• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 15, 2020

    VALORANT Idea: Sage should be able to cancel out mollies

    VALORANT Idea: Sage should be able to cancel out mollies

    Idea: Sage should be able to cancel out mollies

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    I feel like Sage at the moment is definitely weaker than the other agents. She's not being played as much anymore up near Immortal-Radiant. Something in her kit should definitely be buffed, and my idea is that her slow-orbs could be both a slow and a cancel effect to mollies (Brimstone, Phoenix, Viper, maybe Killyjoy?). This idea can provide more counter-play, creativity, and could potentially push her into meta again. What are your guys' thoughts on this? Pros/Cons? Rank is Radiant.

    Edit: Slow orb on top of a molly would negate each other, making the ground neutral. Not slowed.

    Tldr: fire on top of ice tilts me

    submitted by /u/jamjamismycity
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    I have created a free player performance tracking app for Valorant

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I have created a free player performance tracking app for Valorant

    Hello everyone,

    I am an iOS & Android developer with a passion for gaming. I started playing Valorant mid summer and instantly fell in love. Afterwards; I presented my mobile app idea to Riot and thankfully, was granted access to the official Valorant API. Today, I am happy to announce the release of Spike Stats: A Free Player Performance Tracking App for Valorant.

    Spike Stats allows players to see their own profile, match history and statistics. It uses and interprets the data in the API to create insightful new information such as performance averages and trends.

    Spike Stats requires players to sign in using their Riot account to confirm their identity. This is achieved by using Riot's official authentication mechanism: Riot Sign On (RSO).

    Here is a short preview video:


    Here are some screenshots of the app: https://imgur.com/a/ZwXk4Ho

    For more info you can visit the website: https://spikestatsapp.com/

    Download Links

    Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=crocusgames.com.spikestats

    iOS: Coming soon. (I already started working on the iOS version and aim to release it next month.)

    Enjoy & let me know what you think about Spike Stats!

    EDIT: Thank you all for your kind words! Also, thanks for the rewards. <3

    submitted by /u/abarrach
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    Some basic raze moves in Icebox with an underrated tip :)

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    problem logging inanyone else experiencing this?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 04:29 AM PDT

    problem logging inanyone else experiencing this?

    anyone else experiencing this?

    Was fine last night but after the update this morning I can't get into the game

    I'm on EU servers


    submitted by /u/duckducker96
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    Good job, Paul!

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    Good job, Paul!

    Well, seems like someone is working real good in this hell of a iceland! Let's give a round of applause to our new employee of the month, Paul!

    Looks like someone is getting a rise... Found on the new map (obviously) and on the same spot it also mentions the "First Strike" on December the third. Cool!

    Congrats, Paul!

    submitted by /u/Kastanomata
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    Cypher One Way Smokes on Icebox

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    You should get the "remake" option automatically after someone dcs round 1.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    Just like the title says. Had a ranked game the other day, someone dcd round 1 and we forgot about the remake option...got 6-13'd and 2 arrows down.

    submitted by /u/Sirhat-Cossy
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    How much longer till we get a "Appear Offline" option

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    I mean its simple and cant be too much to ask for in a quick little update to come with a option to "Appear Offline". I know riot has alot on their hands but it would be nice that if I or someone I know is a streamer and wants to appear offline so they don't get invites or messages from people asking to join or if they want to play. Heck, sometimes I just want to solo QQ and not have to worry about my silver friends asking to join and me telling them no or ignoring them just feels rude. Just let me play in peace! I know its been asked about before but I think has been lost with alot of recent updates and changes to the game. Any other simple QoL additions you can think of?

    submitted by /u/Nickyboy116
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    Lag spikes in act 3

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Is anyone else experiencing lag spikes in act 3. I have never before had any problems with Valorants fps, but after act 3 update I've had lag spikes everytime someone dies in the match. This is so annoying, just wanted to ask this.

    submitted by /u/F1NMaster
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    [LORE] Is the Identity of the Agent After Skye Hidden on Icebox? I think it might be.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    [LORE] Is the Identity of the Agent After Skye Hidden on Icebox? I think it might be.

    Alright r/VALORANT it's time for a conspiracy, so put on your tinfoil hats and let's dig in.

    First, Icebox is a Kingdom research station. However, the question is what exactly is Kingdom researching there? Well, if we go by the context clues provided throughout the level, the first big thing you're likely to notice is an old ship stuck in the ice with cranes overhead.


    What kind of ship is this? Well it appears to be Asian judging by the rooftops on the decks and a few other design features. Further, if you look around the map you'll notice something even more telling. There are suits of samurai armor in tanks and on laboratory tables.


    As we all know samurai are Japanese warriors, and that settles part of the origin of the ship. So far all these clues are relatively obvious, but here's where it starts to get really interesting. If we take this information and then incorporate the battlepass there's more to be discerned.


    As can be seen here, Kingdom is using the cranes to pull something out of the ship stuck in the ice. But what are they pulling out? Suits of armor? Radianite mined from long ago? Possibly bodies? The next clue comes further into the battlepass.


    Now that we've seen the battlepass in addition to the map this card makes more sense. Besides looking very Gurren Lagann, this card is named 'secret lineage' and almost certainly represents the facemask portion of a samurai's armor. Whose lineage is it though? Kingdoms? The origin of radianites? A specific characters? Personally, I think it might be at least the last two. This leads us to the final card.


    Now we all know this card at the end of each battlepass represents the next agent, but let's take everything we've learned so far and add it all together with the card. A memento mori is an object meant to serve as a remembrance of death. Samurai were famously ritualistically obsessed with death. The ship appears to be around Sengoku era in its design, which would be the height of samurai warfare. Do you know which Japanese clan was one of the greatest ship builders in the Sengoku era in real life? The Mōri clan.

    Therefore, I propose that the agent after Skye will be an ancient radiant and possibly the first radiant. A samurai from the Sengoku period who was trapped in the ice and defied death due to his radiant powers until being discovered and studied by Kingdom at the Icebox station.

    Lastly, keep in mind this map was originally meant to be released at the start of Episode 2 with said character, so it's highly likely that these map clues are related.

    submitted by /u/Rasui36
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    Sova Valorant Wallpaper!

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Sova Valorant Wallpaper!

    Thanks for all the support on Cypher. Reyna & Sage are coming next!

    No votes until next post. Thank you!

    Sova Wallpaper 1440p

    submitted by /u/Open-Acadia-3245
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    ICEBOX is unplayable

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    ICEBOX is unplayable

    The boxes that are hidden under A site, the ones no one is looking at, aren't aligned properly

    The whole map is ruined

    submitted by /u/svndrmn
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    Game mode idea

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    This is a game mode idea

    Spike domination

    There is one spike found in the middle of the map or on a spawn

    teams spawn on plant sites and have to retrieve the spike and plant it at the other opponent spawn site first

    if the spike is defused it drops and the defusing team now has to plant it at other site

    When the spike is planted the team gets 1 point every second

    5 points for every kill

    10 points for planting the spike

    20 points for defusing the spike

    First to 500 points wins the round

    Players will respawn after 15 seconds

    Boosted economy (you lose abilities upon death)

    Designated safe spawns away from sites after initial spawn (similiar to overwatch)

    First team to 3 rounds wins

    I will edit for clarity

    submitted by /u/uhwowcreative
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    Viper line ups for the new Map Icebox, hope they are helpful!

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    [LORE] Theory on why we're fighting clones.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    What if there's a radiant out there with cloning abilities? maybe we are defending sites from evil clones this mysterious antagonist sends out with the spikes? I think it might be some organization rather than one radiant.

    Killjoy has a line talking about stolen tech, which leads me to believe that some group out there is running around bombing high-value sites with stolen blue-rinse bombs. probably stealing information on other possible targets (maps) and other Radiants.

    submitted by /u/AlmightyJackas21985
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    Some of my favourite moments of Valorant ACT 2 that i put together

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    How the Best Pro Players are Using Killjoy to WIN! - Analysis Ep.1/2

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    killjoy torrent in ICEBOX

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    so I played the new map icebox for like 5 times and I can not tell you how many agent died from that torent hidden spot lol the actually do not know where they are getting hit from LOVE IT

    submitted by /u/hiahmedhamdi
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    4 things Valorant needs to improve as a game.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    • Replays.

    • Statistics page (win % per map, agent, most used weapon, etc. Similar to lol ones)

    • Left hand.

    • Rework remake system ( only remake in round 2 is stupid design).

    All this 4 things doesnt change gameplay at all, but improve Valorant as a game.

    submitted by /u/Papoto
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    Opinion on the Arabic Voicelines

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    SO, im an egyptian. ive been waiting alot for the voicelines and i gotta say, im impressed. riot really nailed the accent. my only problem with this is the female character. Sage, Jett, Killjoy, Reyna, Raze all sound practically the same. its hard to know which agent did the callout when it looks like one actor did all the females. I think this takes some of the competitive integrity of the game.Any opinions?

    submitted by /u/EgglessYolk
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    Jett Tattoo!

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    Jett Tattoo!


    The first session of my Jett tattoo

    The end of the month will be the second and hopefully, last session.

    #FoundYouYouLittleShit <3

    submitted by /u/leoGalani
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    ICEBOX - The hunt for all tactibears

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    ICEBOX - The hunt for all tactibears

    u/ItsSalokin and I got bored, so we flew around Icebox in ghost mode and found the Tactibear hidden under the map. We wondered if there were even more and went on a little search.
    So far we found six bears and three other tactic animals scattered arond the map:


    Red: "How Did We Get Here?"

    Under the map

    Blue: Hangover

    B Garage

    Yellow: Dock worker

    Docks (outside of the map)

    Green: Hide & Seek

    A Belt (behind a wall)

    White: Security

    Secret entrance behind A Site (outside of map)

    Yellow: Spectators

    On crane above B

    If you find any more please leave a comment. Similar posts (penguins, snowmen, glass bottles...) could follow if we get bored enough.

    submitted by /u/svndrmn
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