• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 1, 2020

    VALORANT Well-known Filipino streamer got accused of cheating by Wardell and Player1

    VALORANT Well-known Filipino streamer got accused of cheating by Wardell and Player1

    Well-known Filipino streamer got accused of cheating by Wardell and Player1

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:56 AM PDT

    Just like what the title says, Mika Daime from the PH got called out by Wardell and Player1 for using an aimbot. She defended herself saying that there was just an input lag hence the sus "flick" involving Cypher. What do you guys think?

    Player1's reaction: https://www.twitch.tv/playerr/clip/CautiousVainWolfSquadGoals
    Wardell's reaction: https://www.facebook.com/2Staxx/videos/768377130651805/

    Full clip in question: https://www.facebook.com/DaimeMika/videos/2725316804237791/

    submitted by /u/ilumn1
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    New operator reload animation is sick

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    This new animation is cool, i think that with this new reload update they should change the name to "Claperator" instead of just Operator


    submitted by /u/NatanEffects
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    "The OP is Dead." A Jett Main's Cover of "Art is Dead" by Bo Burnham.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    PSA: We are getting closer to the end of Act II, smurf-density is the highest now. If you are tilted, take a break and only paly ranked when next Act starts.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    A new Act freshens the meta with the new agent and soft rank-reset, thus "forcing" higher ranked players to play on their main account.

    If you also experience what I am experiencing since a few patches back, that the game feels inconsistent, matches are seemingly decided by random, and that the lowest ranked players outcarry their higher ranked teammates, it might be best for you to acknowledge the flaws in the ranked systems of competitive games, and their byproducts: smurfs.

    As of now, near the end of Act II there is really no incentive for higher ranked players to stay on their main (and I'm not even talking about queue times, that's another issue), so just wait out these 2 weeks.

    Stay positive, see you in game!


    submitted by /u/Eraen
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    What Rank Did You Guess For This Guy? (An easier challenge than the last one)

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Petition To Get Back The Old Knife Right-Click Animation

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Most of you probably won't even know what I'm talking about, so let me explain.

    In Valorants closed beta the right-click animation of all knife skins (including the default knife) used the be this, in my opinion extremely satisfying backstab motion (I put a clip of it down below).

    I know that a big part of Valorant's active playerbase, including some streamers like shroud, etc liked the old animation better than the current one. They never really explained why they even changed it, and from my perspective, it doesn't even make a lot of sense. The worst part is, that the new, rather sluggish dual-handed animation not only applies to the standard knife, but also to most paid knife skins, which truly breaks the deal for me and quite a few people, I can imagine.

    I understand, that the Valorant Team probably has a lot of way more important things to work on, but they could make the affected knife skins a lot more enjoyable by giving players the option of which animation to use.

    Either simply bringing back the old animation, or like as I stated giving players the option of using the new ''dual-handed'' or old ''backstab'' animation would be much appreciated by a huge part of the OG playerbase.

    A little video showcasing the old animation on some of the knife skins: https://youtu.be/vaqtmhf0Ndo

    (some of them haven't been released in the current version of the game)

    submitted by /u/sam_abc
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    My friend has completed the Iron 1 Dorito

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    Last update ruined my fps.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    I have a low end pc, but i played since beta with 60 stable fps.... with last update i cant even play 1 round. Fps are drastically decreased and freezes my pc.

    Am i the only one having this issue?

    submitted by /u/Papoto
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    League+ will be rebranded and will support VALORANT.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    The Viper Problem

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    TL;DR at the bottom

    Viper is currently the weakest agent in the game and has, by far, the lowest pick rate. A large part of this is her complexity and the amount of effort required to learn how to use her, but it's mainly due to her being underpowered. Vipers niche is the ability to control the map through the use of her abilities, but as it currently stands, she is worse than this than both Omen and Brim, despite the entirety of her kit being dedicated to this. Another issue is that she lacks depth, as there is very little variation in her play round to round, and her toxin system is lackluster.

    **The bad:**

    Viper being overall worse than Omen and Brim is fine, as that is just how the meta works, especially since Brim and Omen are very strong agents. The problem is that both of them are better than Viper at the controlling the map and blocking the vision of the enemy. This is crazy considering that Brim and Omen only have one smoke ability (which Omen even gets for free) while Viper has two. On top of this, they commit much less to their smokes than Viper has to.

    Viper is boring to play compared to what she could be. There is only one way to play viper. On attack, you set up your wall and orb, put them up, and plant. On defense, you set up your wall and orb, put them up, and wait. I'll talk about what could be done about this in a bit.

    **The good:**

    Vipers snake bites are very balanced, especially since the last update. They are worse than any other molly in the game and arguably the worst part of her kit, but this makes sense considering how cheap they are and that she can carry two of them. These shouldn't be changed anymore.

    Her ultimate is very good and is what makes Viper much more unique than other controllers. It's very fun, and the only one of her abilities that make efficient use of decay.

    **What can be done to fix her:**

    The buff Viper needs is the ability to purchase a second wall (or orb at a minimum) at a price of 300 or 400. To help balance this and make Viper more interesting to play, using multiple toxin draining abilities should drain more toxins.*This would award Vipers for good toxin management, and make her more vulnerable and inefficient and controlling the map with poor toxin management.* This would add much needed depth to her character, a higher skill ceiling, interesting strats, make her much stronger at controlling the map, and change how she plays on eco vs. full buy rounds. The problem with this change would be how to control which of the two walls you want to use. The simplest way to implement this would be to tap the ability key (default 'e') to select which wall you want to equip, and hold down the same key to equip/put up that wall.

    Currently using her orb and wall use the same amount of toxins as using only one (a buff introduced in patch 1.04). This removes a lot of skill from playing Viper. As of the latest patch, one smoke cost 16 seconds to use at a full toxin meter. They should keep this, but make two smokes (one wall and one orb or two walls) cost 1.3X (~12 seconds at full toxin), and make using all three cost 2X more (~8 seconds at full toxin).


    Viper's kit is the most limited in the game, and her ability to control the map isn't as a strong as it should be considering it's her niche and the point of all her abilities. She should have more/better control of the map at the cost of managing her toxin meter effectively. This could done by revamping toxin costs and giving her the ability to buy a second wall or orb. Just changing the values of her existing kit will NEVER make her better than she is now.

    This is just my take on what viper has going for her and what they could do for her. Any feedback or other viper buff ideas would be appreciated. Have a good day!

    submitted by /u/Hibobyo
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    Valorant Suggestion: Exact Rank points to shown

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    I always wonder, how much points did I gain or lose after a competitive match! or How many points I need to get to reach Platinum etc.

    also, it will be great if they can show the reason for giving such points....

    rules and point should be open for all.. that's how fair games work!

    also open to any other suggestions or changes!!

    Thanks for reading....

    submitted by /u/Drkill007
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    How You Can GREATLY Improve Your Timing | Tips and Tricks I've Learned in Immortal

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, Dragonmar here and I wanted to share some Timing tips. These tips originate from the video I recently made, but I wanted to get a bit more in depth with the writeup about them. A lot of these tips are things i've picked up on while playing myself, as well as during the hundreds of VOD reviews I've done as well! Timing is a part of gamesense that tends to be one of things people struggle with most. It's easier to understand map layouts, and abilities than it is to predict enemy movement, and time your pushes. With that being said hopefully you find this helpful!

    Tip #1 - Position to Position Timing

    • One of the most important things to understand is where the enemy can be in a given amount of time.
    • One of the most common mistakes will be when a player peeks out from a position against an enemy, then ducks behind cover and fails realize that by the time they repeek to find the enemy again the enemy could have completely changed positions. This happens a lot when there is a long line of site.
    • Understanding the value in knowing the time it takes to move between two positions is crucial. A quick jump into any custom game can give you the exact timings if you must know as well.
    • My general rule is that with any repeek that takes longer than a second or two, I am always ready to get peeked from a different angle until proven otherwise.

    Tip #2 - Internal Clock

    • As you continue to get better at the game, you will slowly start to develop what I like to call an internal clock in your head. It won't really be something you ever think about as you are doing it, moreso something you "feel' as dumb as that sounds.
    • This is why when you watch high level players they tend to check flanks every now and then to what to you may seem randomly. Or why when you think they should plant, they tap the plant and check to see if someone peeks. A lot of this has to do with having an internal clock telling you "if x amount of time passed, then y can happen"
    • If this isn't something you currently have happening naturally a great way to develop this skill is by checking the physical in game clock every now and then to orient yourself. It's incredibly important to understand the value in time, and if checking the clock is necessary then do it. Just keep in mind that the goal is for you to never have to look at the physical clock and instead develop an internal one.

    Tip #3 - Using "?" on the Minimap to Your Advantage

    • When an enemy is in vision of you or a teammate and then vision is lost, a red question mark will appear on your minimap for a small period of time.
    • This question mark can and should be used to your advantage. Anytime a question mark appears you should be asking and thinking the following:
      • I know this player is in X position, can I punish them?
      • I know this player was in X position at Y time, if Z seconds pass where can they be?
      • I know this play was in X Position at Y time, can I safely move to G position?
    • The idea with this is that the question mark should start a timer where you start thinking about the possibilities of where that player is. A great example of this is when you are dealing with post plant situations and trying to figure out where you'll get attacked from. If your teammate goes down and a question mark appears, that should start a timer in your head telling you where you should expect them to appear after a certain amount of time passes.
    • The problem with this is that a lot of players don't think past the "we know this player was in Y position" and that is where the thought process ends. If you extend it just a little more you can also say that "X player can be in A,B,C positions because that is how far they can travel in the given time" Which is way way way more useful to you and your team.

    Tip #4 - Timing Your Own Rotations

    • Do you know how long it takes to get from one site to another. To get from one position to another? I do, roughly. And I think that's all you need.
    • Go hop into a custom game for a minute or two and run between each site, noting how long the rotations take. Use these as estimates of course because a lot of factors can come into play.
    • This is INCREDIBLY important because what drives ALL of us crazy? Watching a teammte slowly clearing a bombsite in a 1v2 where BOTH enemies were spotted 10 seconds away on the opposite side of the map and only 4 seconds have passed. We've all seen. "Dude, they are still rotating" we cry in vain.
    • Once you've established roughly how fast you can run between sites use these tips as well:
      • Did they have to walk at all during the rotation? add time
      • Did they get into a fight during the rotation or fire shots? add time
      • Do we have any utility that slowed them down in their path? add time
      • Do they have movement abilities that could have propelled them? subtract time
    • These rough estimates will give you a baseline to work with to figure out where enemies can be after X amount of time passes. Often, players are super slow running into a site because they fear the rotation is there. But many times they do not realize that with normal movement the rotation PHYSICALLY cannot be in site yet.

    Tip #5 - Starting a Timer after a Kill

    • After every single kill you make(also goes for making noise/giving away position) you should start an internal timer
    • Players HUNT when you are spotted in an aggressive or vulnerable position. This means that after giving away your location you should EXPECT new enemies to appear.
    • After a kill you have a few seconds to decide your next plan of attack generally. If you are in a forward position, you may even have less time. The closer you are to the enemy, the faster they will come in general. This is why hanging around where you JUST killed a player will almost always lead to another confrontation. If that is WHAT you want, then great! But a lot of times players are TOO slow in their reaction and end up dying because they sat around too long.
    • By starting a timer after a kill you can predict rotates, cut off rotates with aggressive position, relay information to your team, and better prepare yourself for new fights.

    Tip #6 - Post-Plant Peeking Advice

    • 4 second plant, 7 second defuse. CRUCIAL information.
    • When you are defending against a defuse in a post plant situation you need to train yourself not to peek to early. This is the NUMBER ONE cause of frustration in my matches. You may ask what is too early? I will explain
      • If a bomb hasn't been touched and only 15 seconds remain, half of that time must be dedicated to defusing. MOST players will tap the bomb once in my experience before committing. Peeking IMMEDIETLY after a tap is almost always bad. Delay it by a second or two.
      • Why delay a peek by a second or two? It takes 3.5 seconds to get the "half-defuse" If they truly are sticking the bomb, congrats you've just peeked at a perfect time to get the kill. If you've waited two seconds the enemy is probably second guessing your positioning, allowing you to surprise them with the peek.
      • Even lower now, 10 seconds? This is a no brainer. Peek around 3 seconds if possible, preventing the half-defuse but also FORCING the enemy into an unwinnable situation where the distraction from your peek will have prevented a half-defuse and also ran enough time off the clock to prevent the full 7 second defuse.
      • Timing is everything when it comes to post plant, stop rushing kills.

    Tip #7 - Holding 1 Angle as Long as Possible

    • It's kind of hard to title this tip but the idea here is to NEVER adjust your aim to a position that cannot physically hold an enemy.
    • A lot of times we are in a spot where an enemy can MOVE around a box, specifically on bombsites and take a fight from a new angle. What a lot of people get wrong is that they adjust their crosshair TOO early. Instead of holding longer at the location previously spotted, they immediately adjust to the location they think the enemy will appear in next, only to be repeeked from the first location.
    • It's incredibly important to have the discipline to know WHEN to change where you are aiming and to not to do it too early. Smart players will not peek for a long enough period of time to where they could be in either spot. Schrodinger's Peek if you will. However, the key here is to stop waiting your time aiming early in the wrong spot.

    Tip #8 - Trade Timing

    • Trading is one of the MOST important aspects of any tactical FPS. Trading kills occurs when you are able to immediately kill an enemy after they've killed a teammate. In effect, trading out their death in a 1 for 1. Trading is only possible with good teamwork, positioning, and timing.
    • In general you can estimate that after about a half second from the previous fight, an enemy will have reset their recoil and be ready to fight you.
    • This means you have a half second to make your move and finish them off.
    • What's key here is the position of your teammate and if they are about to be vulnerable to a position you cannot successfully trade. If they are up against a corner and you are holding a deep angle, you are NO use to them if a player is around the corner. Your timing is off.
    • This is why I always recommend staying closely behind your teammates any time they are entering a site, so you can catch that 0.5 second window of opportunity for the easy trade kill.

    As I've said, all of these tips were from my video on timing and do include plenty of in-game examples. But, if you have ANY questions please leave a comment down below and I'll be sure to answer them. Loving talking with you all and hopefully helping you out a little bit!

    submitted by /u/MxChamp24
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    Anybody else having random ping problems this week?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Starting this week I've been getting random consistently bad ping connecting to the same servers (NA east Virginia/Georgia). Last week and since I started playing the game I've regularly had 20-40 ping depending on the server, but now when I log on I'm getting 80 at best and 160-170 regularly. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Or is my internet randomly messed up?

    submitted by /u/TwoGauls
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    You guys liked my other video so much, so I felt motivated to make another... here's "Valorant But Make It Anime." Should be it for a while, I don't want to spam OC.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    3000 Rounds of Valorant (for Science!)

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    I have done 3 chunks of 1000 rounds climbing from Iron 2 to Bronze 3. Below is the table of each "chunk", plus a total.

    ROUNDS 1001 1008 1004 3013
    GAMES 50 50 49 149
    RND / MATCH 20.02 20.16 20.49 20.22
    SCORE DIFFERENTIAL 5.84 6.16 5.87 5.96
    WIN LOSS 29W-21L 26W-23L-1T 27W-20L-2T 82W-64L-3T
    WIN % 58.00% 52.00% 55.10% 55.03%
    LEVELS I2/I3/B1 I3/B1/B2 29B1 / 15B2 / 6B3
    MATCH WITH AFK 25 31 12 68
    MATCH WITH AFK % 50.00% 62.00% 24.49% 45.64%
    ROUNDS AFK 286 237 67 590
    ROUNDS AFK % 28.57% 23.51% 6.67% 19.58%
    MATCH WITH SMURF 10 0 2 12
    MATCH WITH SMURF % 20.00% 0.00% 4.08% 8.05%
    TOP FRAG ACS 347.98
    TOP FRAG KDA 24.45 - 13.52 - 4.52

    Interesting that it takes around 50 matches to do 1000 rounds, meaning each Match is right around 20 rounds.

    Average score differential is around the 6 mark (so 13-7, 7-13)

    Over 149 Matches I have an average win rate of 55%

    I have climbed from Iron 2 to Bronze 3 - but have deranked (and reranked) a few times in between. I didn't start tracking how many rounds at each rank until the third chunk. Which is why 29B1 means 29 matches at Bronze 1.

    Over 45% of matches have an AFK in it. I also track how many rounds the AFK is gone for, and that number is a bit lower - but 19.58% of all of my rounds have had an afk in it. Thats a tough number.

    BUT, oddly, in each chunk it has gone down subsequently. from 28.57%, to 23.51%, to 6.67%. (Early in my 4th chunk, its over 10% again, but still early.

    Smurfing has gone way down - and I expected that to go up at the end of an act. my 149 games had a smurf involved around 8.05% of the time. (Smurf is identified by having a final scoreboard ACS of 500 or higher).

    For the third 1000, I started tracking the score of the "Top Fragger" in the match based on ACS, for comparison purposes. The best player averages:

    347.98 ACS, with a KDA of 24.45 - 13.52 - 4.52

    Just sharing for interest sake to see if it changes at different levels of gameplay.

    submitted by /u/Fountsy
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    ValorSkins, a site to view all the skins in the game, is now live!

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    ValorSkins has been something I've been working on for the past few months. Coming from the CSGO community, I always turned to CSGOstash to view the latest skins, prices, and to share them with my friends. I decided to make my own website with a clean and intuitive UI to do the same for the skins of VALORANT.

    I plan on updating the site regularly, and have posted planned features on the homepage. Any feedback is aprpeciated!

    Check it out here: https://valorskins.com/

    submitted by /u/valorskins
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    "OP Anyone?"

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Painted Jett on a Mouse

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Painted Jett on a Mouse

    Hey so i painted Jett onto a gaming mouse and just wanted to share it with yall. The face was most definitely the hardest part i hard to use a needle for some of the details there. I also used gold leaf for the logo just since all mice glow i wanted this one to be different. Hope yall enjoy!


    submitted by /u/PinHeadLarryyyy
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    Enemy Sage's whole team went AFK. Impromptu Valorant fight club ensues.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    I love the new grav skins especially as a fallout fan

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Cypher animated WP(OG by Excharny)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    Teammates quitting in Competitive

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    Can we fix the system of losing a teammate in competitive. Yes you get more money, yes you get an orb, but it truly doesn't make a difference. An Iron 1 bot would be more help.

    Also, I'm not sure about this, but is the same formula for rank and XP given to the team with the short end of the stick?

    submitted by /u/SlappyTheSausage
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