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    Tuesday, December 1, 2020

    VALORANT I drew Valorant agents as Among Us crewmates!

    VALORANT I drew Valorant agents as Among Us crewmates!

    I drew Valorant agents as Among Us crewmates!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:43 AM PST

    I drew Valorant agents as Among Us crewmates!

    I'm probably late to the hype but finally finished these last night! Hope you guys like them :)


    submitted by /u/novazan
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    Immortal 3 player analysing Smurfs in Iron

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:44 AM PST

    I've seen tons of people complaining about the huge problem that smurfing is in Iron. So i decided to spend 2 days watching my Iron friend play comp. You know what I found?

    First of all, I found huge inconsistency in their match history. Everyone that she told me was smurfing I asked her to add them, we saw basically people doing 30/5 in one game and in another they were 10/20.

    Confidence is one of the biggest problems in this elo. If she thought that someone was smurfing, right in that moment she wouldnt be able to kill them and even when they made huge mistakes they wouldnt get punished because people were already accepting defeat and complaining in the /all about the guy being smurfing. That only boost that player confidence to play even better.

    One good play was enough, even in the pistol round, for people to start complaining about the guy being smurfing and accepting the loss, even though there were no true evidence of that.

    Ps: I was actually impressed by the number of headshots I saw they landing in this elo, people may think that people can't aim in Iron and thats not true, the biggest problem here is game sense.

    Second of all, most of these inconsistent players were actually people who deranked during this rank shift that riot put in place. They belonged to gold or silver during act 1 or 2 and were put in the same rank as people that were already there. What this means is basically that people with some game sense and usually with half-decent aim are now playing against people that are just getting to know the game and learning fps. And this is insanely important to understand why so many people are complaining about smurfing. They aren't actually smurfing, the fact is that the skill gap between players that are in the same rank is huge, thats the problem when you move the average player from gold to iron. The players that are still learning the game don't have the chance to slowly improve, they are thrown to the wolves and expected to learn something, and this only generates frustration with the game.

    Third of all, I did find some smurfs, but not that many that made it an epidemic. Throughout 2 days i found 2 people who were actually smurfing to elo boost their friends. She add them and we start to see their match history, they bump up ranks really fast and usually played 4 or 5 matchs in Iron before getting promoted to bronze. These 5 matches obviously were destroyed for all players involved, thats enough to frustrate tons of people.

    A tip for all the people out there. Your mental state is of the utmost importance when you play the game. When you give up from the game because you see someone allegedly smurfing you've already lost, no matter if it is an actual smurf or not. Now, you cant be everyone psychologist and try to bump your team confidence, but when you are not part of the problem anymore, im sure you will start to win more games than before.

    Another tip. The toxicity level on low elo is huge, so start using the 1 strike rule. Someone started complaining about someone being a smurf or is being an a-hole, just mute them and respectfully ask for your team to do so and not listen to them. This will not only make your game experience better, but you wont be affected by all this negativity and will focus more in your game, and this is what really counts towards winning more games in this elo.

    I hope you guys can get something of value from this.

    submitted by /u/luishacm
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    Two-factor authentication with mobile number is the best anti-smurfing tool.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:40 AM PST

    Riot already uses it in Clash tournaments, they know how much it reduces smurfing. In CS:GO you need to link your mobile number to your account so you're able to play prime matchmaking.

    "But you can get a fake number online!!" Yeah no one does that in league and we've already seen it.

    So why isn't Riot actually adding the easiest anti-smurf tool to Valorant?

    submitted by /u/FapshotBG
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    I genuinely feel awful for people in silver-gold elo

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:55 AM PST

    I know it's really frowned upon in the valorant community to smurf, but since the 3 skill level differential update, I can't play with my friends anymore, so I did what I had to do.

    Beyond just the smurfs, literally in the 3 games we played that day in silver-gold lobbies, all of them had one of these types of people:

    • The deranker

    This guy literally waited for everyone to lock in their agents, then goes "Hey guys deranking so not gonna try, sorry boys".

    This guy had to say it after every single round to remind us how good he was and that hes actually wayyyy higher of a rank then he actually is. Like nobody on this earth cares bro, we get it, you should be playing with wardell or something. What's the point of saying that you're throwing while solo queuing, just stfu and do what u gotta do and stop announcing it like anyone actually gives a damn.

    • The act 2 plat triangle

    So damn toxic, thinks because they were in plat before and is playing in silver/gold that they automatically become the IGL, and has the highest IQ.

    In our second game, this guy complained about every single play, complained about slow rotations, complained that we have no game sense, by round 4 he said "gg". Started throwing, no comms, not buying with the team, trying to use his util to make us lose rounds.

    ^those are the reasons why you're stuck in silver/gold. Why do you give up on round 4 and waste your own time? I really dont understand that.

    • smurf who is clearly smurfing but is unbearable to play with

    We played with a smurf who was like "omgg so this is what silver-gold elo is like omgggg"

    patronizing and is very condescending, acts so much holier than thou. Knows everything, tells you what you should have done after you make a play and it isnt executed well (btw anyone can do that, its not some above average IQ that you have to be able to analyze what should have been done after dying).

    If you ever try to say anything back, like me and my friends did during that game, anything you say is automatically inferior because you are in silver/gold. "shUt uP tHiS iS wHY yOuR sTuCK iN gOLd LoL"

    It's legitimately awful what these players are doing, tilting actual silver/gold players who are trying to rank up and pretty much giving them no reason to continue playing, if I had to deal with this every time I played the game I would have just quit entirely. Honestly smurfs are a problem, no doubt, but these types of players are the absolute worst and we got them back-to-back in our games.

    Absolutely ridiculous and Im genuinely sorry for anyone who has to deal with these players.

    submitted by /u/tway124124
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    VALORANT, Ranked Play, and the Inability to Accept Change: Why Soft Resets Aren't Your Scapegoat

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:32 AM PST

    Unrated brought my friends back to valorant

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:31 PM PST

    I hear a lot of hate on this sub for unrated because there's nothing to fight for, because it's not as competitive. Whatever fine.

    But for me I have been loving unrated. I solo queue at diamond/immortal and sometimes play with a high plat friend but my other friends are all silver and gold. When ranked was within 6 tiers they would constantly get shit on and then flamed by our teammates. "Why is there a gold player in a plat/diamond game?" the toxicity was unreal and my friends stopped playing for a month because it wasn't fun and was stressful to get yelled at every game. Since the new changes we suggested to just play unrated. Everyone tries, we use comms and every few rounds we try ridiculous strats. It has been extremely fun. So fun in fact my friend said, "fuck competitive, unrated is so much better"

    Sometimes you guys have no idea about the effect your words have on the people in this game. 99% of you will not be at ESL or IEM. Riot isn't killing the casual player base. You are.

    If this post gets removed so be it. But I felt it needed to be said.

    submitted by /u/houdinis_revenge
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    Miss Me Yet? A little Killjoy Drawing.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:37 AM PST

    Miss Me Yet? A little Killjoy Drawing.

    I was really bummed I couldn't play as Killjoy today so instead I got carried away with my warm-up drawing studies and drew her instead. It was just something to pass the time while she is still on lockdown. (yes that is a pun and I hope this is enough for auto-mod to be happy.)


    submitted by /u/sajedene
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    Option to change flash screen

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:31 AM PST

    So I'm sure all of you who have played the game more than once have gotten flashed at some point or another, and I'm sure nearly all of you know how much it hurts depending on your monitor/settings. I was thinking that an option for a mellower flash screen should be added to prevent stuff like eye strain so people don't get blinded in real life and in game.

    submitted by /u/WqIk
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    Smurfing and ELO Hell are tremendously exaggerated.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:28 AM PST

    I have recently seen this sub flood with these types of posts and it is very frustrating.

    One thing I noticed is that mos ELO hell players are low ELO. Lemme say something. Just playing will not make you a better player. I was iron 1 in beta, now g3, peak p1. You have to make a conscious effort when playing to become better. It isn't always your "low IQ" teammates holding you back. If you do not focus on improving consciously (meaning you have to think about what you are doing rather than relying on habits) then you will not rank up. It is that simple. If you instalock Reyna, bait your teammates, get 2 exit frags, and whine about your team you won't improve.

    Smurfing is an issue, but let me explain something. A p1 player having a g2 account is not smurfing. The skill difference is not big enough to be considered smurfing. Also if someone gets a 300 combat score especially in low ELO, chances are that they has a good game. A smurf from immortal would drop a 500 combat score in silver and below.

    If all you do is complain about things that rarely happen and whine about being hardstuck, you have a bad mindset. If you've played 100 games in bronze and not ranked up, it isn't because a smurf was on the other team 100 times. Make a conscious effort, have a good mindset, and try to win games.

    submitted by /u/SujyP
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    Anyone else prefer the old knife right click to the new one?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:54 AM PST

    I didn't play in Beta, but every video I watch there's this old right click and IMO it looks way better than the one we have now. Was hoping that at the least they'd bring it back as an animation for the Reaver knife but nope.

    submitted by /u/r13b
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    Killjoy disabled till next patch

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:28 PM PST

    https://twitter.com/PlayVALORANT/status/1333603869599920129 As the title says since alot of people are figuring under the map turrets for kj riot is gonna disable her for all its game modes

    submitted by /u/GamerTheKing129
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    Why is killjoy still in my competitive games?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:35 AM PST

    Why is killjoy still in my competitive games?

    I just got into a game an hour or so ago with an enemy killjoy that abused the turret glitch and claimed it wasn't cheating. My team lost 7-13 with 10 losses on attacking side. Isn't she disabled? Why can I and other players still pick her? It's been like 3 weeks fix this shit already.

    The turret's bullet holes from below the map

    Killjoy on enemy team

    submitted by /u/ToothpickUpMyUrethra
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    9 days it took for riot to disable killjoy ... 9 days

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:06 PM PST

    9 days since further spots surfaced, several reports of it and manual reports in the form of tickets to riot of players abusing it, and it still took 9 entire days to even disable her yet alone patch a fix. And of course there's no shot that I was the only one to report it.

    Hello? For a game that strives to be a competitive esport this type of reaction speed is terrible or am I wrong? I don't think that being a new game or the pandemic is even an excuse for that.

    submitted by /u/crustypancake
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    First Strike: North America Trailer

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:04 AM PST

    Anyone else hopes the ronin bundle comes back?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:40 AM PST

    I believe yesterday I experienced the worst ranked match ever due to extremely toxic players. I feel very attacked and horrible to have experienced this in this game. I have only heard stories about people experiencing something like this, but I never imagined it would be to this level.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:07 AM PST

    I practiced with a few normal (unrated) matches as always. Once I felt like I have warmed up enough with the new champ I am trying to main (Jett), I start to queue for a ranked game. Even before the game begun, in the agent selection... I guess my "team" (I'm Gold 2 elo) got mad that I locked in Jett... (despite that everyone else had already hovered over a different agent) Specifically a guy claiming to be a SMURF who had selected Reina. I believe he had queued in with "friends" because everyone began to insult me through chat and voice comm. The "smurf" along with one of his friends claimed that they would not leave base until I died... And they did exactly that for about 3 rounds. They kept spamming the N-word along with so much more profanity and they would message the opponent team to report me for no reason. I took it as lightly as possible and did my best to play the game despite them. Then my teamates sova and raze begun to nade and arrow me to death... killing me more than two rounds... Then they both disconnected from the game. I was left with a Reina and her minion (a sage). To play a 3 v 5. They kept insulting and trying to humiliate the opponent team along with me. The smurf player was definitely skilled but it was sad to see that he would take advantage of that to ruin the game for others in lower ranks. Even when I was clutching a few rounds for us, I was only met with insults from the sage... The match was close... but we still lost 9 to 13. I honestly feel so terrible about this game. There is enough pressure as it is to try and live up to my rank and to try to rank up... I seriously put in a lot of effort into it! but people like this seriously made me reconsider how much time and effort I put into this game. The saddest part of it all was that the smurf's minions sounded like they were kids of ages ~14 or 15... and I feel so terrible that kids like that were spamming such vulgarities and display so much hate for others. I wish things were different. I reported them... but I'm confident that nothing will really happen and no one will get punished because the amount of reports in this game are probably outrages. I pulled out my phone and begun to take photos of them killing me, and claiming they wont move until i die , etc. If you look at my match history, I have climbed from bronze to gold mainly through Raze & Jett. I watch many tutorials, read forums such as this, watch streamers, watch compilations videos to get ideas on how to play aggressively, etc. I really am dedicated to the games I play... Now I am just afraid to queue ranked because I fear something like this would happen again. I won't be playing this game today and will take a much needed break from it. Is it too hard to find a team who shares the same passion for gameplay? If anyone out there wants to queue together as a team, please message me.

    submitted by /u/-Specter
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    Raze is SCARY is the first frame of the agent selection screen

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:27 PM PST

    Raze is SCARY is the first frame of the agent selection screen

    I was editing and going through my footage frame by frame when I saw that absolute SCP. (title correction: raze is scary IN the first frame of the agent selection screen)


    submitted by /u/JustSomeRandomMoron
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    Let's discuss Attack strategy on Split

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:40 AM PST

    I'd love to see more discussions about strategy on r/VALORANT so here's a topic that I know many of us struggle with.

    Split is one of the hardest maps for attackers. Both sites have a Heaven and very limited positions on site for attackers for holding site. Defenders can rotate very quickly through CT, while attackers have to rotate through a challenging mid to pull of a rotation. One advantage that I see for attack is that defensive flanks are slow, and players going for a flank will arrive in very weak positions compared to maps like Bind or Haven.

    What does the perfect attack look like on both sites? How do you play it with your preferred agent? What does your post-plant strategy look like? What do you do when your team just can't seem to gain mid control?

    I'd love to hear responses from all ranks and players about any aspect of attacking strategy on this map. What is YOUR approach when you attack on Split?

    submitted by /u/CatNamedThomas
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    Do people in low elos not know what a smurf/troll is?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 05:53 PM PST

    Im not complaining about smurfs or trolls on this post. Im saying SO many people lose their minds on smurfs and trolls even though there is no way to make them change the way their playing.

    A troll brimstone was ulting and mollying himself almost every round, and people were getting pissed about "how bad he is". Hes not bad. Its deliberate. Catch on and move on. Hes not gonna play better because hes being flamed. Thats the whole point of trolling, to feed off of the anger of someone else.

    And then I had a game with sovas on each team. Mine was the bottom fragger throughout 10 rounds, and he was being compared to the VERY obvious 33-2-9 smurf sova on the enemy team. "Lmao both sovas are iron 1 but theirs is better"

    Hes not just "better". Hes not even iron. And on top of that, isnt the point of games like this to COMPETE AND SEE WHOS THE BETTER TEAM? no shit, one player would be better than the other.

    submitted by /u/Zaqarie
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    The remake feature should be until round 5 or 6.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:04 AM PST

    I just played a game (ended 4/13 we lost) and our Cypher dc'd on round 2 and didnt come back at all. We did bad on def bc the other 3 ppl on my team were a toxic 3 stack not saying anything to me or giving me comms and earraping me while i was clutching and every time i said anything at all i was told to stfu we are all plats ur hardstuck silver (even though im match mvp'd)

    The remake system is still relatively new but leaving on round 1 and not being able to do it after is bs. We couldve stood a chance if cypher didnt leave and now my rank is suffering bc this shit game doesnt have anyway to detect an afk or a pro phoenix on the other team 1 tapping me every round. Thank you for your time and please bring light to this.

    tldr: remake should be if someone is afk until round 5 or 6 and 4 players agree on it while their teammate is afk. Would mean so many ranks wouldnt be lost due to unfair circumstances.

    submitted by /u/eliteaimzONTWITCH
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    Cool killjoy mechanic

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:41 PM PST

    Ranked queues needs consistency in ranks if Riot is gonna make it so I can't play with my friends

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:30 PM PST

    Ranked queues needs consistency in ranks if Riot is gonna make it so I can't play with my friends

    Why is the queue allowed to place these vastly differently skilled players in a game but I can't queue with my friends who are >3 ranks away? If Riot is making it hard for me to play with my friends who are different ranks, then they should make it so you don't get queued with people even farther apart in rank


    submitted by /u/Hadesaangel
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