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    Tuesday, August 25, 2020

    VALORANT Killjoy Mollies are beautiful, just beautiful

    VALORANT Killjoy Mollies are beautiful, just beautiful

    Killjoy Mollies are beautiful, just beautiful

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    I love how. The game turned into lets plant and killjoy puts her mollies on the spike and hides every round.

    It's just beautiful that it's literally on every round.

    It's not OP. Don't get me wrong. You can spam the spike. Or you can search for the mollies around the spike area and shoot it. Or youcan fake diffuse. So it's not OP.

    Its just .. beautiful to play like this .. every... single.. round.

    submitted by /u/eskeletsh
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    Los Muertos Reyna

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Valorant not launching

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    My buddy and I aren't able to open Valorant right now. We're clicking the launch icon and nothing is appearing? May day may day please send help

    submitted by /u/Konafor
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    Typical Killjoy 1v5

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    There are 12 agents in the game and 10 players in deathmatch

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Can everybody in deathmatch have a different agent so we'll be able to tell exactly who is the guy constantly shooting from behind instead of having to guess out of 5 Brimstones?

    submitted by /u/Plankton57
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    "Im feeling an ace tbh" typical Jett 1v5

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    1v5 ACE but I lose my Immortal rank up game

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 01:11 AM PDT

    Let Breach's Aftershock Kill Killjoy's Lockdown.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    This makes sense. Aftershock is an explosion, unique to Breach. Let it disable objects like this. It would be the perfect buff to Breach and would give a little bit of extra counterplay against Killjoy. Would force her to think before she plants randomly in a corner.

    submitted by /u/Darknotical
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    The 11-2 guy by round 4 is not always a smurf...more than likely is just having a great start to the game is going to come back to earth eventually.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    We have all seen it very very often (well...gold and lower). The entire enemy team is doing about as well as your team (KDA), except for the one guy going 11-2 (for example) by the end of round 4 that your entire team is calling a smurf and won't shut the fuck up about. Your team starts saying "gg" after the 4-0, noncompetitive, start and soon starts calling for a /ff.

    More often then not, though, the player on the other team is truly just having a really good start to the game . With the other team playing about as well as most of the players on your team (kda), really just being carried by the one guy, chances are the guy is going to come back to earth and the game is going to be competitive. Lots of times that 11-2 start soon becomes 15-12 and he no longer single handily carries the game for them. I see it happen all the time, and those early steam rolls turn into a very competitive game, lots of times a win. Just gotta stay positive and treat every round like a new game. Not every good player, great stretch of a game, etc is a smurf making your loss immanent. We have all had stretches where we are playing out of our minds....that is most likely the case for the commonly complained about "smurfs".

    submitted by /u/DryProperty
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    I made a little comic based on one of Omen's voicelines, hope you like it!

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    I made a little comic based on one of Omen's voicelines, hope you like it!

    To me, Omen has been an absolute positive surprise to play. I never thought that there might be an agent that just "clicks" with me.
    So here's something for you Cypher and Omen mains.


    I hope you enjoyed this comic, there might be more to come.

    submitted by /u/Catcomfortable
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    The first player dead should be allowed to take control of an AFK player.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    But only the first dead player so teams can't have their best player die and take control,

    and since they're in the middle of a round they don't have access to the buy menu so they have to play with limited abilities and the classic.

    I think this is better then the player's character despawning and being useless, it'll also add to the strategy of the enemy team if you have an AFK player they can choose to try to preemptively take that character out.

    Also the rule of AFK call outs should not be used as a "bait and switch" it honestly save so much time collectively at the end of the match.

    EDIT: as many of you have pointed out the problem of Rez... My solution is I have no clue. Potential solutions are, Drops control of the AFK guy, or possibly can't use it on the 2nd life character. But my original idea was that it is a choice to do so, so If you know you are about to be rezzed then you shouldn't.

    submitted by /u/Kronos5115
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    When the other team says “GG” but you’re not done yet. Love my teams reaction too! thanks for watching & enjoy this 1v4 OT clutch!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    The smurfing problem

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    There is a serious problem that need to be adressed. Smurfs. Now, in most competitive games you will find smurfs, but usually they're just people trying to pubstump or play with lower elo friends, but in this game it's different. As you climb up the ranks, the longer it takes to find a game, making it almost unbearable. 1 hour or even longer waits to play a 30 min game. So basically once you hit high immortal/radiant you have to create a new account.

    So the problem is not the smurfs themselves, but the matchmaking. I dont know why this happens in this game, but it clearly needs to be adressed. Since they are already taking measures to make it harder to create smurfs, eventually people in high elo will lose interest in playing. In the long run this issue could potentially kill the game, at least in high elo. Or in the best case scenario, we'll have 3rd party matchmaking like in csgo.

    And just to make it clear, smurfs are not only a problem in low ranks, its a problem in all ranks. Just one Immortal 2/3 in a low diamond lobby can completely break the game. It's not fun, it's not a "challenge", it's a really frustrating way of wasting half an hour.

    And the worst part is, at least in higher elo lobbys, you can't blame them.

    submitted by /u/higuainxd
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    Valorant Timeout

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    After a 30 minute break I came back to open up valorant, but when I tried going back in it said there was a timeout? I tried with 2 accounts, and it seems neither worked. It might be just me, but I was wondering if it's happening to anyone else.

    submitted by /u/FrostyCookiee
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    I think Valorant would benefit from a more complex "shooting test" practice option

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 07:21 AM PDT


    For a lot of people deathmatch is where it's at when it comes to warming up and stuff, and that's fine. But I'm pretty sure that lots of players, me included, also enjoy practicing in the shooting test scenario. The problem is that it's really bare bone and does not offer that many options to play with. You basically have to make up your own stuff using jett and jumping up into that little hut, using the windows and shit..

    So I'd suggest an overhaul of the practice range to give players more and better options to, well, practice.

    I'm not expecting it to be some aimlabs kind of feature (using something like aimlabs btw. isn't the same as practicing inside of the game you're practicing for), but more in the vein of aim_botz (or similar) from CS:GO.

    Have it be an arena specifically for this purpose, 360° and with options such as strafes (longer, faster, only one direction etc), jumps, activatable sight blockers to simulate corner peeks and such. Long ranges for OP stuff, bots rushing, trying to knife you which you have to prevent.. Stuff like that. Overall shouldn't be too much work to build something like that. I'd do it myself if the game offered custom mapping but of course for whatever silly reason it doesn't..

    Additionally, but likely way more work involved to add so see this as a different suggestion, it would be just awesome to have the "bomb plant" or "retake" scenario but for every map's bombspots and hard difficulty bots..Just something to play with, to test out stuff etc. etc.

    submitted by /u/ThePatchelist
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    Is it just me or does nobody push on to site in this game?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Is this just a bronze thing? I swear, I play Reyna. Team smokes site. I blind onto site. Run out using smokes. Maybe die and get some damage off. Think "oh this will be fine team can clean up person on site, plant and try to defend." And then nope, they're all standing at entrance to site staring at the same angle, someone flanks and gets a quad on us. Next round comes I think oh, well hey I'll just watch flank. Then nobody pushes on to site.

    Is this a common thing? Am I missing some strategy here? I have 600 hours on CSGO so a lot of my experience and tactics are from that game. But if you have smokes and set up on site doesn't it make sense to have more then one person go onto site in a push? Then you have a person watching flank?

    submitted by /u/TheHoodOfSwords1
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    Try to not laugh.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Omen's Sneaky Smoke

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    Sova and Omen Outplays from Diamond to Immortal

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    My journey to Radiant (Reyna Main) - AMA in the comments!

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Add a safe to leave option if one disconnects in competetive

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    I dont know why players are being forced to do a 4v5, 3v5 or even worse 2v5 on competitive when their teammate disconnects and being penalized for losing. Adding safe to leave option like Dota 2 would solve this issue easily.

    submitted by /u/maximumkingnjc
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    Always be sure to use your agent abilities, you never know what could be! ;)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    When you try to aim but the game says no :( this game is too hard

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 11:24 PM PDT


    This is probably the most extreme example I've seen of shots completely missing. No lag or ping spikes (but yes network problem?). At the beginning it could be argued that it's just poor aim but there are later some pretty clear headshots in there imo.

    I love this clip so much lmao

    submitted by /u/asadisticbanana
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