• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 31, 2020

    VALORANT Glitch: Killing in Omen's ult animation

    VALORANT Glitch: Killing in Omen's ult animation

    Glitch: Killing in Omen's ult animation

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 07:51 PM PST

    Don't pick duelist if you wanna chill

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:42 AM PST

    I know many of you will hate me for that but after my 5th rank game in row where someone instalocks pheonixs and never go first, i have to say this...
    you wanna watch the back of your team? Okay, take cypher, kj, sage or maybe omen.

    you wanna go second or prepare an engage for your team? Yeah cool take breach, skye, omen or brim.

    Its okay when some duelist lurk sometimes or hold angles but not when your team needs your engage tools

    But pls dont take a duelist and then hold defense angles as a attacker..its your job to engage, get info for your team and maybe get the first frag. Sometimes you will die but your team has info now, can refrag and can get side control.

    submitted by /u/EnteEon
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    This is how Riot creates Elo Hell

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 12:32 PM PST

    This is how Riot creates Elo Hell

    I'm gonna give just an example of a friend of mine that's been playing on this account on Diamond 2. He has the piramide full of Diamond 2's and 3's triangles and played probably around 300 matches this act.

    These are two matches, with almost the same combat score, basically the same result, but one defeat and the other a win. They were played in a roll. The difference? He lost 2 arrows when loosing and won only 1 when winning.


    Doing the Math

    I use the script from our reddit friend (Ranked Point Checker) to count the exact score from 0 to 100 that he won or lost with those matches. When he won, he got 10 points, which is laughable, since he would need to win 10 matches like this one (in a roll) to rank up, even though he played pretty well (He did not match mvp, but top fragged and had several first bloods, clutches, and gave all the support from smokes and bangs) - I was coaching the matches and watching it live.


    Well, when he lost, Riot thought of being a bit thougher on him. They took 20 points out, which was the exact amount of the last 2 win's he just had. Here is the result:


    Well, if you take a look at his piramide, you'll see that the "appropriate rank" is Diamond 2 (that's how they determine if you are in the right elo or not, and if should be thougher or easier to rank up or down) and that brings a whole lot of problems.


    Then, what the hell is Elo Hell?

    Well, the system that riot put in place is really tough on players that have already a good amount of matches, and it gets tougher the more you play. They will make it easier for you to rank down and really hard for you to rank up. These 2 matches are just an example of what I've noticed since the beginning of this act, this is a whole trend that made people stuck on lower elos.

    This is what actual elo hell looks like, you can improve, get better, but you would need to improve so much to get out of this, carry many matches to actually rank up and then you would need to maintain consistency to not actually drop loosing one match.

    That has happened several times to this friend of mine, that's why he actually called me to coach him, he was going in the same day once or twice from Diamond 2 to Diamond 1, even though his win rate was arond 54~55% (you can check it on valking.gg).

    This creates deep frustration with the game because we feel that even though we are getting better, things aren't moving. They think that by doing this they are making people play more and stay engaged, but actually is just making people quit from this game, which is a shame, since the potential it has is enormous.

    I've been saying this for a while in this sub, but gonna say it again: the ranked system is broken, especially for those people that play support roles, it's harder to top frag and they impact the game the same or even more than duelists.

    This is the last day of the year and I hope that all the frustration that 2020 brought us, fade. 2021 things shall be better, hopefully in Valorant too.

    submitted by /u/luishacm
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    I hop in a ranked game only to see 8/10 players are bots. Idk if this has happened to anyone else before

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:28 AM PST

    Essentially, I found the New Agent. Might not be them, but definitely wasn't any agent on my team or in the game.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:53 PM PST

    Hey guys, I am the president of my highschool esports club and my club is holding a Valorant tournament, some of the teams participating have some really great players and I would really appreciate if you guys would drop in to watch. the start at 2pm pacific standard time.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:22 AM PST

    The /Remake option needs to loosen up.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:12 AM PST

    Sorry im a bit bad at explaining.

    Currently /remake only works if a player got kicked in the first round for being afk. Probably because Riot wants the player to /remake if its not fair battle and not because you could lose due do being worse than the enemy team.

    The requirements needs to loosen up a bit.

    For example /remake should be a option as long as the enemy dosent have 2 points. (usually you lose the first round and get the chance for remake with the enemy having 1 point).

    if you win the first round even if its -4v5 you would likely to still want to /remake but your teammates might think WINNABLE and say no.
    If you then lose the next round your teammates should start to realize that its not a fair game.

    Also there needs to be some way that the game can detect afk bots.

    submitted by /u/Simalf
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    I made a tutorial about the Flash and Dash, a simple but effective strategy you should learn. The video includes how/why it works and showcases the most common and effective flash and dash spots on every map. Hope you enjoy :))

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:33 PM PST

    The recent video about shooting in Omen's ult made me curious, so I tried to find consistent ways to replicate it but accidentally stumbled upon this, placing a smoke at your exact location while in the ult! No idea how this helps lmao. (sorry for shitty quality I play on a potato)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:43 AM PST

    Recent spike in the amount of hackers in valorant

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:00 AM PST

    I have seen way more hackers in the last 2 days in valorant, and people dont even try to hide it. Anyone else feel the same? Also found a few clips on twitch all posted in the comments.

    submitted by /u/BLuka-1
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    Replays would be super helpful in catching "closet cheaters"

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:21 PM PST

    If you're not sure what a closet cheater is here is a good definition I found from urban dictionary:

    Basically, it's when a cheater who uses any third-party software to get an advantage on a game, but instead of blatantly cheating, they will try to completely hide the fact that they're cheating.

    I believe there are a bunch of players that are using really good, believable cheats right now, and climbing ranks, dropping 30-40 kills a game. Right now, without replays it is VERY VERY hard to tell if someone is cheating or smurfing. From your own POV it is almost impossible because you aren't seeing the enemy's crosshair movement or anything else. I really hope we get a replay system soon because the amount of fishy players I have been running into in Plat has been out of control.

    submitted by /u/mlalssid
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    How do you guys deal with periods of time where you can't aim for the life of you?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:52 AM PST

    I've been having an awful week, easily going below 0.5 KDA in a lot of games. I remember times when I'd top frag pretty easily, tapping heads felt like it was second nature. I haven't felt like that in a while tho, and I get pummeled in most games at my rank (High plat).

    Is this an occurrence to all players,even higher elo ones? How do you guys deal with this?

    submitted by /u/AwfulAtEverything
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    how do i stop being stressed during competitive matches?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:40 AM PST

    i feel like my aim is pretty good, i do really well in deathmatch and do pretty good in unrated, yet all of that just goes away during competitive and i think it's just the pressure of a ranked match is coming to me and makes me whiff my shots or make bad calls, how do i stop feeling so stressed about it?

    submitted by /u/Bswnoah7
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    Agent Concept: Ocean

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:55 AM PST

    Name: Ocean

    Blurb: The Hawaiian Sailor, Ocean's connection to water is deadly on the battlefield and her enemies struggle to keep their heads above water.

    Role: Initiator

    WAVY VISION: Watery Vision that refracts objects and sight all around.

    Signature: 2 Kills 1 Charge

    Water Spout- Create a small circle that creates a Water Spout. Agents that walk into the Spout get boosted into the air. Can be paired with movement abilities to gain speed and height. Enemies that use the spout will be boosted, but also gain WAVY VISION for 3 sec. Spout Lasts for 20 sec and makes moderate noise.

    Ability 1: 1 Charge 200 Creds.

    Tsunami Wave- Equip a Tsunami Wave. Fire to create a 5 Meter that slowly grows taller and slowly moves forward, yet accelerates the further the distance. This wave pushes allies somewhat and pushes Enemies even more. Enemies that touch the wave gain Wavy Vision for 5 seconds. Wave also blocks vision. Wave travels 40m.

    Ability 2: 2 Charges 100-200 Creds.

    Voiceline: Creating Waterfall

    Spear of Ku: Equip a spear. Fire to Set Spear down. Once the spear hits the ground, it creates a small wall of water that blocks vision and gives enemies that walk through wavy vision. Wall lasts for 30-40s.

    Ultimate: 7 Ult Points

    Team Voiceline: Flush Them Out.

    Enemy Voiceline: Heads Under Water

    The Wrath of Kanaloa- Summon a large radius in front of you to create a large water area that lifts enemies up into the air after a small channel. They stay in the air for 2 sec and then drop, taking 60 damage.


    Water Dilution- Ocean uses water to dilute damage from ground abilities (Brimstone Molly, Phoenix Fire, Viper Poison)

    submitted by /u/SilverWolf8662
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    Hate it when people instalock 4 duelists

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:50 AM PST

    It gets so frustrating when 4 players instalock duelists and then shout take sage or omen. Its almost impossible to play nowadays as many new players only want to take duelists.

    submitted by /u/Bratty91
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    who is the most impressive agent to master?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:44 AM PST

    what agent has the most potential to influence the outcome of a game when mastered? i am new to valorant and love difficult but rewarding characters in other games.

    submitted by /u/metsudofang
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    Brimstone Molly Lineups with pictures

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:14 AM PST

    Hello Brimstone Players!

    As a solid Brimstone main I have done some experimenting with post-plant attacking lineups:

    Bind A lineup:


    Bind B lineup:https://imgur.com/a/xscVmUC

    Ascent A Lineup:


    Ascent B Lineup:


    Haven C Lineup:


    IMPORTANT: Please note that result and actual lineup will vary between crosshairs!! This is applied to all guides of lineups that are out there!

    I really don´t like videos because it takes so long to go through it. Go through it in custom to practice yourself!

    Thanks to my Friend sSh1ne that helped me (all of them;) discover lineups over the Holidays!

    submitted by /u/Thehugge
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    Rank system doesn’t make sense

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:52 AM PST

    How do I get 3 up arrows as an Immortal 2 when my Diamond 2 teammate had more frags than me and only got 2 up arrows? Plus we only won 13-9

    submitted by /u/Tnt540
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    Annoying widget over teammates.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 12:19 PM PST

    Hello, how do I turn off those widgets over my teammates that displays, guns, armor status? It came recently with a patch but it's not helping me in anyway. It actually blocks my view, mostly when my teammates are in an elevated position. Also, when teammates are far away in an other site those annoying widgets literally block a whole portion of vision. I've died multiple times because of those things. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Kayala_Hudson
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    Are there many cheaters in this game?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:28 AM PST

    Sometimes my team is angry because they think one of the enemy players are cheating. Are there many cheaters in this game? I thought it was very few players who cheat because of riots anti-cheat program. Are they just crying because enemy player is much better or are they actually cheating?

    Just asking if cheating is widespread in this game like in CSGO.

    Cheers and Happy new year.

    submitted by /u/Cute_Bubble
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    Windows 10 20H2 - This game is not available on your operating system.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:34 AM PST

    I got this error on my windows 10 20H2, how to fix this?

    Edition Windows 10 Pro

    Version 20H2

    Installed on ‎28/‎05/‎2020

    OS build 19042.685

    Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.551.0

    submitted by /u/nXqd
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