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    Friday, January 1, 2021



    Cheats in VALORANT

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:52 AM PST

    Hey guys , I'm in Inmortal 3 right now , and for some reason , these last 3 days I've met more cheats than in the last 6 months of VALORANT...

    I wanted to know if this was your feeling too or is it me?

    I'm not talking about people who could or could not be cheaters.. IS CHEATERS WITHOUT EVEN HIDING IT , just people aimboting and wallhacking blatantly...

    If this is your case too, RIOT have to do something or alot of people are gonna leave this game...

    submitted by /u/LighT2007999
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    Interesting find on competitive: You don't gain ANY MMR if you win a potential deranking game.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:45 AM PST

    Interesting find on competitive: You don't gain ANY MMR if you win a potential deranking game.

    I've been using u/Rumblemike's Valorant Ranked points checker to see how many points I gain each match, and I think I came across something problematic with Riots current ranked system.

    If your points go down to 0, your game is essentially dubbed a 'derank game', meaning if you lose again, the game sends you down a rank. The issue is, you need to win two games to escape the derank.


    even if you won a 13-5 match at 0 RP (seen above) which gave three up arrows, your RP from that match are nulled, and you have to go again, only the second game actually giving points...

    I have no idea why riot chose to add this, and what's more the visual side of the game shows you gaining points when your rating didn't change.hopefully the promised demotion protection in Ep 2 change this demotion incentivization that has been hidden from us.

    submitted by /u/paulokhayat
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    Adding a STAY IN LOBBY option for competitive

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:16 AM PST

    Other games such as Rainbow Six Siege give you the option of requeueing into the next game with the same team.

    Now, thechnically you can do this in Valorant by adding everybody to your friend list, inviting them to your party and queuing again, but in soloq competitive I don't necessarily want to add 3-4 new people to my friend list after every game and keep track of who is who.

    Adding a simple option to keep the same team for another game would make my life so much easier as sometimes (I guess in low ELO this is a bigger problem than for our friends up there) I jump from a pretty exciting 13-9 win to a depressing 2-13 loss because I run into people who have no idea what they are doing.

    submitted by /u/KobeLito
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    Something needs to be done about throwers.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:50 AM PST

    So this is my first time experiencing a thrower first hand, we got into the game, they locked Raze and right at the start of the game they said "this is my alt, I want to derank". Then for the entire game they grenaded their own team mates, used /all chat to tell them when we were, continuously took spike and threw it in the middle of nowhere and just hopped about the map with their knife out. It shouldn't be this easy for someone the throw, just to derank.

    No vote to kick function. We can't surrender because they won't vote. We couldn't remake because they won't vote.

    We've just lost a lost of elo because someone was about to throw the game so easily. FIX THIS RIOT.

    submitted by /u/Ul-thane
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    The nerf skins are great and all, but committing to the gift/christmas idea... lessens it

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:43 AM PST

    happy 2021

    i wish they just went full commit on the nerf skins. they are legit like, fucking great ahaha

    but the finisher is a present? i understand that a nerf gun could be a present you get on christmas. but i wish instead they did some badass shit that nerf advertisements always go for. maybe a lil corny, over-the-top final kill animation, and idk maybe you can see a nerf bullet sticking to the enemy's forehead for each headshot

    at least something thats true to the nerf universe (lol) instead of a seasonal thing

    submitted by /u/frigidds
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    Brimstone Ascent post plant molly (A side)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:24 PM PST

    A letter to the teammates who call everyone on the team trash

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:24 AM PST

    Not only are you going negative,

    Not only are you only getting kills off my 15 assists,

    Not only do you bait me only to die,

    Not only are you bullying our cypher who's trying so hard to learn,

    but you got our jett to DC and you're bottom of the scoreboard

    - stay mad lol

    submitted by /u/shadingwolf
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    Enable spectating friends live game

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:16 AM PST

    I think it's really good idea or feature to allow people to spectate their friends games, provided there can be a delay of 30 seconds or more. It'll be really exciting and fun to check out how your friends are doing. I personally think it's a cool feature that needs to be added. So what do you guys think ?

    submitted by /u/DarkVader07
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    Which pistol do you prefer to use on the first round of a match?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:55 AM PST

    I personally like the classic because of the burst fire when you right click, which is very helpful in close range situations.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/ice_wallow_dix
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    Good beginning of 2021

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:16 AM PST

    Good beginning of 2021

    First day of 2021, 9 wins in a row and here we go. Took me 6 years in CS:GO to get Global, got it faster in Valorant. Happy New Year!


    submitted by /u/dmtrs1337
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    I climbed to Diamond playing only as Shotgun Sage and it was an interesting experience...

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:15 PM PST

    After seeing a post about Koreans in high elo think that shotguns (mainly the bucky) are too strong on r/VALORANT a couple months ago, I did an experiment to see if I could climb with shotgun only. Instead of picking the best movement type agents that synergize well with shotguns (Raze and Jett), I picked Sage since I was thinking I could use her wall aggressively to get off-angles against opponents. Also the name Shotgun Sage was funny to me.

    I found out that Shotguns are really good, especially if you can master the bucky right click range. The amount of times I was able to get a one-shot was too many.

    Utilizing shotguns definitely alter the style of play that most people are not used to and can surprise enemies.

    Also Killing people with shotguns make people very angry which you can see some examples here: Video 1 & Video 2

    Below is what I found playing as Shotgun Sage (Proof I hit diamond)


    • Play Sage every game
    • Only use Shotguns: Judge, Bucky, and Shorty
    • With round loss providing 1900 credits, I am able to force-buy every single round.
    • I mainly played with my friends (duo to 5-stack) since I didn't want to ruin any random teammate's games, however when I did solo queue, all my teammates were super nice and loved the fact I was going as Shotgun Sage.


    • I went 4-1 in my placements and got the rank of Silver 3 (For unrated games, I only lost once before I reached 10 wins).
    • It took 53 games from Silver 3 to reach Diamond 1. I had a 73.5% W/L Ratio, 39 Wins - 14 Losses.
    • I have a K/D of 1.39, Dmg/Round = 148, HS% = 17.5%, Combat Score of 266, Econ Score of 56
    • On Defense, I mainly used the Judge. On Offense, I used Bucky only since the right click has farther range.
    • Going shotgun only, I am able to store up my economy and constantly buy for my teammates.
    • Even in high plat/low diamond, opponents did not know how to adapt shotguns. People got super tilted and would claim that shotguns are no skill, then start to use them, get killed, rage more, then go back to assault rifles.
    • I also had weird experiences with the shorty - I shoot them with 2 shots and hit them with 11 pellets but only did 77 damage. I learned that with the shorty, you have to be almost kissing your opponent for it to kill them, once you start social distancing the shorty damage falls off drastically.
    • On pistol rounds, I always went with Wall+Shorty. This leaves me with 300 credits which will allow me to always buy a wall the next round (win or lose).
    • My playstyle changed, I learned how to fast-jiggle peek and shoot with the bucky. On defense, I always changed where my location and set-up.
    • I found some spots where I can wall up which will allow me to get the perfect bucky-right click oneshot range.

    Tips on how to counter Shotguns

    • Use your utility: the toughest agents were Sova, Cypher, Breach, Phoenix, and Raze. They are able to clear out corners where someone with a shotgun would hide. Also flashes counter shotgun play super hard.
    • Play at a distance, if you know the optimal shotgun right click range, you will also know how far back to stand or if you need to play up close. There are many times where I would right click and it would only do 20 damage since the pellets didn't travel far enough.
    • Play smart: the best example I can give is on the map Split. If someone is using a shotgun, they usually play in Mail Room (B-Heaven), therefore you can execute A and they will have a hard time retaking site.

    I think that shotguns are very strong especially in force-buying rounds and the round after pistol. I honestly have no idea on how to nerf the bucky right click.

    submitted by /u/quarkez
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    "For youu~" Chibi Sage : Fanart by me

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:25 AM PST

    "For youu~" Chibi Sage : Fanart by me


    Fanart i made a while ago. Just had the time to upload it here. ^ ^ ''

    Hope you guys likes it~ :)

    You can find more artworks on Twitter/Instagram : @ Emmiinnoo

    submitted by /u/Emmiinnoo
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    Valorant skins levels

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:12 AM PST

    Honestly this is not something ive heard a lot players from valorant discuss but why does Valorant not allow us to unequip an upgrade. Like upgrades u buy for skins with radiante. I mean we pay for the skins so we should have the choice of unequip upgrades. I hope valorant allows this in the next patch or something.

    submitted by /u/forzayeti
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    Petition to Bring Back Luxe Variants!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:29 AM PST

    Man, those gold Luxe skins back in the beta are still my favorites to this day. That clean gold and white scheme, or the candy apple red, or that... unique camouflage one. Those variants were awesome, and I know Riot said they were just a test but they've been responsive to the community in the past, so I figured why not? Bring back the Luxe variants!

    submitted by /u/UnoRevrse
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    Deathmatch could be much better

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:32 PM PST

    Deathwatch is a mode to warm up before a match and practice aim but right now it's not in avery good state imo. Here is some things I would change:

    Mute the footsteps sound: this would encourage running through the map with confidence that there are no campers expecting you because the noise you make.

    Instant respawn: I really don't know why you have to wait 2 second to spawn.

    Make a system where everyone is using the same type of guns: just like some community ffa csgo servers where you have 2 minutes only pistol, then you have 3 minutes smgs, shotguns and marshal and then OP and rifles.

    submitted by /u/tesoro153
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    Anyone know ways to practice peeking?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:44 AM PST

    I'm bronze 2 and one thing I know can make me a better player learning to peek properly. I have good aim but I know that's not all it takes to climb higher. Does anyone know any ways have any advice to practice peeking cause mine is just straight up sh@t.

    submitted by /u/JushDeGoat
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    Strange Visual Glitch on Ascent. Has Anybody Seen Anything Similar?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:41 AM PST

    Really odd visual glitch on Ascent. The object appeared basically as soon as the Phoenix in front pulled out his Phantom. I couldn't see what kind of Phantom he was holding. The object is quite clearly a Phantom at first but quickly unfolds like Origami into an incomprehensible blob. Has anyone seen anything similar?


    submitted by /u/Goztone
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    made a fan art of omen with c4d after effects and blender

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:33 PM PST

    made a fan art of omen with c4d after effects and blender

    made a fan art of omen with c4d after effects and blender i hope you like it her'es my page theres an wallpaper quality download link of it without watermarks fb.com/XslingGG


    submitted by /u/Xslinga
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    Undo Skin Upgrades

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:44 AM PST

    I just bought the blast x skins, but really hate the looks of the animations and lasers. Is there a way i can take upgrade off? Fox ex: could i have level 1,3,4 for my singularity phantom and have bullets instead of lasers? This is a real problem.

    submitted by /u/Tiscool24
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    Is crouching for shooting worth it ?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:10 AM PST

    My aim goes all over the place when I try to spray standing up. I don't know if it's placebo but when crouching it seems I get more hits, it's worth it trading accuracy over vulnerability ?

    submitted by /u/TheLowEndPcUser012
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    Am I the only one who's dissatisfied by the premium knife animations?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:20 PM PST

    The title says it all, really. But I really feel like we could have at least some cool equip and inspect animations for the premium knives in the game. Knives such as the Luxe Knife have no extra animation at all, and most of the others share the same one (like Ruin, Elderflame and others). An equip at least like the bayonets in CSGO would even work tbh, it just feels too stale for a knife I paid so much VP for.

    Also while I'm at it, do you think a tag on dropped weapons like "XXX's Elderflame Vandal" would be nice? (like in csgo)

    Edit: small correction

    Edit 2: I feel like this needs a bit of clarification, I use CSGO as a reference to better explain myself and help you guys better visualize what I'm trying to say. By no means am I trying to compare the two games.

    Edit 3: Just some final remarks before the post dies off: My main motivation for creating this post was to point out the clunkiness with the animations. I'm not saying the game needs over the top unique animations for the knives, just a small pop when you switch to the knife or inspect it, so it feels better when you Q-Q or spam inspect for fun. (Btw I really like the fact that the inspect button is spammable in this game lol)

    submitted by /u/Cagdas42
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    nukkye: "Regarding the North American teams, I don't feel like they are a challenge" | FRAGlíder

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:08 AM PST

    Why do people surrender random games?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:08 PM PST

    Played a game today where the score was 3-3 and we lost a round, and immediately our top fragger started a surrender vote. Aside from me voting no, everyone else agreed and we ended up surrendering.

    Why do people call these votes? If you don't want to play a close game then I honestly don't see why you would queue up into a game just to attempt a surrender the second it begins to look close early.

    submitted by /u/4761_TM87
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    Winning a rank after inactivity can get you ranked up.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:24 PM PST

    Winning a rank after inactivity can get you ranked up.

    Ive noticed that if you go inactive and then win that placement game, you can rank up and gain more mmr then a normal ranked game


    submitted by /u/YoMomInYogaPants
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