• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 28, 2020

    VALORANT Fix for Players Stuck on Left-Handed View Model

    VALORANT Fix for Players Stuck on Left-Handed View Model

    Fix for Players Stuck on Left-Handed View Model

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! It seems that Riots 1.11 rollback brought some issues of its own. Many players were left stuck on the left-handed view model with no way to change it back to right-handed one, but there is a simple fix below:

    Load into the practice range>general settings>the option will be where it was before patch rollback

    submitted by /u/Pruvided
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    NA Valorant First Strike Open Qualifiers Highlights

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Hiko 1v3 against Dignitas

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    There should be a way to preview skin variants in first person

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    Pretty much title. Maybe Riot could make it so when you are looking at a variant of a given skin in your collection, that variant is the one that appears on the preview videos for vfx, animations, finishers etc.

    I'm planning to buy the Reaver Vandal and Op as soon as they hit the shop, but can't decide whether I want to get the red variants or black variants and there's no convenient way to compare them except trying to find youtube videos. An in-game solution would be very welcome imo (:

    submitted by /u/Massarani
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    The sentinel nerfs are fair, Riot just needs to avoid global abilities from the start.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Having a global turret for killjoy is a little broken, it makes you unflankable without the enemy giving away position. However from everything we know about killjoy (her being a super scientist) it makes ZERO sense for her to build equipment that requires her to be near her equipment to activate. Her alarm bot is just a bot that sits down and explodes when an enemy goes near it, it doesnt make sense to require her near it.

    Cypher having tripwires that can either completely close off a site or stop flanks is a little busted and i know.. however, why do TRIPWIRES stop working once cypher dies? This makes no sense from a design standpoint. And his camera becoming visible doesn't make much sense either.

    I understand these characters need nerfs, but the nerfs dont make logical sense for their characters. Im unsure exactly how to change these abilities to make them not broken (maybe have the turret "wind up" so enemies can hear it and destroy it before it shoots?) But riot introduced these characters with global stopping abilities with the intention of having them be global. If they tuned the characters to not have global stopping power before release nobody would be angry like they are now.

    Im just frustrated that the two characters i have put the most time into, just don't feel the same. Cypher has to prioritize keeping himself alive over getting a lurk kill or two, killjoy now has to position with their turret and stay guarding flank instead of pushing with her team. They just felt so different without feeling any of the fun.

    submitted by /u/m12123
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    Anyone else just have those “days/nights” on Valorant?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    You know what games I'm talking about. The 12+ assist games. The games where you are shooting everything but their head. The games where you do 137 damage and then get running one-shot. The games you buy a stinger every other round cause you're broke as fuck. The games where AI controlled computers would be better than me actually playing. The games where I want to Summit1g my monitor. The games where I sink deep to the pits of silver and there is no escape in sight. The games where you hop on Reddit after and vent your frustrations.

    My head and moral hurt after the performance I had tonight. Goodnight errybody, back at it tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/struggleman55
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    How to report trolling players effectively

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    I always see a lot of posts here about the reporting system not working or not doing much. I am not sure to what extent the system actually works, but there's a pretty easy way to ensure you'll get someone punished. Whether you encountered an extremely toxic player or a griefer, as you long as you can get screen shots or video footage of that player you're set. All you have to do is go to Riot's Support site, select Valorant, scroll down and press "Submit a ticket" (make sure you're logged in). Choose a request type of "Report a player", explain what was the situation and add evidence of video footage or screen shots. An employee should respond in a few days at most and will review the case, they might request you to add some additional info and you should be set. I have done it before and i know that actions were taken towards the player i reported. If the player you reported wasn't reported much before then maybe they won't be punished but it will make sure that in the future they might.

    May the MM gods bless you with good teammates :)

    submitted by /u/BittexGaming
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    Why am I good at a skill one day, and then absolutely garbage at the other?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    So I play Valorant about every day to grind out my rank (Im d2), and I've noticed when warming up that every day something is different, like my tapping is great one day, or my spray is great the other day, while the other skill is absolute garbage, Why is this, and how can I fix this?

    submitted by /u/aShoebill
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    Can not login from SEA region.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    When login from game launcher, it says: "We've encountered an unknown error. Please wait a moment and try again".

    When login with the website, it says: "Sorry, the login servers are temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. Check the service status page for more information."

    submitted by /u/kahdeg
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    The Judge is insane

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Honestly I dont understand why so many people sleep on this weapon. Any match in ascent at point A as they funnel in the Judge just melts people.

    In combination with Jett this shit is nuts as you barely get punished for floating and rushing in as the aim dosnt even suffer that much.

    Honestly I love the judge but feel it needs some sort of change.

    submitted by /u/Blazerod22
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    A pretty creative / powerful / spooky way to utilize Omen's Ult

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    Omen is pretty spooky ngl. But what's more spooky then Omen himself is everyone saying his ultimate is kinda useless :( Just about everywhere I go, people talk about how you should use Omen's Ult for 2 things. Quick rotatoes, or to hit the back of a site as your team is executing (Heaven, back of site, elbow, etc.) But another use that I don't see talked about much if at all is using it as a spooky surprise tactic. If you expect an enemy team is beginning their execute, ulting behind them briefly and in their sound range is a good way to convince them you're simply rotating and not on site yet. Hold out your ult for as long as you can, and if you hold your ult long enough, you should return back in time to surprise your enemies for at least one or two kills. This has worked in several instances for me (this just happens to be the only one I clipped), and if you can get the timing down, I think that it's a pretty powerful way to use his ult. Here's an example below:

    Hopefully this can improve some of your Omen gameplay and maybe you too can get some clean clips and sick clutches out of using this spooky strat.

    Sorry for the repost, this is now me attempting to hit the 1000 word limit that we must hit in order to post videos onto this sub.

    EDIT: Simple word changes / fixes


    submitted by /u/xxTeetsxx
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    First Strike: North America - NSG Open Qualifier #1: Quarterfinals

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    [2:00 PM PDT] [5:00 PM EDT]

    Team 1 Team 2
    Sentinels vs Gen.G
    Team Envy vs T1

    [5:00 PM PDT] [8:00 PM EDT]

    Team 1 Team 2
    Team Solomid vs 100 Thieves
    Cloud9 Blue vs Slimy Boogermen

    Stream 1 | Stream 2 |

    submitted by /u/mclovinXD
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    Would Brimstone be overpowered if he had 2 mollys and 1 stim instead of 1 molly and 2 stims?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    We all know that we play Brimstone for his smokes but if Riot wants to reinforce his room clearing identity (with his ultimate and molly), can they replace one of his Stims with another molly? Since Riot is already confirmed to be buffing Brimstone, I think this change will require minimal coding and actually increase his power level without making him insane.

    submitted by /u/Peeping_Cat
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    My last post got noticed. I thought i would try again but see what ascent was like. Most land isn't interactable and well you'll see.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    Moon Raccoons Aleksander Do-or-Die 1v3 Clutch Vs 100T

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    Is "Play Again" going to be fixed?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    I've had this happen 2 times now in the past few days, where I click Play Again after a Spike Rush and get queued for an unrated match instead. I'm typically playing Spike Rush because I don't have time for a full game. I searched other posts and it doesn't seem like I'm the only one having this issue. Has Riot mentioned this anywhere?

    submitted by /u/MrCooper2012
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    Moon Raccoons FIEND 1V4 Insane Clutch Against 100T

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    People can't stand duelists who don't play their role, but there's also nothing in the game that explains how to actually use any agent's utility correctly. Without even adding tutorials, here's some trivial solutions:

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    Things like:

    • (Trivial) Change the flavor text on the ability explanations to also briefly explain how the abilities are supposed to be used. "Here's reyna's blind and how it works. It can be used to push opponents and locations aggressively with added protection". Single line stuff.

    • (Easy) Splash screens during load times with tips on them. Instead of showing nothing during game load, and just showing a picture of the map during match load, show a cycling series of splash screens with little tips. "Jett's dash can help you get onto site quickly, and escape quickly if you're in a bad situation, or reposition yourself to catch enemies off guard!", "phoenix and reyna's flashes can be used out of smokes to help approach through them!", etc, with little diagrams showing it.

    • (Marginally non-easy) Collect all these tips splash screens together in some menu in-game where you can look through and view them all, if desired.

    Put enough of these in the game, with players seeing them every single time they log on and every single time they load, and awareness will begin to spread on how to actually play these agents correctly. It may not be full-fledged tutorials (god forbid), but it'd be so much better than the current absolutely nothing, and if the players of the characters themselves don't see it then they'd at least have teammates who could remind them to do it, instead of just frustratedly banging their heads against the wall playing incorrectly in ignorance and never knowing why they're losing or even knowing that they're throwing for their team.

    Ultimately I don't entirely blame all the awful instalock duelists. It's miserable to be stuck on teams with them, but at the end of the day there's absolutely zero information in the game itself on how to play these characters. The only way to find out is to look at external resources like youtube or whatever, and even then there's tons of fluff to wade through before you actually get something informative, and even then only people who are actively seeking out information will see it, and even then it's limited internationally by what language the youtubers use.

    Current text says what the characters' roles are, but it doesn't say anything about why specifically that character's utility allows them to fulfill that role. Any of these changes would be leaps and bounds beyond what we currently have, and would hopefully alleviate this problem.

    Currently riot is depending on youtubers or whatever to teach people the game, and that's absolutely lazy and results in nothing but suffering for the playerbase - who have to deal with every single player who isn't actvely seeking out game knowledge (ie the vast majority of players) throwing every game, and making the low ranks a complete and utter living hell.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_BRAZILIAN_JAZZ
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    Easy plays to run in soloQ

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    Tips for site executions that are pretty simple and would be easy to execute in soloQ? I'm thinking of those instances where most of the team has a mic and is willing to work together. For example on Bind B:

    - Take hookah and long control.

    - Smoke elbow and CT while sova recon darts back site and a duelist flashes us in

    Simple as that. Other standard executes that people know of?

    submitted by /u/picador10
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    I am a SEN and 100t fan but respectable clutch

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    Highlights from GenG v SEN round 1

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:58 PM PDT

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