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    Saturday, December 19, 2020

    VALORANT Game should be free to leave without punishment if a player on your team has been disconnected for 5min

    VALORANT Game should be free to leave without punishment if a player on your team has been disconnected for 5min

    Game should be free to leave without punishment if a player on your team has been disconnected for 5min

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:42 PM PST

    Works fine in dota2, avoids forcing players to waste time running down mid until game is over and stops 1 player in your team from griefing the rest by voting no on surrender vote even though you got 2 leavers and 2 players who can't use voice chat.

    Can't expect riot not to copy-paste the same mistakes over from LoL i guess.

    inb4 "i won a 3v5 game once in silver rank, downvoted"

    EDIT: "without punishment" = still lose rank but nothing else

    submitted by /u/NewRedditLayoutSux69
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    Bottom fraggers are sometimes the best on the team

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 11:59 AM PST

    Slightly misleading title, but this is something I have to post.

    By no means am I high ranking, at silver 3/gold 1, however in many of my ranked games, and also in unrated, I have found that bottom fraggers on the team get angry at themselves, and apologize frequently for things they could not control. For example, in the latest ranked game I played, Reyna was having one of "those" days, where shots don't connect, bad timing, etc. This happens to everyone, and although they were indeed not having a great game, they also had a good attitude and even gave up a "pep talk" at halftime.

    This is what my friends and I try to encourage from the people that aren't always doing the best, we hype them up, have fun, and play like we have already been friends with that person and we are doing a friendly scrim. In almost every single one of these cases, we have won the game, sometimes with the person who was 3/10 first half leading us at the end of the game.

    All I want to explain is, if you have someone on your team who is angry, perhaps flaming you or your teammates, maybe just being sad that they cannot help the team, have fun with them, and use the internet as a tool to bring people from across the globe together, even for one match.

    submitted by /u/ApyrCilantro
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    Fanart of Sage, the mountain

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 05:56 AM PST

    Fanart of Sage, the mountain


    Hey guys! I've been wanting to draw a fan art of some agents in Valorant for a while, I was thinking I'd draw viper but I've been a Sage main since day 1 so I figured I'd draw her instead :) anyways, enjoy!

    submitted by /u/Ace_MadoxX
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    Remake should be extended into the 2nd or 3rd roundq

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 09:05 AM PST

    I'm usually not one to complain much but out of the 10-15 comp games I've played in the past few days there's been multiple instances of a teammate leaving 2nd or 3rd round and we just have to deal with it or ff. I feel like the remake should go into the 2nd round or 3rd because this is still early in the game enough to screw us completely. I dont know what the answer would be but maybe this would help. Thoughts?

    Edit: Or maybe make it so you lose way less/not as much elo for playing a game out who disconnected.

    submitted by /u/zackwisdom
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    The Convex Operator has been Ruined for me

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:09 PM PST

    The Convex Operator has been Ruined for me

    The reload bolt of the gun is piercing through its body. When I discovered this, the game instantly stopped being fun, as in this state, it is quite literally unplayable.


    submitted by /u/DDXIII
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    Rito needs to decide what a silver player is

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 12:49 AM PST

    Ever since they made the ranking adjustments competitive has been an absolute shitshow for me

    I keep having games where it's essentially bronzes that jumped 2-3 ranks playing against what were high golds last act and it's ridiculous. On the same team you can have a dude with a HS percentage of over 60, and someone who's looking at his own two feet the whole game

    Games have been reduced to a simple stomp or get stomped, depending on which the bronze team is, and which the gold team is, and IMHO, this needs to be fixed urgently

    submitted by /u/mvvraz
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    Why Having Only Leavers Lose Rank is a Terrible Idea

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 09:40 AM PST

    I've noticed this sentiment expressed time and time again on this subreddit, so I want to run through why Riot will never implement a system where the team with a leaver doesn't lose rank or loses less rank than normal.

    I get it, it's frustrating. You're playing a ranked game and suddenly you see the dreaded disconnect. Now you're stuck playing a 4v5 and almost certainly taking a big rank hit, through no fault of your own. It seems like the only fair thing would be for the person who left to take the loss, and the rest of the team to just get a wash, or at least have the rank system take into consideration that they were playing a 4v5.

    But take a step back and consider what such a system incentivizes. In any ranked game, the players on the losing team will benefit if they can get someone else on their team to dc. Imagine what a game with 5 solo queueing teammates would look like if they were losing, in a situation where their choice is either take the loss, or somehow get someone on their team to leave.

    Every game will devolve into some argument about who's to blame for the loss and should dc. After all, if they're responsible, wouldn't it make sense they lose rank and their team walk away unpunished? Players will start deliberately trolling their teammates, trying to make the game as unplayable as possible so they just give up and dc. We'd be entering a system where this behavior would be rewarded. "Oh-uh, we're losing. Better bully/troll/trick one of these other guys on my team to dc so that I don't lose any rank."

    There's a reason why there's no major competitive video game that has a system where you take a smaller loss penalty (or none at all) because your team has a leaver. It would be a disaster and quickly make the community one of the most toxic in online gaming.

    submitted by /u/tennisdrums
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    Practice - Bots can't aim after planting the spike

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 02:10 AM PST

    Me and my friends have been experiencing this issue for a while, bots just become dumb once the spike is planted in practice. It used to work fine when the game first launched in beta, though.

    As you can see from the video bots are in hard mode and can aim just fine (before the spike is planted, at least)


    submitted by /u/Worth_Park4764
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    Here is a look at how the new patch affected Ranked Distribution!

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 12:12 PM PST

    Hey guys!

    I had been waiting a few days since the patch to collect enough data to get an accurate estimate for the new ranked distribution.

    Check it out: https://www.valking.gg/rankedDistributionChanges

    For the usual Valking view: https://www.valking.gg/ranked-distribution

    submitted by /u/Dirty3vil
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    The Myth of ELO Hell — Does it exist? If so, how do I get out?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 05:42 AM PST

    Video link if you're lazy to read

    ELO Hell is a topic that often comes up when players talk about climbing the ranks, especially in lower divisions. In general, players will blame losses on ELO Hell because, despite their "good" performances, they're weighed down by their teammates or other factors.

    Today, I'm going to try to answer the question, "Does ELO Hell Exist? And if it does, how do I get out of it?"

    Where exactly is ELO Hell?

    Although the term ELO Hell is more common amongst lower-ranked players, there isn't really a set rank by which ELO Hell starts and ends.

    Some say that ELO Hell ends at Gold because that's where players have a decent understanding of the game and have the aim to back it up, but I don't think that's accurate.

    Others will tell you that Platinum is the true ELO Hell because that's where even the best players get stuck. If you look at any unranked to immortal video, you'll see that their ranked progression starts to slow down once they hit plat.

    So where exactly is ELO Hell? To find the answer, I looked into the different problems of the lower ranks (which are Iron, Bronze, and Silver) and the Middle Ranks (which are Gold and Platinum). By looking at the problems, my goal is to pinpoint where players are going wrong and what it means to be stuck there.

    In order to be as precise as possible, I watched a bunch of streamers, reviewed VODS, and interviewed players for the course of a week. Please keep in mind, that at best, this is a very informal study, and it's just my take on the whole ELO hell situation.

    The Findings

    I found that ELO Hell does exist, but not in the way players are thinking about it. It isn't tied to a specific rank, but a spectrum of problems that changes the higher up you go.

    Now, let me explain.

    In the lower ranks of Iron, Bronze, and Silver, there are a bunch of things that make climbing difficult. Here, players usually lack both the awareness and game sense to make good decisions and the mechanical skill to capitalize on enemy mistakes. When I talk about mechanical skill, I mean that most low ranked players aren't complete players. They might have great raw aim, but don't have the fundamentals down (like peeking, isolating angles, x-hair placement). Aside from that, there's the problem of rampant toxicity and smurfs.

    These are big problems, but I think the biggest and most glaring problem in the lower ranks is the lack of good comms and team play. In a game like Valorant, playing as a team is essential to winning the match. Even if you have worse players, the team with better coordination will generally win more rounds.

    Because of these problems, I can see why players tend to blame ELO Hell because of the coin flip nature of teammates since a lot of people just don't know what they're doing.

    It gets a bit trickier when you hit Gold and Plat. Players in these ranks will have pretty decent aim but still lack game sense and good decision making. There's a saying that I think applies to these ranks specifically and that is "All Aim, No Brain." I've seen some plat players have insane aim that can rival immortals, and I'm not even joking.

    However, I find that these ranks are even more toxic than the lower ones because this is where people start to build ego. To be fair, statistically, if you're in gold, you're already in the top 30% of players.

    Still, the lack of good comms and teamwork can make it feel like you're fighting an uphill battle. While players are a bit more knowledgeable, it makes the experience downright unenjoyable when you have a toxic player on your team. These problems are also valid.

    The Mindset Problem

    But as I interviewed more and more players that were hard stuck in their ranks, one thing remained constant: The feeling of doing well but being weighed down by teammates. Usually, this means top fragging but still not winning. Before anything, I just want to say that kills aren't everything, but the impact your kills have on the round is what's important. Getting 1 kill while being the entry for your team is a lot more valuable than 2 or 3 kills when the round is already lost. The scoreboard was never an accurate representation of your performance so the notion that you're weighed down by teammates because you're top fragging isn't always true. This also means that the notion that you're stuck in your rank solely because of your teammates isn't true as well. There are always things you can improve on.

    Although having good teammates will always make it easier to climb, the fact of the matter is, you're stuck in "ELO Hell" because you're just not good enough yet.

    You can make as many excuses as you want, but you can only control your own performance so there's no point blaming your teammates, especially if you're solo queuing. If you really deserved to climb out of a certain rank, then you need to be a cut above the others in terms of how you impact the match, whether that's by getting kills, good ability usage, or just being a positive voice in comms.

    So how exactly do I get out of ELO Hell?

    First and foremost, as I've said in the past, you need to look at your own problems first. Be humble and realize that even your best performance won't always end up in a win, and it might not be your teammates' fault.

    If you're in the lower ranks, I'd suggest working on your raw aim and crosshair placement. Aim and mechanical skill can only carry you so far in Valorant, but I'm sure they're enough to get you past silver. Some people even say that you can reach Immortal with great aim only, but that's a lot harder than it sounds.

    The way I improved my base mechanics was by spamming deathmatch. In deathmatch, you train your crosshair placement and raw aim, and you have way more engagements than in a real match. I forgot which pro said this (C9 Relyks?), but I'm pretty sure they said that you should be playing 3 DMs for every 1 Competitive game, which I think is a good number. Aim trainers will improve your raw aim as well. Also, it might be a good idea to thoroughly learn 1 or 2 agents and stick by them so that you can optimize your ability usage.

    Now, game sense might be trickier to build up since players are so random that it's hard to predict how they'll react to things. That said, having a good framework for decision making will make it easier for you to climb as good decisions lead to favorable situations which lead to more rounds won. I previously made a post on good decision making, so feel free to check that out.

    For the golds and plats, it's harder to nail down a specific solution. What I do know is that playing with your team will make the difference. Be nice and encouraging in voice chat, give helpful and short callouts. Don't be a backseat gamer. Trade-off your teammates and communicate what you plan to do. In a lot of scenarios in these ranks, your deficiencies in base mechanics and game sense can be patched up by good teamplay.

    Final Thoughts

    I know this post isn't the most detailed, but I just wanted to give my own commentary on the whole ELO Hell Situation and how players love to blame it for not ranking up. While ELO Hell does exist to an extent, it's not the main reason why you're stuck in a certain rank. If you deserve to rank up, then you need to consistently impact the game in a positive way.

    That said, I do hope that the Valorant community becomes less toxic over time. I've had a lot of friends turn away from the game because they were scared of toxic teammates if they didn't perform well. Remember, being toxic isn't going to help anyone and will only serve to bring your team down.

    Anyway, that's all from me. I'd love to hear other opinions about this topic, and I'm pretty sure I've missed a few things. Hope we can have a nice discussion! :)

    submitted by /u/eggwickgg
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    I think I’ve found my favourite game.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 02:04 AM PST

    Valorant is amazing. It's everything I want in a tactical FPS. You need good teamwork, mechanical skill, and game-sense which are all balanced perfectly in order to succeed in this game. I have thousands of hours in games like R6 Siege and Overwatch but Valorant has a special place in my heart. It's the first game I have gotten to Plat in ranked and it feels so good to feel like I'm actually decent at a game. Thank you Riot for an amazing game that I will continue to enjoy for a long time <3

    submitted by /u/mizukoo
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    Valorant agent 14 discussion and speculation

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 10:18 AM PST

    That names gonna be Yuzuru. If you look here ( https://japanese-names.info/first_name/yuzuru/ ) theres a lot of meaning depending on how you write yuzuru in japanese. Theres "lapiz luzuli" the jewel , theres also "escape" , also "to help"

    From my speculations and other comment that what i think the skills are

    He'll become a puddle of ferrofluid and able to roam freely for a couple of seconds same as reynas invi but you can see a trail.

    His ult activates his ferrofluid to take form of a samurai armor. If you would look at the silhouette image with the new agent in the middle. Look at the left shoulder you can see some kind of shoulder pad.

    Not sure about the other skills though. I was thinking of a throwable proximity knife or shuriken or kunain or even flying paper bombs that you can activate to self destruct

    submitted by /u/blu3st
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    Don't worry about your age, you can become pro at any age.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 11:58 AM PST

    A lot of people think only young players can go pro, thats not true. 100 Thieves just won the championship and Hiko is an old man lol basically a grandpa. If a grandpa can go pro then we can all do it guys don't ever doubt yourself.

    EDIT: this is obviously humor, stop getting offended

    submitted by /u/LeftClickToShoot
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    Just because I am 1 rank higher than you doesn’t mean I should be carrying!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:12 PM PST

    I am really confused on why players have to be toxic, especially to people who dont even say anything toxic to others. I am a Sova main and it is really hard to play when players who main Reyna flame you for not top fragging. Especially when it is said to an agent whose kit is mainly supposed to help the team. I also find frustrating that players consider kills and rank as a way to measure ones skill in the game. I am currently plat 2 and I hate when people just flame me for not carrying the team and not top fragging. It's not like sova mains are supposed to frag out every game like reyna, aka the agent whose kit is made for fragging. I dont like to mute people since one i miss out on valuable info and two i never tilt even when we are losing. But i just want to let all those duelist mains out there that just because you have more kills than someone doesnt mean you are necessarily better than them. Not everyone has good games and most of the time the people who are flaming you dont consistently have good games either. Additionally just because someone is a higher rank than you doesnt mean they are always carrying, especially if it's around gold and plat. The skill differences between the two ranks are quite small so dont flame someone just because they are two ranks higher than you and arent carrying.

    submitted by /u/Responsible-Shop5513
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    Valorant KillJoy Ascent A and B Grenade Lineups

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 07:28 AM PST

    1 hour ban in not selecting Agent in Spike Rush

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 06:43 AM PST

    Is it logical to restrict for 1 hour when Agent is not selected that too in Spike Rush? IMO this ban should only be in Competitive. Sometimes, players play casually when waiting for their squad to be online or as a warm-up game.

    submitted by /u/EdogawaShinichi
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    Bronze --> Plat by playing KillJoy (68% win rate)

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 11:20 AM PST

    Been playing this game since Beta and have mained primarily Brimstone and Viper. I recently switched to KillJoy the start of December and was able to jump from Bronze 3 to Plat 1 as of yesterday.

    For those struggling to climb, get your hands on killjoy she is extremely powerful in lower/mid elo.

    Inb4 KJ gets nerfed and I drop back to bronze.

    submitted by /u/sofed
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    Besides basics like enemy locations, what could I be saying to my team?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 11:24 AM PST

    I'm a low level player (fluctuate between iron and bronze) so there's not a lot of communication in my games. I try to talk to my teammates but I'm not sure what I should be saying.

    My callouts are typically limited to things like "Two in mid", "Sage in heaven", or "104 on Sova" and not much else. I imagine higher ranked players are saying more than just these basics. So what kind of things are you saying in comms?

    submitted by /u/Hardtopickaname
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    Valorant low elo ranked is unfun

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 11:54 AM PST

    It cant be just me every game in Iron is decided by who AFKs first. No rewards other than a shiny badge. Theres almos no reason to play it. They really need to make AFK punisments hurt like in League

    submitted by /u/GrassGaurdian
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    Voice chat restricted players should only be teamed up with each other.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 08:17 AM PST

    Title. I shouldn't have to play a game with multiple voice chat restricted players on my team. These players often are the biggest trolls and I just had two that force bought every round and rushed.

    Wouldn't it be easy to this group these players together? Their teammates shouldn't be the ones at a disadvantage.

    submitted by /u/reddit_trolliosis
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    Which map do you prefer to play the least?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 06:33 AM PST

    I just wanted to know the general opinion regarding the current map pool and which maps does the community prefer to play the least.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/_Alexis_22
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