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    Monday, September 14, 2020

    VALORANT Jump - Raze

    VALORANT Jump - Raze

    Jump - Raze

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    Returned Shatter to VALORANT

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    valorant agents as among us skins :)

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    valorant agents as among us skins :) submitted by /u/f_renchfry
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    New VALORANT skin teaser

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    Sage fan art by me

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 02:55 AM PDT

    Sage fan art by me


    Hey guys. I recently tried out Valorant cause I think agents' character designs are cool. I thought I would make a fan art of Sage as she is the first agent I used. Love her character aesthetics as well!


    submitted by /u/KazyHnin
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    a quick killjoy moly lineup guide; hope it helps :D

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    It should not be so easy to De-Rank in this game

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    I have a Act Rank of Plat 2 and peeked Diamond 1 so far this season. admittedly i played a little worse than i normally do in a couple of games. To break it down, i was Plat at the time (probably my deserved rank) and lost a game that caused me to de-rank. Now mind you, I did not bottom frag, and nor have i yet to finished a game in plat as bottom frag; however the score difference was big so it caused me to de-rank into gold 3. I play 2 games in gold 3, Match MVP both games. 40 kills in one of the games. However that game went into overtime so only 2 up arrows? The next game i team mvp but lose and this happens again but this time we lost big and i am now demoted to gold 2..

    Im now playing against silver players. as a Plat 2 act rank. I 13-0 them.. They are mad. I understand why. I feel bad. It's unfair for everyone.

    submitted by /u/ihateitheresobad
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    What are the most player friendly agents to learn first?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    I got the game a few days ago and i was playing as phoenix and Jett. What are good player friendly agents for a beginner like me?

    Bare in mind its my first keyboard and mouse game ever

    submitted by /u/Orangeknight464
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    I drew Cypher but adorable :)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:20 AM PDT


    So I drew Cypher, dunno what else to say besides it was fun to do and I am very proud of it. I'm still new to the game but i like the utility he gives, that and he has a cool hat.

    submitted by /u/Theesambee
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    The battlepass issue

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    Lately I haven't seen many posts about this here even tough the current state of it is very controversial.

    Many people are complaining that the battlepass is time consuming as it requires tons of gameplay during the period of 2 months.

    I did buy the first battlepass and finished it within a month and 10 days but that's only because I was literally living the game after it came out. I was probably playing 5ish hours daily.

    Now I bought the second pass and I haven't reached even half the pass after a month of completing every daily and weekly mission (sometimes only playing 1 competitive game, sometimes 1 comp and few spike rushes and sometimes only spike rushes)

    The main idea of the battlepass is to offer as much content (skin wise) for the lowest price, hanging players to the game. That's good for the company, but not the players. People grind a pass because it is not only fun but also gratification, satisfaction. The current issue is that because the pass requires a lot of exp and therefore a substantial time to complete, it makes the pass exhausting. The bottomline is either you don't work and only play games everyday, you only play Valorant (can't play other games otherwise you wouldn't finish the pass within 2 months) or you go to class/work and when you get home all you do is play, play and play the same game over and over again.

    I can't tell if this is what most people are feeling right now but what I get is a feeling of slavery. I've been a cs go player for almost 5 years now, started playing league like 2 months ago and I'm really enjoying riot games but sometimes I feel like I can't play what I want at certain moments but I have to play what I have to and that's the worst feeling one can have.

    I've quickly come up with some stuff that could change this issue:

    1) double the exp of every mode right off the bet

    2) offer 2 passes for us to buy. Regular one and other one 50% - 100% expensivier that gives DOUBLE THE EXP on EVERY mode

    3) encourage people to play COMPETITIVE games giving 2 to 3 times the exp on that mode only. Some people would play 1 or 2 comp games daily, having the satisfaction of being able to not only finish the pass within the end of the season but also do other stuff in live or even play other games

    4) increase the amount of daily/weekly tasks

    5) give us new and battle pass exclusive tasks

    6) let us accumulate tasks for a total of 5-7 meaning you don't actually "have" to play every single day

    I'd like to ratify most of my talk is about the regular player and not the very addicted one.

    Take the Fall Guys pass for exemple. You get the rewards while having fun and it doesn't even requires you to play everyday and you can easily finish it within a month even tough the pass lasts for 2 months. That's what I want from Valorant pass. I can't stand having my energy drained because of a pass. I do know that if I don't want it I don't have to buy it and that's my mindset now. If no changes are made for season 3 I highly doubt I'm throwing myself in this tiring journey again.

    submitted by /u/maczampieri
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    What happens when a player Peaks a Stationary player server side with timestamps

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    I think this needs to be adressed and I think with some pictures and visualization it will be easier to understand for some thick skull folks that are still spreading the bullshit myth of high ping players having an advantage.

    So in this particular example I'm gonna be using 2 realistic examples, 28ms network round trip and 60ms network round trip. We will assume both players have exacly the same reaction time 200ms, same hardware and monitor, only thing different is their pings.

    Lets start with first example. 28ms player peaks the 60ms player, what happens on a server side perspective?


    As you can see the Peeker has about 75,6ms peakers advantage and the defender has to react and connect the shot within 124,4ms which realisticaly its not gonna happen.

    Now lets look at the 60ms player peaking the 28ms player, I know what you're thinking, you're probably thinking its gonna be even worse for the defender in this example right?


    So the Peeker has about 43,6ms of peakers advantage and the defender has to react and connect the shot within 156,4ms. Now this value is also incredible hard even if you're on a 240hz screen, the human benchmark bros will disagree with me but you have to understand that your reaction time ingame will never be as low as what human benchmark tells you. However you see what this means right? High ping will never be an advantage.


    • People confuse peakers advantage with high ping advantage;

    • latency in general (because you're playing online) causes peakers advantage, meaning that in a online environment the PEAKER always has the advantage SPECIALY if the defender is stationary;

    • the degree of severity of peakers advantage for defender's point of view depends entirely on his own ping;

    • peaking an stationary target is LITERALLY the only situation where a "high ping player" has any sort of advantage because the window of opportunity for the defender to land the shot will on average be lower than the peaker's reaction time, although remember that this "high ping player" defending an angle will have even lower window of opportunity to land a shot when he gets peaked, I want this point to be very clear;

    • every other situation pretty much, slow walking peaking, both peaking at same time, holding angles, OPing, hitreg in general, overall feel of the game, using satchels with raze, basicly just playing the game right as you see on every high elo lobby will be a major disadvantage with high ping.

    Test this by yourself in your shooting range, load the bots, shoot 5 bots and record, then put a vpn do the same and record, now go to a editing software like adobe premiere and see frame by frame the moment your magazine changes to the frame you get the bot killed, you will be surprised at the difference, its the reason why 20ms vs 60ms at high level is a huge ping disparity and no pro would be happy or pleased to play vs a 20ms team when he has 60ms.

    submitted by /u/MaestroLA
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    Mendo and his diamond friend placed low rank

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    She was placed in silver I believe he was placed bronze.

    I am not sure what mendos actual rank is. I want to say immortal. She is diamond.

    Now this is shows how clearly flawed the ranked system is. The game should not be using unrated as a way to determine skill. Unrated can be played for fun. The only thing the game should use to determine ranked is competitive.

    The way placements are just encourage smurfing but it's not even intentional smurfing. The game placed them where they don't belong. Now they are ruining matches for everyone else.

    submitted by /u/Dxrules90
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    Fascinating Vision Play 4k on Viper

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    Sova Drone exploit on Bind

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    I found this exploit on Bind where Sova's Drone can fly up into the ceiling and see into Defenders Spawn and look at B Site through the wall.


    submitted by /u/F_T__
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    Yes I know I'm wasting my boombot, but this makes satchel boosting more fun

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    6 kills ACE with Jett

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    I Feel So Validated After Holding My Own in a Higher Ranked Lobby!

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    I'm a gold 2 player and I come from call of duty and halo on console. Most of my video game experience came several years ago back in high school and as a kid ( I took a hiatus through college). Since the pandemic started I've been getting back into video games. The last game I played a little harder than casually was Black Ops 2 and I was Master League in that game so I do have at least decent game IQ and map awareness but I had never used mouse and keyboard before Valorant came out. I started out as Iron 1 in the beta and quickly got to Gold 1 in Act 1 and Gold 2 in Act 2. I mainly solo q because I don't really have too many friends that play the game, especially at the hours I do since I work nights. The one friend I do play with is in bronze so If i play with him I'm almost always the highest rank.

    I typically roller coaster up and down through the gold division really just depending on the teammates I get. I feel like almost every game we have good communication we win, and every game we don't, well we don't. Gold has to be the most toxic rank, players will not talk all game and then be mad about you for not rotating or something when they rushed onto site with the one person they are in a discord with. I've been practicing just in the range going through some different warm up exercises I've seen some youtubers use. My setup is total trash though lol, I lack the money to afford to purchase a setup so I have just my laptop and small mouse pad , and it looks pretty funny. Lately, I've felt that I have been playing better than a lot of the ranks I was playing with but not necessarily able to carry bad teammates.

    Tonight I matched with a lobby of 6 platinum's 1-3, and 2 gold 3s. When we got in the lobby I said " oh shoot I'm in the big boy leagues now" jokingly. The lobby didn't even humor my joke. I scratched it off and I didn't carry but I communicated well, played well and played with the team. I had some great rounds and my defense was spot on. Had my highest headshot percentage game to date I think and we won 13-6. The plat 3 at the end of the game when we won off of a sick flick I had to win the game said, "you belong in the big boy leagues aus10." It wasn't much but I couldn't have felt more validated in any situation, knowing how toxic this game can get. That was lit.

    submitted by /u/aus10foe
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    Simple head lineup tip (Image)

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Simple head lineup tip (Image)

    So I've noticed some people have a hard time determining were head level is. What I do is find parts of the map design that lines up with the head. (which there tends to be a lot) Then during a game, I usually try to keep my cross hair near the parts of the map.


    Here are a few examples. Then something else to remember is be super conscious of were your cross hair is. It's easy to lose focus, but something you should try to not do is let your gun aim at their feet. If anyone wants I can do some more of these for other maps.

    submitted by /u/Badwolf9547
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    guys which is the best training in aimlab for valorant?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    I want to make my aim better. So I'm thinking about training daily in aimlab. but I dont know which training I should focus on. Your advice will help. Thanks

    submitted by /u/69mahi96
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    I'm Getting Worse.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    I have been playing Valorant since beta and I was absolutely happy with the progress I was making. Beta I was Plat 3, Act 1 I was Diamond 1 and Act 2 I managed to reach Immortal 1. I felt like I was getting better with each game and I was enjoying every game. After this last patch ive slowly been getting loss after loss. I have taken 2-3 days break after getting tilted and warm up every time I play but for some reason it just feels like I am dragging my mouse through mud and it feels like my mouse over swings when I am at times. Am I going crazy or am I just getting worse? I have washed my mousepad, made sure my settings are all the same as before but it still feels like my mouse has some sort of mouse acceleration on but it doesnt? It really is starting to bum me out.
    Edit: Id also like to point out that I have been playing CSGO and R6 and both games feel so much better, it feels like my mouse is reacting with my hand and it just feels crisp. Has anyone else felt this weird mouse lag on Valorant?

    submitted by /u/MoistAJC
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    Gun buddies

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    just had a random thought, it would be cool if we could achieve new buddies with specific guns depending on how well we get headshots or kills with it.

    submitted by /u/woatpitu
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    Why can't we surrender these 3v5 games without 3/3 votes?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Why is it that if you play with a duo and after 2 dudes who gut bullied by the duo leave we cannot surrender without all of the votes? Why do i have to be taken as a hostage by this duo? What kind of a stupid system is this? Who wants to play 3v5 for 13 rounds?

    submitted by /u/nemt
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