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    Saturday, August 29, 2020

    VALORANT Pop Flash & LVL Clash 2 / Playoffs / Live Discussion

    VALORANT Pop Flash & LVL Clash 2 / Playoffs / Live Discussion

    Pop Flash & LVL Clash 2 / Playoffs / Live Discussion

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    The Raze Operator Meta

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    I’m actually pretty hyped on these clips with Jett (plat ranked game)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    i'm so unlucky (0.01 defuse)

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    I did a drawing of Sage for my GF's Birthday

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    I did a drawing of Sage for my GF's Birthday

    Hey everyone! I've been having a blast playing Valorant with my girlfriend lately. So for her birthday I decided to surprise her with a fan art of her favorite character Sage. She ended up really loving it and wanted me to share it with you guys on Reddit. So here it is =) Hope you guys like it!


    submitted by /u/kevingong
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    G2 Esports vs FunPlus Phoenix / LVL Clash 2 - Semi Finals / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    G2 Esports 2-0 FunPlus Phoenix

    Bind: 15-13
    Split: 13-10
    Haven: 0-0


    LVL Clash 2 Ignition Series - Semi Finals

    LVL Clash Cup Twitch channel | LVL Clash Cup Officiel Information

    vlr.gg coverage | TheSpike.gg coverage | Liquipedia coverage


    MAP 1: Bind


    Team DEF ATT Total
    G2 8 7 15
    FPX 6 7 13


    Team Agent ACS K D A
    ardiis Sova 232 19 22 16
    Patitek Omen 231 24 20 3
    davidp Sage 193 18 22 7
    pyth Cypher 188 20 18 9
    Mixwell Jett 159 14 22 4
    ANGE1 Brimstone 318 30 21 10
    Zyppan Raze 240 22 20 7
    Shadow Breach 203 21 17 11
    Meddo Cypher 181 20 20 7
    Shao Sova 101 10 17 6

    Bind Detailed Stats



    MAP 2: Split


    Team DEF ATT Total
    G2 9 4 13
    FPX 3 7 10


    Team Agent ACS K D A
    Mixwell Jett 261 20 15 5
    ardiis Raze 238 17 20 6
    davidp Sage 215 20 15 6
    pyth Cypher 210 17 14 4
    Patitek Omen 15 15 19 3
    Shao Sage 270 22 18 2
    Zyppan Raze 264 20 19 4
    Meddo Cypher 205 17 16 2
    ANGE1 Omen 182 13 19 3
    Shadow Killjoy 151 11 17 2

    Split Detailed Stats


    Post created by Post-Match team

    submitted by /u/Darkoplax
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    Hand Painted JETT fan art

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Hand Painted JETT fan art

    Some of you may have already seen this but I want some suggestions and/or ideas of what to paint next! I am looking to purchase a 32 x 48 in. size canvas and I was thinking about making a biiiiig one of whatever agent. I'm open to any suggestions :33

    Link of my painting ! ^.^


    submitted by /u/adrienbanuelos
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    Little story about countering toxicity

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    Few days ago me and my friend matched up with 3 random players on Unrated. Once the round started, the random players started bickering against each other, saying "why you pick agent A if u dont know how to use them" "your aim is trash" and so on. It was pretty frustrating to sit through to be honest, and it definitely took away some of our concentrations. But instead of adding fuel to the fire I tried to encourage them to focus on their skills and confidence instead. for example "go entry by using your flash Reyna dont be afraid we are right behind you" "place your crosshair higher Brim you can do it" etc. as time progressed, our party chat that used to be hella toxic eventually was filled with supportive messages, and the players that initially jabbed each other began gaining confidence and trust. We went from 0-5 to winning (i forgot the final score) and everyone was happy in the end. It was a wholesome match and all i wanted to say is, encouragement and support gave u WAY higher chance of winning instead of continuous toxicity. thx :D

    submitted by /u/evilbride
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    This could have gone in a different way if my aim was any more stupid but this was one hell of a clutch for me.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    the clutch itself isn't the craziest shit going on here (1v4)

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 04:15 AM PDT

    nice ping difference in the cloud 9 vs envy game

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:30 PM PDT


    Like its insane how much advantage kaboose has over everyone.

    submitted by /u/ninjalol23
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    Literally unplayable! You can’t win or lose games 13 to 12 anymore

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    See for yourself

    What is Riot thinking spreading false information like this? With the new update with overtime you have to win or lose by two points by winning both as defence and attack. /s

    submitted by /u/tipsitapsi
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    Proposed Vandal buffs.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    The most important thing right now is definitely first shot accuracy. I feel like the accuracy should be near perfect, and better than the Phantom. It doesn't make sense that the rifle made for one taps had worse first shot accuracy than a rifle mainly used for spraying. Also, it would definitely be good to up the magazine count. Maybe make it 30 and 90 like the Phantom. Finally, make the spray slightly less severe. If you miss the initial shot with the Vandal to the head you are pretty much fucked against a Phantom. Maybe make the spray less random.

    submitted by /u/TempesT12345679
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    Low client FPS- Anyone else having this issue?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    I have a 10700k and RTX 2080 Super. For the past two days my game has been running horribly. Like 35-50 fps MAX. Before i was getting over 300. I have reinstalled windows already and still nothing. I have no idea how to fix this. Anyone else having this issue or know how to fix it?

    submitted by /u/zmreJ
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    In lower ranks, is crouching really just begging to get headshot by the opponent?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    I watch a lot of streamers and try to use their techniques. One of the main ones that all do is crouch mid-fire. So, I started doing this...I am silver/gold. I have noticed that I am getting headshot WAY more often now. My theory is, at these lower ranks, players inadvertently aim at the body to land their shots,rather then the head so crouching is just putting your head right in their sights. Anyone else notice this? Or is this bullshit and I should just continue to crouch?

    submitted by /u/DryProperty
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    Facing terrible lag spikes

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    Since the beginning of ACT 2 I'm having random lag spikes and it is getting worse day by day. I can definitely assume it's a server issue and not my ISP because I'm only facing lags when I play VALORANT on SEA servers. I'm getting teleported on any part of the map without using Omen. Is anyone facing the same issue on SEA or any other regions? If so then it needs to be fixed asap.

    Have fun matches!

    submitted by /u/Prnv_J
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    Possible Viper Buff?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Here's a thought on how to buff Viper in a unique way:

    What if bullets that traveled through her poisons (Smoke, Wall and maybe her Ult) did less damage (25% less? 50% less?)?. This would give her limited, but powerful, utility a bit of extra importance above just vision denial, possibly setting her aside from her more useful direct competition in Omen and Brim.

    Thematically it could also fit. The poison that weakens players also eats away at the projectiles passing through it making them do less damage.


    submitted by /u/Oromal
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    my vandal's telling me no.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    i'm on my road to diamond and yet, still can't make this habit go away. mehmeh :<


    submitted by /u/Rourucci
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    G2 Esports vs bonk / LVL Clash 2 - Grand Finals / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    G2 Esports 2-0 bonk

    Split: 13-8
    Ascent: 13-4
    Haven: 0-0


    LVL Clash 2 Ignition Series - Semi Finals

    LVL Clash Cup Twitch channel | LVL Clash Cup Officiel Information

    vlr.gg coverage | TheSpike.gg coverage | Liquipedia coverage


    MAP 1: Split


    Team DEF ATT Total
    G2 5 8 13
    bonk 7 1 8


    Team Agent ACS K D A
    ardiis Raze 396 29 14 7
    Mixwell Jett 225 16 16 7
    pyth Cypher 186 15 16 6
    davidp Sage 169 15 14 7
    Patitek Omen 165 13 14 3
    Sayf Viper 286 20 18 6
    Yacine Raze 267 18 18 4
    Aron Cypher 216 17 18 4
    bonkar Breach 174 12 16 8
    ziz Omen 87 6 19 3

    Split Detailed Stats



    MAP 2: Ascent


    Team DEF ATT Total
    G2 5 8 13
    bonk 0 4 4


    Team Agent ACS K D A
    pyth Killjoy 276 17 11 3
    ardiis Sova 254 15 9 5
    davidp Sage 241 16 10 4
    Mixwell Jett 183 11 11 4
    Patitek Omen 179 12 13 2
    Yacine Raze 332 18 16 3
    ziz Omen 226 14 14 1
    bonkar Sova 197 9 15 13
    Aron Cypher 110 6 13 2
    Sayf Sage 94 6 14 0

    Ascent Detailed Stats


    Post created by Post-Match team

    submitted by /u/Darkoplax
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    My first ever Ace! Sometimes ya gotta take it nice and easy y'know

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    Play Blindfolded With Your Friends - You Won't Regret It

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Pop Flash - Playoffs - Dignitas vs Sentinels

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    How to play with friends who don't want to get better?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    I don't have a ton of time to play weekly, but I get a few hours of play with friends. We often 4/5 stack comps, and play, and we lose as often (if not more often) than we win. We have a few problems (myself included) that has kept us hardstuck at iron 1 for the last month.

    The problem is, I try to look at the game and call out where we (myself included) are going wrong and ways to fix it, but I have one friend who not only refuses to listen to advice, he refuses to believe he's doing anything wrong.

    He has a tendency to push long angles with a judge because he doesn't want to try other guns (he says its because he has shitty aim), and gets killed pretty often due to these stupid mistakes.

    It all came to a boil recently when I started harping on playing default on offense (our team loves doing the iron strat of hard rushing a site). He came over comms and said that we shouldn't play default cause it's the wrong call, and that just because pros do it doesn't mean that we should be doing it.

    I continued to play default for the rest of the game and won us some rounds we really shouldn't have won since I was solo on a site, and everyone else was across the map, but we still lost the game.

    What should I do? I don't want to stop playing with him cause he's a friend, and I don't get to play with them enough as it is, but it's not fun when we lose games we should easily have won because he wants to do whatever he wants and puts us in a pickle.

    Edit: it's worth knowing the culture of our team: we're not super worried about ranking up to radiant or anything, but we are all watching our ranks closely (partially because we HAVE been hardstuck at iron1 for a month), so while we don't want to be pros, we do want to play better and rank up.

    submitted by /u/LosingFaithInMyself
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    [Suggestion] Queue toxic players in a separate pool instead of chat banning

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    It doesn't do much good to chat ban people who are toxic, it just makes it a handicap for anyone who gets stuck with them. Queue them together in a separate pool for the duration a chat ban normally is, and in increasing duration with more infractions. It keeps them out of the normal pool of players so we don't have to deal with their toxic-ness or a teammate who is chat banned and can't comm.

    submitted by /u/Keudn
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