• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 28, 2021

    VALORANT How to open teleporters with Raze from outside.

    VALORANT How to open teleporters with Raze from outside.

    How to open teleporters with Raze from outside.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 07:16 AM PST

    I made Yoru's mask out of cardboard

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:27 AM PST

    Yoru's First Footstep Teleport Audio is Broken for Each Teleporter on Bind

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:59 AM PST

    The Iron to Immortal Tutorial. With Mid Round Breakdowns and more...

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:57 PM PST

    Ask VALORANT - Jan. 28

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:10 AM PST

    CONFIRMED: Coming with patch 2.02 there will be changes to running accuracy with rifles.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:28 AM PST

    So I cant play with a friend who is silver 1, but I can get a BRONZE 2 in my team ok.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:14 PM PST


    I am currently gold 2. I get why I cant be premates with people who are 3 tiers below but then why do I get in the team with a bronze 2. I dont get it, like why and how? I am not the best but cmon I was gold 2 last act, it's not like I was bronze.

    submitted by /u/rtonbutton
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    Yoru's E is blocked under this container on Icebox, although you can even walk under it

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:44 AM PST

    Tutorial: interesting Killjoy ult spot for Ascent

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:13 PM PST

    It’s OK to have a main agent, BUT it doesn’t hurt to learn at least one agent per role.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 07:30 AM PST

    I'm curious to what everyone thinks about this. If possible, mention your rank too. I'd like to see multiple perspectives from different ELOs/MMR.

    Gold 1 here. I am flex player for pretty much every match I'm in. I only play entry if I'm in a group or if we have no flashes. 80% of the time, I'm playing Omen/Sage/Brimstone. For intel I have been learning Sova and it's been really fun so far and satisfying when I am able to dart a whole team push. I can understand why lower ranks lock duelists so often, but I think it's important to at least understand the different roles and how they work as a collective. And I share the same amount of bloodthirst for frags as all the duelists, but I also want the best odds of winning so I'm more than happy to help the team be as balanced as possible.

    submitted by /u/drewjifilm
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    For the incoming Viper buff.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:19 AM PST

    I have compiled a compilation of all the lineups I've practiced and known for Viper. She's been my favorite agent for a while, and I picked her up again once I knew she was being looked at for buffs. To share this joy with you, I have decided to share the folder containing all my lineups. I hope you can read my writing. Also you should read the documents to understand what's going on.


    submitted by /u/Chroip
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    the prophecy is true

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:38 AM PST

    150+ Brimstone Molly Lineups!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:57 PM PST

    Hey! I saw a post about brimstone lineups, and I wanted to share what I found from a streamer who made his own document of sooooo many lineups! His name is Calvin, and he streams on twitch a lot, check him out with the link below!

    Calvin's Lineups Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oK1c7we0JnHmIVGnshVx7CzeFTkBiFN50uY2zP6dILk

    Find Calvin on Twitch: smacksmackk

    submitted by /u/chrrisk
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    Immortal Valorant Coach Looking To Help You Improve!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:12 PM PST

    Hi everyone! My name is KryptWalk! I'm a coach for ProGuides and I've been competitively gaming for 15 years. Within those years, I've competed and won 3 CSGO LANs in Philadelphia, PA. I've transitioned into Valorant while it was in beta to seek new ventures in my gaming career. I peaked at Immortal 2 with my favorite agents being Sage, Brimstone, Breach, Omen, Reyna, and Phoenix. However, I can coach any agent in the game. My passion is IGLing, tactics, and teamwork. I was first recognized by ProGuides while participating in their weekly 10 mans when an admin asked me to apply to be a coach because of how I always helped my fellow PG members improve. ProGuides gave me the opportunity to coach on their platform and I took it head on.

    I want to continue to give back and be more active within the community, so if you have any questions or want some advice, reply below with anything you need help with. I can focus on all topics of competitive and casual Valorant. This also includes duo/trio/solo or even a 5 stack.

    Whether you are a team or just a solo queue wanting to gain the highest rank you want achieve; maybe you want any advice with any upcoming tournaments. Let me know!

    submitted by /u/-KryptWalk-
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    Pushing B long as a shotgun main

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:48 PM PST

    Evil Geniuses Joins Valorant Scene With A Mixed Roster

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:44 AM PST

    discord server selling hacks for valorant. mods please help take down - may also be scamming

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:44 PM PST

    I solo que’d with Viper only to top 500 Radiant NA. Here’s my thoughts on her current state.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:03 PM PST

    Hello r/Valorant! This is Getmytrade, or Fanaefane, or that nerd you dread seeing when you're playing against a viper on the other team 😊. As of yesterday, I am ranked #251 in NA playing exclusively Viper and I know there has been a lot of discussion in the community as to what buffs/help she needs, and I figured I would give my 2cents.

    Viper's Strengths-

    Largest Collection of 1 ways in the game-

    There are many Viper 1 ways that are simply No Go zones for the enemy, from Shower on Bind, to B heaven Split, or B main Ascent. These 1 ways completely lock off a team from pushing a site, forcing them towards the only other site and a potential stack from your team! They are incredible versatile with even being able to 1 way retake areas in post plant! 1 ways in areas like Stairs of Ascent B site or CT entrance of Haven A are brutal for a team trying to coordinate pushes. No other smokers can do this as to my knowledge. Of course, they require some diligence outside of just queuing up, some time in customs are needed, but they are game changing and incredibly rewarding/tough to play against.

    Stalling Ability-

    As mentioned with the 1 ways keeping the opponents back, now we factor in Viper's mollys. When used correctly, the toxins and snake bite are able to stall a push on a site for around 40 sec of each round! These 40 seconds are just at a minimum as if you have comms from your teammates and ask for info such as if there are enemy's nearby, you can hold off and wait for the late push in the round to unload your utility at the perfect moment! This puts her in the S tier of stalling with the Sage's and Sentinels of the game. Considering Sage has the highest win % of any agent right now I feel like this is often overlooked with Viper.

    Post plant secures-

    Ah yes, my time to shine. A viper with expansive knowledge of post plant line ups/gameplay WILL guarantee you the round 90% of the time you can get the bomb down. With properly spaced mollies, poison orbs on bomb, you have about 20sec off the 45 sec timer that bomb needs to explode. Assuming it takes 7 sec the bomb if start this process with around 25 sec left on timer you are almost guaranteed the round! Even if you must use the molly combo early, a quality Viper knows how to position herself post molly launch to be at the right time to strike when they finally get a chance to get to the bomb.

    But its not all upside with Viper.....

    Viper's Weaknesses-

    She is very time consuming. The amount of knowledge and line ups you need to be able to play Viper properly even on 1 map is massive compared to other smokers. Brim and Omen can just "Default" smoke because they see how their teammates are doing it in other games when they have to fill that role. There is no default smokes for Viper. Every wall, poison orb, is something you don't get back and must be used to maximum efficiency or it will feel like to your teammates that you aren't even playing a smoker.

    She can be very telegraphed. If you are solo smoking as Viper, putting walls down too early in the pre-round or in a predictable way, an enemy team can always choose to stack the area that you are smoking. In order to combat this, I recommend that you always ask 1 of your teammates to lurk on the other site while your team is getting pressure, so the enemy rotates off. If you have a sage (Viper's #1 BFF) you can choose to do this less as Sage wall is pretty much a guaranteed plant.

    BIGGEST POINT - Snake bites take too long to load up and get back to gun. It's interesting that her Wall and Poison Orb can pretty much be auto equipped and shot as soon as you click for the animation, and yet her Snake Bite takes well over 1sec to just get ready to launch. The amount of times I've died trying to get this thing out and the enemy pushed me is way too much. It needs the animation time uptime/ and downtime to be drastically reduced. It should feel something like Spiderman shooting out a web. HOWEVER, DO NOT TAKE AWAY THE LOADING ANIMATION ENTIRELY. The reason for this being is a lot of Viper mains use the C crosshair UI above the ability to measure their line ups! If you were to make it instantaneous such as a brim stim, you could severely hurt the Viper's Community of knowledge with their line ups which would be much more of a nerf then buff.

    So all of this text to try and answer these questions.

    Is she Viable?


    Does she need buffs?

    Yes, and yes.

    Viper is quietly in the A tier of agents at the moment as she has the best post plant in the game, as well as one of the best stalling abilities. This means that over tuning any of her decay ratios, damage of molly, or toxin length may result in her quickly getting OP. Here is the best way to go about a Viper buff. (this will be my opinion as well as the collective opinion of the biggest Viper discord, Viper's den.)

    1. Snakebite's loading and ending animation needs to be DRASTICALLY reduced. It still needs a loading dock in UI for line ups, but in a way it's a Viper's Panic button and she needs to be able to use it with urgency.

    2. Reduce the amount of Orbs of Viper Ult to 6. This is my personal one. Currently, I hardly ever take Orbs from my teammates to get to Ult because it can be so difficult to coordinate my team in unison with a Viper ult. There are so many things that can go wrong. You can just get spammed with gunfire or utility from outside smoke while in ult. They can camp the spike plant and jump in as soon as you make a plant sound. There is no sight advantage for your teammates, (even for yourself it feels at times) in ult so it's just a wild west of reaction speed and prediction. It is by far the toughest ult to use properly in the game. Adding to the fact that is so situational; do you use it to lock down a site? To entry? If you hear a full push towards you is it worth it? What if they just rotate off? Not only that, but you can go an entire half without ever getting a "real" chance to use it properly. I consider Viper more a Sentinel than a controller, which means she may be on the bottom of frags because her duty is to support the team by staying alive, rather than to get kills and die. This means farming orbs are difficult for her! Sometimes the enemy team can choose to avoid her entirely! So how is it fair for her to have to get to 7 orbs just to use an ult that you can just in many cases, avoid. Bring Viper ult to 6 orbs.

    3. Make Viper's Poison Orb have a secondary interface that will show where it will land much like Omen's secondary interface of smokes. This will be a huge boost to new players trying to pick up Viper for the first time, and is a feature almost unanimously agreed to have helped the omen community out.

    Hope you guys enjoyed my take on Viper's current status in the meta, and good luck to my opponents trying to sniff out my molly post plant spots 😉.

    submitted by /u/fanae10
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    Is there a proper, 100T steel level guide on how to play icebox?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:36 AM PST

    Honestly, I'm divided whether I enjoy icebox. Sometimes I like it, sometimes not. But most of the times I definitely lose. Since I'm not a fan of selecting maps, I know I have to play every map eventually. But I have no clue how to approach this map. Do you know of any proper guides about it? And I don't mean the YouTube "The ONLY Guide u ever need - become pro IGL for icebox IN 10 MINUTES!!!" guides.

    Any recommendations would be appreciated. :)

    submitted by /u/Pienatt
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    Valorant not having theatre mode makes it suck as an esport

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:27 AM PST

    Going from watching csgo tournaments where they have instant no hud demo replays for all the nice little bits the spectator missed to going to Valorant which has literally no replays at all is just incredible.... I try getting into it and it just sucks to watch. I try watching highlights/montages of certain players and the clips are literally just someone getting kills on the kill feed. I simply am in awe of the fact the game has such a pro scene with such awesome names and such a sloppy system like this.... how could the game have been out almost a year and there is nothing? I always credit riot games for being better than valve and such a good company but god damn... how can this not be a priority for the devs? No replay system but how many skins and knives I wonder?

    submitted by /u/SirDanR
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    Where are Ghost premium skins?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:26 AM PST

    By premium I mean the ones with nice animations and finishers.

    Frenzy and Sheriff have some amazing ones. Frenzy has Glitchpop, Dragon and Blast X. Sheriff has Ion and Singularity.

    submitted by /u/marcospanontin
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    BRIMSTONE post plant molly lineup for Split B Site (don't delete mods plz ;-;)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:34 PM PST

    For the sake of god LET US BE ABLE TO MUTE COMMS

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 07:32 AM PST

    it's so fucking annoying how isn't this a thing already, i can mute voice and message chat and i can still hear this jett saying "going c going c going c be quiet!" ALL THE TIME just let me focus for god sake

    submitted by /u/Lingoo_PTR
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    Flights joins T1!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:32 PM PST

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