• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 21, 2020

    VALORANT After watching A.W Extreme Masters Asia Invitation, I captured some highlights from the tournament and stream highlights of Korean players. Excited to see international tournaments, the elevated gameplay and playstyles of different regions, and to see if the top NA teams can be a powerhouse and win.

    VALORANT After watching A.W Extreme Masters Asia Invitation, I captured some highlights from the tournament and stream highlights of Korean players. Excited to see international tournaments, the elevated gameplay and playstyles of different regions, and to see if the top NA teams can be a powerhouse and win.

    After watching A.W Extreme Masters Asia Invitation, I captured some highlights from the tournament and stream highlights of Korean players. Excited to see international tournaments, the elevated gameplay and playstyles of different regions, and to see if the top NA teams can be a powerhouse and win.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    A few unknown "god-nades" on Bind that may blow your mind.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    Guild Esports are joining valorant!

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    Raze blast pack should move guns on the ground

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    Since raze's blast pack ability is now rightly being used as more of a versatile utility rather than a killing ability, it would be another cool feature to have it move guns on the ground so she can blast guns to herself or teammates. CS go does similar thing with nades and it's cool when it works

    submitted by /u/YesterdaysBacon
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    Found a quick Sova arrow on Split to clear out B heaven. Steps: Line up left diamond so it is split in half by the corner. Then line up dot at the bottom on the edge of the pipe. 1 bounce 1 bar.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Omen players abusing icebox glitch

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    Every single game I've played on icebox,omens have always used the glitch, I am tired of it me and my friends dequeue every time this shitty map gets assigned

    submitted by /u/idontkno1111
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    What does riot do when you report a person for being afk?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    Today I was playing ranked in bronze. Our Reyna kept going afk and coming back every round. She just stays in spawn with a pistol and only moves after everyone dies. Even then she doesn't try. Atleast if she went fully afk we could have gotten the extra bit of money per round.

    This eventually lead to 2 other team mates going afk half way through the game. In the end we lost the game 13-1. Solo queue is a nightmare. But I have no option since, all my friends are higher ranks.

    I reported Reyna for being afk. Does riot even care about these reports? What are the penalties for a person that gets multiple afk reports?

    submitted by /u/Das_how_mafia_works
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    I train daily but I seem to get worse

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    So, my friend is immortal and i am plat 3 and because of the new update that you can only queue with people with a 3 rank difference I've started training in Valorant and in Aim lab.

    I trained every day for about a month but I just seem to be getting worse.

    I made a second account to see how bad I actually am, and I can't even play well in gold 1.

    Any help in this, like routines, advice, anything??

    submitted by /u/ImAHuman420
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    How to Raze 101

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    Freakazoid crazy ACE in Valorant!

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Freakazoid is currently streaming a 24 hour stream hop in if you want to. He rushes the site gets a couple and pops off as he usually does!


    submitted by /u/theframedhero34
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    Jett Icebox tips and tricks

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    [IDEA] Manipulative Stationary Bots For Pre-Aim Practice

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    I feel this is always a low hanging fruit for developers which has a high impact on the development of their player-base.

    Very simple idea, spawn a player model on location of current player. You can even make it a world object that pings on hit. Maybe a special ping for the head.

    That's it. You could even give us the menu of Omen to use to manipulate the stationary bot for different angles.

    submitted by /u/metaphour
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    Full Icebox Guide for Raze

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Why I’m trash at Valorant.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    I'm just in a middle of a Valorant crisis. I'm too good to be matched with others learning the game, but I get absolutely dumpstered when playing with players the game thinks I should play with. I don't want to be the best around, but I still want to get better and feel like I'm improving like the people in my TS.

    In the beta months I used to frag hard and out play people with brim smokes. Easy 25+ kill games. 5-12 deaths. It was fun and got me hooked. I played on 2400 dpi and a .75 sens. It seems crazy to think about now,but back then I made it worked.

    Then the game launched and a couple of seasons went by. I never got the same results as in beta, but I expected that as the community/meta grew better with time. Everyone's crosshair placement was getting better and my brim strats were no longer a deadly force against stacked teams. I lowered my Dpi down to 1600 and .56 sens in order to get more control on my micro movements and it seemed to work.

    Now we are in the new season. I've been off and on COD, Apex, and Valorant and I began to just get bodied by everyone. I no longer get over 15 kills in death match and I always have the most deaths. I seem to die most rounds no matter how passive I seem to play. I never seem to get my first shot accuracy after crouch immediately to spray a guy and now that I mention it, recoil just seems all over the place now.

    I thought it was a hero problem. "Maybe I should play(sova, breach, brimstone) I can't lose this many times with them can I?" No hero I played seemed to help me improve myself.

    Then I thought it was a gun problem. I shuffled back and forth between the Phantom and the Vandal, but due to what seemed like random unpredictable recoil I could never settle for one.

    Then I thought it was an aim problem. I booted up aim lab and ran drills before wrapping up with gridshot ultimate and training bots in Valorant. I worked my way up to 75000 in gridshot and finally was nailing 25 score on hard mode training bots. I still continued to get dominated by the competition. I lowered my dpi to 800 like some pros do and for the first time so now have to use my arm to aim. I find it miserable to quickly check corners and angles, but I still manage to work my way up back to my 75000 score on gridshot so I must be back where I started.

    I still get only 15-20 kills in death match and most deaths being 25-30 range. I play spike rushes now so I don't bother and bring down the other golds/plats the game thinks I should play with. I would hate to ruin someone's day just because I can't preform to the games expectation of me. It just feels like the community is getting better at the game while I'm still trapped at the same skill as my beta self. I thought playing too much aggressive FPS games just made me too Agro in Valorant, but recently I just keep being called a coward for how a I play. I still die every round. Almost never last alive.

    I know this is just Reddit and not many here would care about a post like this, but I am sure many other are probably googling the same thing I am. "Why am I so trash at Valorant?" Maybe this could be a big thread of tips and tricks of how you could get out of a rut like this. Sorry for making this so long.

    TLDR:Why am I so trash at Valorant?

    submitted by /u/Badbluffmonkey
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    How to get to Immortal 3 as the Last Brimstone Main in NA

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Hi there I am an immortal 3 brimstone main and I like to do molly lineups to secure rounds for my team. Molly lineups are an effective strategy to stall enough time for the spike to explode. If timed correctly there is little to no counter.

    Concepts that helped me get out of being hard stuck at D3/Immortal 1 for the longest time (3+ months).

    -My rifling has always been an issue BUT I don't want it to stay that way so what really made the difference was deathmatching and doing the range everyday consistently. People recommend aimlabs or kovaak but personally to me nothing is closer to real-time than deathmatch because you can feel out crosshair placements and character models.

    -Expanding my molly line-up portfolio to account for more situations or positions on the map. Being able to molly the same default plant spot from 2-3 different post plant positions is powerful and also keeps you unpredictable.

    -Easier said then done but TRY not to TILT. At the end of the day it's a TEAM game. This isn't 1v1 Tennis or Starcraft. I'd like to say its more like basketball where each person has their position and role they need to play. Even Lebron can't 1v5 an entire basketball team. Therefore you guys are in it TOGETHER so complaining about old rounds or measuring who has the better KDA is not going to help you win.

    -Chase ROUNDS not KILLS. I personally think there is WAY too much emphasis on KDA that often times people who aren't doing well and are dropping a 1-5 bomb will put themselves and their team at risk just to catch up in frags to save face. At the end of the day though what matters is rounds and I'll be the first to tell you even I know how to win a round without killing a single player (AKA molly lineup and ult stall).

    Highlights from my journey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMdxAfho5Ks&ab_channel=Perry2N

    submitted by /u/Perry2N
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    It would be cool if a you would get something similar as in LoL on the end of each act - some stats from the act, high lites maybe a best matches summary, best Agent !

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    So probably someone already wrote about it, but I think it would be really cool if they would ad a act summary at the end of each one similar as in LoL with the end of each season !

    Maybe some gun statistics, agent statistics, who is your strongest agent/gun/map, who you are weakest against as of champ.

    How many aces/quads and so on you got I think it would be really helpful and interesting to see a sum-up of your performance !!!

    Let me know what you think

    submitted by /u/Jacoby343
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    Dead bodies have a hitbox

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    Basically the title I'm not sure if anyone has posted this recently but when I go over a dead body it sometimes doesn't let me go through as if there was a pillar where the body is.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    submitted by /u/idekwtphtbh
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    Sova ult detecting dead bodies as though they're standing? Bug?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 02:53 AM PDT

    I've noticed that sometimes, when hitting with sova ult, if the person is killed by another player, their body won't crumple into a corpse while detected, and will instead continue to highlight as though it's in a standing position from the moment of death onwards. Doing another ult hit on the corpse will highlight the standing corpse again, which is quite misleading as it looks just like a standing player who is still alive.

    I've wasted a bunch of sova ult hits like this, going for a second hit on a corpse because it gets detected as standing, only to land that hit and realize it's just a corpse. Seems like the type of thing that's definitely a bug.

    Is this a known issue? Have the devs ever discussed it? Would be cool if corpses never got detected, and that crumple was always shown when detected players die even when killed by others.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_BRAZILIAN_JAZZ
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    I don’t know if this is supposed to be normal but why do I keep on getting queue penalties when playing unranked?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    I've gotten this twice now and I'm confused at what it means. It says I've failed to select an agent? How can I get this after I just finished a game?

    submitted by /u/Purpsand
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    Find tournaments & scrims to practice in a single place.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    Find tournaments & scrims to practice in a single place.

    👋 Hello!

    I am the creator of https://esports-planner.com a platform that regroups Valorant tournaments from different sources ( Battlefy, Toornament, Liquipedia, Faceit ...)

    I just launched a new feature to help Valorant teams find other teams to practice!

    Now you can add when you are available and let other teams contact you. That way you will be able to plan your training in advance more efficiently.

    The goal of this feature is to improve the current way of finding matches. Where in most cases your message is lost after a few other comments on discord. Here they are displayed like a calendar and you can filter them by region, rank, and date.

    Little preview

    👉 https://esports-planner.com/valorant

    Let me know if you have any questions!

    submitted by /u/Siglave
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