• Breaking News

    Monday, December 28, 2020

    VALORANT After many sleepless nights, It's finally ready! Find the VALORANT streamers you didn't know you were looking for. Meet "The Magic Box", the first-ever search engine for VALORANT.

    VALORANT After many sleepless nights, It's finally ready! Find the VALORANT streamers you didn't know you were looking for. Meet "The Magic Box", the first-ever search engine for VALORANT.

    After many sleepless nights, It's finally ready! Find the VALORANT streamers you didn't know you were looking for. Meet "The Magic Box", the first-ever search engine for VALORANT.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:03 AM PST

    Hello, Agents!

    My team and I have attempted to solve one of the biggest challenges in live streaming to date. We've been tirelessly working on an AI-based search engine that finds the best streamers for you from all major platforms. That way, we all can have some quality time watching what we love.

    After we developed a LoL search engine that we launched on the LoL subreddit a few weeks back, it blew up. We received tons of fantastic feedback! A lot of the feedback was to expand to other games. We worked on configuring towards VALORANT, as we wanted to expand to an FPS, and this is still under Riot :).

    Shout out to our alpha testers, to the r/VALORANT members that helped us out, and to our VALORANT members in particular that made this product worthy of this post!

    TheMagicBox - Check out our magic box (no download, no signup, no nothing).

    Why (TL;DR)?

    There are thousands of VALORANT streamers spread across several platforms with such a diverse range of content. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to find the most fitting streamer tailored to each viewer. We're trying to solve this with machine learning!


    We built a hybrid recommendation engine powered by cutting edge technology, which utilizes:

    Collaborative Filtering (Netflix technology)

    – Our engine creates look-alike audiences with similar users' tastes from

    billions of data points, brought using Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook's APIs.

    Content-Based Filtering (Spotify technology)

    – Our engine scans hundreds of thousands of live streams and provides real-time

    analysis of the content by analyzing the stream's video, audio, and chat.

    What is Jumper?

    A search engine that finds the most relevant streamers for you according to your taste, from all major platforms.

    How does it work?

    1.You pick at least 3 streamers that you like.

    2.You receive a list of streamers that fit you the best.

    You can throw all your favorite streamers and get more similar to them, or focus your search on personalities, playstyle, region and see the results.


    Live streaming today is where music was in the '90s. But instead of having 20 bands to listen to, we have dozens of streamers that we usually follow. Finding a streamer that has the personality we can relate to, who plays our favorite characters, roles, and playstyle is a never-ending hustle. COVID did not help. On the contrary, it caused inflation of content that flooded the live streaming industry and changed the landscape even more.

    Watching live streaming already changed our consumer behavior. If our grandparents watch TV, and our parents watch Netflix, our friends and ourselves watch live streams.

    We believe that the next technological leap in the live streaming field is to personalize the selection of relevant streamers for viewers, just like what technology (Spotify) did to music.

    We do not know if this is the solution to our problem, but we think it is the first step. Allowing the VALORANT community to explore and find more streamers in the domain of VALORANT, according to their tastes instead of running empty query lines on Google: "Best VALORANT streamers", "Chill VALORANT stream", "Educational VALORANT", "VALORANT esports", etc.

    Do you agree this is the first step? Did you like the results you received? What personality did you get :)?We would love to get your feedback! Please feel free to comment below if you have questions or suggestions.

    submitted by /u/MrBubble4u
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    "The Vandal beat out Phantom and Spectre as this year's deadliest weapon."

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:23 AM PST

    Omen not appearing where he TPs

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 11:45 PM PST

    I'm not sure if anybody else has experienced this issue but I'm fairly certain this isn't supposed to be a feature. I've seen it happen occasionally when Omen ults, but I've never seen it with his standard TP.

    Omen TP bug

    submitted by /u/SirRamic
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    We should be able to reamke in the 3rd and 4th round.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:11 AM PST

    I just hopped into a game after some warmup deathmatches and then in the first round our phoenix gets one tapped eith a ghost and then quits he was still in the spaen at the second round and i think thats why we couldnt remake. We ended up losing 13 2 of course. This has such a huge impact on peoples rank and I really think riot needs to fix this.

    submitted by /u/dacoconutman01
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    what your favourite gun says about you?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 11:49 AM PST

    I am pretty sure that there are stereotypes for certain guns and with my time in VALORANT I am here to present what I got:

    Classic - you enjoy having 9k money and right click kills.
    Ghost - self proclaimed winner of every pistol round.
    Frenzy - you ether are new to the game or you enjoy doing some insane taps with this boy OR you just finished Phoenix contract.
    Shorty -somehow your shots deal more damage then everybody else's and you win every Spike Rush
    Sheriff - you just want to headshot people buuut game is bs and you missed your shot cuz of lag or something like this.

    Stinger -I wish every burst Stringer user very nice evening and also don't let Spectre users bully you :(
    Spectre - you enjoy feeling superior over Stinger users and you have to say it ether in chat or in voice, you probably main Omen too.

    Bulldog- you are ether broke or you can endure looking at this ugly ass gun (unless you have Glitchpop skin) but you are lethal with it.
    Guardian- you are definitely overprotective over this gun and you buy it whenever you can despite other people telling you that holding close corners with it is bad idea but your love for this weapon is stronger then anything.
    Phantom- nemesis of Vandal mains - you ether can't control recoil or you prefer how this gun sounds and looks like.
    Vandal- nemesis of Phantom mains - you want to 1 tap people in all ranges but you create pretty outlines of enemies, you also really like to try hard too.


    Bucky - you are always behind that doors in mid on Haven right?
    Judge - same as Bucky mains but you are full-auto™ and sometimes you run at people and unleashing your wrath just to die because you challenged Vandal main in long range, I call this move "The Judgement".

    Machine Guns

    Ares - random recoil just gets you the kills doesn't it? - also you are younger brother of Odin mains.
    Odin - that wall in Ascent has more holes then cheese and "noob weapon" is what you love to see in all chat

    Sniper Rifles

    Marshal - "-101 [insert name of agent here]
    Operator- "need a drop" "can you pick up my OP please?" and you are pistol main too :)

    If we have any youtubers reading this crap post remember to mention that Madoka made this and send me link to the video so I can watch it :D

    submitted by /u/DeathAndWind
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    Flaming someone for playing badly doesn't make them play better. Just stop doing it.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 11:56 AM PST

    I've noticed this so much in Gold/Plat. If a duelist is having a bad day or just not hitting shots there will always be some douchebag that needs to say stuff like "you shouldn't be plat" or "you're dogshit". Saying shit like this isn't productive. Instead if you are spectating him/her maybe help them out, tell them they need to aim higher or hold more passive angles. At the end of the day it's just a fucking game.

    People don't get that playing well in Valorant also means being in a good mental state. So how do you expect me to hit my shots and concentrate when you're telling me to "kill myself" and groaning every time I die?

    submitted by /u/mlalssid
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    How to ACTUALLY aim good - a guide.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 06:41 PM PST

    Hello here.

    I'm sure you have all heard that "the best way to aim better is to aim better" from your favorite Valorant tips youtuber that asks you to subscribe every 10 seconds.

    Every advice people give about aim sucks. This post is to fix that.

    Let's start.


    By far the best way to aim better is to aim better. Ok but how do you do that? It's simple - deathmatch on crystal meth.

    First of mute your audio. We don't need that shit. I know you are guilty of it Jett, Breach, or Brimstone of literally every single deathmatch lobby - you just wait for your opponent behind corners using sound and not an actual fight.

    Second of all only use the guardian. We don't do that spray shit here. Only aim for the head. Think of it as a click battle, not as a gunfight. If at all you start spamming mouse 1 / spray, leave the match, take every key out of your keyboard, mix the keys around, and spend 30 mins trying to put it back together. Trust me - you will learn fast.

    Third - if you are running around a corner shoot the wall. Let the opponents know you are there. With the muted audio and letting people know you are there you are at a major disadvantage, which will make you better in an actual gunfight. Spam your jump key/space bar, or even force your little brother with ADHD to do so.

    Fourth - Make your hands cold. Making your hands cold makes it harder to make hand/wrist movements, which will make you better at aiming in actual conditions. Go outside since its winter in the northern hemisphere make your hands turn blue.

    Fifth - Spin yourself in a circle in real life before you get a kill. Make yourself extremely dizzy. Explanation is same as above - you will be better in better conditions.

    Sixth- Replace your mousepad with sandpaper. Aiming will be slightly harder, not to bad in my experience. When you play competitive your aim will be much better.

    Seventh - Water. Drink water.

    If at all your KD falls below 1 restart the game. Repeat until you win 3 times is my typical routine before I play competitive. I hoped I helped. Your skill will improve quickly. In my experience I went from bronze 2 with a will to live to bronze 1 and no will to live.

    https://ibb.co/4McGqY2 lol the word is spreading

    submitted by /u/funnythrowaway7
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    FPS Noticeably Lower Recently

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 09:47 AM PST

    Anyone else having problems with much lower FPS than normal after the last update? I used to get around 230 and now average around 160.

    submitted by /u/desertfox738
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    Please, plant in open places (When possible).

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:55 AM PST


    This way your team can hide and then check safely. If you guys hear the defusing sound, the enemy might be actually defusing, or maybe not and is just baiting you to go in...

    ...If you do plant in an open place (Again: When possible and isnt risky), your allies dont have to go DEEP into the site face-checking 3 corners at once to stop the person. They can just look from far to check, and get back to whatever they are hiding, to make sure the enemy is or is not defusing actually.

    I hope I explained myself correctly. Im pretty sure A LOT of people dont think about this when planting, or dont care.

    Edit: For instance, you can check the bomb in C from Long in Haven, if you plant in a place that allows it. And there are many more obvious examples of this.

    submitted by /u/Martyrrdom
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    Most casual Agent for ranked

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 09:00 AM PST

    I know that Valorant is a high competitive game but I dont have/ want to spend more than about 4 matches a week on ranked. Because of some reason unranked doesnt feel the same as ranked. At the moment I'm plat 2 (top rank was dia2)and I would say above average with my "raw skill". But I still dont know which agent I should play because there are always two guys picking a duelist already and if I go for smokes or sage, my teammates will always tell me what to do(not in a nice way). So I am looking for the best "unnecessary agent" so people cant be toxic and I can get some fun while playing Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/HaxTrickz
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    I'm way to inconsistent pleaee help!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:23 AM PST

    Hi guys I'm currently Gold 3 I consider my self a decent player or whatever but my problem is that one game i drop 40 bomb and carry my team for the win and next game I mid-bottom frag even Though I use the same agent.(jett and reyna). What could be the possible reason? I warmup everyday for 30 mins. What could be the reason.? I either play way to good and the next game I suck ;_;

    submitted by /u/TheK1DD
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    Found this broken Killjoy Molly lineup for Cubby in Bind B site. The best part about this line up is that the enemies cant see the molly so its undestroyable.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 10:07 AM PST

    Deception Orb and The Next Agent

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:58 AM PST

    Twin Hunter orbs were introduced into Spike Rush a few months ago, and with this act we saw that they were essentially Skye's ultimate.

    We know that the next agent will have something to do with stealth and fake footsteps... could his ultimate have something to do with the Deception Orb, since it plays fake footsteps and gunshots for the enemy team?

    Or maybe some parts of the Deception orb end up being some of his abilities?

    submitted by /u/sde380
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    Other games to play when cooling off from Valorant

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:11 AM PST

    I think we can all agree that after a few games of competitive Valorant, we can feel a little burned out. What are some other fun games that you play to take a quick break from Valorant?

    submitted by /u/picador10
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    what happends when there is 3 or more walls blocking the teleporter

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 01:47 PM PST

    I keep losing all my settings ( keybinds, general settings, crosshair)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 04:02 AM PST

    This has happened to me around 3-4 times in the past week itself. I close the game after a session and the next time i log on i get a twitch prime pop up and all my settings have been automatically reset. I contacted support and they said they can't do anything about this which is weird because this seems like a server side issue. Anyway, I'd like to know if someone else is facing this issue and what I can do to prevent it.

    submitted by /u/war10is
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    Best gun to use during death match to maximise aim practice?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 05:07 AM PST

    I've been using the guardian for the headshots, but some people have been recommending the sheriff since it gives you an eco buy option during an actual game. A friend also told me that it's better to try and headshot using a vandal, to "avoid making bad habits" (didn't expand on this). So, which gun would be the best?

    submitted by /u/Shoddy-Phase5450
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    People are chain-suiciding in Spike Rush to make fast EXP

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:21 AM PST

    Just seconds ago I had a Spike Rush game where the enemy team just killed themselves 4 times in a row (with team-damaging abilities : Brim's molly, Viper's puddle...). They made 1k exp in less than 2 minutes.

    I don't think this is very healthy for the game.

    submitted by /u/Trionlol
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    can someone explain the problem with free primary weapon skins to me

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 11:03 AM PST

    Why aren't there primary weapon skin that are free? i mean it would be at the least fair if there was 1 for every weapon that would be free at the least 1. And im not picky i can accept like missions to get em at least that would be more rewarding

    submitted by /u/Helioskriil-Yeast
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    Possible way to escape elo hell imo.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 10:54 AM PST

    Long post alert take your time and read plz.

    So i wanted to share my lower rank experience and one possible solution to rank up imo.

    Most of you will disagree with me but thats okay.

    At the start of act 3 after placements i was gold 1 but placed in silver 2. This act was really tough and bad filled with smurfs and bad matchmaking(iron-gold).

    I am playing in mumbai server or indian server whatever as an indian with regret and sadness have to say my server is the worst of all servers high -ve and toxicity and some worst players ofc there is kids too there is no middle ground.

    So for example if u are not top fragging and u outpeform just one round they will instantly trash talk u thats the case with my server as an indian have to say this is the fact

    Iron to silver or upto plat is really bad. Getting out of elo hell is such a task i was silver 2 lost 3 matches today coz of my teammates now i am in silver 1.

    "And the lesson i have learned is if u guys are iron-gold rank till now i havent supported instalocking ". But have to say if you all are confident in your aim just play duelist only dont look at team comp or anything just play duelist even if its 4 duelist just take it frag out try to get more kills.

    This worked for me but i was playing like the text book player like wait for teammates to lock fill with the required agents all that blah blah stuff but in lower elo that doesnt matter.

    In my server people wont even communicate in lower rank. So playing the text book agent roles doesnt matter

    So my advice is play duelist or whatever agent that u can frag out thats how u can escape elo hell thats how i feel but keep in mind work on your mechanics and game sense as well

    Happy Grinding peeps

    Most of you dont have to agree with me but this is the actual truth this why lower elo is really a hell

    submitted by /u/mercwitha_mouth
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    When the next act begins, will I start at my last rank, or my act rank?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:55 AM PST

    After every act you play some placement matches. Do you begin at your act rank after the act ends? Like, if my act triangle is diamond 2 but my current rank is plat 3, will I begin my palcements at plat 3 or diamond 2?


    submitted by /u/youssefegous
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    Omen 1-way help

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 10:27 AM PST

    So I play a lot of omen and use a lot of one ways, but recently some of them have stopped working. The boxes on short a of bind and the entrance to b site on ice box in particular keep falling to the ground even thought the arrow indicator is on the boxes/doorway. Has anyone else experienced this? Am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/henrennessy
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    1v5 clip

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 02:01 PM PST

    Suggestion: Map shouldn’t update perspective

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 05:28 PM PST

    TLDR; Keep map orientation at the perspective it was opened in if the player dies.

    Too often when I get killed and I open the map to place a ping for my teammates the orientation of the map changes as I move from first person perspective to spectator. This often results in misplaced pings, sometimes across the map. This can be really annoying if the area you're trying to ping is a tricky one to quickly place.

    submitted by /u/QuantumCloud87
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