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    Tuesday, December 29, 2020

    VALORANT An open letter to raze players as a cypher main...

    VALORANT An open letter to raze players as a cypher main...

    An open letter to raze players as a cypher main...

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 02:49 AM PST

    Dear raze mains,

    When you are on my team, would you mind NOT tossing a grenade towards a doorway that you can SEE I placed a tripwire on. I have a one way set up to destroy them if they push in, please just put your grenade a little further forward, or don't throw it at all.


    Your friendly neighborhood cypher (and omen) main

    submitted by /u/EmJoshMusic
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    Why are Support Characters Penalised by the Rank System

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 09:31 AM PST

    From my own experience with hundreds of games in ranked now playing, Cypher / Omen / Viper / Jett / Raze, it is significantly more efficient to climb ranks with a duellist.

    The ranking systems seems to be heavily weighted by the average combat score. The main problem is that when you win a game with a support characters, the system looks at your score and determines that you didn't contribute much, so gives you one or maybe two green arrows if your lucky. And then when you lose it again looks at your score and if it is low it will give you three red arrows, and basically screws you over.

    I like playing support, but as Cypher for example, I'm averaging around 150-200 combat score, whereas with Raze I can consistently hit high 250 - 300. I can occasionally top frag with a Cypher, but I'm just talking about averages.

    I've played hundreds of ranked games now and this bugs me when I want to play a support role.

    If your going to make support rank up less slowly, then they should also not be treated as harshly for losses.

    submitted by /u/Maxi_Mouse
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    Met a 'DERANKER' in a match

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 06:37 AM PST

    Okay, so you've seen those videos right - 'Road to Diamond' (personally love that series from Devin)

    Today, I was matched with a player who said he's doing 'Road to Iron'

    Let me explain.

    In Agent selection he told us that he had a good strategy and told us not to pick any duelists.

    Me and my friends are good at almost every agent so we chose our team of sentinels, controllers and initiators. (we should have seen this as the first red flag)

    When the game started, he said that he is a 'deranker' At first I didn't understand what it meant, I just assumed he might have been a Gold player who deranked to Silver. But then he started giving out our locations to the enemy team. He picked the spike up first so that nobody could have it and we wouldn't plant. He was playing Brimstone so he shot a molly at me and then repeated this killing others and some times himself.

    Everyone got mad at him and asked him what he was doing to which he replied 'The Road to Iron'

    I couldn't believe how this was actually happening. I mean WHO DOES THIS?

    He threw each and every round. But, here's the interesting part:

    The rest of our team actually tried. With all our locations being revealed constantly and not getting any spike plants, we played for picks and we actually ended the first half with 5-7. Once he saw that we were actually winning, he "tried" and said that "im trying now why are you mad" and then said "sorry" which was obviously not accepted by the team.

    We reported him obviously for sabotaging the team.

    The best part of this was that we were so bent on winning this that we actually ended the game 11-13.

    One, I'm proud of my team and the sheer will to ignore negative energy and play honestly.

    Two, I still don't understand why someone would do something like 'The Road to Iron'

    I repeatedly asked him what his Youtube/Twitch was but obviously he did not tell me.

    submitted by /u/Poly_bat
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    Permanent hardware ban

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 09:44 AM PST

    I really hope they are following through with these permanent hardware bans for cheaters. Last night I played against the most BLATANT aimbot in any FPS game I have ever played since I started playing fps games like 15 years ago. And the worst part was him and his butt buddies were toxic and acting like they were good.

    The Jett (cheater) had 40 kills in one half, only using sheriff and ult. Not a single kill was body, 4-6 aces in a row. Just blatant cheating. I reported and even went online and submitted a ticket to report. I really hope scum like him get what they deserve, which is a permanent hardware ban from the game.

    But honestly part of me feels bad for them, I mean they must have really low self esteem issues to the point where they have to cheat in a video game to make themselves feel accomplished:/....nah screw em. Hope they get what the deserve and never get to play again. Scumbags

    submitted by /u/Torbs12inch
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    the glitchpop skins.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 05:49 AM PST

    why are all the glitchpop skins on weapons that dont get used much. i love the design and i dont understand why they didnt make a vandal or a phantom glitchpop.

    submitted by /u/McCashper
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    So my friends gifted me a Viper body pillow...

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Do you like Icebox? Do you dislike Icebox?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 07:45 AM PST

    In my last poll I established if people dodge Icebox, but that didn't answer the question if they liked playing on it or not. After all, even if you don't dodge Icebox, you can still be relieved whenever someone else dodges it. So, do you like playing on Icebox or do you dislike playing on Icebox?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/HaNoWSss
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    Minor Killjoy Ideas

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 12:00 PM PST

    1. Let her pick up her swarm grenades during the buy round like cypher cages. (mostly because i'm dumb and can't place them in the right spots)
    2. Maybe increase the activation range of her abilities by just a bit. This would help cover flanks on attack and give her a bit more flexibility

    Let me know more ideas in the comments!

    submitted by /u/Sandwich6226
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    You merely adopted the Snowball Fight.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 09:28 AM PST


    When you play snowball fight for over an hour and you get into the zone lol haha :d I smacked em so much that people called me cheater and I am pretty sure that I was reported :D My previous best game was 24:4

    submitted by /u/BulgarianBL00D
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    Getting hate for picking Viper

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 12:59 PM PST

    So I recently started playing Valorant again, and Viper has always been my main, I love her molotovs even though the rest of her kit is pretty meh. Though one thing I notice is if I pick her in a comp game I often get a toooon of flak, or people just straight up dodge. I know she's not the best character, but like really? What makes Viper so bad, and are they planning on buffing her?

    submitted by /u/FelkinMak
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    How to improve game sense/positioning? (Only play more?)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 10:47 AM PST

    I've sunk 3.5k hours into MOBAs such as dota or league, mainly the former, so I can attest to the fact that playing tons and tons of matches definitely will help you know what to do in different (but similar) situations. However, I also know many people who for example may have 5k hours in a game and be stuck in herald (equivalent of iron). I feel much like MOBAs, while you can play tons of matches to learn what to do in each situation, sometimes you'll learn and maintain poor habits. In valorant, positioning and game sense is something that I hope to improve. By game sense, I mean everything unrelated to mechanical skill.

    submitted by /u/mortyecruteak
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    Split defense setups for Killjoy

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 07:45 AM PST

    Weekly missions

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 01:58 PM PST

    I've been doing the weekly missions and they suddenly ran out and aren't resetting any chance anyone know when they reset I looked it up and it said 1:30 pm EDT but that hasn't happened so a clear time would be nice.

    submitted by /u/tweefruitguy123
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    Full Game 3v5 = 13-10 WIN (#NoobHumbleBrag)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 04:25 AM PST

    Full Game 3v5 = 13-10 WIN (#NoobHumbleBrag)

    Yes it was an unrated game, but I just started playing a month and a half ago and this was practically my best game ever (I'm the Match MVP Omen). Just sharing 'cos I'm super proud of myself. :D

    Story goes like this - 2 people in my team disconnected right at the start of the game just after loading in (loading screen took too long so they quit maybe) so it was a 3v5 right from the start. And then something happened and I started stomping with my Omen that I literally started playing a week ago lol. My 2 team mates were rad as hell too so we won haha. (Our Sage turned back up like in the 2nd last round lol and just died so doesn't count.)

    I used my Singularity Phantom most of the game and was popping of flicks and headshots left, right and center. I literally did not know where it was coming from, like I was possessed by some pro's ghost. :P Final kills = 41, my career high. I'm a freaking Iron 3 ffs and even though I'm mostly top fragger or at least 2nd in most games, this was a totally new experience haha. Survival mode kicked in maybe. :P



    submitted by /u/Antpocalypse_7
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    Riot should allow you to remake up to round 4

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:54 PM PST

    Not every afk is in round 1. Some afks are in round 2 or 3. Not much is decided in 4 rounds so the remake should be allowed up to round 4. Just my opinion

    submitted by /u/oilyaf
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    We should be able to save different Crosshairs the same way League Of Legends rune pages are saved

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 10:53 AM PST

    Hear me out, for those of us who are addicted to changing up our crosshairs it's kind of annoying having to remember all the different options to recreate them. Even for those of you who just want to rotate between 2 or 3, the convenience factor is lacking.

    My idea here is to be able to save our several crosshairs on the Crosshair settings page the same way League of Legends rune pages are saved.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Kimbumbala
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    Jett rope glitch (kinda)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 09:25 AM PST

    Hi! A couple of days ago I encountered this. After the round ended, i jumped on a rope, teleported to spawn (for next round) and got launched with insane speed. I don't really know, how I achieved it (other than i pressed W), but it is interesting i think. https://lowkey.gg/v/d23fd0a8-a624-4d99-8e46-c804812ffdc2?cf=uploadMsg

    submitted by /u/ImperialGaming4
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    I hired an editor off Fiverr to make me a Christmas edit. Here's the result....

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 12:23 PM PST



    My name is LeftClickToShoot and I enjoy all types of video games. I especially enjoy tactical shooters like CS and Valorant. I am passionate about gaming, e-sports, and other gaming content. I've loved watching fragfilms since I saw zzirGrizz playing MW2 and Black Ops 1 in like 2012. I was so inspired that I literally bought a Dazzle game recorder when I was like 12 and started recording and editing my gameplay. You could probably find my old montages on youtube somewhere if you could figure out my old usernames, "RiziEdits, iSquiidx, toh0ttobesh0t," and many more. I evolved with the community and got into MW2 trickshots and killfeeds. Believe it or not, that type of content is what really established the e-sports scene by bringing fame to clans like FaZe and SoaR. Those clans are household names today that helped bring e-sports to life and it's all due to the culture that we shared as a community back then. I'm sure many of you were involved in that scene as well and might get what I mean :)

    Anyways due to life happening I never really got the chance to make videos like I wanted to so I got myself a Christmas present and hired an editor to compile a few Valorant clips. Hopefully this is the first of many videos. Enjoy :)

    submitted by /u/LeftClickToShoot
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    PSA: If you know you have to go somewhere/do something before a comp game, don't queue up for comp.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 02:33 PM PST

    (this is mainly for my iron/bronze friends, but also kind of a pointer for everyone)

    Competitive games almost always last for 30-40 minutes. Don't think you can "squeeze in a quick match before you go". The amount of people who AFK just because they "gotta go to dinner :/" or "aw gotta go to work" or something like that is ridiculous. You know those things ahead of time and should have the forethought of "huh, instead of throwing the game for others, maybe I shouldn't queue up for a comp match and instead wait until I get home." Having to AFK for decent reasons, like your stove catching on fire or an important sudden event that you have to address immediately, is understandable. Having to AFK because you can't manage your time well? That's infuriating.

    TLDR; if you want to play a quick match (or something that won't penalize everyone for your AFK), play unrated or deathmatch or something. Please save everyone the time and energy and don't queue up for comp.

    submitted by /u/monocheshaa
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    Some learning tips for All rank players against smurfs

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 12:46 PM PST

    Upon thinking the "smurf" situation a lot of times, I have thought of a notion to what to do if you encounter a smurf in the game -

    Iron Ranks -

    If you ever encounter smurfs in Opponents, this is the perfect time to do some random things in the game that You generally do not do, Like creating Sage Walls at random spots to catch them off guard, or like making omen smokes in random spots and pushing the opponents through that smoke. This will increase your agent learning as it is completely sure that you will lose the game unless you have a better smurf in the team. But that is not the point. The point is to learn the agent you are playing and explore new ideas.

    Bronze Ranks -

    In bronze rank you have a fair idea of how the agent works but are unable to rankup due to the team members or smurfs in opponents. If you encounter a smurf, then you can learn how to use tap with Vandal and not spray. Because the general notion in Bronze lobbies is Spray and Pray, learning how to tap will be pretty helpful for you.

    Silver Ranks -

    In this rank, players have a fair idea of where to aim and what to do in the game, but generally have no team coordination up to this point. If a smurf is ruining your game, you can learn from what he is doing in his game, like pushing too aggressively, or holding angles, and try to counter that by making the counter plays with your team. Valorant is a Team game unlike Mario or Tetris which is an individual game. Learning to make Team calls and plays will help you rank up faster.

    Gold Ranks -

    In this rank players are around 20% smurfs and 50% legit golds and rest are deranked from Plats. So the Gold is the place where players mostly suffer from smurfs and are HARD STUCK due to the increasing smurfing ID's. Now what I can suggest to players is to follow the above said in all the three ranks and improve and learn from what the smurf is doing, like checking corners and prefiring angles, all of that high level gameplay. You can learn all that by playing against a higher level player and not by just staying in your "well" and feeling pro by winning a match against golds. If you want to improve, you shall have to play against the better players and lose.

    Plat Ranks -

    Up to this point, the ranks were pretty Low or average gameplay. In the Plat Rank ~ MG Rank in Cs GO, you have pretty good knowledge about the game and already know about the smurfing problems in CS go and other games. So knowing about this, you really should not complain about smurfs and rather just believe in improving your game and aim sense. If you would cry about smurfs in opponents then it is your behavior that will suppress your increment in ranks. Think of the opponent as a normal plat player and that you are better, feel confident and win the game for your team.

    Diamond Ranks -

    Smurfs really do not exist at this point. All Diamond and Immortal level players have good game and aim sense. Someone having it better than you means that you have to get better at the game. There is simply no crying about smurfs in this rank and improving your gameplay is the only thing that matters at this point. Increasing your communication with the team and coordination should be increased to make game changing plays.

    So yeah, this was my take on Smurfing problem. Next post will be coming up soon. Stay in touch.

    I have a YT channel as well, if you guys want, I will reveal it here... But thanks for any support you guys can give me.

    submitted by /u/Deathg0DS
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    Raze jumps

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 01:37 PM PST

    Hey guys.

    Im playing raze for quite a while now because its the most enjoyable duelist for me. But Im just silver ranked and wanna improve more and more at the game. Id say Im mostly fine with my aim and abilities on raze but I see tons of godlike razes jumping like nearly across the map and I wanna start lern it to improve more and more with the heros Im playin. I know lots of one ways and spots for omen and cypher (playin who ever is needed for team or best on map) and now I just got this big gap on raze. Im ready to practice hours on hours on it, but do u guys know like a tutorial for the best and most important jumps that I can practice? Like where on each map the best jumps are listet and I can start practicing? Would be very nice, because if Im searchin for tutorials I just see the basic technique how to jump but I guess Im quite okay with my movements. Already big thanks to you guys ♥

    submitted by /u/Icaruspur
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    New player here, do your unranked matches affect your rank in competitive?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 11:52 AM PST

    I got valorant today, and it's really fun. Been 30 bombing most games just with aim, but losing most of them since there's no co-ordination between new players and I can't blame them, plus I have to get used to using all the abilities.

    Will these unranked losses affect my first rank in competitive?

    submitted by /u/_Nexius
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    what your favourite agent says about you (post based on requests I've been given under my last post here - so here you go)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 09:39 AM PST

    01 - Brimstone - you hate when League players call your agent Gangplank and you really like Captain Price from Modern Warfare.
    02 - Viper -despite her being called trash you can't let go of her and I respect that.
    03 - Omen - all silenced weapons and full edge, you also teleport to dumbass places, you also take bad time to teleport too.
    04 - Killjoy - you hate fun but in more sadistic way which is key difference between you and Raze mains.
    05 - Cypher - g-g-g-g-g-g-give me a corpse.
    06 -Sova - you ether are Ashe main from League OR you blast hard bass while playing the game, also sHoCk DaRt
    07 - Sage - you came from different game like Overwatch or League with terrible aim but will to be main healer of the team buuuuut then Skye was added so you suffer from existential crisis, you probably main Mercy in Overwatch or some sort of healer in your game of origin nonetheless friend of Skye mains.
    08 - Phoenix - "don't worry, I got this" "control, about the package..." you are friend and rivals with Jett mains.
    09 - Jett - "watch this!" proceeds to miss all daggers and dashes into that room where Brimstone sits with Judge and dies
    10 - Rayne - fuck you.
    11 - Raze - you hate fun, you enjoy your skilful abilities that can wipe out whole team and ultimate that will ether kill everyone or nobody, rival of Killjoy mains.
    12 - Breach - you really like this meme, don't you?
    13 - Skye- you are love the land of snakes and spiders and you probably have Steve Irvin waifu pillow, you might enjoy Pokémon too while loving the fact that your existence puts Sage mains into unease yet both of you are friends.

    if you wanna do anything to this post remember to let everyone know that Madoka made it and stuff - have fun using it to your liking or something - idk.

    submitted by /u/DeathAndWind
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