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    Monday, November 30, 2020

    VALORANT Killjoy is S tier in Act 3

    VALORANT Killjoy is S tier in Act 3

    Killjoy is S tier in Act 3

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:45 AM PST

    In this season killjoy may look like she have been nerfed with the turret and trap deactivating after reaching a certain distance from them.

    At first when I read this I thought she would be useless as you cant watch flanks on attacking and cant leave the site you are on without deactivating the turrets and traps on defense.

    Imo I felt her role as a sentinel was to watch flanks and lock down a site, but I am so wrong. With this patch riot gave us, her role completely changed.

    I just wasn't able to see the way riot wanted us to play killjoy! She is definitely a S tier on maps on haven and bind. Basically how u are suppose to play her now is just put her turret under the map!! I honestly am impress by riot. They are seriously keeping things fresh and giving the game some razzle dazzle. With this buff of hers your turret can not only watch almost the entire map, you can also tilt ur opponents as well. This is definitely a very good buff for her .This strat have brought me up to diamond this season with ease.

    I'm thinking maybe the next patch maybe omen could tp under the map? I feel that this under the map meta thing is the right way for the game to go. Heck lets just give an agent no clip as a ability too.

    I also feel that running and gunning isnt consistent enough. As of now, the only guns that you can run and gun consistently with is phantom and maybe vandal. Why stop there? I feel that the odin should be able to do this as well.

    submitted by /u/Vanquinx
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    There should not be a vote if a player is afk from the start

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:57 AM PST

    Well, as the title already says, it would be better if the match would automatically end / remake as soon a player goes afk on round 1 or 2. The moment he is "not spawning next round" (in the very beginning of the match - round 1 or 2), the game would remake the game - without votes or anythings (just like Overwatch - for example).

    When that happens, the leaver should be HEAVY penalised - derank or more - and the others have no change on their Ranking - even for the guy who "aced" the on the first two rounds before the remake.

    Edit: thanks for the silver fellow stranger :)

    submitted by /u/brMerak
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    Ranked mode in low elo is a joke

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:20 AM PST

    Ranging from Iron to Silver/Gold the way your rank moves is not determined by your skill, cooperation with teammates, etc but more of which one has a better SMURF in their team. It's honestly frustrating and utterly demotivating when you spent all day grinding only to have your effort pulverized because a Bronze Reyna keeps on headshotting through every peek, gets double ace and leads 40 kills while the other teammates have average of 12 kills. I know smurfing is difficult to counter but it is still a serious issue that affects many players especially in lower rank who just wanna play fair and have genuine fun.

    submitted by /u/evilbride
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    I feel bad for players who never get to experience higher ELO gameplay.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:39 PM PST

    I've been playing the game since beta and coming from other tactical shooters, I loved it from the start.

    When beta comp started I placed diamond and Act 1 I hovered around low to mid Plat. Every game everyone would have comms, the scorecard was an even spread among most players (K/D/A), and most games were very close and intense. This is what I love about tactical shooters. The comms, strats, and making plays.

    Act 2 rolled around and I didn't play really at all because I had other stuff going on. Act 3 starts and I'm back in the game. I place Gold 2 and have de-ranked to Silver 3 so far. I'm not complaining about my rank. My aim isn't the same as it was when I was grinding, so Gold/Silver felt fair for returning from a break.

    Holy shit though, I understand now how people get stuck in low elo and why I see so many complaints now. Maybe every few games I'll get one or two people with a mic, but they're not very outspoken half the time. I kid you not about 70% of the matches I've played so far either my team or the enemy has a smurf hard carrying. It's also VERY likely to get a DCed player or someone who just straight out quits the match. I don't know if this is a new thing, but I've seen three people now jump scripting in spawn so they don't AFK out of the match.

    Low ELO is actually hell. Yeah, most players are bad, but some absolutely do not deserve to be there, but unfortunately will never get out due to all these issues. I don't have a solution, just needed to vent. I'll climb back out hopefully so I can get back to some genuine competitive gameplay. Low tier gameplay is most of the time just flat out not fun and I hope the players actually putting in the time at low elo will get a chance to experience higher level play.

    submitted by /u/BrandoPB
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    Girl players

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:12 PM PST

    I watch a few pro players, and ive been seeing a lot more girl players in their games. Honestly makes me so happy, and motivates my want to grind more. The increase of female rep is so nice :) hopefully one day I can be as good as the girls in raidant elo

    submitted by /u/MoonKiller0_0
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    Does anyone get a frame drop for every bot you kill in the range? It doesn't happen all the time as you can see in this video but it happens more often than not when a new bot spawns in. Doesn't happen to me at all in actual games.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:53 AM PST

    Riot taking more steps to reduce Smurfing in 1.13

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:03 PM PST

    Severely punish those who are chat banned, not those who are not.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:06 AM PST

    I can't express this enough. I'm annoyed on why people who are chat banned still get to queue up with people who aren't. I'm currently in gold 2 and I know that I have the skills to go up even higher, but unfortunately I solo queue a lot, so I play with a lot of randoms. The amount of games that I get put in with people who are chat banned is absurd. I can tell they are chat banned because 1. They don't talk, 2. They don't even text in the in-game chat, 3. They only use in game comms (which in my opinion is bad) and 3. They spam your in-game chat with party invites.

    I don't ever accept them because obviously they are nasty people who are probably going to be toxic anyways. I'll sometimes call them out and tell them that I'm not going to join their party. No surprise, they begin to troll you and throw the game on purpose.

    With this happening so often, it's starting to make the game really unenjoyable and I just don't want to play anymore. This game is so fun to me so I'm giving it so many chances. If this continues then I'll just quit the game in general.

    My solution to this is to severely punish chat banned people. Make them get in a queue with other chat banned people and only chat banned people. They can only hope that there are other nine people who are chat banned and get in a game. Turn off their option to invite and accept party invitations so they can really have a game of pure silence. Some may feel discouraged and not play the game when they're chat banned, but that's basically the point. They may just play with a smurf account, but if they play with the same negative attitude on their smurf accounts, then they'll get chat banned their too and the same thing will keep happening to them.

    Overall there is no reason for people who aren't chat banned play with people who are. It ruins the experience for a lot of people and discourages them to play the game. I hope that you guys agree with my opinion and maybe leave other suggestions in the comments.

    submitted by /u/Atomic1127
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    Found this lineup from A Lobby to A Heaven

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:56 AM PST

    There'll be reactive skins in the near future.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:24 AM PST

    I looked this up but no one posted any news regarding this on the subreddit.

    Source - Sean Marino/Oniram

    submitted by /u/iamdandyking
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    Need More Flashes

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:54 AM PST

    I was just playing on B main, Ascent. Walk in, BOOM! Skye flash. No big deal, keep walking, then BOOM! Another flash. Again, I hide for a second. Then I get flashed by Skye's 3rd flash, the enemy Phoenix's flashes, Reyna's flashes, Breach's flashes, and a Omen blind to top it all off. I died after the Omen flash, but I was thinking to myself: "Self, I don't think we got flashed enough. We need more flashes to gain a tactical advantage". I was thinking give Breach another flash, maybe buff up Skye with another, and Omen needs 2 more blinds so he can keep up with Skye. And they should make it so that full blinds have 2 extra seconds of effect.

    submitted by /u/Bcat8
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    Want to hit high elo? Learn to support

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:41 AM PST

    Just hit radiant today, after being in immortal 2/3 in act 2 and most of act 3. Solo Q my way 90% of the game.

    One tip I have for players who are in high diamond and low immortal that wants to push for higher ranks - learn to support and use your utility for your team, not just for yourself.

    I never Instant lock, usually let people pick what they are comfortable with. That made me learn pretty much every champ in the game except cypher. My last 10 games pretty much consist of KJ and Omen. I one-tricked my way with duelist (Jett and Raze) pretty much all the way to diamond 3 (beta rank). Which then the games becomes so heavily team based/utility base that I started learning other champs to let the aim gods Reyna do their work. My mentality is to do whatever it is to put my team at an advantage - my average kill count in immortal 3 games are probably about 15 per game. Biggest difference with a good team is they use utilities not just for themselves, but for the team - knowing when to flash/smoke for your team, calling out, looking at mini maps constantly to know where your teammates are and how you can help.

    You don't need god aim to do well, play for your team, do whatever you think will help your team win rounds, not what will help you get kills.

    submitted by /u/turdoe
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    How can I stop being brain dead?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:37 AM PST

    I've gotten into recording VODs, and there are a lot of times where I watch them back and go, "huh, that was really stupid. Why did I do that?"

    I feel quite brain dead at times, and there are many times where I also actively attempt to fix my play style, but my lizard brain takes over and I start playing stupid trying to frag. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/BigManager
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    I found a trick to make your Skye Flashes travel Faster than normal here's a quick tutorial

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:24 PM PST

    Former Immortal, currently Diamond, looking for tips

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:12 PM PST

    Hey guys, I peaked Immortal Act 1, and was comfortably Immortal last act, but this season I'm having trouble in Diamond getting back to Immortal. I mainly play Omen and Sova. I'm not sure what I'm doing differently from the previous acts. Here's my profile, I'd appreciate any tips if you can gather from my history. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/strawberrymelons
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    Valorant Instagram Sova Lineup (Icebox Attacker Recon) Attacker Side Spawn to B Site

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:34 AM PST

    Everything you need to know about VALORANT CHAMPIONS (Format & Schedule)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:12 AM PST

    Easy Aggressive Omen ( Bind ) A Site Setup

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:33 AM PST

    First Strike:Europe Trailer

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:40 AM PST

    Raze Digital Art

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:29 AM PST

    Raze Digital Art

    First time trying my hand at some digital art by taking inspiration from some of my clips I got in Valorant.If my approximation is right, now my post must contain about some 190 characters.


    submitted by /u/Heaven_Smiting_Devil
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    Tip: If you have the spike and the solo player on the other side of the map has gotten 2 picks off the bat, DO NOT automatically rotate to that side to plant. Consider holding your positions and give your solo player the opportunity to lurk.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:53 AM PST

    Valorant is a game about space and angle control. And imo, its usually more important to take and hold more space away from the enemy instead of giving it up for a safe plant. Unless you are omen with ult, it usually takes you longer for you to rotate to the other side of the map as an attacker than a defender unless you go through mid, so you actually give the defenders a chance a chance to make a come back. Even if you are omen with ult, your teammates aren't, so they'll be stuck at the other side of the map, vulnerable to potential lurks. If its already a 5v3, why not play those odds instead of making it a 2v3 then a 3v3?

    This is actually the part that most people don't understand about defaults and playing for picks. It takes longer to capitalize and position on each pick since everyone is so spread out in comparison to rushes. And whatever number disadvantage the defense may have is mitigated by the time it takes for attack to rotate, giving defenders a chance to position better and potentially clutch. By taking space and contesting them, this option is much riskier for defense, and in lower to mid elos, players just crumble under the pressure. Not only does it limit the options of the defenders, but it gives you more options as well: you can fake rotate to get more defenders into their own spawn between two sites by making sound through running and utility. Just be sure to walk to not give them any info unnecessarily.

    submitted by /u/paulkim172
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    First Strike: North America On Air Talent

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 11:43 AM PST

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