get but then it changed. This game is becoming harder to enjoy the more times i have to play the same map over and over again. Some variety would be nice. I think it is supposed to be random but if that is true, i would prefer that it give you a different map on purpose. Like apple once did with their ipods , making the shuffle play less random to seem more random.

    Anything to make it so that you have equal playtime of all the maps would be good.

    Here is a picture of my recent played games


    submitted by /u/CaptainLevi0815
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    "No" Tier List - Champs ranked based on how they say No

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    S Tier

    Killjoy - OP in gameplay, OP in her No. Much like all her dialogue, Killjoy's No is sarcastic and sly. She does not care about your opinion, only on shutting it down, which is the ultimate purpose of the No.

    Sage - A strong, stern, and forceful No, as a good No should be. Quick and to the point making sure no ambiguity is left.

    A Tier

    Brimstone - Above average in all three categories of the No. Annoyance, strictness, and definiteness.

    Raze - An uncharacteristically quiet No, spoken with the same tone of you trying to hush your friend at a party who keeps making tasteless remarks about minorities.

    Jett - A playful No which portrays a similar lack of worry to your concerns, but does not properly deny your opinions like higher tier Nos.

    B Tier

    Phoenix - A casual No which makes great use of the 'Ah modifier', indicating its casualness. Gives off an air of Phoenix trying to preserve his cool factor by not being associated with your bad opinion.

    Cypher - Addresses your plan, and with difficult timing, can properly shut it down. That one No line reminds me of Watchmen for some reason.

    Reyna - An average No with hints of something better. Little strength, but the start of a great sarcastic No is clearly visible.

    Omen - Gruff with an air of annoyance at your idiotic plans, yet unfortunately leaves a lot to be desired. The key to a good No is putting your entire mindset behind it, which only arguably come across here.

    C Tier

    Sova - Too quick and poor at stopping people from blabbering on about rushing mid.

    Breach - Imitates Sova at points, but falls flat in all other fields.

    Viper - A very bored No which does not properly address the victim unfortunately leaves Viper once again the worst character in the game.

    submitted by /u/Butter_Meister
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    you're right, the round ISN'T over till its over

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    What would you think of a completely non-rural map?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:37 AM PDT

    This game has an advantage in map creation over CSGO in that CSGO needs maps to be urban, or at least civilized, areas for the bomb planting to make sense.

    Due to the spike's purpose, this limit doesn't exist in Valorant.

    A battleground can simply be some cold ice cavern in Norway or Peru, or even the Grand Canyon, because a Radianite presence is enough to create a race for it.

    So, what would you think about completely natural maps in Valorant? Is it something you would like to see at some point?

    submitted by /u/5i5TEMA
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    Jett (Valorant) - FanArt #sketch

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Spirit Blossom Jett (Fanart?) by Riot Senior Artist Zeronis

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:45 PM PDT


    Did a quick search of this subreddit and didn't find other posts of this but definitely deserves to be seen!

    Even though Riot are great at making character skins I doubt there will be for Valorant, but still nice to look at

    submitted by /u/XForce23
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    Tips to improve at the video game

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    1.Practice preaiming walk around a map in custom games and have your crosshair on each corner and angle at head level this will help you gain aiming muscle memory and will make it so you're not inspecting the dirt on the enemies shoes

    1. watch lineups and strats for your main or make your own

    2. invest in headphones and learn how sound works

    3. Don't talk shit to your team in vc if they fuck and or are shit politely tell the team a new strat where they are put in a new position that is harder to mess up and isnt the end of the world if they do mess up

    4. dont think ranking up saves you I've seen alot of consistent players and generally better players stuck in silver then immortal. Immortal and radiant players can still be shit or have awful days weeks months or games.

    5. Learn to solo carry. pick characters that you can carry a team as (Sage, Reyna, Phionix, Jett, Raze) if you top frag much higher then anyone else better chance of ranking up even on loss

    6. Learn to look in your top left. Believe it or not there is a radar there with more accurate info then your team may call. No comm games are still extremely winnable just look in your top left.

    7. Play your role if your a fragger that should be entrying dont hide behind the sage. As a sage on attack your job is to stay alive as long as possible and then slow tf out of the retake. on defence as sage you have to slow the enemys push. if your a support brimstone sova viper sage etc make sure your utility is actually on the site when your team is pushing.

    8. Practice peaking learn to jiggle peak, hold pixel angles where when they pass you can easily wall bang them, learn to strafe peak and bait out op shots and get info

    9. Push a site but do not play follow the leader. If you push the enemy from multiple areas you have a higher chance of winning the round.

    10. Be useful even if you are having a bad game. I used to play in and win tournaments when val first came out our bottom frag was playing high frag potential characters and not doing well which in theory isnt good however the only reason that we kept him is because he was the IGL and he knew his strats even though his mechanical skills sucked his Leading skills could win us any any game no matter who we were versing.

    11. Trust in your strat caller. If you are so lucky to have someone calling strats please listen to every word they say you should essentially let them play for you they tell you to run out mid with you knife out you fucking do it Ive had strats called in my ranked game where there was one guy doing a suicide charge to site we would see where they got shot at and easily pick each enemy that shot at him.

    12. 0-12 doesnt mean its over. The enemy team has the highest ego and is gonna think they can mess around if they are up 12 rounds catch their mistakes punish them break their eco and make a comeback

    13. set people up for plays if you have a player that is doming everyone do everything in your power to make sure they are setup to win the round for you easily.

    14. Dont kill hunt and throw the round because of it.

    15. Have fun it is a game and comp ranks really do not matter it really is just 10 very uncoordinated people shooting each other for 40 minutes.

    if you have any more tips leave in the comments :)

    submitted by /u/Dustygingercat
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    The C Long Experience

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:33 AM PDT

    Killjoy Fanart!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Killjoy Fanart!

    Hello everyone! I finished Killjoy a bit earlier today which concludes all the Valorant gals! Moving onto the guys next, however I might take a day or 2 for a break as it's been really exhausting pounding out all this art (I just love everyones positive comments ; v ;). Per suggestion, I've watermarked the work as I do intend to later sell it. If you'd like to use it for a profile picture, just lmk and I can dm you the unmarked version granted you give me credit. All merch will be unmarked as well. Thank you for the support, as always my twitter is @ eeveepeachi


    submitted by /u/thetachibabe
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    You can cancel the weapon swap animation by holding the spike in the plant zone

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:09 PM PDT

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