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    Sunday, November 8, 2020

    VALORANT First Strike NSG Closed Qualifier / Playoffs - Day 2 / Live Discussion

    VALORANT First Strike NSG Closed Qualifier / Playoffs - Day 2 / Live Discussion

    First Strike NSG Closed Qualifier / Playoffs - Day 2 / Live Discussion

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:59 PM PST

    First Strike North America - NSG Tournament

    Liquipedia | vlr.gg | thespike.gg | Juked.gg

    Today's Matches

    Grand Final PST EST CET KST
    100T vs. NV 2 PM 5 PM 23:00 06:00


    Group A Group B Group C Group D
    Cloud9 Blue Gen.G Esports Team Envy TSM
    100 Thieves T1 Sentinels The Slimy Boogerman
    Luminosity Gaming Complexity Gaming Dignitas Renegades
    XSET Equinox Esports Spot Up Build By Gamers
    • Cross out means knocked out

    • All matches are Best of 3

    • Matches will be played on patch 1.10


    Twitch * English #1 * English #2

    Youtube * English #1 * English #2

    Comment Stream

    On-Air Team

    Mark "boq" Wilson
    Yinsu Collins
    Vince "Vince" Hill
    Alan "IHOLDSHIFT" Donofrio
    David "Simo" Rabinovitch
    Doug "EsportsDoug" Cortez
    Kevin "AVRL" Walker
    Ryan "RyanCentral" Horton
    Tom "Tombizz" Bissmire
    Alex "Vansilli" Nguyen
    Alexander "LeX" Deily
    Dustin "dusT" Mouret
    Heather "sapphiRe" Garozzo
    Justin "PythianLegume" Glasner

    Format Group Stage

    • Top two teams advances to the Playoffs

    • All matches Bo3

    Format Playoffs

    • 8 teams Single Elimination bracket

    • All match are Bo3

    • Grand Finals is Bo5


    submitted by /u/Kappaftw
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    Recreating the practice range in minecraft

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:43 AM PST

    Hello there Im currently working on recreating the practice range from valorant into minecraft. I started it yesterday and been building in 6-9hrs sessions. Currently it's a solo project and the map will be up for download once it's complete, hope y'all like it :)


    submitted by /u/Knife_Birb
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    Jett ult spot using Sage's wall.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:59 PM PST

    Jett spot on A Short, Haven.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 09:01 PM PST

    Hey guys, I'm a professional Valorant player and I decided to make a video that shows some cool tips with Jett, Raze, and Pheonix.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:55 AM PST

    Educational Highlights #1 from a Radiant Solo Queue Player

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:43 AM PST


    I'm Noizeeh and I'm a Radiant Solo Queue player. I play this game fulltime and I have multiple accounts in Radiant/Immortal 3 purely from Solo Queue. I will link the video at the bottom of this post!

    The purpose of this video is to give you educational highlights instead of a highlight video with cool clips. Everybody makes montages/highlights so I figured that I could make my clips that I normally use in highlights/montages into something that everybody can learn from instead.

    You will see text on screen as I execute a play and the highlights are from ranked sessions on all of my accounts. I've always wanted to understand what's going on in the actual players head when they are executing a play so I decided to do that with this video so you can see the thought process behind everything that you normally would see in montages.

    I mainly play duelists in Solo Queue but I feel that everybody can learn something from this. I will link the video at the bottom of this post and I would love to hear your feedback since I think that this can help a lot of players out!

    Thanks for your time!


    The video

    submitted by /u/NoizeehEU
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    Petition to lower the brightness on skye flash

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:45 AM PST

    Haven't seen a post on this and a lot of my friends face this issue.

    Skye's flash is really hurting on the eyes

    Requesting the brightness/ glow to be reduced a little.

    submitted by /u/bhavzi
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    Why does right clicking with the knife require god-like knowledge of the space-time continuum?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:20 PM PST

    You can literally right click the knife right on someone's fucking head and it will just phase right through them.

    I've never played a video game with a more bizarre hitbox than the knife's right click. Landing it require some kind of arcane knowledge of 4-dimensional quantum states.

    Can't the devs make the animation make more sense?

    You can literally point blank smash someone in the face with the knife and nothing happens.

    submitted by /u/SorenKgard
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    Stinger Gun skin fan art. Splash Damage Collection

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 08:50 AM PST

    Stinger Gun skin fan art. Splash Damage Collection

    I made a Skin for the stinger with a water gun theme, The stinger got its pick since I think it would best fit the water gun theme since it always sprays uncontrollably (for someone who doesn't know its recoil pattern). It's not a super original idea but I wanted to improve my hard surface modeling skills and see how much I could replicate the valiant style. It was fun nevertheless.



    submitted by /u/LetsGetThisBreadLads
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    Secret Doube Dash added to Jett.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:06 AM PST

    So as the title says i think there's been a new feature added to the game on Jett . This could be very useful in many scenarios :)).

    Treat this as the joke it is


    submitted by /u/KochVlad97
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    these three arrows i just invented 1.75 bars = short 2.25 bars = heaven

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:45 AM PST

    First Strike Preview: Sinatraa Analyzed

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:39 AM PST

    Team Solomid vs 100 Thieves / First Strike: North America - NSG Closed Qualifier #1: Quarterfinals / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:03 PM PST


    First Strike | NSG | vlr.gg | Eventvods

    Team Solomid 0-2 100 Thieves

    -100 Thieves advance to semifinals and qualify for First Strike: North America

    -Team Solomid is eliminated from NSG Closed Qualifier but qualify for UMG Closed Qualifier

    Team Solomid | Liquipedia | VLR | Official Site | Twitter | Youtube | Facebook

    100 Thieves | Liquipedia | VLR | Official Site | Twitter | Youtube | Facebook

    Map 1: Ascent

    Winner: 100 Thieves 13-7

    100 Thieves ACS K D A
    steel Killjoy 294 21 13 3
    Dicey Jett 248 17 11 7
    Hiko Sova 186 16 10 14
    Asuna Reyna 184 13 14 4
    nitr0 Omen 123 7 14 7

    Team Solomid ACS K D A
    Wardell Jett 315 22 14 0
    Subroza Omen 186 13 17 1
    Drone Breach 173 11 16 9
    reltuC Sova 148 9 13 8
    hazed Killjoy 120 6 15 4

    Map 2: Haven

    Winner: 100 Thieves 15-13

    100 Thieves ACS K D A
    Dicey Jett 296 28 18 3
    Asuna Phoenix 220 21 18 2
    nitr0 Omen 205 19 23 7
    Hiko Sova 169 15 16 8
    steel Killjoy 102 8 22 6

    Team Solomid ACS K D A
    Subroza Omen 277 27 17 9
    Drone Phoenix 220 21 28 2
    reltuC Sova 206 19 23 7
    hazed Cypher 169 15 16 8
    Wardell Jett 102 8 22 6
    submitted by /u/Hobbadooba
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    I feel like we're all being a little too harsh to Riot

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 10:44 PM PST

    Seriously guys, there's a pandemic going around. They're trying their best with the game. They're listening to the community, and most of you are putting them down :/ I know the micro-stutters haven't been fixed yet, and there are multiple bugs in the game, but I'm sure they're trying their best to find out what the problem is. I feel like our best move here is to just be patient and expect good things instead of putting them down.

    submitted by /u/Ifcanoe
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    Viper Lore : Origin and Ties with the Valorant Protocol

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:22 AM PST

    First Light

    Sometime in the near future, an event known as First Light occurred on the planet Earth. The event spanned the entire globe, leading to big transformations to life, technology, and how governments operate. However, as a result of the event, select people across the globe start to gain abilities stemming from this massive event. These gifted individuals are called Radiants. (Taken from Here )

    Valorant Protocol

    In response to First Light, a shadow organization founds the Valorant Protocol, which pulls together Agents from all over the world. These Agents consist of Radiants and other individuals equipped with Radiant technology. Due to the backstories of these characters, the Valorant team features interesting dynamics as the individuals not only sometimes know each other, but they also come from a wide spectrum of backgrounds ranging from crime to the military. (Taken from Here )

    Viper's Origin

    Viper (Originally named Sabine) was a chemist in US residing in a city named Ascent. She did not turn into a radiant after the first light event. Viper's personality was polar to her current one, She used to work in chemicals strongly oriented to healing others ( Hence Omen's saying : Sabine, you used to heal with your skills ). However everything changed when ascent was attacked by the clones and viper was there around that time .Viper lost her family, her husband and 2 children who were as interested in chemistry as she was. (Inferred from the lines "Let's take from them, what they took from me... everything." ) This dropped Viper into the blank abyss where she slowly transformed into a sadist.

    Over the next few years Viper started plotting her revenge and completely oriented her research to poison, she created toxic chemicals that reduces health of anyone who inhales them. She experimented on her small level victims that were involved in the attack on her city. (Inferred from the line "Bodies decompose after twelve hours in acid. There is no reason I know that." )

    Association with Valorant Protocol

    Brimstone (Founder and head of the Valorant Protocol) noticed Viper's abilities and offered her to join the Valorant protocol even though she was not a radiant. Viper being the sadist she has become and in a thirst for revenge decided to join the Valorant protocol.


    After the brutal retakes of the cities, (Split, Ascent, Haven) Viper had her revenge, But the anger and the victories only partially put out the fire in her heart, she knew she needed to do more to find peace within, hence she continued working at valortant protocol, heading the medical wing and dedicated her time on healing chemicals to help the people of earth recover. But viper's underground pit which is a secret to everyone, even brimstone, stores her chemicals intact, ready to be used by her when called for.

    Hope you liked it!

    submitted by /u/vasutomar
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    Since there aren't enough Jett spots on this sub, here are two more

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:59 AM PST

    Does riot do anything about AFKs and sabotaging?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:31 AM PST

    I have seen many players being afk after the game starts and people sabotaging the march because they want to derank. Please don't be like these people and please get help. Don't take your life's misery and anger on others playing the game.

    submitted by /u/evilgoldfish567
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    Change flash from bright light to black screen

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:36 AM PST

    The bright flashes currently burn the retinas of the players, i think changing the flash from bright yellow to black screen would be much better. I don't think there would be any nerf to the flashes due to this change, but feedback is welcomed!

    submitted by /u/mehgawd
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    My analysis of Team compositions and agents unique capabilities

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:11 PM PST

    DATA: most of the Pick Rate data is taken from TheSpike.gg and in particular from the NSG open and closed qualifiers for a total of 680 team compositions. It is based on version 1.10, so it's all from before the Cypher/KJ nerf.


    Okay, I am going to do it.

    The recent Cypher/KJ nerf made me think a lot about teams' composition, what each agent can do and why they are picked. All agents can shoot, kill, hold angles, make the enemy retreat and much more. But some have special abilities that give the whole team new strategic options. So, let's loose the role names (duelist, initiator, controller and sentinel) and let's see what are the actual abilities that they provide and how it affect team composition (at pro level in particular).

    I am interested in what you think. Did I got everything (almost) right? Do you think I am completely wrong? Also, at the end there will be a small rant about KJ/Cypher nerf, but I promise is very short and simply based on the following analysis.


    Let's start with a list of the Unique capabilities that the agents can give to the team. What I mean with UNIQUE is really simple: either you have an agent that can use them or you don't. No work around for it. Also they are really incisive and the team gameplay style is strongly dependent on their availability in the team composition.

    • Smokes (or both ways line of sight impairment)
    • Flashes (or one-way line of sight impairment)
    • Recon (or active/aggressive intel gathering)
    • Map Intel (or passive intel)

    Then there is another capability that I think deserves to be mentioned, but at the same time every agent can (sort of) do it. But some are so good at it and sometimes it is so useful that it deserves to be mentioned:

    • Angle clearing (kill or make retreat someone that is behind an angle or holding a good defense position)

    Finally let me add a couple more areas of power that every agent can contribute to in more or less effective ways.

    • Entry/Duel Power
    • Stopping Power

    Some agents that don't have the unique abilities mentioned above (or have only minor effects), but improve a lot these last two/three areas.

    Small note: if you think that "healing" is missing, continue reading, I will talk about it when talking about Sage.

    All agents bring to the table something from the list above and everyone does that in different ways. They can be very good in an area and also have some minor capabilities in another one. Just to make an example: Sova is obviously good at Recon and he also has some minor ability to angle clearing with his shock darts, but if you think that your team needs more power in angle clearing you will not pick him. You will probably pick Raze.

    Also is very important to understand that despite potentially bringing a unique ability to the table, sometimes an agent can interact badly with a map or team composition.

    For the following analysis I am only interested in the Unique abilities since their availability in the team composition describe "what a team can do". So, let's start to look at the four Unique ones and see who can use them (reliably) and how often they are picked.

    SMOKE: more in general what I intend here is a double way loss of sight. I think that there is no need for any more explanation and the agents that can bring it to the table are Brimstone, Omen and Viper. Jett can smoke too but it's also hardly a smoke around which you can build a team strategy. Viper smokes have the issue of not being very flexible, hard to use for aggressive actions and in general less usable to actuate strategies. This leaves Brimstone and Omen, but Brimstone is undoubtedly inferior to what Omen can do. And since no pro team wants to play without smokes, we have a ~98% pick rate for Omen. The remaining ~2% of team compositions have Brimstone (mostly on Bind).

    A total of 100% of the teams use SMOKE (Also Viper still had a PR of ~3%)

    Ok I rounded it a bit. In NSG Closed all teams run Omen (97.6%) or Brimston (2.4%) plus some additional smoke from Viper (2.4%). Here, I am sure that 100% Pick Rate of smokes is true. In NSG open it's harder to check: too many teams. Omen (97.3%) + Brimston (2%) cover at most 99.5% of the compositions (but there may have been some smaller team running Brim and Omen together...). Also Viper was used 3.8% of the times, so it's likely that some teams, maybe on Split, run Viper as their only smoker. But there is also the possibility that 0.X% of the teams didn't use any smoker, making my statement of 100% above false. I really can't check each of the 277 match of open qualifiers and I hope you won't be too angry for stating a 100% SMOKE Pick Rate without checking... A 99.X% Pick rate wouldn't change anything I am saying anyway.

    FLASH: short duration loss of sight that affects only the enemy (hopefully). Extremely good for push/entry. At the moment there are many agents that can use them: Breach, Phoenix, Reyna and Omen. Now Skye is added to the list. Analyzing the data from TheSpike here is a bit harder, I should check every match to see the exact team composition but, since Omen is in 98% on the team compo we can already say that 98% of the teams have at least one flash. Also, looking at Breach, Phoenix and Reyna pick rates it seems that in 40%-80% of the compos a second flasher is added to team. Yeah, so 100 % of teams have at least one FLASH.

    RECON: The ability to gather info into a non secure area without exposing their selves. Before Skye the only one was Sova with his dart and the drone. There is also Phoenix with his ultimate but that is not reliable enough (not easily available). So looking at the pick rate of the Recons is pretty easy in version 1.10, just look at Sova's pick rate (Skye was not available) and... only 77%? Still high but maybe this unique capability is less important unless... did I say that maps interaction with some agent may change its effectiveness? Well, Split is an horrible map for Sova with all those angles and he would be a pretty unreliable Recon there, making him ineffective/useless as a Recon. That's why his pick rate on Split is 0%-4%. Now, let's take this map out of the equation and we have... ~90% Pick Rate. Again, pro teams rarely want to completely loose the possibility to recon.EDIT: fuck I forgot about Raze Boombot. That is a good Recon tool too. Still her Pick Rate would be more driven by her Frag/Duel/Entry Power and her angle clearing abilities rather than her Recon. It is a nice addition though.

    MAP INTEL: The ability to gather info from around the map. Normally zones that you "secured" previously. For much time the only intel gatherer was Cypher, then we had KJ. Now, everyone knows that before KJ our favorite shadow agent pick rate was almost 100%. It should not seem that strange after seeing the pick rate of the three abilities above. Anyway, pick rates changed a lot with KJ. Probably her Map Intel is a bit lower than Cypher but she can add a lot of Stopping Power and again map interaction does count a lot. So, with KJ arrival into the roster Cypher pick rates is now 50%-70%, while KJ is 30%-50%. What is not changed is that in ~100% of the compos there is one info gatherer.

    Do these pick rates seem that strange? Well I'd say they were pretty obvious from the start. Riot knowingly (or UNknowingly) has developed the game with these 4 capabilities that strongly alter the team options. If there are 4 capabilities that can give the team some unique effects/options and you have 5 spots in the team it seems pretty normal that you would try to be able to have them all. You can't give a team 4 unique aspects to cover with 5 agents and expect them to NOT cover them all. So, having an agent with a really high pick rate in some cases just means that he is the only reliable option for one of these 4 capabilities.


    Now before I start a brief rant (I promise, brief) about Cypher/KJ nerf let's talk a moment about Sage.

    But Sage? She does not cover any one of those and she had 100% pick rate. Why healing is not a unique capability? Only agents with that power (Sage and now Skye) can do it, no one else.

    Ok let's start with order. Why "Healing" is not unique? Well, the possibility to heal does not allow a different gameplay or a different strategy. All agents/team already had HP. What the healing does is just increasing the health pool available to the team. Even ressing is not that different from this concept. Having more health does not allow you to do something new, it does increase the Stopping Power of the team though. But they cannot do anything that they could not do before. And then why she had a 100% pick rate if she was not that unique? Ehm... she was OP, sorry guys but this is the truth. She did not provide anything new to the team, but her heal was so strong (and in general all her kit) that she contributed to the team with an OP stopping power. Thus the nerf. We could argue if the nerf was too strong or if the teams just need to find the right use for her, but in her case the high pick rate was due to being actually OP.


    Now about the recent KJ and Cypher nerf: here some (invented) statements that I will address.

    High Pick Rate means OP. Cypher had high pick rate. False and somewhat false. As stated above high pick in most cases means that there is only one character available to perform that ability. Give another option and people will be able to make choice. Cypher pick rate went from 100% to 50-70% after KJ was introduced.

    No, KJ and Cypher where OP. If they were OP you would have probably seen many (at least some!) teams playing both of them. That didn't happen. One agent to cover the MAP INTEL is surely needed, two are just redundant. The role had already been filled. If they were simply "stronger" than other agents you would have seen many teams running double MAP INTEL.

    Teams should be able to run compos without MAP INTEL. Maybe yes. It should be true for all the 4 capabilities I highlighted. But it does not happen (just a bit for Recon). The game is built with these 4 capabilities and teams WILL use them. Some map (split for Sova, probably icebox for Cypher) will limit some use, maybe let the team drop one of the 4. But those will be specific cases. Not the general rule.

    But MAP INTEL slows the game. IMO, False. It gives info so that it is a bit less of a guessing game and there is more thought to what the teams are doing. Also, having a trip or a bot cover the flank while the team push lets the team push with more people instead of leaving someone behind. But specific cases apart, I think that MAP INTEL simply does not change the speed of the game. It improves the strategy from both sides, it does not alter the speed. What does that is Stopping Power.

    Yeah, Cypher and KJ stopping power slows the game! Was the game "slow"? I don't think so. If it is even faster it would be just chaos. Anyway, during a push the bot or the wire can really make you stop and return to cover. But so can many other things: boombot, granade, mollies (of all kind), wall, etc... For sure the passive activation of the bot and the wire can be harsh, but I don't see them as being that slower than other options. Let's say they are in-line with what's expected from sentinels.

    My opinion on the nerf: it affected Cypher and KJ MAP INTEL and not their stopping power (actually KJ had a small buff in that). In particular with KJ shifting role she is not capable of MAP INTEL anymore. Cypher is again the only choice. His harsh econ has become even harsher and, with bad eco and the new death rule, he must be extremely passive to be effective (and so more boring to play). Non-pro will easily drop him (I did, I want to play), but in pro-play we may actually see a higher pickrate. Maybe not 100%, maybe 100%. The only reason I see the pro teams dropping the MAP INTEL capability is if his nerf proves to be so strong that he is actually implayable.

    If Riot wants to delete MAP INTEL from the four capabilities above, Cypher nerf is not the right way. KJ role shifting is and Cypher should be reworked from scratch, this way there won't be any agent capable of it.

    IF on the contrary Riot wants to keep MAP INTEL as one of the "4 pillars" of valorant strategies then it should be expected to have teams with almost always one agent to fill that role. Both KJ and Cypher where in a good spot. I could have understood some minor changes, but this is just nerfing into the oblivion of boringness. Probably they wanted to make MAP INTEL less of a must have, but simple nerfing is not the right way.


    So... what do you think? Did I got something right?

    Was all this just obvious to everyone so that my post is a useless wall of text? (I may cry...)

    Or maybe I am completely wrong? (again, I may cry)

    submitted by /u/FelioEmeraude
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    Fanart I drew for all my Sage mains out there

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:27 PM PST

    Fanart I drew for all my Sage mains out there


    AKA nobody. (I'm kidding)

    Hope you guys liked it. It was a fun little sketch to work on for the past few days while I try to learn Clip Studio Paint.

    submitted by /u/thepoolboy7
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    Hiko's GOD ARROW vs TSM

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 03:58 PM PST

    I made an ultrawide wallpaper for Sentinel Agents!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:10 PM PST

    I've been playing since the middle of Act 2. I couldn't find any cyberpunk-ish ultrawide wallpapers with Cypher, Killjoy, and Sage so I finally decided to create one myself. It's my first time making wallpaper and didn't spend too much time on it, but I think it came out looking okay!

    Dimensions: 2560x1080

    Imgur URL: https://imgur.com/a/MkeGlRG

    submitted by /u/ephyna_
    [link] [comments]

    Spot to hold mid with Jett's ult.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 09:45 PM PST

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