• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 15, 2020

    VALORANT We were having a bad 3v5 game but still had fun in the end :)

    VALORANT We were having a bad 3v5 game but still had fun in the end :)

    We were having a bad 3v5 game but still had fun in the end :)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    New Skin Reveal Trailer

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    Pink Jett fanart i've made

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    Pink Jett fanart i've made


    Hi! I wanted to make some fanart of Jett for quite some while now, but decided to make fer pink instead of blue just for fun. I'm thinking about drawing more agents in the future.


    submitted by /u/Zohmy
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    Why you should stack B-Site on Bind

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Extremely Common Mistakes in Gold that I see in EVERY VoD Review - How to Fix Them

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    Hey guys, it's Dragonmar here and I wanted to share some of the most common mistakes I see while doing VoD reviews for my community. At this point, I probably do more VoD reviews than actually playing the game...but that's besides the point! One thing stuck out to me about players in Gold, as opposed to some of the other ranks and that is that they are making a lot of the SAME mistakes, game after game, regardless of agent, map, team comp, etc. Let's shed some light on those mistakes and how to fix them!

    Mistake #1 - Wide Swings

    • A wide swing is a form of peeking in which the aggressor moves further(wider) from cover.
    • Wide swings CAN be good if you are playing an opponent holding an extremely tight angle like an OPer would.
    • However, wide swings tend to be the downfall of many players at this rank. The main reason for why is that it exposes way more of your body then you may realize. Bullets that would hit the wall you were behind, will now just hit you. Exposing more of your body is almost never a good idea
    • Second, you expose yourself to more angles and positions as well. The reason it's so important to peek a corner tightly is because the wider you go the more angles the enemy can see you from. Your goal when peeking is to minimize the number of angles you can be seen from!
    • Fixing this is pretty simple. You'll need to focus on jiggle peeks, and peeks that only engage one position at a time. If you are peeking A-Short on Bind from U-Hall(Lamps) you should first clear the left side of short WITHOUT ever exposing yourself to the right side. You can do this by staying tight with your aim and your movement. The second you expose yourself to the right side of short, you've failed. It just takes a little self-control and a little awareness. This is EXTREMELY important to master so you can start taking more 1v1s instead of 1v2s.

    Mistake #2 - Playing TOO Passive on Post Plant

    • Passive play can be defined as a playstyle of choices that are acted upon with the desire for the enemy to make the first move. It is reactionary in nature, as opposed to a more aggressive proactive approach.
    • Passive play is great, and something I regularly tell people to do more of! The problem comes when too many players play passive on your team.
    • Post-Plant situations are sometimes lost in the blink of an eye. Have you ever had a 4v5 or a 5v5 post-plant that you lost in literally 4 seconds? With your entire team dying almost in sync? I have. This generally happens from one of two things.
      • Too aggressive post-plant
      • Too passive post-plant
    • With too much aggression you'll take bad fights, leave teammates alone to defend, etc. But with too passive play you actually do something that sometimes isn't so easy to recognize.
    • You give up valuable information and map control when playing too passive
    • Playing too passive on a post plant, especially alongside teammates doing the same thing can result in the enemy team slowly clearly all of the common spots and pinpointing your location. One or two good pieces of utility and you may not be able to appropriately protect the bomb defuse.
    • To Fix this problem you should look at WHERE your teammates are playing. If you have a teammate near you, can you trade out their death? Winning post-plant is all about trades. You should always be looking for opportunities to where if your teammate peeks you can quickly follow it up. Don't play passive in a position where nobody else is watching the entrance to site. The LAST thing you want is to accidentally allow an enemy to walk into a site without you or your team noticing. If you are the only person capable of seeing that entrance into site, you are responsible for getting that information. CALL OUT if you are playing passive! Your team needs to know so they can appropriately position themselves. Remember, i'm not saying you CAN'T play passive(I love to) you just have to make sure you have your bases covered!

    Mistake #3 - Forcing Too Often and Giving Up on Eco Rounds

    • "Forcing" is when you purchase sub-par weapons, armor, and utility to try to give yourself the best chance at winning the upcoming round, instead of saving to buy fully in the next. You will not have your preferred loadout due to a poor economy when forcing.
    • Eco rounds are rounds where your team is saving their money to purchase fully in the next round. Most commonly, round 2 after a round 1 loss are when you'll decide between forcing and ecoing the most often.
    • A lot of players come to me and say that they have great aim, gamesense, etc but can't get out of their current rank. I watch back their gameplay and think "Hey, not bad" but then I start to notice their economy management. Spectre here, Bulldog there, Sheriff next, oh and now back to Spectre. Sound familiar to anyone else?
    • Forcing turns into a bad habit for a lot of people. From tilting, to trying to carry, the excuses are endless but the problem persists.
    • Forcing should be done as a teamwide plan, not just something you do solo. You need to change your mindset from "Win NOW at any cost" to "Plan to Win NEXT round with better chances." You often get into this horrible loop with force rounds where your initial intentions are good but you continue to force and lose round after round and suddenly you've gone an ENTIRE half without purchases a Vandal or Phantom with full armor.(been there) This is a mindset problem, as it is entirely controlled but what you click to purchases preround, but lets talk about eco rounds.
    • Eco rounds are essentially the "absence" of a force in that given round. If a team loses round 1 and buys light armor spectre, or stinger in round 2 we would say that they are forcing. If that same team instead sticks with classics or shortys we would say they are saving/on eco.
    • The problem with players is that during eco-rounds they have already determining that the round is LOST. This couldn't be further from the truth.
    • By changing your mindset from "must force" to "must save" you will greatly increase your chances of winning the GAME rather than winning that next round.
    • You SHOULD, be the very nature of a force have a HIGHER probability of winning that round compared to saving fully. But an eco-round can still:
      • Damage the enemy teams economy(dealing damage breaks armor that must be rebought)
      • Take enemy weapons to save for next round(boosting your own economy as well)
      • Gain valuable information about playstyles
      • Test out strats with low-risk
    • The one thing you have to remember about eco-rounds is to work together. Stop forcing so much. Start saving. Buy a shorty. Change your mindset!

    Hopefully these tips were useful for you guys and maybe a little eye opening! I do have a video going live later today of 10 mistakes I see in Gold, but I wanted to share a few here with you all before that! IF you have ANY questions, are looking for some advice or feedback I'd love to help with that! Take care everyone.

    Edit: I've got a TON more tips in the video that these are from, but I will try to write out a bunch more when I get a chance! Keep asking questions of course, can def answer those at work ;)

    Mistake #4 - Overcommitting on Attack (Not Rotating)

    • A bit more nuanced but a LOT of players at this rank are very adamant about taking the site they've used some utility on. This is a mindset we have to actively avoid. Overcommitting can happen for a number of reasons, but it generally comes as the result of a thought process like "Well we've used X amount of utility at this site, it would be a complete waste if we don't take it"
    • What we are talking about here is the need to rotate off of a bombsite take when you are on attack. If you've used utility on a site, you've generally prompted a rotation from the defense, freeing up valuable space toward the other site. Now, ideally you use utility on the site you take, but things happen and we have to adapt
    • If you can identify the location of at least 3/4 of the enemy players and they are all in defensive positions on that site, it's often a GREAT time to rotate. The reason for this is that even if the enemy team catches on, a coordinated rush to the other site generally can catch a 4v1 opportunity as the enemy team rotates over. It still takes time for the enemy to react to your rotate, way more than the time it takes to call and for YOU to act on it!
    • Remember how I and many other people stress the need to NOT over rotate? This is where we take advantage of that.
    • To fix this problem we have to change our mindset. It's a lot like the sunk cost fallacy. Where we get too attached to the unchangeable past. I'm sorry you've used three smokes on B, but we just saw 4 players on that site, let's sprint to the other now. Don't get TOO attached to what you use, and start thinking MORE about where the enemy is not.

    Edit2: Thanks for all the responses and questions, loved answering them for you all! Great discussion, but i'm off to do VOD Reviews now. Have a good one everyone!

    submitted by /u/MxChamp24
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    [Fanart] I painted Jett!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    [Fanart] I painted Jett!

    Hello! This is the first Valorant piece I've done, and I've based it on an actual location in game. Try and guess where it is! (Hint... it's a spawn area). Hope you like it, I've had this idea since the game came out and listening to her theme song over and over. Let me know what you think :)

    I'm also on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cheesewoo and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheese.woo/


    submitted by /u/cheesewoo
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    I peaked at immortal 2 in act 1. Now I consistently break even in plat 2. Here's my theory as to why.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    So I've figured out why I'm not in immortal. I believe it's simply because I'm not good enough. That is all. Have a nice day.

    Proof of ranks... Act 1: https://imgur.com/y41P1BP Act 2: https://imgur.com/822G4pK

    edit: ima try to get back to immortal.

    editnvm its too hard. Ill just stay plat for a while. Have a nice day again.

    submitted by /u/nomic_nomic
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    Recycling the store in Valorant.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    I advise you to change the logic of the store, because in 2-3 months after the release of sets of weapons there will be a HUGE QUANTITY of them and the player, hoping to buy a skin, will wait for one skin for months. This is a serious problem considering the logic of the store at the moment. At the moment, the same skins may appear in the store for players for weeks. Isn't it worth adding logic to the store or reworking it if it exists?

    If you find errors in my text, then I apologize, because this is not my native language and I translate it via google translator.

    I would like to hear a response from the developer regarding store changes.

    submitted by /u/Wanhar31
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    [OC] I drew Jett smiling because I just want her to be happy

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:43 AM PDT


    Hello I'm a terrible Jett main who can't aim to save my life! But I just want her to be happy, so instead I drew her smiling.

    submitted by /u/llullabye
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    My Luckiest Game Ever

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    Spike Rush can get pretty rowdy (ACE)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    [OC] Killjoy Fanart

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 09:07 AM PDT


    What if killjoy was an anime protagonist 🤔

    I have been really enjoying playing Killjoy every since she came out so I decided to do a lil fanart of her 😊

    I hope you guys like it~~

    If anyone is interested, my Instagram is @houseofalpacas

    submitted by /u/guilty-silence
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    I made a frag movie... well kinda?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    This is a best gold moments montage from act 2

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Will we get the patch notes today or tommrow?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    The patch was supposed to come out today but was delayed until tomorrow. So will we at least see the notes today or have to wait until tomorrow?

    submitted by /u/unofficialmoderator
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    Small Sage buff idea

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Let Sage destroy her own wall at will. For those niche situations where you want your wall down to enter/exit sites or to catch enemies who are behind the wall off guard or rezzing behind your wall

    Since Riot doesn'f want to touch her healing and recently tuned her slow orbs, maybe this wall buff would make her slightly stronger

    submitted by /u/SimplyDespair
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    Chibi Jett (Fan art)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    Today I played valorant for about 2 hours in the morning, came back to this

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 04:46 AM PDT

    It says "you have been restricted from using team chat because of your behaviour, you will be able to use team chat again on september 18"

    and another message "you have been restricted from transmitting through voice chat because of your behaviour, you will be able to use team chat again on september 18"

    There are several problems with this:

    1. I dont use team chat
    2. I play with my friends most of the time and we talk over discord
    3. My valorant voice chat is turned off

    So why did i get these warnings???


    submitted by /u/Frag_O_Fobia
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    I don't have an issue with the OP's power at holding angles.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    I have an issue with the power of them repeeking and spamming angles. If scoped movement speed and scope in speed with it were cut down, dramatically, I think it would be a bit closer to a fair gameplay experience in valorant. This allows the weapon to keep its strength but gives clear weaknesses and forces them to try to get new angles instead of playing like CoD quickscopers.

    submitted by /u/Dmoney405
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    Jett fanart PC background art

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    Jett fanart PC background art


    Drawing Jett took me about 3 weeks in total, I think I might draw Viper next unless I scrap her sketch, give up and draw Killjoy instead.

    Anyways, please follow me on Insta if you want to see more art like this, I'm usually more active on Instagram so the art will be posted sooner than reddit

    submitted by /u/pheiSZ
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    Killjoy has a voiceline when she detains all remaining enemy players

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    She goes "got them all" if you manage to detain all enemy players with your ult. It was my first time hearing this and thought it'd be interesting to share, since it's a pretty uncommon situation!

    submitted by /u/Hubbardia
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    Chola Reyna!

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    here! is my fanart

    Ok so I've been playing Valorant since the beta (I am in no way a good player the highest rank I ever got was gold 3 lol) and once Reyna came along I was hooked to the look. She has my favorite character design by far.

    Anyways I've been drawing for a long time but just got into digital art not too long ago and wanted to make something that I would like to show others. I've thought about what this queen would look like as an old fashion Chola and decided I was gonna skip schoolwork this week to creat this. My fourth attempted at digital art and first attempt at fanart so I hope y'all like it !

    Side note: I am not very smart because I have tried a lot of times to get this posted so here's to hoping it does.

    submitted by /u/CuddlyZambie
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    Finished making my Elderflame Melee, but kept it gender reveal Party safe.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 05:03 AM PDT

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