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    Sunday, November 29, 2020

    VALORANT Opinion: Forcing players to be within 3 ranks led to more smurf accounts

    VALORANT Opinion: Forcing players to be within 3 ranks led to more smurf accounts

    Opinion: Forcing players to be within 3 ranks led to more smurf accounts

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:12 PM PST

    I used to regularly play with my group of friends and we were within 6 ranks so we just played on our main accounts. Now we all have alt (smurf) accounts because were almost never within 3 ranks.

    submitted by /u/fiascolan_ai
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    Opinion: There is a game mode called unrated which you can queue with friends of all ranks and play together.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:17 AM PST

    "it has no incentives" is the dumbest argument for this, it's the same exact game mode just without ranks, you can play with friends of any rank and usually meet other 5 stacks doing the same thing, on top of this unrated is a bit more loose and the perfect playground to chill with friends and have fun. Sure Ranked is probably going to be more tryhard but then again what does it matter when your higher ranked smurf friend is just out aiming everyone and carrying you to an undeserved win?

    Making a smurf account to play "ranked" with friends because "unrated is boring" is a whack argument, you just want an excuse to smurf and boost your friends out of their rank, just for them to ruin the next match once they soloQ at their own rank because they'll probably get shit on since they got carried by the smurf friend.

    The only issue unrated has is that the queue times are higher at higher levels. Other than that it's just as fun, you also have more room to fuck around with your friends without consequences all while having a good time. Plus you get the same amount of XP as ranked.

    There is nothing incentive about shitting on low levels on a smurf account to impress your friends who just want to get carried out of their deserved ranks. Play unrated or Spike rush if you want to have a good time with friends.

    submitted by /u/RustlingCattle
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    The Rank Reset how you de-rank so easily in Valorant

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:36 AM PST

    So early on in its release, Valorant decided that they want to farm as many gameplay hours out of each player as possible. That is not in itself a bad thing as every game tries to find ways to maximize player engagement.

    Think about the way the battle pass is designed, it's designed in order to get players to grind as long as possible and nearly impossible to complete.

    Now apply this philosophy to the ranking system. De-ranking feels bad and everyone knows this. The soft reset each season is a way to get players to grind after losing their old "peak rank". The placement matches at the start of each Act make it nearly impossible to rank up off the placements but very easy to rank down. At best you're maintaining the rank you ended the past Act with. It's a calculation made that players will play more when they feel like they've lost their rank than when they've reached a rank they are happy with.

    I got downvoted to hell mentioning this during Act 2 and the start of Act 3. Now its clear more people are not happy with the state of ranked. It's not a bug it's a feature. This wouldn't feel so bad if ranked wasn't 90% of the core game.

    submitted by /u/mousepro
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    Set the record straight

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:04 AM PST

    Zywoo playing Valorant

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:23 AM PST

    Valorant’s Reporting Needs Work

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:27 AM PST

    As many of you know, there are many smurfs, toxic players, team killers, earrapers, uncommunicating teammates, etc. mostly up until silver. I loved playing in silver. Almost all my teammates talked and were polite enough not to be cursing out the team constantly, feeding, and team killing. I dropped out of silver after a horrible losing streak and was in the horror of bronze.

    Honestly, it is sad how much of a difference there is from Bronze 3 to Silver 1. I don't think this is just bad luck. Ive played plenty of games in both and I very rarely get teammates with microphones in bronze. Not only that, I have played with multiple feeding and team killing teammates.

    I have just had the worst hour and a half of any videogame I have ever played. This teammate was horrible. He was the combination of all the worst teammates I have had in one. He started the game with earraping the team. Great. Another voice mute and report. This player was locked raze and they continued with grenading the team which killed us multiple times. He body blocked us, fed the enemy team, didnt get kills, made noise when we were quietly trying to take site, and he called out our position in all chat to the enemy team. He used his ult on me after I had just finished clutching a round and was defusing, so we had to go into a 10-12 which we eventually lost (my team was godlike so we were doing ok even with this player).

    Seriously? This player does this every game for sure. And they aren't banned. My whole team reports this player and I am sure that multiple people on the enemy team did so as well. I finish the game, lose ELO, feeling like crap. Whatever. Queue up for a new game. Up until this point, I thought that you couldnt queue with people you have reported. I mean that's basic logic right? Nope. Queued with the same raze that did the same team killing, calling our position out, etc. I hated this game at that point. I lost all motivation. Was like 0 and 7 until I eventually caught back up and ended up top fragging a 6-13 game after starting to feel a little better (and I still ended up demoting to B2).

    It was honestly depressing and incredibly stressful. I had to take a break from Valorant after that. I reported the raze again and my team did too but it is not like it is going to do anything. They won't be banned anyway. They probably got around 13 reports between the two games at least and they also probably do that every game and still haven't been banned.

    submitted by /u/RVaiN7
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    BIND | KJ simple molo to clear tube on B

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:44 PM PST

    i wish the spline collection had upgrades

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:26 AM PST

    the spline collection would honestly be my favorite if it had animations. maybe the ball things (lmao) would glow and reloading it would kill those balls and grow new ones, or something like that. this skin set has so much wasted potential.

    submitted by /u/VanHautin
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    First Strike NA starts on December 3rd - here is a hype montage of TSM, T1, 100T, and Renegades highlights from the recent qualifiers.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:48 PM PST

    Match remaking

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:58 AM PST

    I think match remake must be postoponed to round 3 or 4. More and more I'm in match that we can't remake cause the leaver is going afk at the end of round 1 he spawn (afk) on round 2 and we can't do the remake. Can we fix this like before yesterday riot?

    submitted by /u/KickY0urASs
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    Constant 40FPS feels so good to play on

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:50 AM PST

    I finally got to try consistent 40FPS, and oh boy, that was such a wonderful experience. Cannot wait to try out 60FPS in the future

    Just wanted to share that

    submitted by /u/Ifcanoe
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    Cypher One Way for B Heaven on Split to Mid

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:52 PM PST

    I instalocked Reyna until I hit silver

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:03 AM PST

    I instalocked Reyna until I hit silver

    I've been hardstuck Iron for months, and every time I played with new friends they would tell me that I did not deserve to be in Iron. But I still couldn't win. I used to play fraggers like Jett, but I didn't like her ult and didn't feel useful on her. I played Raze a bit but a lot of my friends liked to play raze more than me so I retired her as well. I started playing Omen a bunch and quickly became an Omen main. Had a lot of fun with him but still wasn't necessarily climbing, just long win streaks followed by even longer lose streaks. I decided to learn Cypher and strictly focus on being useful for my team, as in Iron elo, my teammates often didn't utilize sentinels to their fullest extent. I often fragged above my duelists as Cypher, but still no climbing. Then I decide to just say eff it and only play Reyna, and instantly I just started winning. I queued with two friends one night and went b1-b3 in a night. The only loss I've had over 13 comp games was when I didn't play Reyna. Hopefully, I can continue to climb and hit Gold this act.

    I also like to note how I played so many more games in Iron than I did in bronze, and if that's not a testament to how much harder it is to climb in pisslow, then idk what is. Hope this encourages my fellow Iron friends who want to climb. It might just be a change of agent that does it for you.


    submitted by /u/tinesse
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    A Valorant Poem

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:00 PM PST

    Roses are red,

    Violets are blue,

    My name is Phoenix,

    And I'm coming for you,

    From the release until here and now,

    The many hours this game took me from WoW,

    Riot telling us to defy the limit,

    We grinding the battlepass every hour and minute,

    People on twitter saying the game is dead,

    Don't be misled,

    By these people hiding behind their computer screens,

    Who not even close to out of their teens,

    Sometimes I don't know what to do,

    These toxic players will get the better of you,

    Just a chill guy,

    W/ chill vibes,

    Overcoming these challenges,

    Even though riot doesn't know what balance is,

    I love this game, expensive skins and all,

    I'll be there during this games eventual downfall,

    Valorant right now is free to anyone,

    Stick around a bit the fun has only just begun.

    submitted by /u/AstroForMorons
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    To Climb, Treat Valorant Like a Sport

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:42 AM PST

    To Climb, Treat Valorant Like a Sport

    If you are really dedicated to improving and ranking up in this game, you need to start treating this game like any other physical sport.

    1. Take the time to take care of yourself mentally and physically. Although this game doesn't require much physical ability, you need the mental capacity to keep going. This only comes from taking care of yourself. Wake up early. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Work out, take a walk, do anything that will you keep healthy. You'll improve so much faster.
    2. Learn the ABCs of the game. Learn how to peek, aim at head level, move around the map, etc. Watch videos to learn. Every soccer player knows how to dribble and position himself around the field. You need to learn this too, and it will take more than a day to get there. Take 20 minutes everyday to practice on your faults.
    3. DO NOT SPAM GAMES. No athlete goes out and says let me play 5 straight soccer matches in a row. That's a great idea. It won't physically hurt me at all or dehydrate me. I've honestly played one game a day this whole act and went from Iron 2 to Silver 2 with a 14 day win streak.
    4. Be your own coach or learn to listen and take advice. After every game, praise yourself for successful plays and admonish the bad plays. This is how you build good habits.
    5. Finally, accept that you are in your rank for a reason. Imagine going up to your coach and telling him that you think you belong on a higher division team. You're going to get lectured to hell and back. I know sometimes a smurf shows up in a game, and it sucks. But if you can't handle one smurf, you're not going to handle 4 more of him. If you want to climb, learn from that smurf. Why is he dominating your team? Look at how he's playing. Take each game to learn. That's better than ranking up honestly.

    These are just my tips, and I have yet to stop climbing (image below). I see so many players going about this game the wrong way, and I want everyone to improve. This game has honestly changed my opinion on esports, and I believe Valorant is actually a sport and requires the same dedication. I hope everyone takes something from this post because these lessons I've learned can also be applied to other situations in life. Good luck everyone and keep on persevering!


    submitted by /u/Yenreaux
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    PSA: There is a way to Shoot With Perfect First Shot Accuracy Without Actually Stopping Your Movement (Potentially Huge Meta Implications)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:39 AM PST

    Why are people in lower ranks so resistant to new tactics?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:54 AM PST

    I've been silver 1 for a while (I don't really play comp) and I've been watching a lot of first Strike for new strats and stuff and I see them be able to do strats that I've never done before but still work. People in my games, especially my friends, don't try to be creative or play unpredictably when I try to tell them to. They're always like "cypher and killjoy MUST ALWAYS play at bind B, NEVER play A" and "sage MUST ALWAYS wall off split mid" every single round. No unpredictability or creativity. When I'm cypher, I try to play a different site every 2-3 rounds but they keep saying I'm throwing. Why isn't it that they are so stubborn?

    submitted by /u/Donut_Flame
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    [OPINION] It's getting really frustrating to push rank in solo queue

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:32 AM PST

    I'm in bronze 2 and hoping to push to silver but recently there are many people leaving the match after 3-4 rounds i lost 5 games streight due to a player leaving. In my last game we were 5-0 up and out sage decided to go we lost 5-13 its not like we were playing bad or something (All us 4 got 15+ kill game) we only lost because of numbers disadvantage. Thats why since last week I'm playing more unrated than Ranked. Probably remake should be extended to 5-7 rounds but I cant think of a better solution (I'm also getting tired of surrendering in such cases)

    submitted by /u/R4G3_NONY
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    Why is the ping so volatile?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:57 AM PST

    I play from Finland, sometimes I get an expected 50-60 ping, but half the time my ping is constantly above 100. Just had a game on Paris 2 server where I saw my ping would go as "low" as 85, but also as high as 150 and most of the time was around 120.

    I find it crazy and frustrating that my ping can be a perfectly acceptable 50-60, but also very often 120+. Can't you just keep me on servers where I get the better ping??

    submitted by /u/artmorte
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    Any Immortal+ players able to coach a trash silver player?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:59 AM PST

    I'm currently hard stuck silver who typically middle frags. I don't tend to carry games. I practice aim labs all the time but I lose most gun fights. I'm in need of some serious help.

    submitted by /u/Shuasan
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    Best Tips & Tricks on Ascent

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:50 AM PST

    [OPINION]Reducing smurfs with unrated changes

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:45 AM PST

    I'm one of the people that take unrated a bit seriously when playing it but still try some things out. Unrated certainly isn't either risky or rewarding but I would I hate if they make it risky with ranks as some suggested cuz it ruins the whole point of it. Problem with it is everyone takes it to lightly and never tries to win. I suggest a long term rewards system that's victory dependant like gunbuddy, sprays, or skins parts that you collect 50+ of to get them granted you only get a part for every win. They can choose to make a cheap camo or spray and players can grind for it the whole month or week. One other idea I heard is encouraging stunts and risky plays in gamemode specific missions that grant colorful cool titles. I'd actually take a colorful title.

    submitted by /u/Akay1500
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    Skins & Guns Glance Value

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:49 AM PST

    Is it just me or some of the skins make certain weapons very hard to differentiate, especially when they're dropped on the ground?

    This happens to me all the time to the point where now I just ping guns to read what they are. I think with some skins, the difference between guns like Spectre and Phantom is just not enough.

    BcJ playing for EQUINOX just mistook a spectre for a phantom on their match and lost a considerable amount of credits in the early rounds. Of course mistakes happens but I wonder if Riot should consider this more carefully before fixing existing skins becomes unfeasible.

    I don't know if I'm the only who has to consistently ping guns to be sure what they are but at this point I'd prefer to have an option to always have the names on...
    I don't know, I feel like maybe glance value should also be a priority with competitive integrity in mind.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/amaranthgalaxy
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    [Discussion] We badly need Riot sponsered event in South Asian region. Or at least a slot in SEA regional tourneys.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:09 AM PST

    Almost 8k watching in the finals of a local Valorant tourney in India and we are still deprived of any kind of exposure or dedicated slots for the teams. Even though watching count doesn't matter, but still puts a healthy comment.

    Link in the comments.

    Here is the screenshot of the live viewer count. (if that matters)

    Thoughts? Healthy discussion would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/damn_joker10
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