• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 2, 2020

    VALORANT Ever wondered how the world looks like from Omens real perspective?

    VALORANT Ever wondered how the world looks like from Omens real perspective?

    Ever wondered how the world looks like from Omens real perspective?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:01 AM PST

    Ever wondered how the world looks like from Omens real perspective?

    This might be the answer :-). While this is obviously just a joke, I'm really interested in how Riot will reveal the story about Omen - if they do eventually.

    Omens real perspective?

    submitted by /u/marc_4x4
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    First Strike North America starts tomorrow on December 3rd. Here is a hype montage of Envy, Immortals, Sentinels, and Faze highlights from the recent qualifiers.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:57 AM PST

    Spike Stats: A Free Player Performance Tracking App for Valorant is Now Available on iOS

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:41 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    Around 1.5 months ago; I released the Android version of my Valorant app: Spike Stats. I made a Reddit post about it on this subreddit and to my surprise, the community reception was incredible! Also, many people asked for the iOS version. Today, I am happy to announce that the iOS version of Spike Stats is now released, too.

    Spike Stats allows players to see their own profile, match history and statistics. It uses and interprets the data in the API to create insightful new information such as performance averages and trends.

    Spike Stats requires players to sign in using their Riot account to confirm their identity. This is achieved by using Riot's official authentication mechanism: Riot Sign On (RSO).

    Here are some screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/dshBAdY

    For more info you can visit the website: https://spikestatsapp.com

    Download Links:

    iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/spike-stats-for-valorant/id1541123839

    Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=crocusgames.com.spikestats

    Enjoy & let me know what you think!

    EDIT: You can follow Spike Stats on Twitter to learn about upcoming features and fixes.

    submitted by /u/abarrach
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    I made Omen white/red variant skin.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:05 AM PST

    If Riot will make agent skins in the future, do you think this omen white/red variant is a cool design?


    submitted by /u/hatterRddt
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    TSM WARDELL | VALORANT First Strike: North America

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:33 AM PST

    Why I moved from CSGO to play Valorant.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:47 PM PST

    It seems to be always a hot topic of conversation online. Around which Tactical shooter is better. I love both CSGO & Valorant, so disclaimer to begin with this isn't meant to be a bias post nor a long one either.

    I was initially very sceptical of Valorant as a shooter and especially the Ability / Agent system, I refused to play the beta and the first month of the release as I thought it was overhyped. My friends finally convinced me to give it a shot, so I did. Instantly I was hooked.

    I now honestly feel like Valorant is better than CSGO.

    I thought about why I preferred Val after all this time playing CSGO and I nailed it down to a few points

    1. First to 13 format. Quicker games, more fast paced and each round feels so much more valuable to win or play. Also outside the odd draw the games don't last longer than an hour. Great for quick casual play.
    2. Cheating, the lack of hackers in comparison to CSGO is insane. The amount of time I lost in CSGO playing against teams with 2-3 players with aimbot on is insane and extremely frustrating especially when you lose an hour of your time in a comp match.
    3. Diversity in gameplay, the variety of utility available and ability to learn new roles and agents keeps the game pretty fresh. CSGO can get stale when you are constantly firing off the same smoke / flash line-ups on Dust/Mirage.
    4. Active game development, Riot in comparison to Valve have been F-ing great so far. Granted the game is still young and some mistakes have been made, they always seem to look to rectify most mistakes made via feedback from the community and are always trying to make the game more balanced.
    5. No loot box gambling for skins. Gambling is bad. To me having that element of gambling to win skins, always a bit of a stain on CSGO.

    Anyway just my thoughts. Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/Apprehensive_Stay_57
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    First Strike North American Regional Finals - The Top 8

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 11:34 AM PST

    [Fanart] Jett with moderate fanservice

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:46 AM PST

    I made a Jett fanart thing! As per the rules the image is here in the text body. More of my art can be found by googling my name (nsfw warning on most of it). Inb4 "bewbs are too big".


    submitted by /u/therealzOh
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    My advise on preforming better!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:53 AM PST

    Hello guys, I just wanted to share some simple but effective tips which i have noticed helped and improved my gameplay.

    A lot of people think they are focusing all the time, but this is usually not the case. Focus on trying to find yourself unaware and i am 100% there will be times where you are zoned out and not even focusing or trying very hard to win

    Stay positive! Getting tilted and mad will only make you play worse and makes you more scared of your enemies, stay calm and enjoy your time. It is a game after all.

    Focus on relaxing your hand,arm and shoulder. Tensing them will only lead to worse aim and poor performance, even though you feel like you are going to react quicker if you tense up, from my experience, you don't and just end up ruining your chances of killing people.

    Hold angles a bit wider (especially if you are in lower ranks). I have seen so many people hold angles so tight that their crosshair is touching the wall between them and the enemy, in the end they will have to flick to the enemy ruining their massive advantage

    Don't play so carelessly (for people who are demoting a lot). I know that you were a whole rank above the people you are playing against but playing carelessly will only cause you to demote more and tilt. Play calm and use your big brain to outsmart your opponents and get kills and win

    How ever good an enemy does, they could just be getting lucky. I have witnessed many aces and clutches which were fully luck with people running and spraying and jittering their mouse. It is luck and I know that if you focus up you will be able to comeback and turn the match around!

    Hope you guys get what you want and promote!

    submitted by /u/Zyterx1
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    PSA: Can't place sage walls before round start anymore.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:04 AM PST

    With today's 200 mb update. I just noticed the developers nerfed sage even more by not allowing the sage wall to be placed until the buy phase is over and round starts.

    There were no patch notes so I thought people should know about this.

    Personally I'm not a big fan of the change since the new wall took a few seconds to strengthen and it's way too easy to break now. Also it's basically impossible now to be creative with your walls and boost teammates or yourself for early aggressive peaks.

    I think this was done to prevent omen+sage wall glitch that was going on but they should have thought of another way to fix that imo.

    submitted by /u/YourOpinionInvalid
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    Can you see what direction enemy Omen smokes come from?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:10 AM PST

    Playing as Omen, you can see your smokes fly towards the targeted location as a little blob before turning into a smoke on the map. Can enemies also see this blob (and give away the general location of the enemy Omen)?

    submitted by /u/TheChauster
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    Ranking up but not improving

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:58 AM PST

    I finally hit Immortal 1 after the grind from Gold. As I rose through the ranks, I was consistently top / second fragging as a duelist. Gold to Plat I mained Reyna and Jett and averaged probably 25 kills a game. But as I entered Diamond I found myself leaning towards support roles such as Sova or Omen, and ending up either bottom or 4th on the scoreboard. However, I'm still ranking up.

    I can no longer takes 1-on-1 engagements now; I lose straight up in gunfights. Most of my frags are through positioning or flanks. I don't understand how I turned from an efficient fragger to a low-kills support player. I would appreciate ADVICE to get out of this slump because I love to frag and I'm always willing to entry for the team. I just lose 80% of the duels I take.

    submitted by /u/dapidismyname
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    Community Spotlight - Dec. 02

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 08:09 AM PST

    I created a 7 day aim training routine in Aim Lab that helped me improve all of my Aim Lab highscores and rank up in Valorant!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:57 AM PST

    I set myself the challenge a few weeks ago to try and improve my aim once I found out about Aim Lab. I had just started playing Valorant and was at a pretty low rank. I decided that I would commit for just 1 week and see how much I could improve, and the results actually really surprised me.

    I made a playlist that would train my:

    - Micro Adjustments
    - Flicks
    - Tracking
    - Precision
    - Speed
    - Aiming Efficiency

    These are the tasks that the playlist included.


    Here is how to do the routine properly.

    - You want to go into every task with accuracy first. Everyone wants to look as fast as Tenz but you won't get there unless you focus on improving your accuracy first.
    - Do every task 6 times. It's like going to the gym, you need to train each task multiple times so that you can start improving your muscle memory and control.
    - Once you can maintain 90%+ accuracy at a certain speed then you start to speed up.

    I've made a video that explains what to do in each task and how each task will improve a certain area of your aim. The video also include a link to the playlist so you don't have to go and make it yourself! It'll answer any questions you may have and explain the entire 7 day routine in much more detail.

    Here's a link to the video, enjoy!

    submitted by /u/Tyznips
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    We are interviewing Carolina Ravassa (The Voice of Raze) Discussion

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:41 AM PST

    Hello guys,

    As the title says, we are interviewing the Carolina Ravassa (The Voice of Raze) and need inputs from the community to be a part of it.

    If you have any questions you would like to ask Raze aka Carolina or if you want her to say your favorite dialogues of Raze, just comment here with your in-game name.

    We would be featuring a few questions on the episode. Best of Luck.

    submitted by /u/mr_peanutbutt3r
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    Be careful of a scam going on right now for Valorant coaching

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:19 PM PST

    If anyone offers coaching with these discord names then it is a scam:






    They are using other player's identities and I can't believe I fell for it. Most of the players are aware, but just wanted to save anyone else. It's a really sad thing to be honest, but I'm a big believer in karma.

    Edit: One of the player's tweets https://twitter.com/dudeitsaduck/status/1333888933625810946

    Others are falling for it as well. It's really sad to see

    submitted by /u/Shuasan
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    I feel like Cypher and Omen are buddies

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:15 AM PST

    Idk why for some reason every time I see Cypher and Omen in the same team I think about this. I feel like they are best friends of some kind. I have no proof or supporting idea about this but I just feel like it

    submitted by /u/Memes_Are_Drugs4Me
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    Ever wondered how the world looks like from Sova's real perspective?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 11:03 AM PST

    This might be the answer :-). While this is obviously just a joke, I'm really interested in how Riot will reveal the story about Sova - if they do eventually.

    Sova's real perspective?

    submitted by /u/Ritogamer
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    Valorant's ranking system should be reworked.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:37 PM PST

    I strongly belive that Valorants should focus a bit more on individual performance, expetially for more passive chracter like sage, cypher, killjoy...

    Now Im not saying that the game should be based only that. I totally agree that losing shouldnt under any circumstances let you gain xp (dont know how else to call it) and winning shoul never make you lose xp. My idea is to make a point system wich will add xp to your ranking. Those changes will help the winning team to rank up a bit faster and will prevent good players from losing team from deranking too quickcly.

    Abilities are a key element of valorant and yet they dont provide any bonus when using them in ranked. The perfection would be to alow players to get rank xp for every positive action they make when using abilities. This is MY own idea on how it should be done and on how important every ability is. I have no skill at all in balancing games and I bet that riot would do a better job than me so please dont focus on the numbers but focus more on the ideas.

    Considering a kill counts as 10 points (plus bonues if its first, seconc... kill of the round). Every asist is 3 point. Every round won over the other team is 100 points (if you win 13-0 you gain 1300 points and the enemy loses 1300)


    For every second an enemy is blinded you gaing 2 points(so if one enemy gets blinded for 3 second and 1 gets blinded for 5 seconds you get (5+3)x2=16 points.

    -Smokes (also phoenix and viper walls and viper ultimate)

    For every second an enemy has your smoke in their fov you gain 1 point, For every second an enemy is inside your smoke you gain 2 points.

    -Healing abilities

    For every HP restored you gain 0.1 points.

    -Damage abilities (yes those should count because dealing demege with abilities is safer and more skillfull than dealing it with a gun)

    For every hp of damage done you gain 0.1 points.

    -Sovas recon dart

    The dart does 3 "waves". The first time you scan an enemy you gain 3 point, the second time you scan an enemy you gain 2 point, the third and last time you scan an enemy you gain 1 point. So scanning the same enemy multiple times will decrease the amoung of points you gaing with that enemy. If your dart gets shot without scanning any enemy you gain 1 point.

    -Sovas drone

    When you ping an enemy with the drone dart you gain 5 points.

    -Cypher wires.

    When an enemy walks in your trip wire you gain 1 point, the more time an enemy stays in contact with the wire without the wire getting shot, the more points you get up to a max of 5. If the wire stuns the enemy you gaing an extra 3 point.

    -Cypher camer

    When you ping an enemy with your camera you gain 2 point for every scan the dart does on the enemy.

    -Cypher ultimate

    You gain 5 points for every scaned enemy.

    -Sage slow orb

    You gain 1 point for every second an enemy get slowed.

    -Sage wall

    You gain 2 points for every second the wall stays up (every piece must be up).

    -Sage ultimate

    You gain 7 points.

    -Breach waves (both normal and ulti)

    You gain 3 points for every stunned enemy

    This post is a lot longer than I thought but I hope it gives a general idea of what a more balanced system would be (as always imo) for this game. As stated before winning and losing is still the most important factor, if you lose 13-0 you will never gain enought individual point to balance out the loss. And if you were to lose lets say 13-11, so 200 points of difference, even if you get 300 individual points you should gain 0 xp staying at the same rank you are now.

    As I already stated this is MY own idea and you should not consider this as a request to riot of doing those changes.

    submitted by /u/MisterEskere_
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    Free coaching by an immortal 1/2 player.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:51 AM PST

    In light of recent coaching scams I've seen on this subreddit I decided to help the lower rank people on this subreddit better themselves for completely free. Obviously I'm not perfect at the game or I'd be Radiant ranked but I'm sure I can atleast help the lower ranks.What I can do is watch the vods you send me ,hop on a discord call and explain what you could've done better every round etc. Or if I'm free at the time I can watch your game live and analyse and coach you.Feel free to pm me your discord IDs.

    Ps - I will be available only at certain times cos of other commitments so I'd mostly do vod reviews rather than live coaching.

    submitted by /u/ColdHeart653
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    The Benefits of Queueing for VALORANT Ranked vs Unranked

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Suggestion:Make harsher punishment for ranked afks

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:30 PM PST

    Preface by saying im bronze, yes im bad.I know im not the best player and need to improve. I don't carry every game etc etc, but its so much more frustrating wasting so much time for someone to afk for the rest of the game, i wouldn't care if it was just for a couple rounds then they come back, but half of my games have had afks its been ridiculous, one had 2 and that one we were winning. People should be punished more for afk leaving in ranked, in unrated go for it but why ruin everyone else's time like that when people just wanna try to improve and potentially gain elo.

    submitted by /u/Jeremyb656
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    Sova/Odin combo in high ranks

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:39 AM PST

    I'm in bronze 1 about to go onto 2 and I've faced many sovas who use an Odin/ares to shred through walls after they use their recon bolt/drone to ping their enemy. Is this popular in ranks like gold-radiant?

    submitted by /u/Rxcket__
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