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    Wednesday, September 30, 2020

    VALORANT More Smart Immortal 3 Plays Explained - this time also with some fails in there

    VALORANT More Smart Immortal 3 Plays Explained - this time also with some fails in there

    More Smart Immortal 3 Plays Explained - this time also with some fails in there

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    Valorant needs a shorter "unrated" game mode. Maybe first to 5 or 7?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    It seems we'd attract a larger base of players if unrated, or a game mode like unrated, was shorter. I understand we have spike rush and deathmatch, but neither of those are necessarily good at teaching new players the core game. Spike rush has the weird orbs you have to play around and you don't have a buy phase at all. Deathmatch has no abilities, so new players don't really learn the tactics and team play.

    At my age I have a lot of friends who have time constraints or kids, etc. And a first to 13 unrated game that can take up to 45 minutes nonstop is too long of a commitment. Frequently they'll opt for something shorter (Rogue Company, right now) when they're wanting the team tactical shooter itch. This allows them to commit shorter, take a break to do something, and then come back for more. I really think something like a first to 5 or 7 unrated mode would grab players in this sort of group.

    submitted by /u/aladd04
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    Improve Your Crosshair Placement in 3m using Natural, In-Game Markers

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Hi guys! Here's a quick guide on Improving Crosshair Placement. This should be especially helpful to new players, but it's also helped me climb from Plat 2 to Diamond 3. I know that this isn't a complete guide and it might not be as helpful to higher level players, but I haven't seen any videos mentioning the use of natural, in-game markers so I decided to make this video. The most common marker are the green boxes that are in almost every map, but there are some lesser known lineups that I show in this vid.


    submitted by /u/eggwickgg
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    Patch notes 1.09 visualized

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    When did Phenix Ult??

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    https://streamable.com/qqh115 I'm kind of pissed off right now because we lost this game but this is a bug right? I didn't hear any audio queue from Phenix's Ultimate.

    submitted by /u/Jamesalix
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    Stepping up that viper cosplay!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    Stepping up that viper cosplay!

    After seeing the snakebite shorty I had to try to make some of its effects real. For obvious reasons we designed our own non-screen accurate take on it, but painted and built the first one to match the colors as an homage to the inspiration




    submitted by /u/Baconfortress
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    My friends and I tried the “COMPETITIVE EXPERIENCE”

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    The Remake system needs a rework

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Current state you only have until round 2 to remake a game. I understand the thought behind this however it is basically useless in its current state.

    Last night I had a player who loaded in and played the 1st half of round one. He then proceeded to afk. Round 2 his body was still in spawn but he was D/C'd so this should have been the perfect opportunity for a remake. The problem is since his body was still there but not fully gone from the game we could not remake. Round 3 he fully d/cs and but now it is to late to remake the game.

    This just feels bad. If a player leaves in round 1 of the game you should still be able to remake, however in current state the player needs to leave before the game even starts otherwise it will be to late.

    What are everyone thoughts on how the system works now? Do you think it needs to be reworked? Personally I think it needs to be moved to at least round 3 for the round 1 leavers.

    submitted by /u/TheAlbinoAccountant
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    Why am I matched against a gold while I am an iron?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    I've been trying to rank up, but I haven't been for some reason, I even fought against a gold and won. I just don't know why I was matched against a gold while I am Iron 1. Is this a bug or no?

    submitted by /u/Sefforcer07
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    Brimstone mains in training be like:

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    A butterfly knife in the game would be sick

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    I guess this idea has already been posted, but I've been waited for a long time for a balisong/butterfly knife to come into the game. I'm sure the inspection animation would be sick and that would be an instant buy for me !

    Tell me what you think, hope it's coming soon :)

    submitted by /u/clemmbn
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    Life of a Hardstuck Plat

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    My first attempt at making a 3D printed Jett figure

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    As the title says, this is my first attempt at making the Jett in the real world. Made some mistakes with the support and all of her hands and legs were ripped off and glued back, that's why there are the black spots. Will make another one in the future.

    Here it is

    Ps: I know she is supposed to hold the Phantom, but 1. This looks cooler and 2. I wasn't able to get it inside her hand :D

    submitted by /u/DejViii9
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    Killjoy Wallpaper (OC) (1920x1080)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Killjoy Wallpaper (OC) (1920x1080)

    1920x1080 Killjoy Wallpaper

    "Love playing as her, hate playing against her." -My friend after dying to the enemy Killjoy 7 rounds in a row.

    Personally, she's my no.1 pick at the moment, so had to show my appreciation...

    submitted by /u/KyttZune
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    Playing as Viper

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, lately I have seen quite a bit of posts concerning Vipers viability being bad even after the very big buffs and that she should be reworked or buffed again and I finally put my foot down and decided to make a post about Viper and why all these posts are wrong. A little about me is that I have one tricked Viper since end of the beta and I'm ranked at Diamond 2 at the moment. I have learned a ton about Viper and with these new buffs I have yet to not bring a large impact to every game I've been in.

    So to get into why people should stop asking for reworks and more changes is to identify who Viper is as an agent and who she is not. I am someone who has been following a lot of what the devs tell us in regards to what agents do and why they are in the game.

    Viper is a controller but unlike that of Omen and Brimstone. That is because omen and Brimstones effectiveness is opposite from each other. Omen is focused around slower play and confusing the enemy on what is going on and is very effective at longer rounds because his replenishing smokes can be utilized more. Brimstone is most effective at executing sites and then having a strong post plant. Viper takes a little of both controllers because she is very good in being able to play mind games as well as being very good in post plant situations. The question now is how to ACTUALLY be good with viper? With Viper you need to know what her strengths are and what her weaknesses are. One of her biggest strengths is being able to play around your smoke orb. Find one way smokes on each site or just places that your smoke is going to block off an area. As you know vipers orb does decay enemies which makes them not as likely to push through a viper smoke as they would be to push through omen or Brimstones. This is highly important because where you smoke as viper is more important than where you smoke as brim or omen. Now you have snakebite. With the new buff it is almost too broken. this ability in not to be thrown like any molly. this is a molly that you want to shoot and be able to peek off of. if you throw snakebite and cant utilize the vulnerable aspect you are probably wasting it. combo snakebite with other players peeking, combo it with raze grenade or Sova shock darts for instant kills. Even throwing snakebite onto your smoke will demolish enemy pushes in seconds.

    Being able to synergize the usage of smoke orb and snakebite is crucial to doing well with Viper. Next I want to go over how to best utilize her Ult because I want to save curtain for last. Her new and improved ultimate is great and I have found it to be much much easier to get onto a site and Ult and not die. After you use viper Ult very rarely does going to the edge actually help you if you use it correctly. I don't know how many times I see people use her Ult and then push to the opposite edge of it and try to get kills. her Ult decays people to 1 health people. just by sitting in the back and spamming through will get you kills. By pushing to the edge anyone that you see is now a duel but if you stay towards the back you can shoot them in the foot and still win. This doesn't mean never push up or out of her Ult, because she is a very heavy mind game agent but your default should not be to push to the opposite edge.

    Finally her curtain. This ability is what in my mind is the easiest way to see if a viper knows what they are doing or if they don't. When the curtain goes up while you limit what the other team sees, you also limit yourself. You can't just throw your curtain out like a sage slow and expect any good to come from it. anytime you use your curtain you have to be aware and think that the enemy will use your curtain just as well as you can and by knowing that they will use it will give you the advantage. Bait people into using the curtain, put it on and then immediately take it down. enemies will almost always try to relocate if a curtain is cutting off their LOS. Combo curtain. The best thing to do is to have a Sova on your team. Throw curtain up and have Sova recon the other side. this leads to many free kills. Viper relies more than any other agent to have teamplay but when you can communicate and play around Viper she is the strongest agent in the game. If there's any questions or concerns I'd love to help or discuss your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/IcyFlow49
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    Is It Just Me, Or Is The Sound In This Game Difficult to Understand? And General Discussion of Player Experience of the Game Valorant

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Hello, I am making this post to have some discussion about the issues I'm having with sound in this game, but also hopefully to get some general conversations going about the game itself and what people like about it.

    I have been playing a lot of shooter games for a very long time. I have played Quake 2 and 3, CS 1.5/CZ/S/GO, CoD 1/2, BF 1942/2, MoHAA, Half-Life 1/2, Doom 1/2/3 and the two newer ones, FEAR 1/2, FarCry 5, Max Payne, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and Xonotic. Probably more that I am forgetting.

    Despite all my experience, I am somehow helpless when it comes to interpreting the sound of this game. I can hear footsteps, I can tell what surface they are on, but I can never tell what direction they are coming from. It's like the sound goes through some kind of filter that obfuscates all the meaningful information and it ends up just being "noise" in a way that is really difficult for me to describe using language but that I trust other people have experienced too. The closer the source of the sound is to me, the more exaggerated this effect becomes and the more difficulty I have understanding the sound.

    Is there some kind of trick to this? Or do you just grind and grind and eventually you start to decode it? Or is this maybe like the cilantro-tastes-like-soap gene and I'm just unlucky?

    I'm a very casual player, I just unlocked the competitive game mode and I started playing in May or June, something like that.

    While my overall impression of this game is pretty strongly negative, I'm not trying to come in here and say that my opinion is right and yours is wrong. I'm actually hoping to hear what it is people like about this game. What is your favorite thing about the game? What makes it seem like a "better" game to you than

    submitted by /u/OhMyGodImSoBad
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    Hit immortal for the first time since beta! Best clips from the grind there.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    PSA for spike defusing and protecting.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    After tapping the bomb, the enemy has two options, peek you or they think it's a fake. Once you make noise, it completely eliminates the need to peek. Running means you are not on the spike. Smoking off the spike can force the protector to push in or get a lucky spray.

    As you protect the spike from an angle like short or long, you can jiggle peek/jump peek around the corner to see if they actually commit to the defuse. Be careful of Omen paranoia because it deafens your sound, forcing you to see if he is on the spike.

    submitted by /u/Chidori50
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    Reyna redeemed my tiniest brain play ever

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:13 AM PDT

    I'm iron, well aware I suck and panic sprayed, my friends won't ever let me live this down. Enjoy!


    submitted by /u/mthssm
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    The ACE sound effect should be played for the entire team

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    The final 5th kill sound effect should be heard by all your team mates so they can get hyped with you. Currently it's just a tiny voice saying "ace!" and that's lame :(

    submitted by /u/xpritee
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    Try not to laugh Valorant Edition

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    A bad Killjoy fanart by me :)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    A bad Killjoy fanart by me :)

    Did this a little while back, decided to post it. Intentionally bad art done on ms paint :)


    submitted by /u/Derpalls
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