• Breaking News

    Friday, December 18, 2020

    VALORANT A different POV on the change in speed of paranoia.

    VALORANT A different POV on the change in speed of paranoia.

    A different POV on the change in speed of paranoia.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:34 AM PST

    Gamer dad checking in

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:51 AM PST

    Hey Valorant, hope it's cool if I drop into your community to ask a question.

    My son is an avid player, it's all he seems to want to do. As his dad, I wish there was something else he was this passionate about, but given my history as an old skool gamer from the Atari/Commodore 64 era, I'm not surprised that his passion lies where it is.

    I do my best to be supportive of him and try to prop him up when he's having a bad game or dealing with bad team mates (which seems to be the majority of the time). But not being an actual player of the game, there's only so much I can offer.

    That said, I'm curious how this community feels about the idea of coaching? Does anyone have any experience with it? I've looked around at some of the services available, but I don't know which is the best, or if they're even worth it.

    All feedback is welcome, I just want to be the best gamer Dad I can be, does that make sense? Are there other things I can lead him towards that will help his game?

    Fantastic group by the way, really great to see how positive everyone here seems to be.

    submitted by /u/Mr8vb
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    We made a smurf rage quit and it was amazing

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:56 AM PST

    I'm silver one, and i was just in a game last night with all bronze's except me, there was a smurf on the other team, he was trash talking from the first round, and by round 3 he was 12-1.

    he said things like "wow you guys should stop playing this game" and "what is this elo" along with a lot of things that were blurred out in text chat. He even confirmed he was surfing, which kind of killed everyone's mood on our team.

    But then round 4 came along, and I remembered something that a valorant youtuber said (TheKingLive), and it was something along the lines of "sometimes low elo players do things that are so stupid they catch good players off guard"

    I noticed that the raze (the smurf) was playing mid, and when we made our location known he would rush over, throw his grenade, and blast pack to us and mow us down while we were distracted by all of the utility. I told my team to make their presence known at A site (we were on split) and to quickly rotate. The raze pushed them and realized my team was rotating and tried to rotate through sewers hoping to flank us once we got to B main, but I was waiting there (because i didn't go with my team initially) and killed him.

    He got mad and said something along the lines of "why tf would you be playing there"

    We did the same thing the next round except this time I pushed mid and caught him from behind when he went to site.

    We realized this guy was easily tilted so we all started making fun of him every time he died, and every time he died he'd say things like "these plays are literally braindead" "I'm losing braincells watching you guys play" "no wonder you're hardstuck in silver 1"

    Every round after we'd play passively because smurfs like to chase kills, so we were all waiting for him and he always got outgunned

    Me (All): "ok guys he's definitely not a smurf"

    He immediately DC'd

    One of the best feelings ever, I hate smurfs so it was nice to actually be able to do something about them for once.

    To be fair he probably wasn't smurfing from a very high rank, but it still felt good.

    submitted by /u/soomuh
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    [Even More Lore Teasers] Potential Upcoming Cinematic and Agent 14's Name!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 07:32 PM PST

    [Even More Lore Teasers] Potential Upcoming Cinematic and Agent 14's Name!


    I'm already back with some new images that David Nottingham dropped, giving us a heads up on the Community Lore Server!

    These are SUPER COOL, please take a look! Source

    This news reel reveals that insider info leaked from a former Kingdom employee and resulted in a public outrage. The scrolling headlines suggest it is most likely related to Radianite. (1/x)

    Tokyo, Japan // Split // Kingdom HQ

    Related stocks are crashing as a result of the leaks. We see Kingdom Scientists experimenting with what we can assume to be Radianite or some byproduct/compound.


    Related stocks are crashing as a result of the leaks. We see Kingdom Scientists experimenting with what we can assume to be Radianite or some byproduct/compound.


    This looks like a debriefing the VALORANT Protocol is using to explain RADIANITE. (Note the symbol in the middle matching the "Radianite Hazard" card from the BP, meaning this is essentially a warning sign)


    Icebox in the background "VALORANT Security Cam" Phoenix Viper Killjoy "YRU" (our next Agent, likely VP-8 or VP-15) YRU could be Yoru or Yurei, Japanese in origin based off of teasers. Coordinates are just Riot's Main Campus IRL


    Viper and Phoenix, standing in what looks like Bind or possibly Venice (Ascent/The Range) *Also, I love how Viper looks here, very true to her Character Portrait Icon.

    That's all! Speculate away!


    submitted by /u/BloodyThumbtack
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    Riot Changed the Speed at Which You Regain Accuracy After Strafing in Beta and Gunplay Has Felt Off Ever Since

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 10:56 PM PST

    I constantly miss my first shot even when I'm stood still and aiming perfectly on their head because the first bullet decides to randomly fly off.

    In beta, there was a lot of complaints about running headshots, so Riot introduced a slight delay between stopping moving and being able to shoot accurately. It was a garbage bandaid fix to try and placate all the whiners who got shit on fair and square, but because they got counterstrafed one-tapped they think it's run and gun.

    I think the player base has matured enough that we can go back to that crisp feeling counterstrafing without everyone whining about how they are running headshot.

    submitted by /u/Appropriate-Lemon929
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    Flat style wallpapers for all Maps!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:34 AM PST

    Flat style wallpapers for all Maps! submitted by /u/RivalRudra
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    Smoothing the VALORANT Rough Patches | Dev Diaries

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:18 AM PST

    Who brought That New Fire? - VALORANT First Strike highlights

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:02 AM PST

    Expand the daily item shop.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:45 AM PST

    I think riot should expand the daily items that appear in your shop because as they add more skins smaller the chances of you actually getting the skin that you desire. So i think there should be at least one extra row of items in the shop. Let me know what you guys think and whether this is a good idea or not.

    submitted by /u/Neyto_
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    Skye mains... I also made "you" a Desktop Wallpaper!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 03:37 PM PST

    Skye mains... I also made "you" a Desktop Wallpaper!

    First off! I want to thank everyone for all the incredible feedback on my recent posts. You all have inspired me to work on my craft, each and everyday. I plan to keep on releasing amazing Valorant graphics. 🔥🔥🔥

    So here you go!!! Skye, the one and only. 🕊🕊🕊

    HD LINK: Valorant Wallpapers

    How is everyone enjoying the newest agent?

    (PS: Moving forward, I will be posting more on u/skelefx profile, because I really don't like this random name🤣🤣🤣 )

    Skye v1

    Skye v2

    Skye v3

    submitted by /u/Open-Acadia-3245
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    Valorant World Records

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:05 AM PST

    I'm making a list of world records, I'll be updating this if a record got broken. I will also add more categories based on any ideas you guys have.

    All information is accurate as of 12/18/20.

    Category Record Proof
    Most Kills 77 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkjdHhoR7RQ&feature=emb_title
    Most Assists 46 https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/keqxzx/whats_the_world_record_amount_of_assists_i_just/
    Highest Econ-Rating 2,605 https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/gw5x38/highest_econ_rating/
    Longest Game (By Rounds) 50 rounds https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/j7uz1t/world_record_for_longest_ranked_valorant_game_x13/

    submitted by /u/flamingo_036
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    Why does the final round not count towards overall score?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:51 AM PST

    Basically the title says it all, the final round always ends with everybody getting 0 points, regardless of how it ends.

    I just finished a game where I pulled off a 4K on the final round to win 13-11, but on the timeline my best round is a 2k in a round we lost. Seems like that should change, no?

    submitted by /u/suupaa
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    I saw footsteps in icebox. New agent tease?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:32 AM PST

    Did you guys also saw footsteps in icebox?

    So yesterday we played a 5man unranked with friends. At the very start of the match, one friend and I (other two were afk and last one is blind cause boomer) saw what i can only described as footsteps in the snow. Exactly like an invisible man walking in the snow (from mid to left side of spawn on CT side).

    Footsteps were blue'ish back'ish with some effected that made me think of omen (blue'ish smoke around them).

    I had no clue at the time, but now that you guys mention new invisible agent, this all makes sense.

    Its probably safe to assume that the new agent is japanese and have some way of going invisible. Main color is probably blue (darker blue then Sova).

    submitted by /u/Kapkin
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    100 Thieves Wins First-Ever Valorant Championship!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:36 PM PST

    Mike Shinoda (of Linkin Park) is currently playing Valorant with Team Liquid players and staff

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:31 AM PST

    My go at valorant fan art , omen lite

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 07:13 AM PST

    What New Agent looks like in Agent Bar

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:24 AM PST

    Valorant just released a dev diary video on their official Youtube channel. If you pause around 1:20 in that video, you can see the new character in the Agent Bar at the top. Although gameplay isn't shown, this IS something :D. Also, this was most likely an intentional sneak peek. More, its most likely an early version as this model looks very weird and off compared to the others

    submitted by /u/AdibOnFleek
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    Ion Phantom lets you know when your spray is getting random - notice the rotary shock in the stock

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:28 PM PST

    Petition to Incorporate the Skates Orb in Spike Rush

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:32 PM PST

    Basically the title. The Skates Orb from the Snowball Fight game mode is such a vibe! I have absolutely no issues if they replace some orb from Spike Rush to add this one. It would be even better if they could just add this to the pool of orbs present already.

    Also, kudos to Riot for providing such a fun game mode this Xmas! Job well done

    submitted by /u/CtrlFreak578
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    NA Dream Team

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:54 AM PST

    Now we've seen the first strike tournament, I wonder what everyone thinks would be the NA dream team.

    My pick would be:

    1. Asuna - Phoenix / Raze
    2. Wardell - Jett
    3. Hiko - Sova
    4. Subroza - Omen
    5. Steel - Cypher (IGL)

    What does everyone else think?

    submitted by /u/Maxi_Mouse
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    Davidp benched, will no longer be playing for G2

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:29 AM PST

    As stated by himself, he is still under contract but open to EU and NA offers.

    Source: https://twitter.com/G2Davidp/status/1339994126390050816?s=19

    submitted by /u/lvlz_gg
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    New "Win 10 Unrated" is causing players to throw in ranked instead

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 03:02 PM PST

    I was very excited to hear the new criteria for playing ranked is to win 10 unrated matches in an attempt to combat smurfing. Unfortunately, smurfs have still found a way to ruin the game for others. Now we have unranked players having to throw ranked matches to drop, where they were previously throwing unrated matches.


    EDIT: Yes, smurfing can be annoying. But throwers are 10x more annoying. My frustration here is with people throwing matches, more so with the new rule.

    submitted by /u/ZShakez
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    Are brim or viper ever gonna be useful?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:01 AM PST

    He is so bad compared to Omen and it seems that Omen is the only viable controller in the game in geneeral. How can riot say that the game is balanced when the only even remotely used controller characters is Omen

    submitted by /u/Big-Fat-Sak-53
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    Jett + Breach Combo

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:26 AM PST

    here's something i found in a comp game by accident. When you use knives for jett you can updraft once and then use breach's ult which is going to throw you higher into the air which can give you a lot of vision on a sight.

    submitted by /u/vzcw
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