• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 14, 2020

    VALORANT 'Infinite' Spike Ping Pong on Icebox

    VALORANT 'Infinite' Spike Ping Pong on Icebox

    'Infinite' Spike Ping Pong on Icebox

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Callout Idea: Potter

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 06:40 AM PDT


    My friends and I jokingly called this cubby under tube "Harry Potter" (for obvious reasons because of his bedroom)... We ended up just calling it Potter for the rest of the night, and I honestly think it's a great callout haha.

    EDIT: Seems to have at least some popularity. SPREAD THE WORD!

    EDIT#2: Holy shit this popped off. Thanks for the awards! I really hope this call actually sticks.

    submitted by /u/dlshuffler
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    Calm down people!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Riot pushed the new map release early for us. They put two servers within the quoted time. They kept every single promise.

    There will be bugs , because they did it in a limited time. Compared to other games they're listening to the community. Now just give them some time. They're fixing it. It's hard to look up every bugs and find out what causes them. Devs aren't going to sleep today , they're working for the fix. So instead of cursing them , just let them work in peace.

    submitted by /u/alfas_mp
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    New Game Mode on Icebox : Zipline Jousting

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    Using the zipline as intended on the new map

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:54 PM PDT

    Omen can tp, wallbang and KILL enemies under kitchen in NEW Valorant map ICEBOX

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Phantoms Singularity skin remind me of 2007 youtube

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:03 AM PDT


    Is it just me or does the new effect for the Singularity kill sounds like 009 sound system from old school youtube tutorials :/

    submitted by /u/silentez
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    why can i see the teddybear? secret

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    Audio problems in icebox

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    Is it just me or is the map icebox making my audio all choppy. Every movement, every speech and every ability the audio just becomes choppy and delayed. After that it's just really loud noise. Anybody else having this?

    submitted by /u/danyo98
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    Cypher mains, are gonna love this!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    Cypher mains, are gonna love this!

    You guys voted cypher!

    The last couple of days, I started designing Valorant Wallpapers, and they have gotten amazing feedback! So I decided to step it up a notch, and put more detail into the wallpapers.

    I'm also working a completely free customizable template for photoshop, for anyone that wants to adjust the wallpaper to their needs.

    So far I've got Omen, Jett, and Cypher done, along with updated versions on the other 2 posts.

    Be sure to comment the next agent, and vote by upvoting.

    Whoever has the most upvotes, is next!

    Cypher - Valorant Wallpaper 1440p v1

    submitted by /u/Open-Acadia-3245
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    Singularity skin finisher

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I love the new skins as well as the finisher. Bought it immediately. My only complaint is the black hole doesn't have time to finish its animation and suck back into it self after the last kill.

    This post is to lobby for the finisher to be sped up just a little so we can experience the full thing

    submitted by /u/Novs_12
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    Icebox Discussion Thread (Competitive)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Hoping to centralize the discussion of the new map especially in relation to its upcoming addition to the competitive map pool.

    Looking to hear particularly from higher level players, but discussion from all is welcome.

    My personal take after about an hour of running around the map in a custom game is there are way too many angles to check.

    Cypher with near infinite cam spots on a heavy vertical map will be a must pick in addition to Omen and Jett.

    submitted by /u/Unlockabear
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    it became like this after the update and it was working just fine, anyone can explain to me whats going on ??? my laptop specs are near high performance (Acer nitro5 8th or 7th gen cant really remember) so i don't think its spec related, any help will be massively appreciated

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    All the Icebox Tips and Tricks I managed to find, hope you enjoy :)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Does anyone else have queueing problems?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:36 PM PDT

    Game says that it has queued into a game, but that lists my party as not ready and freezes at the page, even though I'm the only person.

    submitted by /u/wannacommitdie
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    icebox but the floor is lava

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    Things I Found On Icebox

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    So with the new map coming out I wanted to go into a custom game to figure out how I could set up for Cypher, but while I was doing this I came across a bunch of cool little things hidden around the map so I thought I'd share.

    First, on A site and attacker spawn I saw some background stuff for what seems to be a samurai.

    Left Wall Second Story

    Back Of Site Wall

    Right In Attacker Spawn

    The samurai is on the third screen in attacker spawn. The right screen is an image for "Experiment X011" a player card we got in the Act II Battle Pass, I'm pretty sure its a teaser for their agent "Frost". The middle screen is what seems to be the layout of a map, although it doesn't fit any of the current maps out. But going back to the samurai, I think this is a teaser for a new agent, as it might be related to the "Secret Lineage" player card from the Act III battle pass, as it shows what seems to be a cyber/tech samurai/oni mask. They could be unrelated but its my current theory.

    Picture Credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr0PE1XBQmk&t=1756s

    Speaking of maps, I also found on some other screens around Icebox, a map of Haven. Unsure if these are just filler images or if they're intended to mean something, maybe Kingdom Corp has their eyes on Haven?

    Just Outside of Defender Spawn In a Control Tower

    Top of Defender Side Building

    To the left of defender spawn there is a building with what seems to be a breakroom, inside there is a screen that changes images shown with some.

    Announcement Page

    Shows "First Strike" with the date December 3rd, just teasing more at the upcoming First Strike tournament that they are hosting (Regional finals are Dec 3rd-6th). There is a penguin cam shown as well, and I will show later where you can find those penguins! Also under the First Strike ad there is the text "Announcement: Snowmen Found On Premises Will Be Eradicated." Guess someone doesn't like snowmen.

    Weather Page (2)

    The weather page initially is nothing special, just showing cold temperatures, but if you wait a bit the screen will glitch and flash this image that reads, "That new fire" with what seems to be Phoenix. There is also text on the right bottom quarter that I couldn't discern no matter how close I got.

    Employee Of The Month Page

    Just shows the employee of the month, congrats Paul!

    Lastly just some other cool things I found across the map.

    Penguin By Attacker Spawn

    Snowman Just Outside Attacker Spawn

    Snowman On B Site

    Another Snowman On B Site

    Penguins From The \"Penguin Cam\" and A Snowman

    In The Breakroom

    Two Bears Guarding A Door (Left of Defender Spawn)

    Fun fact: The snowman outside of Attacker Spawn and the snowman on the hill are both destructible, but the rest are not! I'm sure I missed some snowmen or penguins but these are all I could find.

    submitted by /u/ImTheSpartan
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    Valorant screen turn white when joining game

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Any one experiencing the same problem? when trying to enter agent select, the screen just turn white and hang there.

    submitted by /u/soulessssss
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    I forgot how toxic some players are. Mumbai servers actually shed a lot of light on them.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Don't get me wrong. Singapore servers had toxicity but 2 rounds lost never ended up in people losing the will to communicate. On a real note they made them try hard so that we could cover it up and try to win that game on the opposite side. Now all I hear is constant whining. Time to go back to the hackers in CS. Atleast they try.

    submitted by /u/hawwieboii23
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    An Indian's experience of ACT III so far...

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    Finally ACT III is here and man oh man was I excited, the singularity skin, by far the best battlepass according to me, a NEW MAP, and a new agent Skye that's coming soon and Mumbai server for us! Finally we are gonna have low ping right? well.. the ping is actually lesser than it used to be but the network problem, the amount of LAG issues I am having, it's never been worse than this. And ICEBOX, it is an amazing map but for some reason I need to sacrifice my ears to play on the map as the audio on this map is insanely distorted for some reason. I know Valorant takes their players feedback very well and I know for a fact that these issues will be resolved asap. But as of now ACT III has been kinda sad for me and my friends who have been facing similar issues. I hope we get a fix soon 🙏

    submitted by /u/itsPapiT
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    Server load seems to have a big effect on match quality

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    It looks a lot like there's a big influx of players coming back on patch day - and you can really feel it in the servers.


    So I took a little break around the middle of Act 2 because I was getting tired of dive bombing out of diamond to gold over and over due to crazy games.

    I came back about 1.5 weeks ago and the game has been feeling amazing, all the hit-reg issues and weird stuttering/frame hangs in aim duels happened so so rarely, maybe once in 10 games. I managed to push from g3 up to d1 in almost straight wins.

    But then patch day hits, bringing the new battlepass and suddenly the weird freezes are back with a vengeance. Things will happen, like you go to prefire a corner - and get headshot from the spot you're peaking before you've even clicked to prefire..

    Switch sides and suddenly they're playing like irons now, just standing there letting you shoot them when they push onto sites.


    So I'm just going to make a casual deduction that there must be some link between stress on the servers and the quality of play that Riot are able to provide.

    It lines up quite well with the thoughts that hit-reg issues got progressively worse through the Beta, correlating with the player count rising as the Beta went on.

    Feel free to take a gander at how Riot 'optimised' their 128 tick netcode.

    This should have been worrying from the start, the idea of a free to play platform offering so many 128 tick servers, if you want 128 tick in CSGO you have to pay the premiums that allow platforms like Faceit and ESEA to actually run the servers.

    It would be nice to see Riot offer the chance for premium platforms to run their own servers if it can improve the game, especially the competitive scene where stuff like this could be a big problem for sponsors etc.



    TLDR: I'm wagering that server issues like frame rate hitches during aim duels, hit reg issues and one team being reaction-time gods until halftime are caused by large numbers of players loading Riot's servers, This is especially noticeable today due to the new and returning players here for the fresh Act+Map+Battlepass.


    Is anyone else experiencing this with their games on battlepass launch day/week?

    submitted by /u/WartertonCSGO
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    Game stutter mid-fight since the update

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    While TDM servers feel perfectly fine (new TDM improvements are also bangers), I'm among a group of players who have had severe stuttering issues in Unrated and Competitive.

    I'm unsure why this is limited to those two game modes but it has made them almost unplayable. I've been asking players in these modes if they've experienced similar issues and it seems close to widespread.

    Couple of examples from my games earlier:



    submitted by /u/knaafehOW
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    Valorant Battlepass Tracker - Act 3 (Excel-based)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    Suggestion: you should be able to place bots down in custom games that act like the ones in the spike defuse scenarios.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 04:15 AM PDT

    I think it would a good practice tool to place bots down in common spots that people hold on defense and practice pushing them. Don't know if they would or could do this but I think it would be a good tool to have.

    submitted by /u/HotGUUUUU
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    My friends and I were messing around in Icebox, and we found this Tactical Bear Easter Egg(?) underneath the map

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 03:52 PM PDT


    My friends and I were really curious about the B Fence area on the map since it was marked, so we flew around in Custom to check out the area there. I flew a bit further underneath the map from there and spotted the bear!

    submitted by /u/SamAuragon
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