• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 29, 2020

    VALORANT Valorant 1.09 Bug Megathread

    VALORANT Valorant 1.09 Bug Megathread

    Valorant 1.09 Bug Megathread

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Greetings Agents!

    New patch, new Bug mega. To avoid bugs report cluttering the subreddit and/or going unnoticed we will get a single Megathread which will be posted today and after every patch so that you guys can report the various issues in one place. This allows Riot to easily keep track of the bugs by providing a central hub and also allows other users to confirm that they might have encountered.

    Patch notes 1.09

    Prerequisites to be noted before reporting a bug

    1. A bug will ideally be accompanied with a screenshot or a video. This provides credibility to your report.
    2. Steps to recreate the bugs should be submitted if possible. This helps Rioters recreate the bug and helps them find the cause behind it.

    Format when reporting a bug: When reporting a bug, please provide as much information as you can about your computer.

    Region: The region you're playing in when you encountered the bug

    Type of Bug: Client Bug, In Game Bug, etc.

    Description: Describe what was the bug that occurred.

    Video / Screenshot: Insert screenshot (F12 in game) or Video of the bug occurring.

    Steps to reproduce: Provide the steps necessary if someone else had to reproduce the bug.

    Expected result: What should have been the result when you follow the steps mentioned above.

    Observed result: What was the result you obtained when you followed the steps mentioned above?

    Reproduction rate: If you try to recreate the bug how successful are you in causing it to occur? (1/10 : Occurs once every 10 tries, 5/10 : Occurs 5 times out of 10, 10/10 : Happens every single time)

    System specs: Processor, Video card, Ram, HDD/SSD, everything you can provide, even drivers.

    Example Bug:

    Region: EU

    Type of Bug: Matchmaking

    Description: Matchmaking doesn't work properly

    • Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident

    Reproduction rate: 10/10 (happened 10 out of 10 times)

    Steps to reproduce: Try to launch a game

    Expected result: Match starting

    Observed result: Getting stuck in infinite queue

    System Specs: Intel i5 Processor, Windows 7, Nvidia Graphics card (insert model number) etc.

    If you don't know how to format comments on Reddit click here

    - **Region:** - **Type of Bug:** - **Description:** - **Video / Screenshot:** - **Steps to reproduce:** - **Expected result:** - **Observed result:** - **Reproduction rate:** - **System specs:** 

    Copy paste the above code and fill in your details.

    From this Megathread the list of bugs will not be summarized and put up in the main body of the thread, however note that many Rioters are going through every single comment so don't worry if you post the 1500th or 3000th comment, every reply will be read over the next few days.

    submitted by /u/Whytro
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    Played Against "Liquid ScreaM" and made him rage

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    I just realized how post-nerf Sage is just like school nurses.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:09 AM PDT

    I will put a comparison for you guys so you understand.

    Sage: School Nurse:
    Doesn't heal very well. Doesn't heal very well.
    Throws ice onto basically everything. Throws an ice pack onto basically everything.

    So yes in conclusion I would say Sage was probably a school nurse before the Valorant Protocol.

    submitted by /u/catalyps0
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    VALORANT Patch Notes 1.09

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    Korean 1.09 patch video

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    Everything Interesting added in 1.09 (Datamined Content including a NEW Agent, New Skins, and game-mode updates.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    Hello everybody! Let's get right into it, we've got a LOT of good stuff to cover this week! This post took me around 2 hours to make. If you consider supporting me, follow my twitter for more frequent updates.

    Now let's dig in!

    I'll start with agent news, since we haven't had any for months.

    A new Agent is now in development! The agents codename is "Stealth". Based on the files, this agent has been in development since Alpha. Only materials and textures have been added for this agent, lets take a look at them.

    Some of these textures are labeled "Radianite". I wonder what Radianite is in the Valorant world, and if Riot will choose to go the Lore route down the road.

    Textures related to the new agent, \"Stealth\".

    Other files mention Invisibility. This would make sense, since the Agents code-name is "Stealth". Also, a ground hole is mentioned, and a geometrical mesh seems to have been added for it as well. The only reason I could think as to what this is for, that the agent might be able to "Tunnel" throughout the map, which could make sense due to the custom in-game cameras added along with it as well. I definitely could be wrong though, what do you guys think this is for?

    New Materials added for the Agent, \"Stealth\".

    Geometrical Mesh potentially added for \"Stealth's\" Ground hole.

    Next up, cosmetics!

    The G.U.N set was added this week! This set included a Classic, Bucky, Scepter, Operator, and a melee. The set comes with a custom shooting effect unlockable at level 2, then 3 more variants. I personally love this bundle! All video's below are credit to Officer, who can grab them from streaming. Go drop him a follow!

    G.U.N bundle shop art.

    Melee Showcase Video (Level 2) THIS MELEE IS SICK!

    Classic Showcase Video (Level 2)

    Bucky Showcase Video (Level 2)

    Scepter Showcase Video (Level 2)

    Operator Showcase (Level 2)

    Classic Variants

    Chrome Variants, Unlocked at Level 3

    Black Variants, Unlocked at Level 4

    Red White and Blue Variants, Unlocked at Level 5

    G.U.N. Bundle exclusive spray

    G.U.N. Bundle exclusive Banner

    G.U.N. Bundle exclusive Buddy

    The Avalanche Bundle may return soon, new item shop art was added for it.

    New Item Shop Background for the Avalanche Bundle

    Game mode updates:

    The alt6 In-development game mode we talked about last week has been updated. A refresher for new readers, this game mode seems to be based on the fact that weapons are only obtainable from orbs found around the map. Not much was added in 1.06, but they are testing support for the game mode on Haven and Bind now.

    Alright, time for some other random things.

    More strings for mobile and console support have been added.

    Mobile strings

    Console Strings

    A new GameplayTag has been added for a "RapidFireRate". Could be for anything.


    One last fun thing before I leave, a "Plushie" was added, called Dan The Penguin. It should be found on a map somewhere, potentially in the store on spilt.

    Dan the Penguin :D

    That's everything interesting added in 1.09!, I hope you enjoyed reading and found something you thought was interesting. I would love everyone to discuss below an agent with a tunneling, or invisibility mechanic. Although these might not be correct, they still could happen and are 2 pretty crazy things to think about!

    If you've come this far, feel free to follow me on twitter, where I post all of this stuff and more on a frequent basis. Thanks, remember to register to vote, and enjoy the rest of your week! <3

    - Mang0e

    submitted by /u/Mang0eLeaks
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    120 Satisfying One Taps Synced with Music

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    What actually happens when someone tries to create another Raze Montage: A bunch of fails

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    UPDATE: Vision Cones are broken in this game, and they are getting FIXED

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    Previous thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ioybyx/vision_cones_are_broken_in_this_game_we_need_a_fix/

    A Riot employee responded to the thread last week saying that he's taking a look at the issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ioybyx/vision_cones_are_broken_in_this_game_we_need_a_fix/g657ks4/

    And today he updated again that in 1.09 Ascent vision cones will be fixed, in 1.10 Bind will be fixed too and other maps will follow suit.

    All in all, we can be sure that Riot is following this subreddit and taking valid complaints/issues into account.

    Footnote: My previous thread was removed because I thanked Riot and the guy who is fixing the issue while updating you guys.

    So dear /r/VALORANT community, please make sure to thank them.

    submitted by /u/sabocano
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    An ace clutch just in the nick of time

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Operator Fire Rate in v1.09

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Operator can still have a higher fire rate if you do the animation cancel like the AWP in CSGO.


    submitted by /u/yashman_13
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    The new G.U.N. skins do not have animations

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    I was really hoping these would have some sort of reload animation and finisher but it turns out they only have vfx and sfx when shooting. I'm really disappointed because I feel like they've really missed out here again (first time with the Spline skins). I was imagining some steam hisses out of the gun and you load in those cylindrical discs you see as the magazine and the weapon charges up or something but nope it's just the regular old animation. Heck even the reload sounds are unchanged.

    I'm not saying it's easy to do or that I expect every skin bundle to have animations but it's been more than a month and a half without animations or finishers (5 skin bundles have come and gone without animations). I really want to know the answer to this because it is pretty clear that a lot of people really enjoy the reload animation changes of the Prime and of course all the finishers that these special guns have so what's up?

    submitted by /u/therealkenz
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    Patch 1.09, Why did this change?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    Hey guys was warming up in the practice range, I typically do a few runs of the spike defuse and spike plant to warm up clearing corners and pre aiming. Post patch 1.09 you can no longer buy your "C and Q"(whatever you have them bonded to) abilities when starting these challenges, imo this was a really unnecessary change as it was a good way to practice mechanics with agents who can spear corners with abilities such as raze, brim, Phoenix, sova... the list goes on. Riot if you could revert this change, it would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/FlorenziArtemis
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    New G.U.N. collection showcase

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Here are ways to counter the Operator.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    This is a perspective from a Immortal 3 (Rifler) -Cypher/Sova/Brim main and a LEM Csgo Awper (~3000) Hours.

    If the current consensus of the Operator was something more along the lines of 'Even If You Use Proper Utility And Teamwork, The OP Still Rekts' then, in my opinion, a push for a hard nerf would make sense, but right now the consensus appear to just be anecdotes of games where players just start popping off or how the gun is too easy to use without mention of attempts of any counters.

    I really feel this new nerf is catered to players on the low end because those tiers of players struggle with utility and coordination, which are enough tools to deal with an OP.

    I can already see some people saying that isn't really viable in those ranks or in SoloQ, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be any effort put into trying it. Although, if those two aren't an option, you can settle for jiggle peaking, but it has to be done properly.

    Basically if you jiggle peak properly, you aren't supposed to see who you're peaking, if you do see someone while jiggle peaking, you're swinging way too wide. If you jiggle peak correctly, you should bait out a OP shot and still be standing.

    If you master jiggle peaking, it'll just be another tool that you can use against OPs, at times you might still be taken down, but that just happens. No one thing will fix an issue, so that's why you need more tools to increase your chances of success.

    Each Agent has their own way to deal with an Operator, some have abilities that can they can use alone, while some have abilities that require coordination with teammates. I'll just list out a general list of things off the top of my head.


    • Breach - Pretty easy, you got three flashes that you can space out in succession into a angle or choke point OPs commonly hold.

    • Brimstone - If an OP is giving you trouble, you can use the smokes to create a path into the site instead of using the typical smokes to cut of defensive rotations.

    • Cypher - The camera can be used as a free peek, tagging the OPer is a bonus. You can use that information and adapt a strategy with your teammates.

    • Jett - Close smokes combo'd with a dash in. It'll do a lot to suffocate an OPer because they'll be forced to deal with you.

    • Killjoy - Same as Cypher. Use the sentry as a free peak into commonly held angles/choke points.

    • Omen - Same as Brimstone, but better because of the flash.

    • Phoenix - Curving a firewall and using flashes into commonly held angles/chokepoints to try and just get closer to the OPer

    • Raze - A well placed boombot, although the bot shouldn't be seen as a free peek since OPers tend to ignore the bot unless it's deployed close. You can also use the blast packs similar to Jet's dash.

    • Reyna - Using both her flashes to get in close to the OPer.

    • Sova - Recon arrow can scare off an OPer or if they're bunkered in a site and are revealed, you can work with your teammates to attack them. The drone is similar to Cypher's camera, but much much better at countering OPers. It's a free peek, mobile to provide pressure and can tag.

    • Sage - Uhh. She can try and get up close and make a forward wall? It doesn't have to be pretty, but if I was up against a Sage who manages to put up a wall in front of a choke point, suddenly I would have to worry about two angles (one from each edge of the wall).


    These aren't anything exceptional by themselves, but when combined with coordination with your teammates and proper utility usage from their side as well? Any OPer should have a bad time.

    I really feel the struggle against OPers comes from a lack of coordination more than anything else. For example, if you tried to use any of the ability suggestions above without much thought into it, you won't get much value.


    What use is tagging an OPer with a Sova drone if your teammates aren't around? They'll just retreat back and wait, leaving you back to square one.

    What use is flashing into a site if you don't have enough awareness to see your teammmates aren't close to push? The ones you're trying to frag will just wait out the flash.

    What use is smoking a site close to hinder the OPer, but have teammates not using their own abilities?


    Try to imagine a OPer defending a site and having an enemy Breach suddenly pacing out their flashes along with a Sova recon bolt flying straight at their site along with a Jett setting up their personal smokes followed by the sounds of their dash along with a Renya throwing out their smokes and a Sage slowing the site. I personally wouldn't be able to do much and I'd probably take an aggressive angle if I was an OPer before any site executions, but then suddenly I'd have to deal with gods who can jiggle peak their angles all the way to a site.


    The Operator is a very strong gun, but at the same time there are plenty of strong tools available to attack an OPer. Just my two cents.

    EDIT: First time I've made a long post like this, sorry if it's hard to read.

    submitted by /u/IcceyStarr
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    5 Bullets is all i need (ACE)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Afk players are so damn annoying

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    I had 3 afk on my team, and still even after the match finished 4-13 (lost) I came out on the top of the scoreboard and yet my rating was decreased by 2 ticks, I just somehow feel that's unfair.

    submitted by /u/dawggggggg
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    Made myself a custom re-skinned classic knife!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Why does the hivemind sword have a different animation

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    I just realised something. The hivemind sword uses the default knife inspect animation instead of the sovereign sword animation

    submitted by /u/Vin_Ny_04
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    Valorant being my first team shooter on PC has been rough, but here's some highlights from my road to diamond, now road to Immortal

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Valorant Most Chaotic Round Start Ever But I Still Clutch It

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Viper changes that WILL make her META

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    I've been playing Viper since beta and I roughly have around 1k hours currently on her and feel these changes would instantly up her pick rate.

    Quality of life changes:

    -Increase the pick up range of her poison orb by 1m meter.

    -Make it so her wall isn't shown when you shoot it through the buy barriers, only after the barriers come down will you be able to see where her wall is placed.

    -Make it so you're able to see exactly where her ult will cover on the map before placement.

    Viper is a higher skill character than most and as much as I would love her to stay that way until the end of time in order for her to be META the developers could lower her skill ceiling by...

    -Allowing her poison orb to stick to surfaces like an adhesive.

    This change would immediately do away with all the current one way line ups and make it so the average Joe could very easily pick her up and place one ways wherever they wanted at will. Not a fan of this idea but it's a good idea nonetheless.

    If all the above changes were implemented Vipers pick rate should go up quite a bit, however, if it doesn't this last idea would 100% increase her pick rate.

    -Allow Viper to gain a temporary health buff when standing in her poison orb and ult, similar to Reyna's gluck gluck 9000(overheal). Upon leaving your ult or posion orb the health effect slowly goes away, again, similar to Reyna's overheal, but at a much faster rate for obvious balance reason's.

    Not only will this change increase Vipers pick rate it will also give her more playstyle options. Before you would only play in her Poison while in her ultimate and 95% of the time use her orbs for one ways, now it would give you the option to play in her poison orb similar to the way she plays in her ultimate. The implementation of this individual buff idea alone would drastically change the way people use Viper and as much as I would love to see this kind of change implemented immediately if I were a developer i wouldn't even consider this kind of buff until other buffs, like the ones stated above, were all exhausted.

    Viper is love, Viper is life, Viper is Queen and you will respect her.

    submitted by /u/KAM1Sense1
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    We played a Custom Game of Hide and Seek in valorant, it had a twist where instead of hiding in places we made decoys (a lot of them) and then the hiders tried to blend in. Seekers could kill upto 5 decoys whoever they deemed suspicious. We had a lot of fun!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    VALORANT BEST SETTINGS - Benchmark Tested

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:57 PM PDT

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